A Constant Attraction (Attraction #2)

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A Constant Attraction (Attraction #2) Page 3

by A. J. Walters

  “No, that's all thank you. I shall be finishing up here soon, so once you have sent those couple of emails you can go home if you like.”

  Pausing for a moment, I am reminded of something.

  “Oh, actually there is just one more thing you can do for me. Could you please look up a contact number for the head of medical research at Keele University and have him put through to me in about 15 minutes or so?”

  “Certainly Dr Sanders. I'll do that straight away.”

  Picking up the phone on my desk to call my Father, I kick myself as I wonder why I didn’t think about the idea I have, sooner.


  Opting to have a light refreshment at a family pub on the outskirts of town, both Erin and I sigh with contentment as we take our first tantalizingly tasty, sips of the cold, crisp liquid in our 'fish bowl' like glasses.

  “So come on then Izzy, I know when you are keeping something vitally important from me, you've been avoiding the subject all day so far, with your distraction techniques and that. However going by the 'I've just had heavenly sex' grin on your face, I am guessing there is a man involved in this somewhere.”

  Erin scrutinizes me, so I pick up my phone to look in the mirror of it. Damn, she's not wrong! My eyes are dilated and my cheeks have the 'just fucked' glow about them. Bloody hell Chambers, it doesn't take much does it? One vision; one goddam sexy vision of Marc and that's it. Bam!

  “Well?” Erin enquires with the same gusto as what my mother would have used, when I had some explaining to do. God bless her soul!

  “Okay, okay!” Breathing out a defeated breath, I start to scan through the batch of photo's I have stored on my phone.

  “I'm not asking for a holiday snap slide show Izzy, I was asking for gossip, like now!”

  “Hold on, hold on, a picture will tell most of the story.”

  Passing some of the more x-rated pictures with speed, I try my best to cover and hide them from prying eyes. Finally I come across one that was taken at Ickworth House. One of the more flattering selfies we took on Marc's phone, which he then sent on to me. With nervous butterflies fluttering in my stomach, I pass the phone to Erin.

  “Fuck me Izz!”

  Right, let's just say her response isn't exactly said in a quiet or subtle way and therefore understandably, a selection of displeased faces turns towards us. Lowering my head, I cover my eyes in the hope that if I can't see them, they can't see me.

  “Where the heck did you meet this hottie?”

  I can't help but notice that Erin hasn't taken her eyes from off the screen, since I handed the phone to her and at one point, when she first laid eyes on the photo, I actually thought I would have to rescue her large brown eyes from sinking in the pint glass on the table opposite us.

  Sitting up from a cowering position after Erin's outburst, I retrieve the handset from her, I say retrieve....once I had pried it from her hands, I also then gaze all misty eyed at the image in front of me.

  “At the hotel I am staying at. It's a long story, but heck Erin, I have to pinch myself every morning that I wake up with him.”

  Realising my 'Foot In Mouth' syndrome has kicked in big time, my reflexes react by me covering my mouth with my hand and instantly I shut up. Unsurprisingly, Erin finally tears herself away from the picture and mischievously glares at me.

  “So Ms Chambers. You were saying?”

  Crap! Well done Chambers, well done! How am I going to explain this one? I have a feeling, in great detail if Erin has her way.

  Some fifty minutes later, I have brought her up-to-speed on all that has happened so far. I feel mentally exhausted, as though my mind as been well & truly tortured, by Erin's bombardment of questions. I really don't think there is anything she hasn't asked me and yes she even mentioned the three little words, “Big, How and So.” in a question somewhere.

  However, I think I managed to keep some of it to myself. Me saying he is as amazing out of bed as in it, seemed to shock her into silence.

  I have never been as pleased to hear my phone ring as much as I am now, even after today's antics. Nonetheless, nothing is lost on Erin when she spots the name 'Marc' glowing brightly on the screen.

  She casually sits round in the booth we are sitting in, so that she is directly facing me. The excitement on her face makes me giggle and shake my head at her. Honestly, you'd think we were in high school! I'm still giggling when I answer the phone.

  “Hey there handsome.” The pleasure in my voice to hear his, is something I cannot cover up.

  “Hey, Beautiful. Sounds like you're having fun.”

  Is it possible for a woman to have an orgasm from a guy saying one sentence? Clearing my throat before I reply, I get a hold of myself.

  “Yes I am.” I have to shush! Erin, who is bouncing off her seat like a child wanting a lollipop, that is being held out to them.

  “Where are you?” He asks as in the background, I can hear him fidgeting with papers.

  “We're at a pub called the 'Abbey Walls'. I am still with Erin. Erm! Your ears haven't been burning by any chance have they?”

  Marc's laugh is delicious. I can almost taste it upon my tongue.

  “Ah! Mes oreilles bourdonnent!”

  “Huh?” My French is very limited I'm afraid. I can just about remember how to say 'Je t'aime', in an atrocious bad accent...

  “No they're not Isabel, but I'm guessing that they will be any second though, right?”

  “You can blame Erin. The Mafia have nothing on her for questioning skills. Actually, The Don has been known to book private lessons with her, to teach his Mob members or whatever they're called, a few things. She will not stop until she gets everything that she wants.”

  I watch her point to herself and mouth the words 'Who me?' in a not so innocent manner, while it sounds like Marc is having a fit off laughter on the other end of the line, why I have no idea!

  “Isabel, you make The Mob sound like a bunch of groupies...Jeez, I do love you. How about I come over and meet Erin then? I'm all about finished.”

  Whoa Horsey! Can we just rewind a little bit there? Did Marc just say what I thought he said? I swallow hard at the thought.

  “Hello, Isabel. Are you still there sweetheart?”

  “Erm! Yeah, sorry. Okay, that would be great. No doubt she is eager to meet you anyway, but please prepare yourself.”

  In the corner of my eye I can see Erin girly clapping, that more resembles a demented seal, as I imagine she has clicked in to what we have planned.


  Thankfully, it should only take Marc an hour, if that to get to where we are. One very long, torturous hour as I have to endure Erin's endless questioning (yet again of Marc) and her wanting to see more pictures of our visit to Ickworth. I doubt very much it is to view the beautiful building and stunning grounds I'm sure. I am also sure that other folk would pay to view! I am proven right as she unsurprisingly lingers a little longer on one's taken of him. I scan past some of the more intimate photo's I took, however even I find it difficult not to stop a minute or two longer on some of them. Especially when we come to the picture I took of him after we'd made out in the clearing of the grounds. Lying back on the blanket, shirtless and both arms behind his head, which defines the muscles going down his sides of him, to the waist band of his trousers. I have stop myself from touching the picture with my finger tips, as I remember the sensual connection we had and how his skin felt when touching mine as sat upon him. The sensation of how he felt inside of me, radiates down to in between my thighs, as the memories flood my mind. I totally blanked everything out around me when we were there. I wasn't bothered we were out in the open. In the end, once we were lost in the moment, in the passion, we were the only one's that mattered. Moving my eyes up to his handsomely sculptured face, I note he is looking directly down the lens of the camera and I can see right into the depths of his soul. The cheeky, lob sided grin; bare torso and just fucked hair is all that Erin can see, where I can see so much more.
/>   Erin turns to me, with a look of amused shock.

  “You didn't! You really did do it didn't you?” is all she can say.

  The flaming red hot flush that spreads across my cheeks, is all the answer she needs.

  “Isabel Chambers, I never thought you had it in you, you little minx. But by God! I don't blame you, I'd have him anywhere, you lucky bitch!”

  Erin was never one to hold back on what she really thought. She and Jackie are like two peas in a pod. Oh gawd! Heaven knows what it would be like if the two of them got together. I think a public safety warning would have to go out!

  Marc's timing is impeccable as ever. As I shush Erin, yet again, he's chooses that moment to walk through the door. Great! The colour of my cheeks should be enough of a beacon for him to see where we are sitting.

  Erin does a double take of him, glances back at the picture and then back to Marc. It's like a blooming comedy sketch.

  “Fuck me Izzy. Please tell me he has an identical twin brother!”

  I note that Marc has rid himself of his suit jacket and tie, which are deliciously draped over his arm. I slowly gulp at how ultra hot he looks in his open necked shirt and waistcoat. Bloody hell! All we need is some music and a catwalk...

  I snatch the phone off Erin, I know it's rude to, but I have to so that I can close the pictures. At the same time I can't help but giggle at her, she really never fails to make me laugh.

  Marc finally spots us and Erin waves like a love struck lunatic at him. Lord knows what he must think? He strides over to us, with his trademark walk; one hand still firmly locked inside his pocket. All we need now is a trademark pose once he reaches the table! Why I always notice this in him is beyond me, but I do and it is so hot! I stand once he gets to us and he leans over to kiss me. Sweet Jesus, his warm lips and the touch of his unshaven skin upon mine, is divine. His fingers comb into the hair at the nape of my neck & it's then I feel his hot sensual tongue. All of the blood in my body, rushes to the one sensitive place and I let out a high pitched moan. I honestly feel as though I am floating, it's preposterous I know.

  It's Erin's over exaggerated swoon and cough that brings me back down to earth, as I am half expecting to find her flat out on her back when I turn, but what I see only makes me laugh more. She is staring up at him all doe-eyed, just like a child in a sweety shop. It's so ridiculously funny, but I can totally understand why. After all, I spilt flipping wine all over myself doing the same thing, the first time I saw him. Hoping that Marc won't notice the 'Bambi' look on Erin too much, I decide to introduce them.

  “Marc this is Erin, Erin this is Marc.”

  Still in her orgasmic trance, Erin gently shakes the hand that Marc has offered.

  “I've heard so much about about you and...”

  Oh for goodness sake Erin get a grip.

  “I'm pleased to meet you too Erin, by the looks of the shopping bags you both have around you, I'd say you ladies have had a good day.”

  That's it she's gone! It's the accent!

  Once Marc has his hand back out of the vice grip of Erin's, he pulls out a chair next to me and places his large, splayed hand on my thigh. Instinctively he starts to stroke the inside of it, by a doing slow circular movement with his fingers. I really don't want him to stop, but as the tingling sensation and goosebumps start to happen, I have to place my hand on top of his to do so...if I don't we are going to have a 'When Harry met Sally' moment in the middle of a fairly full, family pub. Not good.

  Marc knows exactly what he's doing to me, he is such a tease honestly. He squeezes my hand a couple of times and gives me a cheeky wink, before lacing his fingers with mine.

  Getting back on subject...I'd better answer Marc's observation as Erin is still bounding around in her own little fairyland of marshmallows and chocolate!

  “Erm! Yes, I'd say it's been a pretty productive day.” kicking Erin under the table, I hope that we can get her back in the room with us. “Erin encouraged me to buy some items you may like when I show you later.”

  The eyebrow shoots up when he says “Mm! That sounds promising.” and I know exactly what he is thinking. “Anyway, what can I get you ladies to drink? Or is that a daft question?”

  Marc eyes the half empty glasses of wine on the table. “A bottle of Pinot it is then.”

  The next ninety minutes or so whizz by as we talk about anything and everything. It did take Erin however, at least thirty minutes to say something that wasn't in a gibberish language.

  Even though we are able to laugh and enjoy ourselves, I do sense that something is bothering Marc. I realise so much has gone on over the last few days, but I can't help thinking something else has happened that Marc can't tell me about just yet.


  Feeling soft, smooth and refreshed, I tightly wrap a thick, large towel around myself. The aroma from the lavender bath salts, still linger in the modern, spotless bathroom and on my well scrubbed skin. The time I have just spent in the bath, was exactly the time I needed to get my thoughts straightened out in my head. I cannot have Marc Sanders ruin what I and Stefano have built up. We are so close to completion on this. No, I cannot have that happen. We have the medical supply companies lined up and the promotion side of it is coming together, we have too much to lose.

  Yanking the towel from around my head, I vigorously start to dry my hair. It seems as though Marc is not the only one I have to worry about either. I have been quite surprised recently, well very surprised actually, at how strong willed Isabel is. Marc's conquests in the past have been far less of a challenge, many only wanting to hang from around his arm as a trophy girlfriend, to spend his money and enjoy the great sex I can very easily imagine, he is very good at. Isabel is different however. There has to be a chink in her armour somewhere. A weak spot, that I can expose.

  Throwing the cheaply made, cream towel on to the bed, I sit down next to it as I make my phone call.

  “Mario, it is Dr Acerbi. No, not until later, I will call you again a few minutes before. You have to do something else for me in the meantime. I need you to find out what you can on an English woman named Isabel Chambers. No ora! I do not have much more detail, but do what you can. Si, ciao!”

  This really is the last thing I need, but if it means a way of getting to Marc, ending this once and for all, then so be it. I really don't care who gets hurt along the way, I am long past caring about that. Just as long as we manage to finish what we have started, I will be satisfied. For the moment I shall carry on, going along with Stefano's plan. We have tomorrow to prepare for, as this is when Marc is to hand over the money.

  As soon as he has made the drop, we need to be out of here, out of the country, pronto!

  “Damn that man! Damn all of them!” I yell into the silent, still air.

  I have even considered leaving Stefano once I have my share of the money in my hands. He'll be no use to me once we are done with all of this.

  All of the legal papers have been signed and are with our Avvacato, he cannot stop me from doing anything I want. My mind starts to wander a bit, as the idea of disposing of Stefano, sounds more and more attractive. Getting up, I begin to pace around the room. Wringing my hands and fingers together, I then start to feel my heart pounding within its cage. I should feel wrong, guilty even, to experience the excitement and adrenalin rush I am getting from thinking these dark thoughts. Yet, I don't feel bad or wrong one iota. Hmm! I wonder how great Stefano's greed and need to have the money and fame is? As right now, my appetite for what I want is ever growing. The hunger growls within the depths of my stomach. The stupid and idiotic man, foolishly thinks we still have a future as man and wife. I turn sharply away from the bed and sit upon the balloon backed chair, next to the dresser.

  How wrong he is. Ingannare! Turning my attention back to what I was originally doing, I prepare to get myself ready again. I seriously am beginning to have reservations about actually going through all of this with Stefano. Any love I felt for the man has long gone, he is just a
leash, holding me back from achieving what I truly believe I can in life. As I apply the rich moisturising body crème to my long, slender, pale legs, the exotic aroma of the Oud Wood opens every pour within me. The blood is rushing around my body as though it has been intravenously pumped into my arteries, increasing my thought process. Seeing what lengths Stefano has gone to, already with this, who is to say that he will really want to take me with him? I don't know everything he has planned or arranged? Even worse still, he could be picturing the same scenes as I have been for the last few minutes. I start to panic ever so slightly, at the theory that he may leave me high and dry, or quite possibly dead!

  Think Emelie! Think!


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