Their Alpha Bitch

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Their Alpha Bitch Page 2

by Fran Lee

  Kenna once again tried to swallow the tight knot at the back of her throat as Mace growled, his scintillating green eyes slipping over her where she sat. Dune shoved his older brother and got in his face by going nose to nose with the bigger man. “You don’t need to scare the shit out of her…”

  Gant glanced back at his brothers and growled viciously, stopping the argument. “Knock it off…both of you!”

  Fighting to think clearly, Kenna shook her head. “But why me? I’m not a were. I’ll be old and grey when the three of you are barely in your prime! She said this was destined from the moment of my birth. What did she mean?”

  Dune turned his sapphire blue gaze from Mace and answered her. “Your parents weren’t wholly human, Kenna. They were both hybrids. They had been cut off from their own pack because half-breeds were shunned in the Canadian packs. They found us before you were born, and joined us for protection.” His large hands ran through his dark hair as he stepped a bit closer. “When you were born, they asked Dad to assure your place in the pack by linking your future to us. Why else would three adult males not have formed mate links with other eligible females? Surely you thought about that at some point? We were pretty damn clear in our intentions.”

  Kenna stared up at him, her mouth open with shock. Images of the three hot brothers following her wherever she went, keeping the other pack males away from her when she obviously was ready to experiment slid through her mind. The memory of Mace jerking Chad Grant off her as the young shifter had attempted to shove her jeans down her legs in the barn slammed into her. She had assumed that they were simply being overprotective. It brought their attentiveness into better focus now…

  As Gant’s gaze slid back to her white face, he said in a much softer tone, “I know this has hit you in the worst way, Kenna…but this is the only way Mom could make sure the pack doesn’t splinter and that her two exes can’t try to take control. That would leave us open to Vincent and his assassins for a takeover.” He gently squeezed her knee. “We are full brothers, and each one of us has the ability to take over leadership of this pack…but the thing we need right now is you. We need you as our mate. The political stuff can be dealt with later. But this can’t.”

  Kenna again swallowed hard to clear the tightness in her throat that seemed to be unmovable. Her gaze moved from man to man. She shook her head. “Look…you are all great, hot guys and I know first hand that there must be a dozen female pack members that would love to get their claws into any or all of you. Why does it have to be me? I’m too damn independent. I wouldn’t make you happy.”

  Dune growled softly, dragging her attention back to him. “You have no idea how long I have waited to get my chance at you, Kenna. I don’t give a shit what the pack thinks. If Dad hadn’t warned all of us that you were strictly off limits until you knew the score, I’d have gone for you the minute you were old enough. I, for one, have no intention of letting you walk out again.”

  Kenna opened her mouth to speak, but Gant cut off her protest. “Look, sweetheart…I know you think of us as sorta big brothers…but Dune’s right. We spent a lot of time and effort keeping the other wolves off you…not because we were afraid of Dad, but because you were ours…and that goes for Mace, too, in spite of his nasty disposition. We nearly died when you left us and just took off. Mace nearly killed the Kennard brothers when we got back from our trip. Dad had to stop him. He was ready to chase your ass down and drag you back.”

  Kenna stared at Gant, then shifted her gaze to Mace, who frowned from the other side of the big bed. “That’s not true. Mace has hated the sight of me for as far back as I can remember.” She had always been in awe of the green-eyed wolf who seemed to avoid her at all costs. He had been abrupt and stand-offish for as far back as she could recall…except that night when he’d jumped Chad Grant in the barn. He’d tossed the kid across the barn, and had knelt to help her drag her jeans back up with shaky hands before he’d turned and attacked the younger wolf in a fury.

  The were’s frowning stare was burning a hole through her, his sharp teeth still visible between his full lips. Dune chuckled softly. “That’s where you are soo wrong, sweet stuff. Mace wants you so fucking bad, he has to fight to stay away from you so he won’t just tear your clothes off and fuck you blind.”

  “Shut up!” Mace snarled viciously at his younger brother, and Gant glared at both of them over his broad shoulder.

  “Can it, guys. You aren’t helping, Dune. You are simply scaring the shit out of her.”

  Kenna shot to her feet and backed up into the corner behind the delicate antique chair, her heart pounding and her breathing ragged. The sight of all three big men facing her, watching her expectantly was enough to scare the pants off her…but the slow burn that had begun in her belly told her that she should be more afraid of her own response to these men than of their obvious interest in her. Gah! What was wrong with her? This situation should not be making her horny!

  “I am going home. Got that? I can’t do what Aunt Maggie expects of me. I can’t be your mate, guys. It won’t work. Hell, I can see how you three are built, and I am no way going to be able to take all three of you…” her voice cracked, as Gant rose from his haunches to tower over her where she cowered behind the delicate chair.

  “Without even giving us a chance to prove it will work?” His deep voice sounded rougher. “We would never hurt you, sweetheart…but we can never let you go. You are ours.”

  Mace felt her fear go through his chest like a spear as her wide grey eyes fixed on him. She seemed to home in on his rioting emotions more than those of his siblings. He met her gaze and the thought of finally possessing this female sent his blood rushing to his cock, leaving him slightly light-headed. He blinked slowly as she stared at him, then he said in a rough tone, “You have no need to fear us, Kenna. But Gant’s right…you are it for us.” He moved with slow steps as he neared her. “This first time is the only time you have to take all of us together. After that, you can pick and choose who you want to make love to you…whenever you want us.”

  His rough voice sent shivers through her body. And then he slowly stripped out of his flannel shirt, revealing that mouth watering, ripped body she remembered so well. Kenna leaned back into the corner, her numb fingers clutching her sweater tight to her chest.

  As if that would stop any one of them from getting the damn thing off her…

  Chapter Two

  Her heart caught in her throat as she stared into Mace’s glowing green eyes. Her thoughts were wicked…wild…and she blinked, switching her gaze from brother to brother. Her initial shock and trepidation at suddenly finding herself belonging to three men she had admired seemingly forever, and had worshipped from afar as a child and as a young woman, no longer choked her. As Gant began to slowly unbutton his shirt, and Dune quickly tore at his own buttons, Kenna felt as if she might melt right where she stood. Heated needs and shocking desires swamped her. Her entire being felt hot and loose, and as the bodies beneath their clothes were revealed, she thought she might spontaneously combust.

  She had always been aware of their amazing bodies as she had grown into womanhood…had realized with a sense of wonder how beautiful and muscular her three ‘cousins” were…but because of their supposed familial bonds, she had never allowed her thoughts to stray to carnal things. But now, as they stripped off their clothes to show her how very serious they were about mating her, she wondered how she was going to survive having three huge men taking her to bed at once. And as she let her gaze rove over Mace, who now stood magnificently naked, she felt a frisson of hot lust wind its way into her belly.

  OMG! Talk about your hot, decadent fantasies…

  What in the fuck am I doing? “Stop!” Her voice sounded shaky instead of strong like she had intended it to. Gant’s shirt slid off his wide shoulders, and his hands went to his belt as he toed off his boots. Dune was already beautifully naked, his lean hand wrapped around his very fine cock as he stroked himself in slow anticipation of
what they were certain was to come. “Aren’t you forgetting that I haven’t agreed to this? Our folks might have had an agreement, but they didn’t clue me in! How the hell am I supposed to be able to…I mean…Oh, my God! Just seeing you, I know for a fact that you won’t fit!”

  Gant shoved his jeans down those muscular legs and kicked them away, tilting his head as he gazed at her flushed face. Dune continued to stroke his thick, amazingly hard cock, his hot eyes on her chest. It was Mace’s voice that broke into the lust that was thick enough to cut with a knife.

  “We’ll definitely fit. We’ll go slow and be very gentle, Kenna. We won’t do anything to hurt you. But we have to do this together the first time we claim you.”

  “I don’t get a say in this?” She almost couldn’t make the words come out. Whether it was fright or lust that overwhelmed her, she was shaking. “Couldn’t you at least let me think about this?”

  “We’ll be gentle…” Dune’s voice was rough. “Please don’t be afraid of us, Kenna, darlin’…we need you desperately, but we can control ourselves…”

  Her eyes slid downward toward Gant’s thick, wide cock that seemed to be beckoning to her…and then shifted to Dune’s, where his large hand was gently stroking it. Mace moved into her line of sight, and she blinked at the eager, rampant beauty of that part of his body. “You think I’m going to still be alive after those…those huge things try to get inside me? How am I supposed to take all three of you at once?” Her voice was thick and shaky.

  OMG! I am going crazy to even be considering this!

  Mace moved to the rumpled bed and gently removed the bedding, shifting it to the floor on the far side of the mattress. Dune immediately slid his body onto the bare mattress, lounging back against the carved headboard. His eyes narrowed as he let them rove over her where she still cowered in the corner. That mouth watering shaft stood like a flagpole above his tight muscles.

  The delicate antique chair moved, and her eyes lifted to Gant’s face as he reached out for her. Her reaction was pure instinct as she cried out and flung herself aside, dodging around his hand and racing for the door to the hallway.

  The naked body that she bounced off of belonged to Mace. She couldn’t believe that he had managed to beat her to the open door. His hands kept her from falling onto her ass, and then Gant was behind her, his hot body pressed hard to her back as the two men began to caress her, then strip her of her sweater and blouse, then her shoes. Mace leaned in and ran his mouth across her lips as she panted in confusion, and the confusion evaporated…changed into something entirely different.

  Holy Hell!

  Heat zipped along every vein…charged through her body to sizzle in her fingers and toes. An inarticulate sound came from her mouth as she closed her eyes and turned her face into his lips where they traced her jaw, and Mace growled again as he obeyed her silent command. His mouth covered hers, his tongue demanding entry as she moaned and clutched at Gant’s hands as they unzipped her slacks and shoved them and her panties down her hips to her ankles.

  The sound of Gant’s satisfied growl behind her sent her blood racing. The prodding length of the thick cock that pressed into her spine just above her ass made her moan with need. Mace’s calloused hands cupped and massaged her breasts as Gant reached around her hips to slip his fingers into the wet curls of her mound, seeking the emerging nub of her suddenly engorged clit.

  Mace tore his lips from hers and bent to slurp one erect nipple into that hot mouth, as Gant’s fingers found and slid into her already soaked pussy. Mace’s hands slid around her ass and opened her butt cheeks to allow Gant’s massive cock to press heatedly into the cleft of her ass. Kenna threw back her head and cried out with the swirling need that swamped her. “Do something, dammit!”

  “Bring her to the bed before she comes just from you two playing with her…” Dune’s heated voice broke through her consciousness. “I’ve been waiting for this long enough…”

  Chapter Three

  “Don’t be afraid of us, baby…” Gant’s whispered words were gruff as he swung her off her feet and carried her to the huge bed. “We’ll get you ready for us. You want us…I can smell your need. Let us love you. Let us show you how precious you are to us…”

  He laid her atop his brother’s body, her back pressed into Dune’s trembling flesh as the youngest brother slipped his arms around her and held her gently to his body while his ankles hooked hers and spread her legs out. His thick, solid cock slid between her butt cheeks and rubbed her entire slit from anus to clit, making her gasp and arch. “So sweet, baby…” Dune’s ragged voice crooned against her ear.

  She stared up at Gant as he knelt between their splayed out legs, and ran his hands up her thighs to her belly. “So beautiful…do you like Dune’s cock rubbing you like that?” Talk about sensory overload. Gant’s lean hands stroked her belly and massaged her breasts. She could feel every caress…every stroke as he growled deep in his throat and his eyes darkened. And then his hands slid between her legs and his thumbs opened her pussy lips wide, allowing Dune’s cock to rub slowly through her slick, wet folds to tease her emerging clit. He teased over her entire slit until she was panting with need.

  She cried out and arched upward with her hips as Gant’s mouth closed over her clit…and his chin nudged at his brother’s cock, bringing a guttural groan from Dune.

  Dune’s big hands slid upward to cup and squeeze her suddenly heavy, tight breasts, and when Mace bent over from the side of the bed to take one of her throbbing nipples into his hot mouth, her body exploded in a climax so raw…so primal…her entire body lit up like a roman candle. Her body arched up and every nerve and muscle tightened like a bowstring before her orgasm tore through her, making her grab Mace’s thick hair in tight fists.

  Her scream echoed from the walls and vaulted ceiling, and when Gant shifted her convulsing body up far enough from Dune’s sweat-sheathed chest to allow him to slowly lubricate her tight rear entry with fingers soaked from her climax, she barely felt the slow, sensuous intrusion as the man’s thick fingers eased the way for his cock to follow.

  “I…I can’t…you’re too…” she gasped as she felt his cock nudge at her ass, then pop past the tight ring of muscles.

  “Oooooh God!”

  Dune growled and increased his depth until her ass cheeks were resting firmly against his bush of dark pubic hair, and the length of his cock was totally buried inside her.

  She was panting from the pressure when she felt Gant’s thick, long fingers slide in and out of her pussy as Dune spread his thighs and hers to allow Gant to kneel between their legs, as he stroked his thick cock up and down her dripping slit before he pushed slowly into her aching pussy.

  “Oh, God! It’s too tight! I can’t…” she moaned as Gant slowly pressed his length past the thick obstruction of his sibling’s cock lodged in her stretched ass, and didn’t stop his forward movement until the head of his cock was lodged snugly against the opening of her womb. Panting to ease the pressure, Kenna realized what giving birth must feel like, and then Mace was settling his body astride her chest, knees beneath her armpits, his eyes hungry and hot as he held his rampant cock in one hand, while his other thumb brushed her lower lip. “Will you take me into your mouth, sweet one?”

  Gant’s lean hands slipped around Mace’s hips to cup Mace’s tight balls, as Dune’s hands massaged Mace’s ripped belly. She felt the hot red bulb of Mace’s cock replace his thumb on her lower lip, and without another thought, she lifted her head from Dune’s shoulder and took the first couple of inches of the hot flesh into her mouth, savoring the rich, salty taste of pre cum.

  “Sweet Kenna…so good…” Mace threw his head back and pumped his hips slowly, making her take another inch, cradling her head and neck with one huge hand. His muscled ass rocked gently against her sensitive nipples, and her hands cupped around his thick shaft, feeling each beat of his heart in that amazing cock. His brother’s hands brushed hers where they cupped his balls.

; As hands touched hot flesh and Dune and Gant began to move slowly in and out of her body, taking care to alternate shallow thrusts, Gant caught her fingers and groaned, “We claim you as our mate, Kenna…we give you our seed and our loyalty from this day forward. We ask nothing but your loyalty and love. Do you accept us, Kenna, as your mates?”

  Mace withdrew his thick, hot cock to where it rested on her lips, and his eyes begged her to answer. His hands slowly caressed her jaws as she panted and swallowed.

  “Y…yes…” she gasped as Mace gently touched his thumbs to her mouth, and when the word was spoken, he slid back into her hot warmth and massaged her throat to encourage her to take more of him.

  “Swallow me, sweet thing…breathe through your nose…ah, gods! So good…” his voice was rough and deep.

  Filled to bursting in all three orifices, she centered her thoughts on making Mace come as she watched his muscles contract with every hard suck on his flesh. Her hands circling the thick base of him stroked in sync with each suck and swallow as she worked the head as deep into her mouth as she could manage. Seeing Mace’s emerald gaze seem to glaze with every movement of her tongue made her have to fight her own climax as all three males staked their claim on her body and soul.

  She felt Dune shudder beneath her, and Gant stiffen as he buried his cock deep…and as her own orgasm tightened every muscle in her body and sent her over the precipice, she felt the cock in her mouth expand, and she was swallowing as Mace filled her with his creamy cum, as well.

  Warmth and pleasure filled every opening on her shuddering body, leaving her feeling light-headed and dizzy. Mace’s big hands cradled her head and face as he gasped and shouted to the rafters. Dune’s guttural cry and Gant’s shocking howl echoed in the room, leaving her in do doubt that her three huge mates had branded her with their hot cum.


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