On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel]

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On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel] Page 24

by Sean Michael

  "I know. Rig ... having you in my life—you and Rock—that's the most amazing thing in the world. I have the best life ever. And that includes when things aren't going great."

  He put his arm around Rig's shoulders and guided him to the ice cream line. “Long as you're in it, you can't fuck up my life."

  "Oh, I don't know. I might be able to...” Rig leaned for a second. “I want a scoop of strawberry."

  "I'm gonna have the cookie dough. You want it in a cone or a cup?” He rummaged through his jeans’ pockets, sure he had a five in one of them.

  "Cup. See if they have a kiddie size, huh? I just want a couple bites.” Man, it was still harder than hell to get food into Rig. Although he had picked most of the meat out of his hot dog at lunch.

  Dick ordered and paid, giving Rig his kiddie cup. “Let's go sit in the corner there, it looks pretty quiet."

  "'kay.” Rig was fretting, he could tell. It was like he'd lost something, some peace in the last year, maybe even since Rig's momma'd died.

  He waited until they were sitting and he'd had a few licks of his cone, Rig a bite or two. “You okay?” he asked softly.

  "Yeah, Pretty. I'm good.” Jesus, he'd heard that. Over and over. And over.

  He waited until Rig met his eyes. “You sure nothing's wrong?"

  "What's supposed to be wrong?"

  "I don't know, Rig. But something's bothering you—that much I do know.” And he was so done letting Rig fob him off. Look where that had gotten Rig last time.

  "I'm just tired, Dick. Tired and a little worried, that's all."

  He reached over and took Rig's hand, stilling the fingers that had been fiddling with the edge of the cup. “What are you worrying on?"

  "Money. Whether I'm ever gonna feel right again. Whether I'm ever going to make it through a day without napping."

  "I don't know about that last one. Napping's highly underrated.” He winked and squeezed Rig's hand.

  "Yeah, but ... I used to be able to do more."

  "Yeah, well this thing's been kicking your ass for months, Rig. Hell, probably for a couple of years."

  He thought about it a bit. “It's only been what, just over a month since you had the surgery? It's going to take time, Rig. You have to be patient, let your body heal. You know that—it's what you'd tell any of your patients, isn't it?"

  "It is, but you know what they say, we're our own worst patients. I need to start being useful."

  He grinned suddenly. “You never have been good at just relaxing."

  "I don't like it. I like being busy."

  He let go of Rig's hand, moved back a little. “You could always take up knitting."

  "Fuck you.” He got a wadded up napkin tossed at him.

  Laughing, he caught it and lobbed it back.

  "I know, I'll get back in the woodshop, start working on stuff, at least for a week or two before I get to work half-days."

  "Hey, maybe we could make something for Rock for Christmas. I'm getting better."

  "You want to? I like working with you ... Maybe I could work some at the gym for y'all, too...” Uh-huh. Right. Like Rock would go for that.

  "I'd love to do some woodworking with you. We'll have to wait until tomorrow to pick up the wood as Rock's got the truck, but we could decide what to make, figure out what all we need for it.” A project was exactly what Rig needed. Something to keep him occupied where he could take as many breaks as he needed.

  "I like that. What do you think he'd like?” Rig started chattering, awake and eager and excited, honestly excited.

  He'd put that look on Rig's face—he'd helped make Rig feel better. That felt damned good. They tossed ideas back and forth, eventually wandering back through the mall and picking up gift cards to send back to Rig's family along with some more bits and pieces.

  When he could tell Rig was starting to fade again, he suggested they head home. “We could pick up some take-out on the way. Save anyone having to cook."

  "Yeah? Works for me. I'm wore.” Rig sighed, rubbed the back of his neck.

  "I could give you a massage when we get home. Oh, hey! Do you think we could make a massage table for Rock? Do you think he'd like that?"

  He put their stuff in the trunk and made sure Rig got settled okay in the passenger seat.

  "Maybe, yeah. There's lots of moving parts with that, but we're smart dogs."

  "Well, you are anyway.” He grinned and got them going. “I can look stuff up on the internet, though."

  "Mmhmm. What do you want for Christmas?” Rig stretched, eyes closing.

  "You mean besides all three of us healthy and happy? Hmm ... I don't know."

  "Well, think about it.” Rig's hand landed on his thigh, solid and warm.

  "Yeah. Yeah, I will.” As soon as they were out of the parking lot, he let his hand drop down to cover Rig's.

  He figured maybe had everything he really wanted already, which was good because you couldn't buy men like Rig and Rock at the mall.

  Chapter Fifty One

  Saturdays were still one of Rock's favorite days. He liked to sleep late and then be woken up in the best way possible. For as long as they'd been together, Rig still tended to indulge him, too. He was one lucky S.O.B.

  Even if he had a bone to pick with his favorite cowboy.

  It would wait, though, because he had another bone that needed attention and if Rig didn't show up soon, he was going to have to make some noise to catch Rig's attention. He grunted, refusing to open his eyes. He heard Rig's chuckle, so soft, just against his belly.

  "Mmm...” He slid his hand through Rig's curls, his prick jerking just from know Rig was right there.

  Lips trailed from his navel to his pubes, just avoiding his cock. He grunted again, the sound almost a chuckle. Teasing slut.

  "Mornin', Blue.” That tongue tickled, right where balls met prick.

  Leg jerking, he laughed softly. “Morning.” His hand stroked through Rig's hair again, catching in the soft curls.

  Rock could feel Rig's smile, feel one hand sliding up his thigh. Spreading, he opened up, a low rumble coming from somewhere deep in his chest. The long, slow licks started, Rig making happy, horny little sounds over his cock, taking time to enjoy.

  He fucking loved that, loved when they could make it stretch out for as long as they fucking wanted. Opening his eyes, he looked down, enjoying the sight of that pink tongue on his swollen prick. Rig smiled at him, lapping just around the tip, nudging the crown of his cock over and over. His eyes dropped half closed at that, the sensations beginning to lick up along his spine like flames of fire, fucking hot.

  It got hotter, sharper when Rig slid up, tongue pressing into the slit of his prick.

  "Fuck. Fuck, Rig.” Groaning, he tightened his grip on Rig's hair, the sensation making his balls draw up tight.

  "Mmhmm.” Those long fingers slid behind his balls, brushing over his hole. A shiver went through him and he spread for Rig, letting his Rabbit touch. Rig started pulling harder, that finger rubbing around and around, pushing inside to touch him every few circles.

  He started moving with Rig, hips rolling, rocking. Fuck. Fuck, that was perfect. Rig's finger slipped deep, nudging his gland as his cock pushed into Rig's throat.

  "Fuck!” His whole body jerked, his hands grabbing the sheets and holding tight.

  "Mmm.” Rig just kept it up, pushing and pulling harder and harder.

  He muttered and groaned, his rocking getting stronger. “Close,” he murmured. “Fucking close."

  One finger became two and the pressure just went wild, squeezing tight. He bucked and shouted, hands digging into the mattress as he came hard. Rig, cockhound that he was, swallowed every drop, sucking and licking and moaning around Rock's cock.

  Moaning happily, he relaxed back against his pillow, hands petting whatever part of Rig he could reach. Rig leaned in, cheek on his belly. “Hey, Blue. Mornin'."

  "Mmmm. Morning. Best fucking way to wake up.” He smiled down at Rig. stroking one che

  "You know it.” Rig gave him a grin, a wink.

  Grinning, he took hold of Rig's arm and tugged a little, getting himself a kiss. “You needing, Rabbit?"

  "I might be.” Rig was hard, hot against his hip.

  "This feels like a lot more than ‘might'.” He wrapped his hand around Rig's prick.

  "Mmm. Your hands.” Rig's head fell back, throat just working.

  "They know you.” He leaned in to run his lips along Rig's neck, sucking that Adam's apple.

  "Fuck, yeah.” Rig moaned, hips pushing the cock into his hand over and over. He squeezed and stroked, thumb sliding across the tip like he knew his Rabbit liked, turning it so that his nail scraped lightly across it. That earned him a cry, a jerk, Rig stretching against him. Yeah. Yeah.

  His lips slid over to that spot on Rig's neck, tongue flicking across the nerves there. Rig started humping his fist, moaning and bucking against him. “Yeah, that's it. Take what you need."

  His free hand slid around to Rig's ass, squeezing it.

  "Need you.” Rig groaned, spunk pouring over his fingers.

  "Mmm ... right here.” He squeezed a moment longer, and then brought his hand to his mouth, licking it clean.

  "So fine, Blue."

  Grinning, he pressed a kiss to Rig's forehead and then put his arm around the man, tugged him in nice and close.

  "Mmm. Hey.” Rig kissed him, nice and slow, tongue fucking his lips. He sucked on Rig's tongue, his hand squeezing that perfect little ass. He hated to break the fucking good mood. Rig's hand slid down his belly, fingers combing through his curls. “Trying to make me hard again?"

  Rig could do it, too. Just like that.

  "Mmm. You want to go another round, you fine bastard?"

  "Always.” He took Rig's mouth, tongue pressing in, his cock rising. He got an armful of warm, relaxed cowboy, hands on his scalp, holding him close. His tongue played with Rig's. The man tasted good. Fucking good. Rig's cock started to fill up, cuddled right against the curve of his belly.

  Hand sliding, he stroked Rig's spine. Man was still too skinny, but better.

  "Mmm. Hey. So good.” Rig licked the corner of his mouth, humming sweet and low.

  Fuck, it had been too long since sex had led to more sex and he just went with it, turning to capture Rig's tongue in his mouth. His fingers slid over the skinny body, finding the scar on Rig's side. He touched it, felt it, moved on to those little titties he knew were so fucking sensitive.

  They perked right up, needing his touch, wanting him.

  "What have we got here?” He tugged the naked one, finger flicking across the tip.

  "Rock, if you can't remember, we've got a ... Oh. Oh, good."

  Laughing, at Rig's tease and the predictable reaction to his touch, he slid his hand over to find the other one, tugging on the ring as soon as he caught it between his fingers.

  "Rock.” Rig groaned, gasping a little against his lips. “Again."

  "This?” He tugged again, twisting the ring this time, pulling pretty hard as he watched those grey eyes.

  "Yes!” Rig arched, cock starting to leak against his belly. Fuck yes. He kept tugging, kept twisting, making Rig writhe against him.

  "I ... Fuck me.” Rig's eyes were huge, fucking needy.

  "All I need to know is how you want it. You want to ride me? You want me to fuck you hard? Soft? Long?” He could fucking go for all of it, one after the other. They had a lot of fucking time to make up for.

  "Yes. I want it all."

  He rolled onto his back, bringing Rig with him. “Ride then. Fingers first.” He offered them up to Rig, looking to have that fucking amazing mouth wet them.

  He got this grin—a million watt, at least—then Rig's lips wrapped around his finger. Oh, fuck. What that mouth could do to just a finger. His breath caught in his throat and he groaned, hips moving restlessly.

  Rig looked like he was perfectly happy, sucking and moaning, working his finger like it was all the man ever wanted to do. Sexy fucker. He watched, his cock jerking as he pushed a second finger into Rig's mouth. His sexy fucker. Rig sucked hard, head bobbing, pulling at his fingers.

  "Enough,” he finally growled, yanking them out and sliding them down behind Rig's balls, searching for that sweet hole. “Want you."

  "I'm all yours. Come on.” Rig arched his hips, begging for him, for his touch.

  He rubbed his fingers against Rig's hole, and then slipped them in, letting Rig's movements take them right in. So fucking hot and tight. Rig moaned, rocking and fucking himself straightaway, riding his fingers like he was a pony. Reaching up with his free hand, he tugged on the little ring, knowing it would make Rig crazy.

  "Blue!” Rig's ass squeezed his fingers, muscles rippling around him.

  "Yeah.” He grinned and tugged again, fingers pushing, searching and pegging his gland.

  "Fuck. Fuck me. Don't stop.” Rig gasped, bucked underneath him.

  "Want my cock, Rabbit? Gonna ride me?” He could hardly fucking wait.

  "Uh-huh. Need. Need you.” Rig nodded, climbed up and spread across his cock. He put the head of his cock against Rig's hole and pushed up, slowly spreading Rig open. Rig's moan just started soft, filling the air as he sank in deep.

  "Fuck. Oh, fuck.” So fucking tight around him.

  "Just like that."

  "Yeah. Yeah, Blue. Yours.” Shit, yes. His.

  He wrapped his hands around Rig's hips, helping him rise up, bringing him back down nice and hard.

  "Yes!” Rig jerked, squeezed hard. Oh, hell yes. Someone liked that. He did it again, hips bucking this time, pushing his prick even deeper. Rig's head fell back, hands landing on the mattress by his knees. “Again."

  He did it again, and then again, giving everything he had to Rig.

  "Love this. Made for it.” Rig squeezed, bucking on his cock.

  "You fucking know it.” They came together over and over, that sweet hole squeezing him tight.

  "Help me lean forward, Blue.” Rig needed to get into the fucking gym, just to get himself back.

  He slid his hands up to Rig's shoulders, and tugged him forward, his cock changing angle inside that hot hole.

  "Oh!” Rig leaned down, eyes wide, lips almost against his. “Again."

  He chuckled and pushed in again. Oh yeah, that was the spot. Rig panted and squeezed, gripping his cock tight. There wasn't anything else fucking like it.

  "Don't stop, man. ‘m close.” Rig looked shocked. As if he'd stop. He pushed harder, working Rig. Rig started jacking himself off, each pull rocketing through the long, fine body.

  Digging his heels into the mattress, he kept bringing them together, fucking flying on the feeling of that ass squeezing around his prick. Heat sprayed over his belly, over Rig's fingers. The walls around his cock squeezed hard, milking his own orgasm from him. He gave it up for Rig, roaring as he came.

  Rig slumped down against him, melted, grinning, heart pounding.

  "Mmm...” He rumbled some, hands sliding on Rig's back, enjoying the sweaty, almost sticky feel of Rig's skin against him.

  "Mmhmm.” Rig nodded, wrapping close. “Good, good fucking morning."

  "It sure as hell is.” He kissed the top of Rig's head, listening to Rig breathing, to the sound of the waves on the beach.

  Rig sighed, the sound happy as fuck, just letting him hold on.

  He grunted and did just that; he didn't see any reason to ruin a perfectly good morning by bitching.

  Chapter Fifty Two

  "Trouble, put that down!” Gross, dead crab. Rig wandered down the beach, whistling and shivering. He'd been cooped up in the house too damn long. He needed out. The clouds were rolling in, the wind almost icy.

  His jacket slipped around his shoulders, Rock's arm coming around his waist.

  "Mmm. Hey.” So fucking good to him.

  "Hey.” Rock tugged him close and kissed his forehead. “Bit cold for wandering without a coat."

  "Yeah, I came out for some air and found my
self walking. Been in the house too long."

  "You have been pretty cooped up since the surgery. You don't want to go too far though, and run out of steam before you get back home.” With that said, Rock actually turned them around, headed back up the beach.

  "Hey. I'll know when to turn around, Rock. I'm not tired yet.” And he wasn't six.

  Rock stopped and looked at him, grunted unhappily and turned them back around again. “Fine."

  He sighed, closed his eyes a second. Jesus, he hated this. He hated being the weak one, the sick one, the one that wasn't enough. He just hated it.

  "Wanted to talk to you anyway. Suppose this is as good a place as any."

  "That sounds ominous...” He looked over, just a little worried.

  "Oh, now, you know I don't understand when you start throwing those five dollar words around.” Rock winked at him, gave him another half squeeze.

  Oh. Oh, okay. Not a heavy, heavy conversation. “You know me, Blue Eyes. I'm all about the vocabulary."

  "Well you do like to use that mouth.” Rock grinned a moment, and then sobered some. “I was talking with Dick."

  "Yeah? He told me about school and stuff, Rock. I'm real sorry his semester got messed up.” He'd do damn near anything to have not caused that.

  "He made that choice himself, Rig. I told him we'd make it work if kept going, but you're more important to him, yeah? Anyway. That's not what we were talking about. He said you had some hospital bills that were a little out of hand.” Those blue eyes looked over at him, just like lasers.

  He looked back, shrugged. “You know that shit isn't free, man."

  Not free at all. Hell, it was going to take him twenty years to pay it off.

  "What the hell happened to your coverage? The fucking insurance sure as hell isn't free either—but everyone justifies it because when something like this happens, you're good and aren't left with a crippling fucking debt."

  "It paid eighty percent of a lot of it, but they're saying they won't pay the hospital bill. That I shouldn't have gone to San Diego. That I was only covered in ICU for one day. You know how they are.” Every dime they didn't have to pay, they wouldn't.

  Rock growled. “I thought San Diego was where the experts were?"


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