
Home > Fiction > Unraveled > Page 2
Unraveled Page 2

by Alyssa Breck

  “She’s staring at me.”

  “Maybe this will make her go away.” Lyle leaned down and kissed Evie’s cheek.

  His lips were warm and she liked how they felt against her skin. Marijuana. It was the marijuana making her think that way. A perfect stranger shouldn’t be kissing her and she shouldn’t be liking it.

  “Fuck this.” The orange haired girl stomped her foot and threw a plastic cup at the wall. Amber liquid splattered and pooled on the floor.

  Evie’s momentary bit of bliss was shattered by the outburst. Two security guards rushed the woman and one gripped her by the arm.

  “Get your hands off of me. I’m an invited guest. You can’t do this.”

  “Ma’am. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.” The guard tried to lead her toward the exit.

  “Fuck you.” She spat at him and her face twisted with anger.

  “Do we need to call the police?” The taller guard raised his voice.

  She jerked her arm out of his hand. “I’m out of here. You guys can go fuck yourselves.” The woman glared at Evie as she walked to the door with the two guards on her heels.

  Evie returned her gaze to Lyle. “Is she stalking you? Doesn’t that scare you?”

  “It doesn’t scare me but it annoys the hell out of me. Psychotic women don’t appeal to me on any level.”

  “Why is she so persistent?”

  “I don’t know. The first time I met her, I signed an autograph and took a picture with her, as a favor, you know? Then she showed up at the next concert in the next city and had backstage passes again. She cornered me a few times but I’m so over the women who throw themselves at me. We’ve only ever exchanged maybe fifty words. I told her I wasn’t interested when she got bold and grabbed my dick one night.”

  Evie’s mouth dropped open. “You’re not serious?”

  “As a fucking heart attack. She’s certifiable.” Lyle looked back over his shoulder. “I need a cigarette. Care to join me out back?”

  Evie shrugged. “Sure.” She didn’t smoke but had grown up inhaling second hand courtesy of her mom so it didn’t bother her.

  Nina was still in deep conversation with Carl but winked at Evie as she passed by. Lyle pulled the door open that led into a cement floored hallway that wound around a curve. They passed some trash cans and cleaning equipment. A janitor nodded at them as he pushed a mop in a yellow bucket on wheels.

  They stepped outside into the warm air and a summer breeze blew Evie’s hair back. The smell of the salt from the ocean tickled her nose. She crossed her arms over her chest.

  Lyle took out a pack of cigarettes and put one between his lips. He lit it with a black lighter and blew a plume of smoke up into the air. He leaned against the wall. “Do I make you uncomfortable?”

  Evie looked down at her feet. “No. Why?”

  “Your body language gives me that impression. The crossed arms, avoiding eye contact…”

  “I’m not really a party person is all.”

  It was eerily quiet outside. Under the bright overhead light, she got a good look at Lyle. His hair was dark and shiny and his black t-shirt fit snug around his torso and biceps. Tattoos covered both arms and she thought she’d like to strip him down and study the stories the art held. It was hard to tell if his hair was naturally that black or if it was dyed.

  “You wanna ask me something?” Lyle took a deep drag on his cigarette and smirked.

  “No. I’m sorry if I was staring.”

  “I’m used to it.” He leaned toward her and put his hand beside her head like he had inside.

  Evie looked up at him. The air hung between them as she contemplated the bulk of his chest and the curve of his lips. His green eyes were flanked by long dark lashes. Why did men always get the beautiful eyelashes?

  Lyle moved in closer and she let her bottom lip drop a little. Her hand rested in the center of his chest. Hard muscle and the thump of his heartbeat against her palm gave her courage. She held her breath and lowered her eyelids, angling her head up and to the side. Anticipation was a strong aphrodisiac.

  A clicking on the concrete broke the silence and the impending kiss. Evie turned her head toward the sound. “What is that?”

  The crazy chick walked out from behind the dumpster. She pushed her hip out in an exaggerated fashion. “You. Fucking. Cunt.” The pause between the words gave them emphasis.

  Evie looked at Lyle and unconsciously grabbed onto his t-shirt.

  He flicked his cigarette butt out into the parking lot and raised a hand up. “Look…”

  The girl’s eyes glistened like she was about to cry. “I love you, Lyle. How could you do this to me? How could you leave me for her?”

  Lyle squinted and squeezed the bridge of his nose. “I’m not sure why you think there was anything between us…”

  Before he could finish his retort, the woman stuck her hand into her purse and pulled out a small black gun. She aimed it at Evie. “I won’t be replaced, you bitch.”

  Evie froze. The muzzle flashed and the report echoed in the night just as Lyle stepped in front of her.

  “Fuck,” he yelled. He stumbled and knocked Evie into the wall, smashing her elbow into the concrete. Pain shot up her arm and through her fingers.

  “Oh my god. Oh my god.” Her white shirt was spattered with blood. “Did she shoot me?” Evie ran her hands over her torso and her head before she looked up. The crazy chick was gone and Lyle had his hand clamped on his left upper arm. Blood ran down his arm and dripped off his fingertips.

  “I think she missed you and shot me.” Lyle winced. “Get inside. I don’t know where she went or if she’ll come back.”

  Evie’s hand trembled so hard she couldn’t get the door open but then she forced herself to take a deep breath and pulled the silver lever all the way down. The door was heavy and she had to step back to pull it open. Lyle followed her inside.

  She spun around. “Are you okay? How bad is it?” She fumbled with her cell phone. “I can’t get a signal in here. Dammit!”

  “Go back to the party. Get my manager, Pat.” The vein in his neck pumped furiously and his face had taken on an ominous shade of red. He looked pissed.

  “Lyle, you need paramedics.”

  “Pat will call them. Just go get him, please.”

  Evie put her hand to her chest. “Okay. Okay. Sit down and watch that door. I’ll be right back.” She ran down the hall and pulled on the door where the party was. It was locked. “God dammit.” She pounded her fist on the door.

  It flew open and nearly smacked her in the face. The same guard who had escorted the stalker out looked Evie up and down.

  “Get Pat. Lyle’s been shot.”

  Chapter Two

  The doctor poked at Evie’s elbow and bent it up and down. “I want an x-ray of this elbow to rule out any fractures.”

  “I don’t think I need an x-ray. It’s just a bruise. I can move it.”

  The woman patted Evie’s shoulder. “It will just take a few minutes. Then the police want to talk to you.”

  Evie sighed and followed the nurse down the hall to the radiology department. The doctor was right, it only took a few minutes of having her arm placed in awkward positions on a table then she got dressed.

  A female cop from the Long Beach Police Department greeted her at the door after she signed the discharge paperwork.

  “Can I see Lyle now?” Evie asked.

  “I just need some information from you then I’ll take you to see him. Don’t worry. He’s okay.”

  The cop wrote down Evie’s personal information. “Do you know the woman who shot him?”

  Evie shook her head and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I’d never seen her before tonight. Lyle told me she’d been stalking him though.”

  “Let me double check the description my partner took from you at the scene. Red hair, five-four, about a hundred twenty pounds, wearing a purple shirt and black skirt. Is that right?”

  “Her hair was
orange. It was a weird shade. Like doll hair.”

  “Okay. Did you see what kind of shoes she was wearing?”

  Evie tried to picture the shoes. “I don’t remember what they looked like but they clicked on the ground when she walked up. Probably high heels of some type.”

  “Thank you, Miss Brant. You’ll be hearing from a detective in the next day or so to follow up. It appears you were the intended target, so keep your eyes open.” The cop turned and started to walk away. “You can see Mr. Crane now.”

  Evie’s heartbeat accelerated with every step. The sterile antiseptic smell made her nauseous and reminded her of walking into the ER the night her mother died. She’d followed a nurse into a room just like this. Her mother was lying on a gurney.

  Her lips were a light purple color and dark circles marked her closed eyes. She expired half an hour ago. I’m sorry. That was what the doctor told Evie.

  Evie pushed that image out of her head as she walked into the room where Lyle was perched on a similar bed. A white bandage was wrapped around his upper arm and his chest was bare.

  Another cop was standing in the corner making notes in a small spiral notepad. He looked up at Evie and smiled. “So, what’s your relationship with the rock star, here?”

  Evie stopped in her tracks. “Relationship?”

  “Yes. How do you know him? Is he your boyfriend, Friday night hook up?”

  Evie looked at Lyle. “He’s, um, he’s my friend.”

  Lyle’s lips twitched and he smiled. “Yes. That’s right.”

  “I think that’s all the information I need for now. You two keep safe and we’ll be in touch soon. I know you’re local, Miss Brant. Where will you be staying while you’re in town, Mr. Crane?”

  “I’ll be at Evie’s place.” Lyle winked at her.

  She was pretty sure her jaw dropped open but she didn’t negate Lyle’s statement. He would need someone to look after him and he did take a bullet for her. The least Evie could do is put Lyle up for the night until the police located the crazy bitch that had shot him.

  “Yes. He’ll be at my house. You have my address, officer.”

  The cop nodded and walked out.

  Evie crossed her arms over her chest. “How are you feeling?”

  He pointed at the bandage. “This hurts like a motherfucker. But I’m okay otherwise.” Lyle motioned to her. “Come here and sit down.”

  She sat on the edge of the bed.

  He squeezed her hand. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I think I’m a little shaken up. I mean…she tried to kill me. What kind of crazy person pulls out a gun and shoots someone they don’t even know?”

  “She’s obviously delusional and thought there was something between me and her.”

  “Was there?”

  “No, not in my mind.”

  “Did you sleep with her?”

  “No. Not for her lack of trying but, like I told you, I don’t fuck groupies. She’s a prime example why.”

  Evie’s cell phone buzzed in her back pocket. She pulled it out and looked at the display. “It’s Nina. Excuse me for a second.” She answered the call. “Hey, Nina.”

  “Dude. What the fuck happened? Are you okay?” Nina sounded out of breath.

  “Yes. I’m fine.”

  “Carl wants to know if Lyle is okay. That crazy bitch really shot him?”

  “Yes, she did. He’s okay though. The bullet grazed his arm. It’s just a flesh wound.”

  “Damn. This is like that movie with Glenn Close. Psycho alert. By the way, we’re at the Hyatt. Are you guys coming back here? I have your purse.”

  Evie looked at Lyle. His eyes were closed. She was sure he was on some pain medication. “No. We’re not coming back. I’m taking Lyle to my house while the police look for this woman. Can you get my car?”

  “Yes. Of course. You don’t need your keys to get in your house?”

  “No. I have a spare key.” Evie had never needed to use the key hidden near the porch of her house but it looked like she would tonight.

  “Okay. I’m glad you’re both okay. I was really worried. I’ll bring your car over tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, Nina.”

  “You’re going to do him, aren’t you?”


  Nina laughed. “I’m sorry. I just…it would be so romantic after he got shot protecting you.”

  “You’re sick.” Evie smiled in spite of herself. It actually was kind of a romantic notion.


  Evie wondered what her neighbors would think if they saw her bringing Lyle into her house at nearly one in the morning. They had to be a sight. Lyle’s shirt had been cut off in the emergency room so he was dressed in jeans and a surgical scrub shirt that was too short on his tall body and Evie had blood all over her shirt.

  “Wait here for a second, Lyle. I don’t have my purse.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Where are you going?”

  “I need to get my spare key.” Evie got on her hands and knees and angled her upper body toward the ground to crawl under the bush next to the porch. A limb snagged her hair. “Ouch.”

  “You okay in there?” Lyle asked.

  “Yes.” She reached up to untangle her hair from the bush. “I know the little box is under here somewhere.”

  Lyle laughed or coughed.

  “You better not be laughing at me.” The dirt was cool and damp. Evie felt around until her fingers made contact with the metal rectangle. Another branch of the bush caught the hem of her shirt as she tried to back out from under it. She managed to free herself from the branches.

  Lyle stood there with a smirk on his face. “That was a nice view.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him while she scrambled to her feet and slid the hide-a-key container open. She used the key to unlock the deadbolt on the front door.

  “You know it’s not safe to hide a key to your house outside.” Lyle stuck his hands into his pockets. “Burglars always look for those.”

  “You did just watch me nearly get trapped under that bush, right? I doubt anyone would try that hard to find my key.” Evie flipped the lock back into place and ran a hand through her hair. A stray leaf fell out. “What a night.”

  “Hey. I’m sorry about all this.”

  “It’s okay. I’m sorry. I’m a little wound up.” The dried blood on her shirt was stiff and scratched her skin. “I need a shower.” Evie walked into the living room and flipped the switch on the lamp beside the sofa. “I’ll just be a few minutes. Make yourself at home.” She pointed at the coffee table. “The remote for the television is there.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Evie.”

  She padded down the hallway to her bedroom and kicked off her ballet flats. There were specks of blood on her jeans along with dirt on her knees. She peeled off her clothes and went into the bathroom. The hot water worked wonders to relax her tightened muscles. She washed her hair and brushed her teeth before slipping into a pair of shorts and an old Gumby t-shirt.

  Lyle was sitting on the couch flipping through channels on the television. Evie had no idea what she was going to do with him. He was injured and she shouldn’t make him sleep on the couch.

  “Do you want some wine?” Evie asked.

  “I probably shouldn’t since I’m still kind of high from the pain shot at the hospital.”

  “Right. Right. I’m sorry.”

  “But don’t let that stop you. Drink up. Would you mind if I took a shower? I smell like the emergency room and iodine. Kind of gross.”

  Evie walked into the kitchen and took down a bottle of wine from the cupboard over the stove. “No. I don’t mind. Give me a second and I’ll show you where the towels are.” She poured herself a glass of Merlot and led Lyle to the bathroom in the hallway. She opened the closet next to it and pulled out a towel and handed it to him.

  Lyle smiled at her and closed the bathroom door.

  Evie leaned her back against the wall in the hallway. She closed her eyes and pictured Lyle
stripping down on the other side of the wall. A conflict raged in her head. On one hand, she was crazy to bring a guy home that she’d just met. On the other hand, she shouldn’t expect that he’d be interested in her anyway. She looked down at herself. There was no way she had to worry about him trying to come on to her.

  The shower ran for a long time and she decided to let Lyle have her bed. That was the least she could do since he had saved her life. Whether he meant to or not, she couldn’t deny that when the gun was pointed at her face, he stepped in front of her without hesitation. The bullet had ripped through his arm, the same bullet that would have hit her dead in the forehead if he hadn’t.

  Evie sipped on her wine and took two of the pillows from her bed and carried them to the couch. She wasn’t accustomed to having visitors. The two spare rooms in her house were used as an office and a storage area. She took a blanket from the closet and turned around and ran right into Lyle.

  She gasped. “You scared me.”

  “Sorry.” Lyle smiled. “Setting me up on the couch?”

  She clutched the fuzzy blue blanket against her chest and looked down his bare torso to the waist of his jeans. He was barefoot and his hair was wet but not dripping.

  “Actually, you can sleep in here. I’ll take the couch.”

  “I’m not going to put you out of your own bed, Evie.”

  Standing in the doorway of the closet, Evie fidgeted. “It’s okay. It’s the least I can do. I think you’re too big to fit on the couch anyway.” Lyle’s head was taller than the top of the doorway by an inch or two.

  “Why are you so nervous? I doubt that she’ll be able to find you here.”

  “It’s been a long day. I’m still rattled and I’m not used to having people over.” Evie stepped around him. “I don’t generally invite men to my house that I just met either.”

  “Are you afraid of me? I can assure you that if I had any plans of raping and murdering you I wouldn’t have told the police I’d be here tonight.”

  Evie laughed. “I know that. I’m being ridiculous and I’m not afraid of you.”

  Lyle followed her into the living room and sat on the couch. “The story made CNN breaking news.”


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