On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel]

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On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel] Page 28

by Sean Michael

  Those long, long fingers slid around his balls, pushing and nudging them in their sacs. Oh, fuck him. Combined with the way Rig sucked him in, swallowing and groaning around his cock, it was going to send him to the motherfucking moon.

  "Don't fucking stop.” He knew Rig wouldn't, knew Dick wouldn't either, but he still said it, letting them know how fucking good it was. No, no. Rig didn't stop. In fact, those lips went all the way to the base of his cock, pulling good and hard. His hips jerked, his hands finding Rig's head, fingers curling into the white curls. Rig moaned, deep-throating him, head bobbing up and down on his prick.

  "Fuck.” Groaning, he started humping into Rig's mouth, pushing, thrusting. Dick's hand dropped to join his, petting Rig's head. The kid's mouth slid up to glide across his jaw, slowly bringing their lips together. He groaned into Dick's mouth, moving with the two of them. Dick found Rig's rhythm, both of those fine bastards trying to drive him crazy. There was nothing finer. His balls tightened and he fought it, not ready to be done yet. Just like they heard him, both of them slowing down, making it last.

  He rumbled for them, petting Rig's head, then Dick's, eyes closed as they made him feel fucking fine. Dick's fingers slipped into Rig's mouth, brushing against his cock. He jerked, crying out, his balls drawing up. Rig stroked the strip of skin behind his balls, hummed around his cock.

  "Fuck!” He shouted it out, hips pumping as he came, pouring himself down Rig's throat.

  And, just like it was supposed to be, Rig drank him right down, pulling at his cock. He let Rig suck and lick him, and then he tugged his Rabbit up, bringing their mouths together so he could taste himself on Rig's lips. His Rabbit wrapped around him, dragging the kid close. Oh, fucking perfect. A threeway kiss.

  Their tongues all tangled together, kisses morphing one into another, gentle and lazy and perfect.

  Rig pulled the blanket around them, settling in. “Mmm. Good, huh?"

  "You know it."

  The kid added an “uh-huh,” too.

  "Nap. And then more cookies."

  He liked it when a plan came together.

  Chapter Fifty Seven

  They hadn't been so lazy in forever. Cookies. Spiced cider. Stew. Movies. Long lazy naps.

  Rig laughed as Dick hurried back to the hot tub, hot chocolate in hand, shaking in the chill. “Come on! Hurry!"

  He got half-way out, grabbed the big old mugs. Fuck, this was decadent.

  Rock tugged him back in as Dick climbed in and sank down to his neck, coming close. “Shit, it's cold!"

  "Not in here.” He grabbed Dick and wrapped around him. “Fuck, this is fun."

  Dick's arms went around his waist, his Pretty smiling and happy.

  "Hey.” The wind was bitter coming off the ocean, but the hot tub was perfect, the three of them just floating and watching the waves and the moon.

  "It's fun, though, isn't it?"

  "Sure is.” Rock's arm wrapped around both of them, tugging them against his solid bulk.

  Tomorrow was Christmas Eve and they were ready. Settled and cooked out and just solid. “Man, I know I'm supposed to be missing Texas, but this has been fine."

  "This is home,” murmured Dick, smiling just for him.

  "Yeah. Yeah, Pretty.” He rubbed Dick's back a little, fingers sliding in the water.

  His Pretty arched, moaning a little.

  "Mmm ... look at that,” murmured Rock.

  "He's fucking beautiful.” He meant it too. His men were the finest bastards anywhere.

  Dick blushed and sank below the water, Rock laughing in his ear. Rock's hands were on his hips, his belly, moving and touching him, always making sure he was good. Something tickled his prick, and then surrounded the tip, suction hard for just a moment. Then Dick burst up from the water, grinning.

  "Good Lord.” He hooted, dragging Dick in for a kiss.

  Sloppy and happy, Dick's kiss had plenty of tongue, and there was lots of rubbing, Dick's prick nudging and rubbing his.

  "Somebody's warmed back up, Rocketman.” Christ, had he ever been that young?

  "Did he ever cool off?"

  "Yep. He was all shivery and shit."

  "He is right here,” groused Dick, pressed close, nudging that long prick against him.

  "Is he sure?” He wrapped his legs around Dick's waist, holding on tight.

  Dick popped his arm, laughing. “He is. And he likes that, the way his cock ... yeah...” Dick moaned as their pricks slid together, licked his lips. Rock rumbled happily behind him, chest vibrating with the sound.

  "Mmm. This is perverse, y'all. So decadent."

  "Could be even more perverse.” Rock moved against him, thick prick sliding on his ass.

  "Y'all are leading me down the garden path.” Uh-huh. Right. ‘Cause he was virginal, pure as the driven snow."

  Rock started to laugh, Dick, too, both of them pressing him between them. “It's not a garden, Rig, it's a beach.” Dick managed to get the words out before he started laughing all over again.

  "It's a ... Y'all. Y'all look.” There were snow flurries in the air. Not many, just enough to barely notice in the porch light.

  "I'm looking; it's still a beach.” Dick grinned at him, Rock still chuckling behind him.

  "Buttheads. Momma told me not to take up with Yankees..."

  Rock snorted. “She didn't see the size of our...” Rock slid against him, cock hard and sure on his ass as Dick's eyes went wide.

  "What? I was going to say muscles."

  Rig laughed, leaning his head back against Rock's shoulder. “She would've just made some crack and made you blush."

  Christ, he still missed her. He thought he might always would.

  "Yeah, she would have. Only woman on the planet who could,” Rock said, fingers stroking his belly and Dick gave him a soft kiss.

  "Mmm. Y'all.” He leaned harder, let them love on him.

  "Tell me one of you brought lube,” muttered Rock.

  "Are you kidding? Dick is the most organized man on earth. He'll have lube."

  Dick chuckled. “I better have because I am not going back out there. It's too damn cold."

  Reaching over the edge, Dick came back with lube, eyes suddenly going wide. “It's snowing!"

  "I told you!” He chuckled, popped Dick's ass.

  "You did not!"

  Dick looked at Rock. “Did he say it was snowing?"


  "I did too. I told y'all to look."


  Beautiful bastards.

  "You didn't say at what! I thought you were talking about the beach.” Dick laughed, eyes dancing as he watched the flakes.

  "Fucking cold enough to snow.” Rock shook his head. “Why the fuck are we outside in it again?"

  "Because it won't keep up and the hot tub rocks?"

  "It does. Fucking in the hot tub rocks even more.” That fat prick kept moving against him. “Hand over the fucking lube, kid. And it had better not be water soluble."

  "It isn't. I made sure I brought the right one."

  Rig reached out, pulled Dick back into his arms. “What a good boy you are."

  "Good enough to get fucked I hope.” Dick batted his eyelashes, making Rock snort.

  "Oh, man. You don't have the innocent gene anymore...” Rig got tickled, started laughing but hard.

  "Shit. Well, as long as I still get fucked.” Dick bit his chin, laughing along.

  "Don't worry, Dick. I'm doing Rig, and he's doing you. A nice little chain."

  "Mmhmm. Come ride my cock, Pretty. I'll warm you up..."

  Dick nodded eagerly, floating close. Rock handed him the lube with one hand, the other busy pushing two fingers into him, stretching him open for that fat cock that was currently pressing against his lower back.

  "Oh.” He groaned, leaned forward to let Rock in, fingers fumbling with the lube.

  "So fucking hot,” muttered Rock, mouth finding that spot on his neck, teeth worrying it. Dick's fingers slid over his, helped him get th
e tube open.

  "Th ... thank you. Oh, Blue. Right there."

  "What here?” Rock pegged his gland again.

  "God, I'll never get tired of watching the two of you.” Dick pressed close, kissing him hard. He moaned out his agreement, nodding, bucking on Rock's fingers. Dick grabbed his hand and pulled it under the water, guiding him to Dick's hole.

  "Pretty. Pretty, so fucking hot. So fine.” He pushed in deep, whimpering into Dick's lips.

  Dick swallowed his noises, fed him those sweet porno sounds in return. The three of them moved together, pleasure passing back and forth and they finger-fucked and rubbed. It was hot, sure it was, but it was easy as breathing, too. Something solid and just about perfect.

  Rig moaned, shifted a little to get more of his Rocketman. Three fingers pushed into him, spreading him wider. “Ready for my cock, Rig?"

  "Uh ... Rock.” Oh. Good. So fucking fine.

  Rock's low chuckle slid over his skin. “I thought so."

  The big fingers disappeared, and Rock shifted him, got him right where he could feel that hot, hard prick push at him, start to spread him wide.

  "Yeah...” His fingers curled stroking Dick's gland as Rock filled him up. His Pretty cried out, arms looping over his shoulders as Dick rode his fingers. Rock kept nibbling on his neck, cock pushing deeper and deeper.

  "Y'all. Fuck. Dick, I...” Rock was driving him crazy.

  "Mmm ... incoherent. Good.” Rock nipped and nibbled at that spot.

  "Rock...” He blinked at Dick, just fucking soaring.

  Rock rumbled, Dick's body squeezing tight around his fingers. Then Dick tugged his hand away from that tight little hole, and lowered himself down against Rig's prick.

  "Fuck, yeah.” His eyes closed, the pleasure just fucking huge.

  Rock waited until Dick had settled, and the he began to push, sending Rig back and forth. He couldn't breathe, couldn't do anything but rock, his men just surrounding him. Groaning, Rock pushed a little harder, a little faster, Dick's eyes rolling up in his head as his noises filled the air.

  "Yeah. Yeah, Pretty.” He moaned low, asshole squeezing as his balls drew up.

  Dick rolled and bounced on him, gasping. “Touch me."

  "Uh-huh.” He managed to get his hand wrapped around that long, thin cock, started stroking it. “Oh, fuck! Yes!” Dick nodded, breath coming faster, bouncing coming faster. Rock matched the speed, pushing into Rig, pushing him deeper into Dick. “Soon. Gonna. Come on, Pretty."

  Before he lost it.

  "Rig!” Dick arched, body going stiff and tight around his prick as his Pretty came.

  "Yeah.” He held on long enough to watch the whole thing, to watch Dick's eyes just get all heavy-lidded and sated.

  Rock hit his gland hard. “Come on, Rabbit. You next."

  "Blue!” His eyes rolled back in his head, body clenching tight. “Again."

  "Uh-huh.” Rock nailed it again and again, moving him and Dick, both, his Pretty heavy in his arms.

  "Fuck.” He grabbed Dick's hips, fucking into the tight ass over and over as Rock sent him to the moon.

  "Now,” growled Rock. “Now. Now."

  "N ... now.” He shot so hard his muscles drew up tight, his cry just ringing out into the night.

  "Mmm...” Both his marines murmured against his skin, soft, happy sounds of pleasure.

  "Promise me we get this every Christmas from now on."

  "Promise,” growled Rock, hands sliding on his skin under the water, cock twitching inside him.

  Dick's head rested on his shoulder. “It sounds great. I'll back you up with Sissy and everyone if they get pushy."

  "You leave pushy relatives to me. I know how to make it stick."

  "That he does.” Rig nodded, leaning into Rock. “Rock's got Julie's number."

  Rock always had.

  "You know it.” One hand came to rest on his hip, like Rock was laying his claim.

  He could feel Dick's grin against his shoulder. Rig winked down at his pretty. Fact was? That hand belonged right there. Dick straightened up long enough to give him a soft kiss, and then settled back against him again.

  "We shouldn't stay in too much longer,” Rock warned, though he made no move to get out.

  "Mmm. We could watch a movie or something.” He was getting lazy in his old age.

  Dick sat back up, ass squeezing his prick. “I picked up the Die Hard box set—we could have a marathon."

  "Oh, I like those.” Rock nodded his approval.

  "Cool, I can reheat the hot chocolates, make some popcorn..."

  "Sounds good. I'll grab quilts.” He smiled up into those amazing blue eyes. “Unless we want to marathon in the bed?"

  Rock grinned. “Hell, yes."

  "Well, then. Explosions and popcorn naked in bed, Pretty."

  Because that was how it was supposed to be.

  Chapter Fifty Eight

  Dick was working in the kitchen again, working on a great big ham this time. He'd talked Rig into a pre-stuffed breast for the die-hards who insisted on having turkey, so that was cooking nicely on its own. The ham needed lots of basting, though, if it was going to be really yummy. So far Rig was out visiting with Deuce and Gary, Rock dishing out drinks and munchies. Dick was pretty sure he had everything else under control. Still, there was something nagging at the back of his head, like he'd forgotten something.

  Rig came in, hand sliding up his spine, loving on him. “What can I do to help, Pretty?"

  He glanced at the clock, nearly one—that wasn't bad at all. He leaned into the touch. “I don't know. I keep thinking I've forgotten something."

  "Well, the pies are done. The salad got in the fridge last night. The potatoes? The rolls?"

  "Done and done.” He turned and looped his arms around Rig's waist, leaning in for a kiss.

  "Good deal.” Rig gave him what he needed, the kiss long and lazy and slow.

  "Mmm ... maybe this was what I forgot.” He grinned and took another kiss, and then another.

  "Could be. Let's do it some more...” Rig's arms slid around his shoulders, holding tight. Rig was looking amazing—healthy and tanned, solid and happy. Better than Dick had seen in a few years.

  "Okay.” He tugged their lower bodies together, hands sliding to Rig's ass as they shared more kisses. He had a handful of melty, lazy cowboy, that ass sliding and pushing into his hand. It would be so easy to forget all about Christmas dinner and their guests and just make out for the rest of the day.

  "Thank you for all this, Dick. You work too hard.” Rig's fingers found the small of his back, petting nice and easy.

  "I'm only doing what you always do every year. Hell, less than you usually do.” Not that he didn't appreciate the rubbing.

  "Mmm. It smells perfect.” Rig kept rubbing. “The guys are all chowing down on odds and ends and watching football."

  "The cheese ball! I knew I'd forgotten something."

  "Oh, I'll help.” Rig kissed him again. “Bacon and ranch dressing or olives?"

  "Rock likes the bacon and ranch best.” And he and Rig could steal bites of bacon while they were making it.

  "He does.” Rig grabbed a skillet and set it on the stovetop. “I like them both, but the bacon rocks."

  "It does. Hey, make enough to slip a slice or two to the mutts.” He got out the ingredients and set them on the counter, nudging hips with Rig.

  "And enough to slip a slice or two to the cooks.” Rig nodded. “Did I tell you Helen called this morning? She's pregnant again."

  "Again? She does know what's causing it, right?"

  "Apparently. They're tickled. They want a boy this time."

  Dick laughed. “Cool.” He started mixing up the cheese.

  They worked quietly for a few minutes and then he nudged Rig's hip again. “Hey. You think Gary's looking a little thin?"

  "A bit. He's been fighting pneumonia, Deuce says. They've had a rough few weeks.” He reached out and took hold of Rig's hand. That all sounded a little too famili
ar for comfort. Rig squeezed. “Deuce picked a hard row to hoe. We just have to support him."

  "Yeah. It's just ... I know he's not technically my nephew, but I still want him to have good things in his life, you know?"

  "He does. He loves Gary, Pretty. That's good."

  Dick nodded slowly. “And Gary loves him.” He sighed, and held onto Rig's hand a moment longer.

  "Well, then. They'll have as long as they have, just like we do.” Rig was so ... Southern about all that.


  "What's going on out here?” Rock wandered in, empty beer bottles in hand.

  "We're making cheese balls.” Rig lifted his face for a kiss. “Oh, do I get beer yet? Or coffee?"

  Rock snorted. “How about some tongue?"

  Dick leaned against the counter, watching as their lips met, mouths opening for each other. Rig still kissed Rock like it was the whole fucking world, like nothing else mattered. And it still made him horny as hell to watch them make out together.

  He reached out, lazily tracing where their lips met. Two tongues slid against his fingers, hot and sweet. It went straight to his cock. He groaned and stepped closer. Rig's arm wrapped around him and the kiss went three-way, went nice and hot. He just melted into it, their tongues all tangling together. There was nothing like it.

  Rig jerked suddenly, eyes laughing at them. “Save the bacon!"

  "Shit!” He pulled the pan off the heat, turning the bacon so the top side would get done. “Oh, I think we caught it in time."

  He laughed and shook his head. It wouldn't have been the first time they'd ruined food by getting wrapped up in each other.

  "No burning down the house, y'all.” Deuce came lumbering in, grinning. “What's that going in? Pre-meal sammiches?"

  "Cheese ball. I swear you eat more than Rock does."

  "I'm bigger than Rock is.” Deuce grabbed another beer. “Cheese balls are good. Is it the same as Aunt Julie's?"

  Rig nodded. “You know it."

  "Not that much bigger.” Rock flexed.

  Rig moaned a little and Deuce rolled his eyes. “Show-off."

  "I still got it.” Rock looked smug.

  "You sure do.” Dick let his fingers slide over Rock's bicep. The man was built, sexy.

  "Mmhmm. Deuce—either chop green onions or go amuse your man."


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