Twisted Fairy Tales: An Extreme Horror Collection

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Twisted Fairy Tales: An Extreme Horror Collection Page 10

by Tim Miller

  "The master told me not to tell anyone. If you find it on your own, then great. If not, well you'll be at home here with the master."

  "Is he going to eat me too? Like, Belle? I see what he did to her. He's got her brainwashed."

  "I think you may be oversimplifying things."

  "Am I? Please explain it then. She's naked and chained to a wall, and I just watched them have some kind of weird sex. Considering he's not even fucking human, yes I'd say it's all pretty simple."

  "I'm just saying, the master isn't what you think he is. Just like you, he has a story. I'll leave it at that." Kingston looked up at the man who was now shrieking blood-curdling screams from the grill. He continued to struggle as his flesh melted away from his body in several places. "Nigel, I think it's time to turn him over."

  Chapter 3

  The men struggled to turn the cooking man onto his stomach. His back was raw and blistered as burnt flesh peeled away. Nigel grabbed a piece of well-done flesh, ripped it off and took a sniff, letting out a slight moan before putting it in his mouth.

  "I love it when it falls off the bone," he said. Alice cringed and turned away. Not too long ago she'd have vomited at the thought of what she'd just witnessed. Now it was only mildly disgusting. The cooking man screamed and tried to struggle, but he was too weak and injured to put up much of a fight. Once they got him fastened down, Nigel pressed the man's face against the grill. It sizzled loudly as he cried out, unable to pull away for even the slightest relief, but it wasn't happening.

  They’d just gotten him secured when the door swung open, and the master appeared in the doorway. He took up the entire space as he slowly walked in and snarled as he looked around. Alice jumped out of her chair and took a few steps backward.

  "You said he wasn't going to be here?"

  "It's ok," Kingston said uneasily as he looked toward his master.

  "She is right, my lord. You said you'd be letting her get settled. She was just about to eat."

  "I am hungry!" He stopped in and walked to the man on the grill. The man was cooking, sizzling and twitching as his flesh popped and blistered while the smell of freshly cooked meat filled the room. The master ran a claw along the man's burned body as it walked up to his head.

  He leaned down, opening his huge jaws wide and bit half the man's head off in one chomp. The grill sizzled louder as blood and brains poured out of the man's skull and onto the hot surface. The beast chewed as it walked over to Alice with chunks of skull stuck to its lips and teeth.

  It glared down at her as she pressed herself against the wall.

  "So how do you like it here," it said.

  "Um, it's ok I guess," she said, trembling.

  "You're not the first outsider to arrive."

  "Yeah. I've heard that."

  "Good! Then you'll know escape is hopeless."

  "Yeah, I heard that too."

  The beast turned to Kingston and pointed at Alice.

  "Have her cleaned up and in the dungeon in an hour!" The Beast said.

  "But sir, dinner."

  "I already ate!" he said as he stormed out.

  Alice looked over at Kingston, partially relieved she wouldn't have to eat a man. But also wondering why she was going back into the dungeon. Especially why clean up to return to the dungeon?

  "Right this way ma'am," Kingston said as he led her out of the dining room and to a bedroom. It wasn't in the greatest of shape, it looked as run down as the rest of the place, but at least it was mostly clean.

  "There is a bath in the back room there. I put some clean clothes in the closet for you. So please bathe and be ready in an hour. I'm not joking, he'll storm in here himself if you aren't."

  Alice nodded and removed her dress as she drew a bath in the large tub. The hot water felt amazing as she eased herself in. There was a bar of soap nearby. She took the soap and lathered her entire body, standing to get her legs and back. Once she was lathered up, she sat down and scrubbed the filth from herself and leaned back.

  Sadly she only had an hour and didn't want the weird monster to come barging in on her, so she climbed out and wrapped one of the large towels around her body. Heading to the closet, she looked through and was surprised to find modern clothing. She was expecting old gowns and dresses like she'd run into so far.

  Instead, she found a nice t-shirt, a hoodie and a pair of yoga pants. They all seemed to fit, and she felt so much better wearing something besides a maidservant dress. Once dressed, she heard a knock on the door. She assumed it was Kingston since they’d knocked. When she opened the door, she saw she was right.

  "Oh very good, you found the clothes. They look very nice on you. Are you ready?"

  "I guess so. Why are we going to the dungeon? Is he going to chain me up like Belle?" It was a dumb question. Like he's going to say "oh yes, we are going to strip you naked, chain you to the wall and rape you."

  "No, he has no intentions of harming you. He just wants you present for something important."


  They walked back down the stairs and into the dark, smelly dungeon. When they arrived, Belle was there still chained and naked, looking at them.

  "What's going on? Is it time?" Bell asked.

  "Almost, my dear Belle," Kingston said.

  Belle looked over at Alice and then looked away. Alice wasn't sure what was going on but had a bad feeling about it. They had waited for almost another hour before the beast showed up. During that time, Alice tried to ask Kingston more questions about this place, the portals and how she got here.

  He was apparently over it, however. Most of his answers were shrugs or vague responses like "I guess that depends on you, my dear." Not the most helpful. The beast suddenly appeared in the doorway and roared, scaring the hell out of her. For something so huge and monstrous, he sure had no problem sneaking around.

  Nigel and three other men were flanking the beast, all of them had smirks on their faces. The longer this dragged out, the more Alice got the feeling there was some kind of sick joke of which she was about to be the butt.

  "Good! Everyone is here!" The beast called out. "Now we can begin!"

  Chapter 4

  Belle looked up longingly to the beast as it approached.

  "I'm ready for you, my love," she called out. The beast grew closer as its long, shiny, pink penis began protruding as he approached. Alice didn't think she could stomach another romp session with these two again, but they went at it. Much like before, Belle wrapped her legs around the creature as the thing thrust away at her.

  Once they finished, Belle hung there, gasping as the beast stood over her drooling.

  "Are you ready my dear?" the creature asked.

  "Yes. Finish it!"

  The beast lifted a claw as the men with him each grabbed onto Alice's arms. She tried to fight, but they took her by surprise and were incredibly strong. The best thrust its claw into the skin just under Belle's ear and began slicing up the side of her head. Belle screamed but also sounded like she was moaning as the beast cut along her forehead and down the other side of her face.

  If Alice didn't know any better, she'd have thought the woman was enjoying it.

  "Oh God!" Belle screamed. "Oh fuck! Fuck yes! Yes!" As the beast finished slicing and began ripping the severed skin from her face. Blood ran down Belle's body and into her mouth. She made a slurping sound as she licked up her own blood. The crazy bitch was enjoying it. Stockholm syndrome or not, the chick was bat-shit. Alice watched with morbid curiosity as the beast handed Belle's face to one of the men who walked over toward Alice.

  Alice didn't know what they were planning and began struggling again but to no avail. The man held up the bloody skin mask which was formerly Belle's face and pressed it to Alice's face. The beast made a laughing, growling sound at the sight as Belle screamed and writhed around.

  The beast turned back to Belle and with its claw reached down and inserted it into her vagina. Belle grunted at first and then began moaning again as it
dug around as she screamed and moaned. He pulled out his claw and held it up showing a chunk of bloody, clumpy tissue on its tip. He walked over to Alice as one of the men pinched her face, forcing her mouth open.

  "No!" She screamed as the beast pushed its claw into her mouth. She closed it some, but the claw cut right through her lip. She opened her mouth back up so as not to have her lips cut off completely. The best scraped off the chunks of Belle's vaginal tissue into Alice's mouth.

  Alice gagged as the salty, coppery clump slid down her throat. Thankfully it went right down, and she barely tasted it. Still the idea of what she had just eaten was making her sick. Part of her wished she’d eaten the man upstairs. At least he’d been cooked.

  The beast continued cutting on Belle, slicing her stomach open from navel to ribcage and ripped the incision apart. Belle's intestines spilled out onto the floor as the beast began to speak.

  "I wasn't always a monster, you know," he said.

  "I was once a prince. One day I fell in love with a young woman whose mother was a witch. She didn't take kindly to her daughter being with a wealthy prince. She warned me to stay away, but I didn't listen. So she turned me into this. The longer I remain in this form, the more beast-like I become. I can't stop it or control it. The hunger, the rage, the primal urge to kill grows stronger each day."

  "Is cutting people's faces off and sticking them on others part of those urges?" Alice chided.

  "I have only a few more months to lift the curse, or I'll become full beast. I'll even lose my ability to talk. I'll be nothing more than a wild animal."

  "We all have problems. So you fucking do this to people? What does any of this have to do with me?"

  "The witch told me someone will come from another place and time to lift the curse. Even though many have come, none have been able to lift it."

  "So you think I can lift this curse? How? I'm not a fucking witch."

  "I don't know." The beast cut along Belle's rib cage. Belle had stopped screaming and was now gasping for breath. He used several claws to cut through her ribs and open up her chest cavity. Reaching in he pulled out her lungs, liver and heart. Belle took one final gasp as she went still.

  The beast dumped the organs onto the floor. Alice wasn't sure if this was some kind of ritual or was he doing it just for his own thrills?

  One of the men holding her, still holding her arm tried to bend down to pick up one of the organs. She had no idea why but didn't hesitate. Once he bent forward, she kicked him in the face as hard as she could. His head snapped back as his nose crunched beneath her foot. The other man holding her lost his grip as she pulled away and immediately ran out of the door and down the hall.

  She didn't look back as she charged up the stairs and through the castle, searching for a door. She found it. It was a tall, wooden set of double doors locked by a large wooden beam held in place by a set of large iron slots. Running to it, she slid the long, heavy beam out of the slots until it fell free. Once the beam was gone, the door swung open. She ran outside into the grass which led to a long, green field.

  She finally looked back and saw the castle behind her. She had hoped she caught them enough by surprise to have gotten a good enough head start. But the beast was just coming through the doorway, running on all fours. The thing looked furious and was coming right for her.

  Chapter 5

  Alice tried to pick up her pace, but the beast closed in on her. In the open field, there was nowhere to run or hide. The creature pounced on her, knocking her to the ground and knocking the wind out of her as she fell.

  "Where do you think you're going?" it howled.

  "I don't know! I can't help you! I can't break any curse! Killing me or killing everyone who comes through here won't break your fucking curse! You ever stop to think to stop acting like a homicidal maniac?" Her fear of angering him was long gone as she figured he was about to kill her anyway. She just hoped whatever he did was quick and not the torment she'd just seen Belle go through.

  The beast stood and pulled her to her feet by the hair. He dragged her with him across the field as she held on to his wrist, trying to fight him off. Fighting was useless. He was way too strong. Best thing she could do was accept her imminent death and most likely inhuman suffering she was about to endure. They reached the door to the castle when a woman she'd never seen before appeared.

  The woman was at least as filthy as Alice had been when she first arrived. She had long blonde hair and green eyes that scanned the area looking confused. She was another traveler. She had to be. Alice felt terrible for the thought, but part of her hoped the beast would forget about her and go after the new girl long enough for her to escape.

  Turns out that wasn't necessary.

  "Where am I?" the woman asked as the beast approached. The best stood looking her up and down.

  "Who are you?"

  "I'm Taryn." She reached up and put her hand on the side of the beast's face, gently stroking his patches of fur. "Who might you be?"

  "I've never spoken my name. I've always just been a beast."

  "I bet you weren't always, were you? I can see it in your eye. You've suffered much pain."

  The beast let go of Alice as it reached up and put its hands on Taryn's shoulders. They stood looking at each other talking some more. Maybe this was the one meant to break his spell. Not that Alice actually cared. As the two talked and eventually embraced, she turned and took off running again.

  This time, no one was chasing her. She ran until neither the beast nor castle was visible. There was a thick, tall tree up ahead. Her legs were getting tired and heavy as she slowed her pace. When she reached the tree, she sat down next to it to catch her breath. As she leaned against it, there was a large opening the size of a small door on the far side.

  Looking into the opening, she saw it was pitch black. She wondered if this was the portal. She could be wrong, but she had to know. She sucked in her gut and chest as much as a girl could "suck" in her own boobs and squeezed through. Once she was through she began to fall, down, down she went into the darkness. She closed her eyes as she fell, hoping this would be her last bizarre trip.


  When she awoke, she was lying on her back with the hot sun bearing down on her face. Her sister, Amy, was standing over her saying her name over and over.

  "Alice. Are you ok? Alice! Alice!"

  "What? What happened?"

  "You ran after some rabbit then fell. You were out for a few minutes. I thought you were really hurt. I tried to call an ambulance, but there's no signal out here."

  "What? A few minutes?" That was it? This was all just a dream?

  "Yeah. Why? Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

  "No. I feel kinda sore, but I think I'm ok."

  "Good." Amy took her by the hand and pulled her to her feet. Let's go home."

  "Good idea." Alice stood and followed Amy as they walked back to the car. Her legs and back were sore and achy with each step. She must have run hard after the rabbit. Her left arm felt like something was running down it as her skin stung. She slid her sleeve up to see blood running down her bicep from what looked like a set of claw marks.

  The End

  About the Author

  Tim began writing at a very young age. Even in grade school he'd sit around with his notebook, writing stories for himself and his friends.

  As an adult, Tim's writings have evolved into darker realms. He released his first horror novel, "The Hand of God" in 2011. Since then his books have become progressively more violent and gory. With the release of "Family Night" in 2013, Tim had moved into the world of extreme horror where he continues to push the boundaries of human suffering.

  Tim is now an international best seller as well. His book, "Hell, Texas" has recently ranked high on Amazon sales charts since its release in Germany under German publisher, Festa-Verlag.

  Tim is very active on social media and loves interacting with his readers. You can find him at his website at
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  Also by Tim Miller




  Curse of the Gut Ripper

  Hell, Texas

  Family Night

  My Brother’s Keeper

  Fertile Fields




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