A Matter of Pride

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A Matter of Pride Page 9

by Harte, Marie

  “Oh yeah. You might not care for the cat, but you sure as shit care about your family.” Jeremy nodded. “Lex was right about you.”

  “I have something called loyalty.” She couldn’t help her throaty growl. “And I won’t hesitate to cut your throat and watch you bleed out when I’m free.”

  Ted laughed. “Gee, Jeremy. I don’t think she likes you much.”

  The other Hunters chimed in.

  Jeremy’s mirth left him. “I don’t give a shit. She’s Lex’s problem. Not mine, or yours,” he warned.

  Ted sobered and turned his pale gray eyes on Jeremy. “Don’t threaten me, boy. I’m here because I have a hankerin’ to kill. Just be glad I’m not aiming my rifle in your direction. Me and the boys don’t miss.”

  The cats closed in to cage Jeremy. But were they offering protection or ganging up on him? Stacey didn’t care. She only knew she liked the dissent between Jeremy and Ted. Now how to use that to her advantage?

  She could feel Dean staring at her, could feel his distress and wanted badly to end it. But she refused to give the others leverage over her. They would hurt Dean, and she’d crumble. Princess Stacey needed to be strong, because she knew Dean would risk life and limb to save her from harm. And she’d be damned if she’d lose him to this trash. She emotionally distanced herself to keep a clear head. Emotion muddied the waters, and she couldn’t afford the distraction.

  She turned to Ted again. “So what is Lex offering you that I can’t better?”

  He gave her a considering stare. “What have you got?”

  Dean couldn’t believe the woman was ignoring him and trying to wheel and deal with the devil. He limped along, hurting like a son of a bitch, and she trotted next to a fucking Hunter, flirting and simpering over everything the bastard said.

  He fumed, wishing like hell he didn’t have doubts about her. She had to be acting. Despite what she’d said about not caring about him, she didn’t want him hurt. He didn’t think.

  God. How could he love the woman and not trust her? Hadn’t he admitted he’d always known she wasn’t telling the truth? Those flashes of vulnerability that hinted at the real woman beneath the glossy veneer were real. He’d seen them. She didn’t like his past with other women. She lit up like a firecracker when they touched. Physically, emotionally, they meshed. Hell, he still scented her all over him.

  “I don’t know. She said he’s nothing, but they smell bonded,” one of the cats near him commented on a common Ac-taw pathway.

  “Sex will do that. Come on. You really think she’d turn down Lex, our pride leader, for this dirtbag?”

  The third cat, the one he’d wounded, agreed. “Look at him. He’s a piece of shit barely holding onto a touring company that caters to humans. Why would she want this when she could have Lex?”

  A legitimate question, and one that hurt to think about. She’d made no bones about wanting to go back to Miami. And it would kill Dean to leave his home, everything he loved. But for Stacey, he’d try. He’d probably hate every second of it, but he’d pack up in a heartbeat for her. Dean had more going for him than jokes and the ability to track. He was smart. He’d never had the urge to see more than Cougar Falls. But for Stacey he’d travel. He’d help her, learn to dress right, try to fit in with her friends and family down South…

  Fuck. Who was he kidding? Their relationship had been doomed from the start. And what relationship did he think they had? They’d fucked, and it had been brilliant beyond comprehension. But other than that, she hadn’t acted much like she liked him. Now in danger, she put distance between them, not wanting to be held back by him.

  He fell into a blacker mood as they spent the morning walking through the forest. The cats continued to prod him, talking about her life in Miami with the hottest designers, the rich and famous. She’d apparently dated a movie star a few months ago. A few CEOs, some foreigners with money, rich assholes in Miami. Yet Lex put no stock in her human conquests because he knew she’d mate a cat, eventually.

  Was that why she had no Ac-taw lovers? Not because she was lonely, but because she’d been forbidden by Lex? Had he completely misread the situation?

  A Hunter motioned with his weapon for Dean to stop, but Dean didn’t feel like stopping. He wanted a reaction from Stacey, something to let him know she remembered he was there.

  While she cozied up to Dr. Death and his Hunter buddies, he was nursing a bullet wound in his thigh and lacerations all over his bloodied body. Though he’d begun to heal, he’d need to shift back and forth to speed the process. And these assholes had made it clear he was to stay a cat.

  “I said stop,” the Hunter warned.

  Others watched him. Dean didn’t care. He waited for Stacey to turn away from dickhead Ted. When the Hunter near him aimed in his direction, he pounced.

  He knocked the gun aside and raked claws down his face, enough to scar, but not kill. The cats shoved him on his ass and mauled him once more, but he tuned out everything but Stacey, needing to see her reaction.

  She screeched, and everyone around them froze. Marching over to him, she stopped with her hands on her hips. “I am trying to have a conversation with Ted. Would you please shut the fuck up?” Then she kicked him, actually kicked him in the arm, the only spot not covered by a bruise, before turning back to Ted, muttering under her breath.

  “I’m sorry,” she said when she reached him and curled her hand around his arm. “You were saying?”

  Dean slumped under the angry felines clawing at him. How had he missed that she didn’t care? He knew she disdained the Hunter, but to survive and protect her family, she’d play nice. Dean wasn’t family, as she’d so unkindly reminded him. She’d kicked him.

  Yet… He inhaled and still smelled her on his fur, under his skin, embedded in his heart and soul. Talk about a curse.

  He let the others bat him around before succumbing to his wounds and unconsciousness once more. Apparently Stacey would have the last laugh, because the town man-whore had fallen for an icy princess way out of his league. But hey, if this kept up, she’d soon have her wish, and he’d be out of her life, permanently.

  Stacey coolly flirted, keeping Ted at arm’s length as she discussed a monetary bribe and the possibility of hunting down Ac-taw she considered enemies. It took all her considerable skill and acting talent to keep her focus on Ted and not Dean. The scent of his blood had her back up, and she reminded her cat that they were playing with their prey right now. They had to string him along, enough so that he’d lower his guard. Then she’d kill him and the others without a qualm.

  She didn’t intend to wait for Quince, who was likely no longer coming. Whether she could believe Jeremy or not, she didn’t know, but he’d joined in with the others to punish Dean. He was a dead man walking. Period.

  She let the anger and fear flow away, reminding herself she was a princess, needy and used to being fawned over. Then she let the scent of impatience and nobility bleed through her pores. Best to keep the cats on their toes as well. The assholes.

  Ted studied her like a newly discovered species. She’d learned he had an impressive resume when it came to hunting. But he leaned more toward wolves than cats. “You really don’t care about the cat?” His watchful gaze didn’t miss a trick.

  “I won’t say he hasn’t been fun. A pleasant diversion.” She shrugged. “I’m not completely heartless.”

  Ted grunted.

  “But I have more important things to worry about than the people in hickville. I mean, Cougar Falls.”

  “And that would be?”

  “Me.” She gave him a bright grin, one that had him blinking. Thankfully. “I am a commodity, Ted. My designs are world-renowned. My family and I make millions, much of which the pride would like to siphon away,” she said in a quieter voice. “I admit I’m not fond of Hunters, because I like the skin I’m in. Furry or fleshy, it’s mine. And I love life.”

  “I see that.” His thorough study missed nothing, and she thanked the idiots for not in
cluding a bra with her wardrobe. Anything to distract these men worked for her. Had they been smarter, they would have included a woman or two to even the playing field. But most Hunters, like Lex and his ilk, believed women to be too soft to endure.

  Underestimation worked to her advantage, however, so she encouraged Ted to think what he wanted.

  She shrugged, knowing the shirt bunched over her breasts, her nipples obvious against the flannel, since the weather had turned cold this morning. “I have money and I’m not afraid to use it.”

  “Just money?”

  “And my body. It’s good. I’m firm, young and beautiful. What’s not to like?”

  Ted nodded, not smiling. “You’re awfully sure of yourself.”

  “In some respects, yes. I want to live, and I particularly want Lex to suffer.”


  “Because he thinks he’s better than me,” she said bluntly. “Clearly he’s not.”

  Ted chuckled and seemed to relax. “Honey, I don’t trust you worth a damn, but I trust Lex even less. I think we might have a deal.” He stopped her, his grip painful. “But don’t think you’ll lead me by my dick or my wallet. I’ve hunted too many of you to be blinded by your tricks.”

  “Then what do you want, Ted?”

  He smiled, and she let him see her shiver. She didn’t have to act to show fear, because in that grin she saw pure evil.

  “Funny you should ask.”

  Monty raced to his truck and drove like a demon back to Whitefish after radioing a warning to Burke. After parking, he tore out of the vehicle and darted inside the office, intent on getting to his weapons stash before heading back out to help Dean.

  He hadn’t expected to run into a horde of unfamiliar cats waiting by his desk. Six of them, looking angry and annoyed all at once. He continued to move through the door into the office while trying to figure the best way to incapacitate his enemy. He took a good look around, knowing he’d never make it outside again before they stopped him. A familiar scent gave him pause. A huge-ass cat moved, and Joy Bermin poked him in the side and stepped around him.

  “Monty?” She turned and gave the giant a dark scowl. “Leave him alone, you bully.”

  The big guy put his hand around her arm, and Monty didn’t stop to think. He acted. He’d almost reached Joy before a half dozen cats dropped on him like an avalanche.

  “Let him up, damn it,” Joy snarled.

  He continued to struggle with them when Joy’s voice intruded once more.

  The cats stopped trying to hurt him and helped him to his feet, then held him back when he tried to reach the guy holding Joy.

  “You’re the wolf, right?” he asked in a gravelly voice.

  “Yeah, Sherlock. Joy, what the hell?”

  She grunted her displeasure and elbowed the cat in the gut. “This is Quince. Apparently he’s here to save me. Hurray.”

  Quince scowled down at her.

  Then his name registered, and Monty froze. “Wait. Quince? You and your cats are supposed to be in the mountains right now trailing Dean and Stacey. What the hell are you doing here? And shouldn’t there be more of you?”

  Quince shook his head. “Jeremy told me to meet here, that Lex was planning on staging an attack. Said Dean and Stacey would be here soon—J has a half dozen of my guys with him. The rest are staged around the ranch in case Lex jumps the gun.”

  Joy looked from Monty to Quince. “I’m thinking something’s wrong.”

  Monty shook free of the cats still holding onto him. “Dean and Stacey met with Jeremy earlier. He said you and the others are in the mountains, that Lex and his cats are south of the position, and that there might be Hunters around.”

  Quince frowned. “That’s not right.”

  Another cat spoke, “I told you he was acting weird. I think he’s been telling Lex everything we’ve been up to. We have to get out there.” He turned to Monty. “Where are they in the mountains, exactly?”

  Monty would have answered when more cats poured through the back and front doors, effectively pinning them inside. Though the office had space, it wasn’t big enough to hold everyone comfortably.

  Quince yelled at Joy to take cover and dove for the nearest intruder. All hell broke loose, and as usual, Monty was in the middle of it.

  “Shit.” He ducked a punch and threw his own, pleased when it connected with someone’s face.

  The fight broke out in earnest. Human growls turned feline, hisses and screeches filled the air. He suffered claws, bites and a few punches before the mess died down. And that’s when he realized he was no longer the only non-feline in the room.

  Joel, Ty, Gerald and a few Whitefeathers from the Raptor Clan had evened the odds. When Burke rushed in moments later, Monty and the others were shoving mangled cats aside.

  “What the hell? I leave you in charge out there, where it should be quiet, and everything turns to shit,” Burke growled at Monty, but the clear concern in his eyes expressed his worry.

  “Told you he’s trouble,” murmured Ty, in sheriff mode. “I’ll call for help. Looks like we’ll be filling jail cells tonight.” He aimed a look at Monty. “And as usual, there’s a wolf involved.”

  “Hey, don’t blame me. Blame—” Monty sought Quince. But to his dismay, the cat had disappeared. And so had Joy.

  Chapter Eight

  Stacey couldn’t stop worrying over Dean. It didn’t help that every time she cast him pretend sneers, he glared at her. The idiot couldn’t actually believe she meant all this nonsense, could he? It was hard enough talking to Ted and pretending to respect him. She did it for Dean, because the stupid cat wouldn’t sit back and stay out of sight. Oh no, he just had to keep antagonizing everyone to beat him to within an inch of his life.

  And where the hell was the freakin’ pride? Monty had gone for help yesterday. Night had fallen again. Except this time they holed up in some beaten-up cabin large enough to settle all of them. The cabin, according to Ted, used to be a ski lodge that had closed up years ago. Which made sense, considering the large lobby. An A-frame that had all its doors and windows intact, the lodge had obviously seen its share of disuse. Dust and plant life had settled in odd corners of the room.

  She wouldn’t be caught dead resting her ass on any of the couches, and she’d inwardly cringed when they threw Dean on one of the dusty/moldy things. He currently lay, still feline, on the cushions, adding blood to the myriad stains beneath his matted body.

  She wanted to weep at the pain he must be suffering but couldn’t call attention to their relationship, such as it was. Ted was finally coming around to seeing things her way. For just five hundred thousand dollars, some sack time wherein she’d promised to do all sorts of uck things, of the s and f variety, and a shot at Lex, he agreed to release her. Dean too, because she’d told him he’d only be a burden when the local pride came to find him. So Ted had agreed to keep Dean’s sullen ass alive.

  Because of her.

  But did he look thankful? No. She should be glad for his glowering, contemptuous aggression. No one studying the pair of them would ever assume them to be friends, let alone mates. She hoped her scent had faded, since she’d tried to pull back emotionally. It helped that his blood would cover most of her claim, unless a cat sniffed hard enough. Then again, Dean hadn’t claimed her back. She had traces of him on her, but not enough of his scent to fully mark her as his. For which she was grateful, or so she kept telling herself. A claiming didn’t have to be two-sided.

  Now it only made it easier for the others to believe nothing existed between her and Dean but sex.

  She paced, waiting for Lex to finally show. The dick. Because of him, she’d lived a miserable existence for months. They’d left their pride, their home. Miami—her haven.

  Yet as she cast a subtle look at Dean, she feared her heart had chosen a new home. Her cat certainly had no urge to return to the humid Everglades. The prissy feline had thrown in her lot with the cooler clime of Montana. She’d thrived when running th
rough the forest and couldn’t wait to do so again…so long as Dean ran with her.

  As if sensing her regard, he glared at her from the couch and growled. Again. This time he couldn’t conceal his hurt, and she literally ached for him. He blinked a few times and quickly looked away.

  Jeremy crossed the room to her, his jaw clenched tight as he looked from her to Ted. “Anything you want to share, Stacey? Not like we couldn’t hear you and Ted bargaining for the last few hours.” He sneered. “You’re going to let him fuck you, but you deny Lex? Seriously?”

  Ted smiled. Then he laughed, seemingly more at her than at Jeremy, and she had a bad feeling the joke was on her.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Honey, you’re beautiful. And desperate if you’d take a Hunter between your legs.” Ted shook his head. “But if you think I’d fuck an animal, you’re out of your mind. Lex was right. You’re ruthless. No wonder he wants you so bad. You might as well be twins.”

  The others around them chuckled, even Jeremy.

  Stacey felt sick to her stomach. Ted had been stringing her along, no doubt to keep her occupied. Instead of trying to escape, she’d stayed, sure she could worm her way out of trouble. She should have taken off to find help for Dean. Now she’d doomed them both to Lex. And he’d never let Dean go. Especially not if he scented Dean anywhere on her. Which he would. Hell, Jeremy knew they’d had sex. Lex wouldn’t tolerate another cat in the picture, no matter the reason.

  And then it was too late to escape.

  Lex walked through the front door with two of his feline guards by his side. He was tall and handsome, and any woman would have been proud to be seen on his arm. Until they looked into his eyes and saw nothing but the malice and greed there. He took what he wanted when he wanted it and damn the consequences. Lex ruled by might, fear and intimidation.

  “Stacey. It’s been too long.” Lex walked right by everyone until he stood a hairsbreadth from her.


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