COWBOY ROMANCE: Avery (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 3)

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COWBOY ROMANCE: Avery (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 3) Page 137

by Amanda Boone

  Gard stood there holding the food she ordered, and fury glittering in his eyes. “Room service, ma’am.”

  * * *

  Lily tried to close the door, but Gard forced his way in and kicked it shut behind him.

  He looked around the squalid little room before fixing his gaze on her shocked face. “You left me so you could stay at a roach motel?”

  “I’m not a billionaire.” Lily wrapped her arms around her waist. “But I would like you to leave. Now, please.”

  “Oh, I will.” Gard tossed the food he’d taken from the delivery boy onto the rickety table by the window. “Once you explain why you ran away from me, and how you got the money for this, and what the hell is going on.”

  “I’ve recovered, and I have to get on with my life.” Lily turned her back on him. “You don’t owe me anything, Gard. I can take care of myself. Now please, go.”

  He heard the strain in her voice, and saw how she was shivering. “You still don’t get it.” He went to her, and turned her to face him. “This isn’t about what happened on the island. It’s about us. Why did you run from me?”

  Her lower lip trembled. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “I told you what I’d do if you kept lying.” Before she could react Gard dragged her over to the bed, pulling her down onto his lap and jerking up the skirt of her dress. The sight of her naked buttocks made him go instantly hard, and he caressed the quivering curves as he said, “You belong to me, Lily. Say it.”

  She remained mute and struggled until he gave her ass a stinging slap. “Please, Gard, I can’t.”

  He spanked her again. “You weren’t playing when you gave yourself to me. You weren’t pretending when you got on your knees and sucked my cock.” He rubbed his palm over the sore spots before he slapped her a third time. “You needed to submit to me. You loved surrendering to me.” He cupped her sex, and felt the wet heat of her on his palm. “Your body admits it. Now you will.”

  Gard spanked her over and over as Lily writhed on his lap and gasped, until finally she gasped out, “Yes. I’m yours. James, please.”

  He rolled with her, tucking her beneath him as he reached for his zipper. Freeing his aching cock was almost as much a relief as pushing her thighs apart, and sinking it into her slick softness.

  “Look at me, sweetheart. Yes, there it is.” He shoved deeper, filling and stretching her with his heavy girth. “I’ve waited three weeks to plow this sweet pussy.” He drew back and pressed in, pumping in and out of her as he watched her face. “It’s so good, the way you cling to my rod. Ah, yeah, like that, squeeze me like that. You feel it now, too, don’t you?”

  She whimpered as he jerked open the top of her dress, baring her swollen breasts and puckered nipples to his gaze.

  Gard drove deep inside her, and held himself there as he lowered his head to lick one nipple as he gently pinched the other. When she moaned he lifted his head. “I might just play with your tits for the rest of the night.”

  Her eyes filled with desire and shame. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “So you know who I am.” He hoisted her legs up over his shoulders, and began shafting her hard enough to make her breasts bounce. “I’m your lover, and your master. You’re mine now, Lily. All mine. Say it.”

  “I’m yours.” She took in a sobbing breath before she said, “James, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  Gard pistoned in and out of her until she cried out and shook beneath him. With a groan he jerked his cock out of her pussy and pumped it in his fist until his seed pulsed out in long ribbons over her belly and breasts. When he finished and stretched out beside her, he took her hand and used it to rub his cream into her skin.

  “You can’t run from me or the truth,” he said quietly, and kissed her temple. “So you might as well tell me.”

  Chapter Five

  Lily rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. She still didn’t want to tell him about her past, but to go on concealing it would only make him more determined to find out. “You had it turned around on the island. My father is Chinese, and my mother was French. They became lovers in college, and I was the result.”

  “That’s why you’re so beautiful.” He traced the outline of her lips with his finger tip. “You’re a love child.”

  She didn’t bother to correct him. “My mother died of influenza when I was still an infant, and her family didn’t want me, so my father took me back to Taiwan to live with him. He cared for me as much as he could, but most Asian people don’t approve of children with mixed blood. Father’s very wealthy and important family took one look at my blonde hair and blue eyes, and then pretended that I didn’t exist.”

  Gard uttered a low growl. “Morons.”

  Lily smiled. “It’s just the way it is. They weren’t cruel to me. Neither was my father, although I seldom saw him. When the time came for my father to marry, they sent me away to school, and then arranged for me to work as a translator at one of the family businesses in Taiwan.”

  Gard brushed the hair back from her brow. “How did you end up on the island?”

  “Zempa had me abducted.” Remembering the day she’d been dragged off the street on her way to work made her feel sick. “When the drugs wore off, I was so terrified. Zempa threatened to expose the affair unless my father did what he wanted. But he overestimated my value. My father contacted the media first, and admitted to his youthful indiscretion, and formally apologized to his wife and family. He then legally disowned me.”

  “Oh, sweetheart.” Gard pulled her closer.

  “Zempa was so angry at first I thought he would kill me.” Lily blinked against the hot sting in her eyes. “But instead he kept me, and told me one day he’d give me to someone important. Someone he wanted to impress. Which was you.” She gave Gard a sideways glance. “And here we are.”

  “Does your father know you’re free now?” When she nodded he frowned. “When will he be here?”

  “He arranged a new passport and some money for me, in return for my promise never to contact him again.” She tried to smile, but her heavy heart pulled at the corners of her lips. “So I am on my own now.”

  “Not for long.” He gave her a tender, lingering kiss. “You’re coming back home with me.”

  Lily stared at him. “Didn’t you hear anything I just said? I have nothing. No home, no family, no job. Zempa was right, James. I am worthless.”

  “Maybe to him, and your idiot father, but not to me,” Gard said, pulling her on top of him. “You’re beautiful, and sexy, and more courageous than any woman I’ve ever known. You risked your life to save mine, so now it’s my turn.”

  “You don’t have to do anything for me,” she whispered.

  “You should remember that I’m a demanding ass who is going to boss you around, and dominate you, and keep dragging you off to bed,” he warned her. “But I can give you a good life, Lily. I can give you almost anything you want, but the one thing I’ll never do is give up on you.”

  “Why?” She cradled his face between her hands. “You don’t even know me.”

  “I’m working on that.” He smiled slowly. “And I love you, sweetheart.”

  Lily kissed him, and tasted her own tears on his lips before she said, “All right. Take me home, James.”


  The Spy’s Desires

  Bound to the Alpha Billionaire

  Book 2

  (Can be read as a standalone book)

  By: Lucy Wynand

  The Spy’s Desires

  Chapter One

  “You’ve worked for Simon Denning for five years,” the perspiring tabloid reporter said as he blocked the office door with a pudgy arm. “So you gotta know if he’s seeing Chanda Lear.”

  Anna Kerr imagined how much easier her life would be if she were licensed to kill, like her boss. “Mr. Denning doesn’t date light fixtures.”

  He snorted out a laugh. “Don’t you watch television? I’m talking about Chanda Lear, the hottest reali
ty star on the planet.”

  When Anna had moved from London to Nassau, she’d left behind everything but her summer clothes, and she’d never bothered to buy a television. Living in a tropical paradise where the temperature rarely dipped below sultry made it impossible for her to stay indoors; she spent most of her spare time swimming in the jewel-bright sea or tending to the exotic flower garden she’d planted behind her little beachside cottage.

  Working as a secretary to Simon Denning wasn’t exciting, exactly, although it was part of Anne’s job to protect her British billionaire playboy boss. She did so primarily by helping to maintain the myth of the hedonistic, jet-setting lifestyle that he used as a cover for his intelligence work. That included arranging deliveries of very expensive flowers and gifts to whatever beautiful woman he was currently bedding, although she hadn’t yet heard about this oddly-named celebrity.

  “Come on, Ms. Kerr.” The reporter’s tone became wheedling. “If you give me something juicy, I can make it worth your while.” He rubbed the tips of his fingers together.

  “Right.” She took out her mobile. “I’m calling security now to have you escorted from the building – unless you’d rather leave on your own, and not be dragged out and tossed in the street?”

  “You Limeys are so snotty,” the reporter snapped before he stalked off.

  “Half-Scottish, actually,” she called after him before sighing and unlocking the office door.

  Once Anna put her bag and keys on her desk, she went into the little kitchen to put on the kettle. She could make tea in her sleep, so the task gave her time to ponder the reporter’s ambush, and the possibility that her boss might be romantically involved with a woman using such a ridiculous name.

  “So what if he is?” she muttered as she measured a precise amount of fragrant Darjeeling for the pot. “He’s a billionaire, and she’s on television. Match made in heaven, I should think.”

  Learning that Simon had taken up with a new woman always stung a little. He went through lovers like bags of crisps, while she watched and suffered in silence. Yet Anna knew if she told her rich, handsome boss how she felt, he’d give her the sack instead of his heart.

  Falling in love with Simon had been inevitable. From the moment they’d met at her final interview, he’d even predicted that she would.

  “You’ve been vetted and briefed by MI-6, so you know what to expect from the job,” Simon said, sounding bored. “Now, when you fall in love with me, how will you cope?”

  Anna’s throat tightened; the last man she’d given her heart to had paid for it with his life. “I’m sorry, sir?”

  “Every secretary I’ve had has gone daft over me. Damned inconvenient, but it’s happened so often that I feel I must warn you in advance.” He glanced up from reading the file she’d presented. “Unless you’re a lesbian?”

  “Sorry, no, sir.” She smiled politely. “I suppose I could become one, if you think it would help.”

  A glint of appreciation warmed Simon’s cold eyes as he tapped her C.V. “You’ve not listed that sense of humor on here.”

  “It’s not always considered a positive attribute by the intelligence ministries, sir.” Anna hesitated before she asked, “Why haven’t you hired a male assistant?”

  “I tried that, too.” He grimaced. “Phillip still sends the occasional love letter. As for you . . . .” He looked her over from her neat chignon of auburn hair to her small feet in sensible pumps. “You’re smart, accomplished, and very attractive. Why aren’t you making some fortunate chap deliriously happy?”

  “I did, for a time.” She refused to let her voice falter as she told him the rest of the lie. “Gareth died last year, a month before we were to marry. Leukemia.”

  Simon’s expression went from cynic to bleak. “Oh, bloody hell.”

  “Yes, it was. It’s also why I came to the islands, to make a fresh start.” Anna regarded him with all the composure she could fake. “I’m looking for a job, Mr. Denning, not love. With all due respect to your many attractions, I buried my heart with my fiancé. I’ve no desire to exhume the remains.”

  “Very well.” He tossed her file onto the desk as he stood and offered his hand. “Congratulation, Ms. Kerr. You’re hired.”

  Anna completed the handshake, and felt a jolt of awareness as his fingers curled around hers. In that moment she almost refused the job, but the only alternative she had was to return to London, and the life she’d left in ruins there. “Thank you, sir.”

  Simon startled her by bringing her knuckles to his lips. “Someday you’ll love again, Anna. I promise.”

  Now, as Anna emptied the kettle into the pot, she felt her cheeks flush, but not from the heat of the steaming water. Remembering that old-fashioned, gentlemanly gesture Simon had made inevitably stirred her. Somehow that simple touch of his mouth on her knuckles had smashed through the icy guilt encasing her heart. Falling for him been exceedingly foolish, and she’d done her level best to conceal her feelings, but she didn’t have to wait for a someday. She’d loved him from then on.

  If he was dating this television star with the silly name, she would accept it, just as she had all the other women he’d bedded. His liaisons never lasted more than a few weeks anyway.

  Anna prepared the tea tray and carried it into her boss’s office, where she nearly dropped it when she saw him standing at the big window overlooking the island.

  Tall and deceptively lean, Simon Denning had the presence of a prince and the features of a film star. Some distant Norse ancestor had gifted the billionaire with thick golden hair and piercing pale blue eyes that drew admiring female gazes wherever he went. Anna always envied how well he wore his expensive suits, as if he were about step onto a runway in Paris to model them for lesser mortals.

  As for what his body was like under his clothes, she could only imagine – and did, quite frequently, when she needed a little sexual relief.

  “Good morning, Mr. Denning.” She set down the tray and filled a cup before bringing it to him. “I wasn’t expecting you so early. Is everything all right?”

  “Not exactly.” Simon turned, shifting his weight onto the cane he’d been using since nearly being killed protecting the Prime Minister. “There’s some chatter about the cartel planning another assassination, and Umbra is here in the islands. This time I’m going to get him, but to do that, I need your help.”

  Anna knew how determined her boss was to eliminate the notorious cartel hitman, who, in addition to shooting Simon, was responsible for dozens of deaths. “What can I do, sir?”

  He took the cup from her hands before he said, “You can go on a date with me to a kinky sex club.”

  * * *

  Simon saw anger flash in his secretary’s emerald-green eyes before she poured another cup of tea and sat down. “I know what you’re thinking, Anna. I nearly lost my leg, thanks to Umbra, and I’m in no condition to dance with him again.”

  “You should still be in hospital recovering,” she said sharply, and then sighed. “Please, sir. Let them send someone else after him.”

  “I’m the only one who has ever gotten a decent look at this bastard, so it has to be me – or us, as it happens. The club only allows couples as guests.” Simon saw her twist her fingers together. “You won’t have to have actual kinky sex with me, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  “Not at all.” She flattened her hands against her skirt. “It’s just that I’m not a field operative, sir.”

  He limped over to his chair and sat down. “What does that matter?”

  “Mr. Denning, I am your secretary. I type, file, and make tea. I chase off reporters. Occasionally I pick up your dry cleaning. I am part of the illusion that protects you from exposure.” Her fingers trembled as she tucked a tendril of dark red hair behind her ear. “What you need is someone more familiar with such scenarios. Miss Saito, perhaps – she is a practicing submissive, I believe.”

  “Kameko is on assignment in America, seducing some dodgy billionaire
scientist,” Simon reminded her. “All the other female operatives within range are too old, not attractive enough, or unable to break cover.” He could see how tight her mouth was, and wondered why she was reacting so strongly to his request. “Anna, you do know that I’m asking only because I’m desperate. If Umbra is targeting the U.S. President—”

  “Oh, of course.” She rose and refilled his tea. “Which kinky sex club is it again?”

  “That cesspit called ‘The Whip Hand.’” He saw the pot wobble and deftly took it from her. “No doubt that’s why Umbra obtained a membership; he’s always been especially brutal toward women.”

  Anna sat down, her pale face awash with morning light. Simon saw how the Caribbean sun picked out the strands of copper in her hair, the amber flecks in her viridian irises, and the gold tips of her dark eyelashes, and felt his gut clench. All this time he’d been unwaveringly diligent about keeping his hands off his sweet, sad little secretary, and now he was obliged to drag her down into the muck of his spy work. But Simon also knew if he missed this chance to take down Umbra, he might never get another – and the President of the United States could pay for it with his life.

  “I know it’s dangerous, and you’re scared,” he told her gently. “But I won’t let any harm come to you, Anna.”

  “All right.” She regarded him with her usual calm restored. “What must I do?”

  Chapter Two

  Anna had just finished applying her lipstick when she heard the Jaguar pull up to the front of her cottage, and she stepped back to take one last look at herself in the mirror. Simon had sent over the surprisingly pretty flowered dress and sexy high-heeled sandals for her to wear. They made her look younger than she was, but she supposed that was the point. The more innocent she looked, the more convincing she would be as his shy submissive girlfriend – and as she thought that, she felt excitement flutter in her heart, and fear knot in her stomach.


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