On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel]

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On the Sand [A Jarheads Novel] Page 31

by Sean Michael

  "I want to stay home.” Dick grinned as Rosa came by with three cokes and chips, queso and salsa.

  "Just the three of us, food, movies, a little champagne at midnight."

  Rock opened his mouth and Dick shot him a glare. He finally nodded as he sat. “All right. A little champagne never hurt anyone.” He looked over at Rig; he could be reasonable and compromise.

  "Sounds good to me.” Rig dug in to the queso, humming softly. “We can fire up the hot tub."

  Dick grabbed some chips, too, dipping eagerly into the queso. Rock stuck to the salsa, trying not to grumble as Rig picked up his Coke. Rig didn't drink much of it, though, going back to the water. They munched through the chips, Rig groaning as the enchiladas arrived. “Man, I shouldn't have ordered those too."

  Rock snorted. “Like the kid and I won't eat anything you have left over."

  But he was going to make sure there wasn't that much for him and Dick to eat. He might be compromising, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to try to stuff Rig as full as possible.

  "Y'all have at. I'm full.” Rig leaned back, stretched. “Smells good, though."

  "So have a bite. Rosa'll be insulted if you don't eat anything at all.” He just barely kept himself from leaning over and cutting a chunk off for Rig.

  "Yeah, okay. One bite.” Rig nodded, took a bite, humming happily. “Oh, that's good."

  "Why not finish the one you started, and then Rock and I can finish the other two without fighting over who gets more?” Dick took a bite of his enchilada, looking innocent as pie.

  "I don't think I've got room, kid.” Still, Rig took another bite.

  "How're the tacos?” Rock asked, getting ready to dig into his own meal. It was fucking good food, always had been.

  Dick just nodded around a mouthful, passing one of the tacos over to him. “Give it a try and let Rig had a taste, too."

  Oh, man, the kid was slick.

  Rock took a bite and passed the taco over. Rig took a bite of it, humming a little. “Oh, that's nice. We should make tacos more often. Momma used to make them once a week."

  "You can have the rest of that one if you want, I've got plenty here."

  "Yeah? Thanks, Pretty.” Rig nibbled at it, actually finishing the damned thing.

  Shit, the kid had the touch.

  Dick shot him a smug look.

  Well, he could do it, too. “Want some of my carnitas?"

  "Are they good? I'm really full...” Still, Rig looked over, smelled them. “One bite."

  "Here, I'll trade plates with you.” He grabbed Rig's plate with the left over enchiladas. There were about half the carnitas left.

  Dick just grinned and stole one of the enchiladas. Rig ate a handful of bites of the pork, all of them relaxing, easy chatter starting. Goddamn, this worked for him.

  When Rosa came by again, Dick asked for a deep fried ice cream and he wanted the sopapillas. “And decaf coffees all around."

  He raised an eyebrow and checked for Rig's reaction.

  "Mmm. Lots of cream for me, please. I'm still easing in."

  Dick's foot rubbed up along his calf and he rolled his eyes.

  "What's wrong, Rock? You good?” Rig was always fucking watching.

  "I'm fine. Kid's trying to start something under the table.” That'd serve Dick for ‘rewarding’ him for being ‘good'.

  Dick grinned unrepentantly. “Call me impatient. I can't wait ‘til we get home."

  "Horndog.” Rig chuckled, leaned back and winked. “Y'all going into the gym tomorrow?"

  "You gonna come with us if we do?” Rock slid his foot up Dick's calf, and then Rig's. The kid had the right idea. Dessert and then home to fuck.

  "Sure. I have all the paperwork I need to finish. I could come and distract you."

  "We could set a routine up for you, too. Get some muscles on those bones."

  "Yeah? I probably ought to, huh? Get my stamina back, get to feeling better."

  Shit, if Dick beamed any harder, Rock was going to beat him. Then Dick's foot was back, rubbing along his thigh. Kid had a one track mind. He liked that. At least until their desserts showed, and then Dick was all about the food.

  They couldn't get Rig to eat that, but the man oohed and aahed over the coffee, drinking it down. He and Dick shared theirs between them, the kid feeding him spoonfuls of ice cream.

  It was sexy as hell.

  Rig was watching, eyes heavy-lidded, just hot as fuck. “Y'all are something else."

  Dick fed him another spoonful of ice cream.

  "We try.” The kid winked at Rig, and Rock nearly choked from laughing.

  "Lord have mercy.” Rig chuckled, empty coffee cup hitting the table. “Y'all finish up and we'll have ourselves a long, slow afternoon."

  Dick put down his spoon. “We're done."

  Rock laughed and pulled his wallet out of his pocket. “We are."

  "Good deal. I am too. Take me home, huh?” Rig stood, hard on obvious in those loose jeans.

  He threw some bills on the table and got up, following that ass like he was attached to it by a string, Dick right there with him.

  Rig moved like the man knew they were watching, hips swinging, swaying nice and easy. He grinned over at Dick. “You think we can break the land speed records to get to home?"

  "We can try."

  "Quit yammering, Marines. Home.” Demanding cowboy.

  Rock twirled the keys. “Get in the car. We need to get home and take care of a few things."

  "Just a few?” Rig shook it any more and Rock was going to hump the sexy fucker right here.

  "Yep.” He pointed at himself. “One.” Then at Dick. “Two.” And then Rig. “Three. That would be a few."

  "Point taken.” Rig slid in the car, looking smug as hell.

  "Oh, no, I haven't taken that point yet. Just you wait ‘til we get home."

  He and Dick climbed in and he started up the engine, headed them home. Rig settled, eyes closing before they got three blocks. He met Dick's eyes in the rearview mirror, shook his head and grinned. Dick grinned back, shrugged.

  "We've got to convince him to actually eat a lot of little meals instead of picking at one or two meals a day."

  "I'm fresh out of ideas,” he told the kid, and Dick nodded.

  It wasn't far to home, and Dick's fingers squeezed Rig's shoulders as they got there, waking him up gently.

  "Mmm. Home?” Rig got out of the car, moving like a zombie, still mostly asleep.

  Rock shook his head again. “And he wanted to work a full day."

  The kid opened the front door and he made sure the car was locked up and then followed them in.

  "I vote for bed,” Dick suggested as he closed the front door. “That way if we want to get busy, we can get busy, if we want to nap, we can nap."

  "I vote for busy, then nap, then busy again.” Rig grabbed his hand, petting one of the dogs along the way. “Then I'll make you supper."

  He squeezed Rig's hand. “You think you're up for that?"

  "I'm really good at busy.” Rig leaned up, kissed him hard enough that he shorted out a little, eyes rolling back in his head.

  Rock didn't think that was the part he'd been wondering about, but frankly, he didn't exactly care right now. He grabbed Rig's ass and took another kiss, groaning as he felt it to his toes.

  Rig climbed right up his body, clinging to him, tongue fucking his lips and just driving him crazy. He automatically shifted his hold to carry Rig and he walked down the hall toward their bedroom, cock rubbing against Rig with every fucking step. His. Fuck, yeah. His hungry, horny cockhound. Rock's fingers squeezed, belly tight as Rig humped him.

  He could feel Dick's hands on him, guiding him to the bed, pushing when they got there. He fell back onto it, laughing into Rig's mouth, the air whooshing out of his lungs. Rig grinned for him, then pushed back into the kisses, moaning for him. He lost himself in it, in the feeling of Rig over him, Dick's fingers sliding on them, working their clothes off, the kid telling them to m
ove this way or that.

  Rig's skin was warm as hell, that full cock sliding on his abs, leaving hot, wet kisses.

  "Want you, Rabbit."

  "Yours, Blue. Balls to bones.” And that was the fucking truth.

  "You know it.” He grabbed Rig's ass and squeezed, rubbing them together.

  Dick straddled them, on his hands and knees over them. Rig reached up, fingers sliding over his shoulders, then up the kid's arms. Dick's sweet sounds filled the air, the kid giving it all up for the simple touches.

  "Y'all's.” That smile just rocked his socks.

  "You fucking know it.” He slid his prick against Rig's, Dick's hot like a brand against the small of his back.

  Rig nodded, pushing up to kiss him. “I do, you beautiful bastard."

  Shit, Rig could still make him feel ten fucking feet tall. Rig's hand wrapped around the back of his head, holding him right there so Rig could kiss him stupid. Dick reached around him, fingers slick, working toward Rig's hole. He could tell when the kid got there, too, Rig's moan vibrating his tongue, making him growl a little.

  "Gonna make him ready for you.” Dick's murmur made Rig jerk beneath him. “Two fingers now."

  "More.” Rig's hips rolled, eyes heavy-lidded.

  Rock grinned. “Such a slut."

  "Yours.” Rig's smile was fucking hot.


  Laughing, Dick muttered three, making Rig jerk again.

  Rig was starting to pant, to shift and breathe into his mouth in rhythm with those hips. Fuck, he got off on this, on the way they all fucking worked together.

  His fingers found Rig's nipple ring and tweaked it. Those eyes went wide, teeth sinking in his bottom lip.

  "Shit, hurry, Dick."

  The kid just laughed and did something that made Rig jerk hard.

  "Need. Need, fuck. More. Come on."

  "You wanna fuck him together, Rock? We haven't done that in so long.” Oh, fuck. Dick had the dirtiest fucking mouth.

  Rig whimpered, licked his lips. “Pretty."

  "Yeah. Yeah, kid. Lots of lube."

  Dick chuckled and bit his shoulder. Rig surged up, lips crashing against Dick's, their tongues teasing his skin. Fuck, they were sexy motherfuckers. Lucky for him, they were his.

  "Dick on the bottom, Rig. You need to ride him for this."

  "You ... you just want to watch. See your cock next to his inside me."

  Well, no shit. “Uh-huh.” He gave Rig a hard kiss, and then rolled off as Dick moved, settled on the mattress next to them. He whispered into Rig's ear. “Give the kid a little lick to slick him up."

  Rig shuddered, rocked against him. “Yeah. Yeah, Blue. ‘mere, Pretty, gimme that cock."

  Dick's hand wrapped around Rig's head, and Rock watched, jacking himself slowly as that amazing mouth worked Dick's cock. Dick started whispering to Rig, a dull flush climbing up his Rabbit's back. Oh, fuck. That was fine. He had to stop them, though, when Dick's hips started jerking, humping up into Rig's mouth.

  "Okay, slow it down there. We've got a plan here.” Dick stared over at him, swallowing hard, eyes just dazed as Rig's tongue slid over the long cock. He slid his hands up Rig's back and squeezed his shoulders, tugging him back a little. “Don't make the kid come, Rig."

  The kid whimpered.

  "No. No, I want y'all both.” Rig's lips trailed over Dick's belly. “Need it."

  Groaning, Dick pushed up into Rig's touches, hand wrapping around his own cock. “Come on and take me, Rig."

  Rig swooped down, kissed the tip of the kid's cock before shifting up and pushing down, sinking onto Dick's cock.

  "Oh fuck...” Dick's hips jerked up and then settled, the kids hands wrapping around Rig's hips.

  "Mmm...” Rock watched for a minute, admiring the fuck out of his men, and then he encouraged Rig to lean forward, exposing that filled hole for him.

  Rig moved, nice and easy, riding that long, skinny cock, up and down.

  "Sexy motherfuckers."

  He shifted, moving between Dick's legs as they spread to give him room. Slicking up his cock, he got himself ready, the smell of the three of them something special. Rig leaned down, gave Dick a kiss as the kid's hands landed on Rig's ass, spreading his Rabbit wide. Bending, he kissing the top of Rig's crack, his fingers sliding down to rub where Rig and Dick met.

  Then he settled in, guiding his prick to that little hole and pressing in.

  Rig's motions slowed, that tiny ring of muscles spreading for him. He watched, the sight of his cock pushing in next to Dick's making his balls ache. The feel of it nearly blew the top of his head off.

  "Y'all...” Rig moaned for them, shivering, letting them in.

  He stroked his hand along Rig's spine, his fingers going right down to where he and Dick were squeezed tightly together, to where they were both pushed into Rig. Groaning, he rubbed Rig's stretched flesh.

  "Oh. Oh, fuck. Rock. Blue...” Oh, he felt that. His hips jerked, pushing in all the way. Rig's body was so fucking hot and tight, squeezing him and Dick together.

  "Yeah, fuck.” He nuzzled Rig's back, mouth sliding, taking in the salty flavor of Rig's skin.

  "Full. Full of y'all.” Rig shuddered, moaning for him.

  "Uh-huh.” He kissed Rig's spine. “Okay, Dick, let's move. Nice and slow."

  The kid pulled out as he pushed in, the two of them finding just the right rhythm. Rig didn't move, just relaxed and let them move and take that tight little ass. It was fucking amazing, feeling Dick's cock inside Rig with his own.

  "We could do this for fucking forever."

  "Okay. Hard ... hard to work out like this, Rocketman.” Oh, if Rig could make jokes, he wasn't doing this right.

  He pushed in a little harder, Dick picking up the pace right along with him. He reached around with one hand, finding Dick's hand on Rig's cock, so he slid up to tweak that little ring in Rig's nipple.

  "Blue.” Rig's ass clenched, body rippling around him. Them. Squeezing him and Dick together.

  "Yeah, that's better.” He pushed harder, knowing one of them was hitting Rig's gland, maybe both of them. He twisted Rig's nipple ring harder, mouth finding Rig's spine.

  Fuck. He could feel each tug inside Rig, feel the heat pouring off the fine bastard. Dick's noises were getting louder and louder, the kid's free hand coming around to grab hold of his hip.

  "I ... Touch me. Y'all. Please."

  That had Dick jacking Rig faster, and Rock reached around to cup Rig's balls, rolling them with his fingers. Hell, yeah. Rig bucked, hips rolling, that skinny body clenching around him.

  He bit at the back of Rig's neck, fucking harder, fingers sliding on the smooth skin. He smelled Rig's orgasm—fucking smelled it. Dick was next, the long cock squeezed against his own throbbing, heat spreading out from the tip. He couldn't fucking hold back with the two of them shooting, and he roared, coming hard.

  Rig slumped down, panting against Dick. “Fuck. Fuck. Good."

  "You fucking know it.” He and Dick stayed buried deep inside Rig, all three of them panting together.

  Rig nodded, licked the kid's shoulder, just relaxing. He touched them both, their skin good under his fingertips, damp and warm. Rig's lips teased his fingers, nudging them gently. With a groan of disappointment, he slid from Rig's body. He didn't move, though, staying close.

  "You good?” he asked.

  "Happy. Nap?” Rig was almost asleep already.

  "Uh-huh.” He might even move over so they didn't crush the kid.

  "'kay.” Rig shivered, then sighed, falling right to sleep.

  It made him rumble a little and Dick's hand patted his arm. “He's fine, Rock. Just napping. Like I'm going to, too."

  That made him snort. “Sure, sure, you two just roll over and go to sleep and I'm the one without any romance?"

  Not that he wasn't half asleep himself.

  He patted Dick and Rig and let it all go.

  Chapter Sixty Two

  "Rock! Rock, help!” Oh, fuck him. He'd go
tten bent down to lift the ham out of the oven and the fucking thing was too heavy, Rig's arms just like jelly. He must've overdone at the gym yesterday and, if he wasn't in danger of boiling his nuts, he wouldn't holler, but...

  "Help, y'all!!"

  "Rig! What the fuck!” Rock and Dick nearly collided in the door way as they hurried into the kitchen.

  "I can't lift it. It's hot. Grab hot pads.” He couldn't decide whether to laugh or get fucking pissed off.

  "I've got it.” Rock grabbed the hot pads and picked the pan out of his hands, setting it up on the counter.

  Dick came around to close the oven and rub his arms. “You okay?"

  "Yeah, that's what I want to know.” Rock was practically growling.

  "Yeah. I just ... I'm fine. I just couldn't lift it."

  Rock folded his arms across his chest. “Since when can't you lift a fucking ham out of the oven?"

  Okay, pissed off won. “Since I got fucking old and sick, I guess. I'll be back. Don't touch the Goddamn ham."

  Rig turned on his heel and headed out the back door, keys in hand. The stores'd be open for a while yet. He'd just get some stuff and get home before the fucking Happy New Year drunk assholes.

  Rock was right on his heels, catching him before he got off the deck. “Where the hell are you going?"

  "To the store. I'll be back.” Don't. Don't push. This was hard enough.

  "You sure you're up to the fucking store?"

  "I'm sure. I don't have to pick anything up or think too hard. I can manage. Hell, if I get tired, I can use one of those fucking electric carts.” Jesus. Somebody just fucking shoot him.

  "Make a list of what you're missing and the kid can go for you."

  "No. No one's fucking going to the store for me. You go inside and I'll be back.” If he was any more reasonable, his head would explode.

  "You should maybe reconsider the offer as you're obviously already wrung out. Christ, Rig. It's called taking it easy."

  "I'm not wrung out. Jesus fucking Christ. My muscles are sore. I'm recovering from motherfucking surgery and it HURTS to pick shit up and that fucking ham weighs thirty pounds! I'm not a fucking invalid! I'm sorry that I'm not perfect specimens of manhood like the two of you, but God DAMN it, Rock, I'm trying!” Man, he hadn't had a good, loud beller in a while.


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