A Heart of Ice

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A Heart of Ice Page 30

by Phoenix Briar

  “Good.” I nod and sigh, looking to Cara who is watching the flames once more.

  For a long while, none of us speak. I imagine that Alistair must feel awkward with this entire thing. He does not understand the weight of what we feel. He can empathize, I’m sure. But this does not really affect him as it does with us. He is the first to break the silence. “So…what’s your plan, Gabe?”

  I glance to him. I really wish I knew. Rubbing my face, I shut the doors to the balcony so that it doesn’t chill the room and go to sit at the breakfast table. Alistair leans back against the entry door, crossing his ankles and his arms and watching us both, Cara’s back to him. “I do not know… originally, I had planned on Scarlet staying here.” Cara glances at me, probably because it is the first time I have said her name. She just lowers her chin to her knees once more, staring off blankly. “But…I had not realized Cynthia’s hatred for the Inferno ran so deep…I’ve spoken with her and the lord…they’ve more or less stated that she and Zsoka are no longer welcome here.” I shrug. “I could always order them but…that is not a healthy situation right now…”

  Alistair rubs his face, sighing. “And she cannot return with you?”

  I shake my head. “Even without these new developments, the cold is detrimental to her. Perhaps with enough Magik and modifications to the castle, we could make her somewhat comfortable but…that combined with the recent attacks…no…it is not safe there at all.”

  “Not for Gabriel either,” she says softly, and our eyes go to where she sits. “They see him as protecting me…and they resent him. They want justice…my being there would only make things worse…he might end up with a full-scale rebellion in a few years.”

  Alistair’s eyes jump to me. “You really think it would go that far?”

  I sigh and spread out my hands before crossing my arms. “I do not know, Ali…but Scarlet is correct…she may not be the cause of this, but her presence at the castle is a large source of animosity among my family, the staff, and the people as well. And we won’t even mention the aristocracy.”

  He grimaces. As the Duke of Maeghdra, he has had much to deal with. There is no king of Flora, only clan leaders, lords, overseen by gentry. There are three dukes and five earls under them. Without a singular ruler, persuasion and sometimes blackmail has become the currency of power, and Alistair is very adept at both. I smile faintly at his empathetic gesture and ask, thinking suddenly, “Alistair… how are the views of Inferno in Flora?”

  He seems confused at the question, but then his brows go up. “Eh, they’re fair. We’ve not had much dealings with them. No battles between us, really. I don’t think they’re well received, seeing as how we lend Cerulean our soldiers, but they’re not hated.”

  I nod slowly and look to Cara. “Could I send her with you?”

  Her head shoots up, and she glares at me, frowning.

  Alistair gives a nervously cheeky smile and says, “I’d not mind the lass’ company but…it’s not quite proper for either for us to be in each other’s company without some clear… reason.”

  Cara gives him a nasty look and snaps, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  I sigh. “Flora is different, Cara. They’re…their own breed of culture.” Alistair raises his brows to me. “Flora take reputation and status very seriously. Everyone has a very clear role and if one is not given, it will be prescribed. If you just left with Alistair and went home with him, they would assume you were his lover.”

  She frowns a bit, clearly not happy with the idea but still not understanding. “And that’s…bad?”

  I almost wish she could see the shade of red Alistair turns, and I almost smile. “Flora do not have lovers, Cara. They take a mate. Only one. If that mate dies, they never remarry. They never have any lover other than their mate either. So with the assumption that you were Alistair’s lover, that would make him ineligible to ever marry, and that would also say something about you. That would effectively mean that you were not worthy of being a wife and therefore your status would be similar to a prostitute.”

  She frowns at me. “How can they have prostitutes if they only ever sleep with a mate?”

  Alistair grimaces. “Well…you’re comparing an ideal to reality, lass. There are still several men who never take a mate and who merely sleep with prostitutes…and unfortunately a select few who have a mate and lover.” He shakes his head. “But those men are highly disrespected and usually only found in the more rural areas since most polite society won’t tolerate them.” She looks to him with a frown and nods slowly. Alistair shrugs and continues, “And you’re a bonny thing, Scarlet, but I’ve no mind to be married quite so soon.” He winks at her, and I frown. Cara just stares back at him with this bland, annoyed sort of look.

  I sigh and shake my head. “What of Zsoka?” she asks.

  I look up, my brain still on the atrocity of Cara marrying Alistair. “Zsoka marry Alistair?”

  She gives me a horrified look and snaps, “No.” She sighs and looks back to Alistair. “But she needs a guardian. I am assuming you do not mean to leave her as Cynthia’s ward.”

  I sigh and Alistair gives an apologetic smile. “Aye, lass…but I’m not exactly a suitable guardian. I don’t have the time to be minding a little one. My mother runs my household and I mind the politics and military. We’ve got female servants but…they all have other jobs. And I don’t know of any who could take care of an Inferno child.”

  She frowns, watching him. Suddenly, she looks to me, “What of me?” Her eyes snap back to Alistair. “Is there some…status associated with raising a child?”

  Alistair’s brows go up, and he grins at her. “Aye, aye there is. A nurse.”

  I nod, following the conversation. “Would it be appropriate then if I were to make Zsoka your ward and Scarlet to accompany you as her Inferno nurse?”

  Alistair grins. “Ack, I’m sure there will be a little fuss over it, but it shouldn’t cause too much of a stir. Everyone knows how close I was to Thomas. It makes sense that I would take in the wee lass.”

  I smile, but it doesn’t quite reach my eyes. I nod slowly, looking over to Cara who is looking at nothing once more, staring out at the wooden floor. “Does that suit you, Cara?” Her eyes lift to mine. “To go to Flora with Zsoka and Alistair as a servant in his household?”

  Alistair winces. “You’ll not quite be a servant, lass. Zsoka is really your only care.”

  She shakes her head. “Servant or not does not bother me.” She looks to me and nods. “Yes…that is acceptable… and…you and Enté…?”

  I give a faint smile, crestfallen. “We…will return to Crystalice.”

  Alistair watches us both for a while, unspoken thoughts in his eyes. After a moment, he looks to Cara and says, “The Duke of Karnei has a castle very near the border…I spend a good deal of time there…and Gabe usually comes down once a year or so as well. I’m sure he could bring Enté.”

  She looks over to him, studying him for a long moment, and her face is turned from me so that I cannot read her expression. Alistair smiles a bit though, so I assume she seems pleased, and she nods. “That would be nice…I’ve grown rather attached to him.” Indeed she has…her leaving will break Enté’s heart. Cara sighs and rubs her eyes again. She must be tired. “What of Heather? Will she return with Enté as well?”

  I cringe a bit and sigh. “I am sure that she will want to return to Crystalice to see her family at least…whether or not she stays there is her own decision…” Cara watches me and then sighs and nods slowly, turning her eyes away. I look to Alistair who studies her quietly and say, “Thank you, Alistair…none of this is your burden to bear…but I greatly appreciate you looking after them for me.”

  He gives a faint smile, as if knowing how much it pains me to leave something I value in another’s care because I cannot take care of her myself. “Of course, brother. I will keep them safe.”

  Chapter Forty Nine


  I slept
almost as soon as the men left my room, exhausted. I suppose it comes as no surprise then that I slept straight through dinner and woke in the middle of the night hungry and wide awake. I pull a robe on over my dress and step into a pair of slippers before leaving my room. A guard stands watch in the hall, and I greet him with a tired smile, holding out my hand and letting a little ball of fire light the space.

  “Is anything amiss, lady?” he asks me.

  I shake my head. “Only hungry. Is there food in the kitchens?”

  He gives a single nod. “More as like. Not much, but probably some bread and fruits at least.”

  I incline my head and yawn, moving towards the stairs. “Alright then. I’ll be back shortly.” Down in the kitchens, there is in fact bread and fruit along with some cured meats, I suppose from dinner that night. I eat my fill and sip on a bit of ale to wash everything down and perhaps help me get back to sleep even though I’m not the least bit tired.

  The guard is there when I trudge my way back up the stairs and to my own hallway, and I greet him with a quiet murmur, to which he replies, “Good rest, my lady.” I almost reach my room when I notice the glow of light coming from two doors down. I pause and look to it. Gabriel’s room. My eyes go to the window and out to the night sky. It must be hours from morning yet…surely he’s not awoken early…or did he ever go to sleep?

  With the little fireball in my hand, I head to his room and knock quietly before opening the door. Gabriel’s room is dark except for an orb illuminated by his desk where he sits. I shut the door behind me, and he looks up at me wearily. His hair is strewn all about, his shirt discarded on the floor, dark circles under his eyes. I shake my head a bit and smile faintly at him, watching as he stands and ties his hair back out of his way. “Cara…you’re up late.”

  “I went to bed early,” I say softly, barely more than a whisper, and I move over to him, extinguishing the ball of fire. “Have you even slept yet?”

  He grunts a bit and greets me with a hand to my hip and a kiss to my brow as I look at his desk and the papers strewn there. “No. I am in the middle of writing the formal documents for Zsoka becoming Alistair’s ward. I wrote letters to my mother and father informing them as well. I’ve written a formal letter to Alistair to take in case any of the other gentry question him.” He sighs and rubs his face, scratching at his eyes almost. I smile faintly and take his wrists, pulling his hands away from his face.

  “That’s enough for one night…” I say softly, and he gives a tired smile.

  “Not quite. I’m getting reports of Inferno troops spotted at the border. They’re pushing further into Cerulean. I need to send a correspondence to Cla—” I lay my fingers over his lips gently, and the words die in his throat.

  “Come to bed, Gabriel,” I whisper, tugging him towards the large, oak bed waiting nearby.

  He sighs, giving me an exasperated look. “Cara…I have work to do.”

  “You’re useless like this,” I say simply, untying my robe and leaving it on the floor. That gets his attention and his eyes go a little wider. He swallows. “And as much as I don’t enjoy the thought of helping the enemy, in your state, you’re likely to give orders that’ll get your whole army killed.” His mouth shuts firmly and he glares at me. I just smirk at him and take his wrist again, drawing him closer and finding his mouth with mine.

  He sighs against me, a rush of frigid air against my lips, and my mouth fastens to his. He’s so cold that it sends shivers down my spine, and I wonder if my touch burns him. Like sipping a hot drink before it’s cold. If it hurts him, I can’t tell, for he continues sipping like he plans to devour me. I smile a bit and draw him near, the coldness of him penetrating my cotton dress and freezing my skin. He’s panting after a moment and beginning to sweat, his arms around me, one hand on my rump, the other on my back, pulling me closer.

  I’m shivering and gasping for breath, trying to heat up my cold lips and tongue. I look up at him and smile, laughing. He smiles at me. I can’t imagine making love to him would be anywhere near comfortable or perhaps even pleasurable, but I’m tempted to find out anyways. But I don’t. I drag him into bed with me and wrap myself up in every blanket in the room before settling myself at his side. He stays out from under the covers completely with his gray slacks on and throws an arm over me, pulling me near him. I smile and snuggle up against him as best as I actually can.

  “How long will Alistair stay here?” I murmur softly in the dark room, the orb flickering low.

  He sighs, and I can faintly feel his thumb rubbing back and forth over my back above all of the covers. “Mmm he said probably for a month more…he has work to do here as well. Many Flora live in this area.”

  “Hm…” I murmur in acknowledgement and close my eyes, comforted in the presence of his coldness so near to mine. I smile a bit. “Sleep well, Gabriel…”

  He doesn’t move or speak for a while, but after the orb has gone out entirely and I am nearly asleep, he murmurs, “Sleep well, Cara…”

  Chapter Fifty


  “Art cold, sweetheart?” Alistair asks as I check the saddle on my horse and pat his cheek.

  I look over at him. The day is still new, sunlight not even having pierced the sky yet. Everything is still a pale, grayed blue. We stand in the stables together with our mounts. Our two guards are waiting outside with theirs, all suited and ready. I check my bags, making sure they’re secure, and I say softly, “Only a bit. I’m fine.” Zsoka is waiting inside by the fire.

  He goes silent, just watching me quietly, and then he touches my arm. I look up to him curiously, my golden eyes almost glowing in the darkness. “Do you hate me, Scarlet?…taking you like this?”

  I study him for a moment, then smile and shake my head. “No, Alistair. I don’t hate you…I am merely tired…” He stands by my side and waits patiently as I search for words. “Moving here to there…a new home, a new life, new people, new customs…I am merely tired…I miss Inferno.”

  “Ah,” he says and nods slowly. “And…what waits for you there?”

  Glancing over at him, I consider his words and study his green eyes. “I don’t know,” I tell him honestly, taking my horse’s reins and holding them loosely in my hand. The stallion is content to abide me. “I have few friends living…my only family is my father…I…I really do not know what my place is there either…”

  He smiles faintly, sadly. “Ah, lass…it grieves my heart sore, it does.” He sighs and touches my chin, lifting my face up a bit. “Mayhaps you can find one in Flora. I’ll be by your side. I give you my word.”

  I smile faintly. “You’re just trying to show off. You may be a virgin, Alistair, but you love the ladies just fine.”

  With flare, Alistair puts a hand to his heart. “Ack! My lass, you wound me! Surely there is no other face but yours, no other name on my tongue!”

  I laugh and shove him, my mood lightening some. “Get out of here, fiend!”

  He laughs warmly and winks at me, leading his horse out as I follow behind.

  The Lord and Lady Marine have managed to avoid my company for the past month, which is just as well. With Alistair gone most of the day and Gabriel gone intermittently through the weeks, it’s best that we’ve avoided each other. But they are awake and in the courtyard, seeing off the parties leaving. Gabriel will remain with Enté for another week before leaving, but Alistair insisted that we really couldn’t stay away from Flora any longer.

  Zsoka apparently abandoned the warmth inside for her pony, probably not wanting to be near Cynthia. I smile knowingly at her and help her up onto the pony, making sure she’s secure and steady. “Don’t fall off now,” I tell her. “If you get sleepy, just let me know, and you can ride with me, alright?”

  She nods and yawns. “I’m awake.”

  I give her a dubious look but smile a bit, turning my attention to the others. Gabriel and Alistair talk quietly among themselves off to the side, and so for now, I let them be. “How long until we reach Maeg
hdra?” I ask one of the Flora escorts who looks over at me with a little nod of acknowledgement.

  “A bit less than a fortnight,” he assures me. “We’ll most likely stop in Karnei to rest for a night.”

  I nod slowly and sigh. “Alright then. Alistair!” He glances over at me, and I mount up on my horse.

  He flashes me a grin and calls, “Art jealous, sweetheart? Don’t worry, I’ll be with you in jus’ a wee moment!”

  I roll my eyes and shake my head, but I smile and get used to being on horseback once more. The horse is calm and agreeable to my presence despite my heat, and I pat his neck lovingly. Looking to Zsoka, I say, “Don’t worry, love. The pony will follow the rest of the horses. Just stay on, alright?”

  She nods, eager to get going. “I’m cold…”

  Smiling sympathetically, I reach down and pull her hood up over her head. “Better?”

  She nods a bit, and I look back over to see Alistair and Gabriel clap each other on the back before Alistair heads towards the horses. “Ack, sorry, love. I’m set to go. Is everyone ready?” The guards agree and mount up, and Alistair follows suit on his black and white stallion. He pats the horse’s neck and grins to me, coming up to my side. “If you get tired, Scarlet, you can always ride with me. I’llna let you fall while you sleep.” He winks.

  I laugh and turn my horse towards the road. “Try me much more, Alistair, and I’ll push you off that horse.”

  Gabriel shakes his head at us both, coming up to my horse and checking the saddle. “Try not to kill each other,” he says with an exasperated sigh.

  I look down at him and smile softly, sadly. “Be careful, Gabriel…soon, they’ll be coming after you.”

  He gives a severe nod. “I know. I won’t give them the satisfaction of killing me.”


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