COWBOY ROMANCE: Avery (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 3)

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COWBOY ROMANCE: Avery (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 3) Page 41

by Amanda Boone

  “Baby doll, we are too far apart for a relationship. I just miss playing with you,” he told her, laughing.

  Mindy felt a tinge of irritation at his words, but they were still a relief if it meant he wouldn't randomly show up at her doorstep. She knew she had given Veronica her address, but she couldn’t imagine that she would share that information with Vince, would she?

  Once Vince finally hung up, Mindy texted Veronica to cover her bases, just in case.

  Mindy: You didn’t give Vince my address did you?

  Veronica: Last week I did, why?

  Mindy: OMG! Why would you do that?

  Veronica: He told me you stopped by before you left and you invited him :( I’m sorry

  Mindy: It’s ok, I doubt he will come all this way

  Veronica: You want me to tell him to stay away?

  Mindy: No, I’ll talk to him

  Mindy realized she had no choice but to tell Vince she had met someone else. She hated to hurt him, but the thought of him destroying her life in New York scared the hell out of her. She held the phone in her hand, staring at Vince’s last text, before finally ending things once and for all.

  Mindy: I’ve met someone here, I’m sorry :(

  She felt guilt, pain, and relief from her text. As she saw the little icon appear under the bubble, indicating Vince had read her message, she felt tears well up in her eyes.

  Vince: I won’t bother you no more

  That text shot a bullet into Mindy’s heart. But she knew she done the right thing. Their relationship was just about sex anyways. She couldn’t imagine that Vince had any real feelings for her, even though she was sure she had some for him.

  Chapter Five

  Mindy rolled over to find Kevin had already gotten out of bed. She tip-toed out of her bedroom and caught him flipping pancakes like a short order cook in her kitchen. She leaned against the wall, watching as he hummed a tune and stacked the pancakes on top of one another. He was absolutely adorable.

  “Oh, you’re awake.” Kevin gasped as he turned to find her spying on him.

  “God, I love you,” Mindy said.

  “I love you too, my dear.” Kevin gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, then went back to his cooking station.

  The last month had been a whirlwind. Kevin had brought Mindy to meet his parents in the Hamptons, her parents had made a trip to New York to meet him, and the “L” word was being thrown around so freely over the last two weeks that Mindy finally felt like she was in a real adult relationship.

  She sat at the table and watched Kevin plate her breakfast. He sat down beside her, then placed his head in his hands as his elbows rested on the table.

  “I’m happier than I ever thought possible,” he whispered.

  “Me too,” Mindy agreed.

  “Good, now enough mush. Eat up… We have a big day,” he ordered playfully.

  Mindy scarfed her pancakes down like a professional eater, and then disappeared into the bedroom to get dressed for the day. She had been looking forward to this day ever since she had arrived in New York. The annual art festival was beginning, and Mindy knew that all the new and upcoming artists would be setting up early. She wanted to be the one to discover the next Jackson Pollock, or even the next Vincent Van Gogh.

  She thought about Vince for the first time in weeks as she dressed, his face popping randomly into her head. She hoped he was doing ok and that he did not hate her.

  Kevin was already standing at the door when Mindy emerged from the room. She was dressed in a short white skirt, strappy sandals and a pink tank top. Kevin was wearing white shorts and a soft green collar-shirt that had pale pink stripes to match. They were ridiculously in love, Mindy knew that.

  The art festival was everything Mindy had hoped for. New artists displayed their best work on the sidewalks while spectators, buyers, and art directors all inspected their favorite pieces. Mindy had found a young artist who caught her eye with paintings surrounding his plastic orange school chair. His work was rustic and edgy. She could tell that he was using less than quality paints, and Kevin showed little interest in the man that was covered in grunge with a long black beard. Mindy refused to walk away, and before Kevin could stop her, she purchased the entire collection for the gallery.

  The man was so grateful that he hugged her right there in the street. He smelled of bug spray and urine with a hint of whiskey. Kevin pulled her away from the man, and then told him to come by the studio for a check. He then made a call to have someone from the gallery pick up the work, and then rolled his eyes at the elated Mindy.

  “With the right tools, this man will be great!” she exclaimed. “And those old pieces we just bought, those will be the ones to bring in the real money once he is established.”

  “So, you plan on storing all of those…for how long?” Kevin laughed.

  “For as long as it takes,” she admitted.

  “This is why I hired you.” He chuckled, holding her hand as they walked across the street to grab lunch.

  As Mindy told Kevin about the agreement she made with the man, he took bites of his BLT, occasionally swirling his spoon in his tomato soup. When she told him she only offered the man a quarter of the art’s worth until he delivered new work with the tools she supplied him with for a showing, he raised his eyebrows.

  “Sexy and savvy,” he praised.

  Mindy felt good with Kevin. She felt smart, sophisticated, and sexy. She loved how he looked at her, how he hung on her every word, and how he actually listened to her ideas.

  The loud roar of motorcycles drowned out Mindy’s words as she tried to explain the rest of her plan. Six motorcycles sat at the corner waiting on the light to change. Mindy couldn’t resist looking. She missed the vibration between her legs and the wind in her hair. She missed Vince a little at that moment.

  As the light changed and the bikes started down the road, Mindy’s eyes widened and her stomach flipped upside down as she noticed Vince with someone who looked similar to that skanky blonde who'd hung on him at the bar the first time they'd met.

  “Are you OK?” Kevin asked.

  Mindy pulled her attention back to Kevin, trying to hide her confusion and her jealousy. “I’m fine. I just thought I seen someone I knew,” she said.

  “The bikers? You know bikers?” Kevin’s voice was boisterous as he laughed. “You never cease to amaze me, Mindy.” He smiled widely at her while she shoved her sandwich into her still hanging open mouth.

  Mindy couldn’t help but wonder why Vince was there. She hoped it wasn’t for her.

  Though a small part of her hoped it was.

  Back at the apartment, Kevin left with the promise to return for a night on the town to celebrate her amazing discovery of the day. Mindy ran upstairs and showered, and then dressed for a night of dancing, drinking, and forgetting about Vince riding through her city.

  Every time Mindy heard the rumble of a motorcycle outside her window, she rushed to check for Vince. Each time she expected him to be parked outside her window, revving his engine and calling out her name like Sylvester Stallone in the Rocky movie.

  Kevin arrived promptly, as usual, and was dressed to kill. He complimented Mindy on her sequined blue cocktail dress with the low cut neckline and swirling skirt, and then they headed off into the city for some fun.

  “It’s a new place. I hear they have the most amazing appetizers in the city, and some of the strongest drinks,” Kevin answered when Mindy asked where they were headed.

  The driver let them out in front of a swanky building that was lined with people along the streets begging to get in. Kevin walked to the front of the line, and the man smiled at him as he opened the rope to let him and Mindy through. Mindy loved the power that came with having Kevin on her arm. As Kevin opened the door for her to enter, she caught a glimpse of several bikes in the side parking lot, one of which looked just like Vince’s.

  A well-dressed blonde walked Mindy and Kevin to a table near the front of the bar with a view of the
crowd. They sat in the comfortable cushioned booth, and Kevin ordered them each a mojito and Spanish wonton tacos for them to start. Mindy was distracted by the crowd, busy scanning the people for Vince, or anyone that looked like Vince.

  “Are you looking for me, baby doll?” Vince’s voice startled Mindy.

  “Huh? I, uh…Your bike… I saw it earlier, and then again in the parking lot,” Mindy stammered, fumbling for her words.

  “Well, no need to break your pretty little neck looking for me. I’m right here” Vince smirked. He motioned towards Kevin, then extended his hand. “So, who’s your man?”

  “Kevin. Kevin, this is Vince” Mindy made the formal introductions she had once hoped to avoid forever.

  “You look real nice. Real nice, baby doll,” Vince said as he scanned Mindy’s breast line, then her face for her uncomfortable reaction.

  “Thanks. Why are you here?” she asked, feeling it may have come off rude after she spoke.

  “Buddy Charles just opened this place, came out to support him.” Vince smiled as he added that he needed to get back to his old lady before she put out an A.P.B. on him.

  “How do you know him?” Kevin asked after Vince walked away.

  Mindy could tell he was uncomfortable and a little confused.

  “From home, he was a friend of my neighbor's,” Mindy responded.

  She didn’t want to explain how she worked in a bar after school, especially since it wasn’t even for an entire night. She hoped that he wouldn't ask anything personal about her and Vince. Since he mentioned he had an old lady, she figured that Kevin would just find his inappropriate comments and behavior to be a lack of social class, not a hint that something went on between the two of them.

  “He seems friendlier than just someone your neighbor knew.” Kevin smiled.

  Mindy was watching Vince as he gripped the blonde’s tiny waist and pulled her close. His arms were bursting through his t-shirt as if he had been lifting weights while she'd been gone. He glanced over to the table and caught her looking at him, then smiled in his sly grin. Mindy quickly looked away, turning her attention back to Kevin, who was watching her while she watched Vince.

  “Baby, is there something you’re not telling me?” he asked.

  Kevin was not one to fool easily. He was highly intelligent and working with people every day made his very good at reading situations. She explained to him that yes, Vince was more than her neighbor's friend. She admitted to the bike rides and the shared beers, but was hesitant to admit the rest. Kevin’s eyes told her he already knew and just wanted to know she would be honest, so she was. She told him how they had had a one night stand that seemed like it was turning into something more, and about how she got the job and left him behind—and that she felt guilty.

  “Do you love him?” Kevin asked.

  “Oh no, we never got to the point of saying that to one another. It was just a couple weeks,” Mindy defended.

  “That’s not what I asked.” Kevin’s look was serious suddenly. “Do you love him?” he asked.

  “No, of course not,” Mindy said softly. “I love you,” she added before leaning in for a soft kiss.

  Kevin excused himself to go to the men’s room, leaving Mindy in the booth. Vince quickly found his way up to Mindy. He placed his hands on the table and stared into Mindy’s eyes with intensity that made her heart flutter.

  “Are you wearing panties?” he asked with his eyebrows raised.

  “That is no longer your business, sir,” Mindy teased.

  “Oh, it’s always my business” he said. “I came all this way just to find out.”

  Mindy felt her face begin to blush, and everything around her silenced and slowly faded away. All she could see was Vince. All she could hear was Vince. Her head spun with excitement at the thought of him coming all that way for her.

  “I thought you came for your buddy’s opening,” Mindy said sarcastically.

  “Oh yeah, all this way for a beer… I think not, baby doll.” He smirked. “You’re the only thing worth this ride.”

  “What about your old lady?” Mindy asked with a saddened tone.

  “I’m looking at her” he said, “and I've come to bring her home.”

  “Excuse me.” Kevin emerged from behind Vince. Mindy wasn't sure how long he had been standing there, or how much he heard. She felt herself turn pink again, and her stomach felt as though a thousand butterflies were just unleashed.

  “I don’t mean to intrude, but me and this little lady have some unfinished business, and I rode a long way to finish it.” Vince spoke with confidence.

  Kevin took Mindy’s hand and pulled her towards him and out of the booth. “Sweetheart, I paid the tab, so I’ll be in the car. I will give you some time, but I won’t wait forever,” he said softly.

  He placed a soft kiss on her cheek and left through the front door. Mindy stood face-to-face with Vince, the man who made her knees weak and her thighs quiver just with his voice.

  Vince pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. “Damn, girl, you smell delicious,” he whispered in her ear.

  She felt his hand slide down the back of her dress and onto her ass cheek. “Good girl,” he said as he failed to find a panty line through her dresses silky material.

  His breath was hot and soothing on her neck, and she felt herself drift away from reality as he flicked his tongue against her earlobe.

  His lips pressed against her neck, parting so he could nibble at her sensitive skin. She felt her nipples harden under her dress and her juices begin to flow between her legs. She wanted him. But she didn’t need him.

  She pulled away from his embrace and felt the tears roll down her face. “I’m sorry, I can’t,” she said, and then ran out the front door.

  She stood in the parking lot, looking desperately for Kevin’s car. She felt her stomach sink as she realized she had probably lost him forever. She knew she should have gone out with him. It was stupid to stay. It was probably a test of her loyalty, and she failed.

  Headlights flashed across the parking lot, and then the black car pulled up to the door. Vince yelled her name into the night air as she climbed into the car with Kevin. He took her hand in his and looked at her with love in his eyes.

  “I’m so sorry!” Mindy sobbed in his arms.

  “No need. You can only move forward when your past stops pulling you back,” he responded.

  He held her close and kissed her on the top of the head.

  “This is where I belong,” she whispered.


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  Protected by the Alpha Biker

  A Biker Romance Story

  Protected by the Alpha Biker

  Kendal took a long sip from her vodka soda and looked around the smoky room at all the drunken people laughing and enjoying the company of their friends. She glanced up at her best friend sitting across from her and was instantly grateful for the fact that she didn’t have to make fake pleasantries with anyone else. It truly got exhausting. That was why after all the things she had recently been through, she had found a deeper appreciation for the one true friend that had stuck with her through it all.

  “Are you okay?” Lexy asked as she waved her hand in front of Kendal’s face.

  “What? Oh, yeah. I’m fine. I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you.” Reaching across the table, Kendal gave her hand a little squeeze.

  “Aw! Well, I’m pretty lucky to have you too.” For a moment Kendal remembered back to their childhood and all of the memories they had made together since birth. Even now, twenty-nine years later, they were still closer than ever.

  The girls had grown up on the same block and had even been born in the same hospital only a month apart. With each of them being an only child, they were the closest th
ing to siblings either of them had ever had. They went to all the same schools when they were younger and even attended the same college after graduation. They had of course roomed together, and as fate would have it, they were back to being roommates now after all this time.

  Lexy’s eyes grew in size as she looked past Kendal, toward the door, and let out a sigh.


  “A group of bikers just walked in,” Lexy said as she swallowed the rest of her drink and raised her hand, signaling the bartender to bring them another round.

  “Great… Just one more drink, okay? Then we can go home?”

  “Yeah, just one more.” Tipping the bartender, she handed Kendal her drink and let her eyes longingly follow him as he walked back behind the bar.

  “For God’s sake, why don’t you just go talk to him?”

  “Who?” Lexy’s cheeks turned pink with embarrassment.

  “You know who I’m talking about: the bartender you drool over every time we come here. Why don’t you just go and talk to him?”

  Lexy looked between her and the man she had had a crush on for months and let out a hesitant laugh. “He’s like way out of my league.”

  “Shut up. He is not! Just go and talk to him, you baby,” Kendal teased.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll go over there, but you can’t make fun of me when he shuts me down.” Swallowing down the rest of her drink to gain some liquid courage, Lexy made her way over to the bar and sat gracefully on the edge of an old, worn-out leather stool. Kendal smiled to herself as she watched her run her hands through her hair and lean flirtingly close to the dark-haired man on the other side of the carved island.

  “Friend of yours?” a deep voice asked from beside her. She snapped her head to the side in fear and saw a man standing to her left, hovering over the extra chair where Lexy had previously sat.


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