Fabio's Remorse (Hell Raiders MC Book 5)

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Fabio's Remorse (Hell Raiders MC Book 5) Page 15

by Aden Lowe

  I winced. I had no plans for this scenario. "Hey, li'l man, 'sup." Cramped muscles rebelled at the position I'd forced them into. Trying not to wake Justine, I extracted myself and sat up.

  Blue eyes wide as hell, he pointed to Justine. "Who ares herrr?"

  "She's my friend." Hopefully that would settle his curiosity. I changed the topic. "How about some breakfast? I bet you're hungry." Every fucking joint cracked and creaked, but I made it to my feet, and headed for the kitchen with Tyler dancing circles around me.

  "Why's her here?" He climbed into his chair, waiting expectantly.

  I considered my answer while I got out a bowl, cereal, and milk. "She got really scared, so she called me. We're going to take care of her for a few days."

  Blue eyes blinked slowly, then went even larger. "But her's a growned up!" His world clearly placed adults above the threat of fear.

  "Yeah, li'l man, she is." I poured the cereal. "Even grown-ups get scared sometimes, and need someone to take care of them." Giving him that information felt like a sort of betrayal of his trust. To him, if something scared an adult, it must be truly awful. With the situation he was in, he needed comfort, not more uncertainty and fear.

  Milk splashed over the edge of the bowl as he helped pour while he digested that information. "Ares a bad guys scared her?" He seemed to mix words up more when something worried him, or confused him. Once he went back to school, I needed to check with his teacher on that. I had no idea if he spoke normally for his age, or not, but if there was a problem, it needed to be addressed.

  Should I answer him? Or try and direct his attention to something else. Yeah. Truth, and all that good shit. "Yeah, Tyler, a bad guy hurt her, and he says he's going to again. We're going to keep her safe."

  He ate, thinking some more, while I started the coffee. "Can we go to the park?"

  The sudden change of subject left my head spinning for a second. "Yeah, we might be able to swing that later on. You like the park?"

  His enthusiastic nod gave all the answer I needed. "The swings is fun. And the rock wall."

  Fuck, I might need IV coffee. Or Jack. This kid was nothing but a bundle of energy, and I suspected this was only a glimpse of it. "Then we'll have to make it a date. Maybe we can stop for ice cream, too." Something told me I was going to seriously regret that impulsive comment.

  Tyler's delighted squeal confirmed it. The way he rushed through his cereal scared me. "When we's going?"

  I glanced at my watch. Just after nine a.m. "How about we shoot for this afternoon?"

  "This day?" His eyebrows went up.

  "Yeah, after lunch." The absolute last place I ever pictured myself was a park, watching a kid play on the swings. A couple of the other Raiders had kids, and juggled family and club in a delicate balancing act. I never imagined myself doing that.

  "Okay!" He picked up his bowl and sucked his milk down. We cleaned up, though Tyler's enthusiastic help seemed more of a hindrance. Once we finished, I helped him get a game started on a tablet he apparently used regularly. I poured my second cup of coffee as Crank came downstairs, looking like something Death warmed over, then sent back.

  Tyler looked up, vibrating with energy. "Crank! We's going to the park!"

  Crank rubbed bleary eyes, trying to focus. "Oh, yeah?" His gaze swept the living room, and landed on Justine still sleeping on the sofa. He came on over to the kitchen and poured his own coffee. "That last night's emergency?" His lifted chin indicated Justine.

  "Yeah. Justine."

  He recognized the name, and knew enough of my story to be alarmed. "Fuck, man!" He shook his head. "This a good idea?"

  I shrugged. "Maybe? I found out some shit last night. Called Badger and the Brothers to bring Hell Fire." Good idea, or bad, it no longer mattered at this point.

  "Fuck!" He sucked in a deep breath. "A'ight then. Let's do this shit, and give you a chance to sort things out."

  And that right there, that acceptance and willingness to break down the gates of Hell with me, was why I loved my Brothers. Right or wrong, Crank had my back for the long haul.



  Comfortable and rested, I stretched. How long had it been since I slept so well? Years. The sounds of a busy household trying to stay quiet swirled around me, and pushed me over the edge into full wakefulness. Memory flooded back, and left me in dread of what the day would bring.

  I opened my eyes slowly, unsure what to expect. What I found resembled nothing I might have imagined. Not far away, a little boy and a big tattooed man lay on the living room floor playing with super hero action figures, complete with sound effects and super villains. In the kitchen, visible beyond the end of the couch where I lay, Fabio and the same young girl from the funeral home held an animated discussion.

  "You's Fahv-bio's friend." Serious blue eyes regarded me with a mix of shyness and apprehension.

  I attempted a smile. "I am." I tried a conspiratorial whisper. "Could you tell me where the bathroom is?"

  With a grin, he nodded and pointed the way. I thanked him and hurried the way he indicated. It was only a half-bath, but it held the necessities for the moment. More than a little desperate, I peed enough for a week, then washed the cobwebs of an amazing sleep from my face. My eyes were still a little puffy from all the crying, but overall, I probably looked better than I had in months. Amazing what a few hours of sleep could cure.

  Something I preferred not to analyze flashed in Fabio's eyes when he spotted me returning. "Looks like Sleeping Beauty has decided to join us." He grinned. "Justine, this is my niece Nicole, my nephew Tyler, and the ugly mean bastard over there is my Brother, Crank. Everyone, this is Justine. Be nice and don't hassle her too much."

  Nicole gave me a shy smile, right before Tyler rushed over and grabbed my hand. "You went pee? Come on, play with us." Before heat could flood my cheeks, he dragged me over to the pile of action figures and the stranger.

  The man gave a devilish grin. "Whoa, there, Tiger. Let Justine get a cup of coffee and finish waking up before she has to face Mega Ultra Bad Man. You have to be wide awake for that kind of sh-stuff."

  "Thanks." Manners dictated I should say something nice about being pleased to meet him, but at the moment, I couldn't stir up the words. "I'll play with you in a bit Tyler. And if we're lucky, we can defeat Captain Bad Attitude."

  The little boy's face lit up at the prospect of a new bad guy to fight, and he gave an enthusiastic nod. "Fahv-bio, yours friend, Justine, hers needs coffee."

  "Oh, does she now? Well, I guess we'll just have to give her some."

  My stomach clenched. "Uh, is there tea? Or juice? I, uh, can't…"

  "Tea, coming right up. I saw tea bags earlier." Good as his word, Fabio met me with a steaming mug. "We're planning a trip to the park this afternoon, and Nicole suggested a picnic snack. We're trying to decide what we should take. Any suggestions?" His seamless inclusion of me touched a nerve, and I fought the urge to distance myself.

  "Definitely juice." I took a sip of my tea, considering my reactions. For so long, I kept myself away from everyone and everything. Not doing so felt odd. I should probably keep the habit, though. I couldn't allow these kids to be brought into my nightmare.

  Fabio shook his head. "But which kind? We have tropical punch, pineapple, or apple."

  Nicole giggled a little. "I vote pineapple, but Fabio insists tropical punch is best."

  I raised an eyebrow and pretended to consider. "I agree, pineapple."

  Fabio gave a fake groan, and Nicole giggled some more. Seeing him like this, playing with his niece, showed a part of him I didn't think existed before he left. An excruciating thought hit me right in the chest. Did he have kids? Most people weren't that easy and natural with kids unless they were around them all the time.

  My thoughts must have showed. "Nicole, how about you choose, and pack us a few things. It's not like there's a shortage of snack material here at the moment. Justine, can we talk for a minute?"

icole gave a little cheer of triumph, and I agreed. Fabio led me out onto a deck that overlooked a backyard strewn with toys. A tall privacy fence kept out unwelcome gazes, and another fence protected an above-ground pool. An elaborate gym set, complete with elevated fort, sprawled beneath a big maple tree.

  "Tyler has little-boy heaven out here."

  "Yeah, he does. It's a lot like our backyard when I was a kid. I'd have had a blast with that fort, though." He led me to a pair of deck chairs, and sat. "Thanks for being nice to Tyler and Nicole. Shit's been rough for them."

  I nodded. "Of course." I paused a second, unsure of myself. "I appreciate you coming last night and helping me through the panic. I understand if you don't want to be involved any further. You have a lot on your plate now, with these two, and with your own family."

  He gave me a look that could have meant anything. "Justine, I can't begin to know what you've been through, but I need you to know, you're not alone with it anymore. I'm here. Regardless of our past, and no matter our current situations, I'm not leaving you to deal with this alone."

  "You don't have to do that, Fabio. You've already helped me far more than I could have expected." The last thing I wanted was to feel like some sort of obligation from his past.

  That look came again, inscrutable as before. "Look, Jus, I know you were the one who survived the attack, and dealt with everything that followed. But they took something from me, too. I don't let shit like that go unpunished. So whether you want my help or not, you've got it." His tone carried the conviction to go with his words. "I am going to find these motherfuckers, and they will pay."

  Doubt assailed me. "Fabio, the police all over the area have been trying to catch them, with no luck."

  "The police don't have my resources. They have to work within the law and follow the rules of evidence. I don't."

  He had a point there. "True. But this happened years ago. There's no evidence left."

  "Leave the logistics to me. I've already called home. A handful of Hell Raiders will roll in here late tonight or early in the morning. This kind of shit is what we do."

  My tea had gone cold. "You're vigilantes?"

  His grin looked bloodthirsty, sending a chill racing over my skin. "I wouldn't exactly say that. But when there's a need, we bring a kind of justice the law never dreamed of." He stood to lean against the deck railing. "You have no reason to believe me, and I can't give you information that might convince you. All I can do is ask for your trust."

  I nodded. I owed him that much, especially after he put the past aside and came to my rescue last night. "Okay. You'll have to tell me what to do, though."

  "At some point, we'll have to talk. Crank and I will need absolutely every detail, both from that night, and from the phone calls. I know it won't be easy, but your memories are our strongest lead. We'll get everything possible about the new assaults, but you'll know things not left in evidence." He turned, looking out over the yard, wide shoulders rising with a deep sigh. "Is there anyone, a boyfriend, you should let know where you are?"

  I shook my head, even though he couldn't see me. "No. The only person, other than my dad, who cares anything about me, is Kayla Pugh, the teacher I work with." Shame filled me with the words. Keeping my distance from people might have protected me from questions, but at what cost? People who cared in the past were hurt when I pushed them away without explanation. Or when the explanation was unnecessarily cruel.

  He turned back to face me, eyes filled with pain. "You were alone, all this time?"

  I nodded.

  "Fuck!" His hands shook. "I imagined…Well, never mind. Just, I spent a lot of time torturing myself, trying to figure out who you left me for."

  My heart broke for him, for the pain he endured. "I'm so sorry. I couldn't face telling you the truth." There was nothing else to say.

  "Yeah, I know. Look, I just want you to know, after we get you permanently safe, we don't have to pick up where we left off, or anything like that. We'll just talk about it when, and if, the time comes, if that's okay with you. Have you gone to a counselor or anything?"

  I shook my head, letting my hair swing forward to shield my face from his view. "No. Reliving it…I couldn't do that, either."

  "You should think about it. Trip's ol' lady, she survived nine kinds of hell for six years. Her therapist has helped her cope, and get on with life. She's actually happy now." His brow furrowed for a second. We should get back inside. Tyler's bursting with curiosity about you."

  I stood, completely ready to be done with the awkward conversation. "My tea could stand warming up, too."

  "One more thing. When the others get here, there won't be much space, but I want you to stay here, where I can keep you safe. Can you get a few days off work?" He paused before opening the door.

  "Yes, I have plenty of time accumulated, and there's a regular substitute who knows my kids. I'll call Kayla and let her know." My mind rushed to formulate an explanation for Kayla. The truth was out of the question.

  Inside, I faced Tyler's enthusiastic greeting. "Are you ready to help us defeat Captain Bad Assitude?" He pressed a robot superhero into my hands, while everyone burst into laughter at his mispronunciation.

  "I think so. You'll have to show me how, though. I've never actually battled a super villain before." I allowed him to lead me over to the array of action figures spread over the living room floor.

  Crank gave me a wary look, and rose from the floor with a grimace. "Li'l man, I'm going to get a shower before time to head for the park. You show Justine the ropes, get her trained up, and we'll have an epic battle later."

  "Okay, Crank. You can use my 'Inja Turtle towel, if you want."

  "Thanks, li'l man, but I better save the turtle towel for you. They'd probably be pissed if I didn't."

  Tyler considered, and gave a serious nod. "Yeah, you's right. Them likes me." With the issue settled to his satisfaction, he grabbed my hand and tugged me to sit on the floor with him.

  After an hour of shooting missiles and lasers, Fabio announced it was time to start for the park. I sent him a look of gratitude, and helped Tyler move all the action figures to his toy box. The little boy had thoroughly charmed me. I foresaw lots of superhero battles in my near future.



  The trip to the park utterly exhausted me. I seriously underestimated Tyler's energy level, and Nicole was only nominally calmer. The two played on the swings for a while, then Tyler wanted us to all play Frisbee with him. Even though we took turns, he had Crank and me on the ropes quickly. We handed him off to Justine, then sat down to watch.

  Crank took advantage of everyone else being occupied. "You good, man?"

  I nodded. "I think so." I watched Justine laughing at something Nicole said, her delicious body not quite hidden in loose jeans and baggy shirt. Heat pooled in my groin at the memory of what she felt like in my arms. "I don't know. But I do know I can't leave this. I have to ruin the men who took her from me."

  "Yeah, I get that. Just be careful, Brother. Getting involved with her again is dangerous." He drained his water bottle. "The Raiders might not survive it if she hurts you."

  His reference to my nasty temperament when the memories haunted me stirred shame. All my Brothers gave me wide berth when they spotted the signs, and I couldn't blame them. It wasn't fair that they had to tiptoe around my moods. Maybe I should take my own advice and see someone. I dismissed the idea as quickly as it came. I didn't need some pencil pusher poking through my head again. It hadn't ended well last time.

  "You got a plan for this shit?"

  I shrugged a little. "I figure we talk to her, get details, go from there. These fuckers have been attacking other women, in the same way, only now, they're killing their victims. And one of them calls her before the attacks to taunt her."

  "Shit! She's changed her number and shit?"

  "Yeah. They keep finding her. She thinks they're using the school board website as a starting point. She finally moved back
in with her folks, and now they've found her there. They left a very clear message yesterday." I filled him in on the details of the break-in. "She hasn't shared this with anyone else, still trying to deal on her own."

  "Well, she's got us now, even if I do have reservations. At the very least, we'll keep her safe, and see this through." He gave me a shoulder hug, showing absolute support. "The rest of it, well, I guess that's up to you and her."

  It took some convincing, but I finally managed to herd Tyler toward home. Only the promise of a quick ice cream stop did the job. Nicole gave directions to a shop nearby, and we all went inside. At Tyler's urging, we ordered sundaes and sat at one of the outside tables to eat them.

  I had just finished mine and started to tease Tyler a little, when Justine's phone rang. She glanced at the caller ID and immediately went white as a sheet. "Nicole, take Tyler over to see the fish tanks."

  She obeyed without question after a quick glance around. She easily picked up the seriousness of the situation. "Come on, Tyler, I think they have some new fish. Let's check it." Quickly, she led him away, while Justine's phone continued to ring.

  "Okay, answer, and put it on speaker." I glanced around, noting other customers. "Just keep the volume low."

  She nodded, and followed directions, dread evident in her every movement. "H-hello?"

  "Hey, Teach. You took a long time to answer." The male voice implied menace, even through the cell phone. "Reckon you were busy with your biker friend. How'd you like my little present on your pillow?"

  Justine went even more pale, as her eyes darted to me. "You're sick." Her voice trembled.

  The man on the phone chuckled. "Maybe so, but I don't give a fuck. Only a matter of time before I track you down again, Teach. Next time, I ain't leaving no presents." The line went dead.

  My skin crawled with the force of my rage. When I met Crank's gaze, his anger was a palpable force. "We keep eyes on Justine and Nicole at all times. Nothing left to chance." He gave a sharp nod of agreement.

  "Let's head back to the house. We can control access better there." At my nod, he turned to Tyler and Nicole, urging them to the door.


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