A Constant Attraction (Attraction #2)

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A Constant Attraction (Attraction #2) Page 9

by A. J. Walters

  Retrieving my car keys from my back pocket, I take a moment’s pause. “Thank you dad, for everything.” I continue my way to the elevator and hear dad call out as I press the button.

  “Isabel is a beautiful woman Marc, throughout, I should know as she has a lot of your mother's qualities in her and I know that you are good for each other.”

  I have no need to ask how he knows this personal information about Isabel, as you already know, he is very good at his job.


  The coldness of the bed linen against my bare skin is what stirs me first of all and then the realisation that Marc isn't in the room either, I am now wide awake. I have a vague recollection of him being up and about earlier, but I must have been half a sleep still, as I cannot recall all of what he said or did. There is a steady stream of dawn sunlight coming through a gap in the curtains, so can surmise that it is still early morning, but very late for Marc not to be back in bed yet.

  Sitting up, I wrap the bedding sheet around myself and then shift my wild bed hair from off my face. Reaching for my phone next to me, I see that there aren't any missed calls or text messages. I'd be lying to you and myself, if that didn't cause me to worry. I can totally see what Jackie went through now, when I didn't get back to her. Being only five thirty in the morning, I take a risk by just dressing in my night shirt, dressing gown and mule slippers, and venture downstairs to the lounge. Even though my memory of last night is still a bit muddy, I can faintly remember Marc saying something about coming down here to call his father. I hug myself, in the hope that there aren't any people in the reception as I approach it. The only noise I can hear, is that of the air conditioning, I know what you're thinking...air conditioning...in the UK! Yup! Fortunately we're having a really good summer this year and the temperatures have soared to a mighty 25 degree's! Hey, don't laugh, that's darn scorchio for England. Anyway, going back to what I'm doing. I am lucky in some respect, as the only people I see are Paul and Rachel, the duty managers. Paul's shift comes to an end at six, which is when Rachel is to take over. Both of them have been amazing and have got to know Marc and myself pretty well. Paul notices me step around from the stairs, acknowledges me and nods towards the lounge. My eyes drift in the direction in which he is looking and I spot a peaceful and handsome looking Marc Sanders, slumped fast asleep in one of the creme leather chairs. He softly breaths in and out, giving an occasional snore. It is cute in a way, certainly not too loud that I can't sleep. His arms are crossed and he is still wearing his black rimmed glasses. I can only assume that he has either been working on his paper after calling his father, as the lid to his lap top is still open. I note that it must have ran out of battery some time ago, as it is cold to the touch. Has he really been down here all of this time? Looking quizzically back to Paul, in a whisper I ask how long he's been a sleep for.

  “I'm not sure Ms Chambers. I didn't see him get back and he was already dead to the world by the time I did notice him. We're not that busy in the hotel at the moment, so I let him be and sleep there.”

  I can't help but be slightly puzzled by some of what Paul has said. When and why did Marc go out? I really don't feel I have a right to question him on this, as it's not as if we've been dating for any great length of time. I hazard a guess that there must have been a good reason behind it. Thanking Paul I then order a cappuccino (milk, no sugar) and sit reading the national newspaper, opposite Marc for what must have been another couple of hours. I don't know how he is able to sleep so soundly in what I thought, looked like an uncomfortable position, but he has managed it.

  Hearing a groan come from where Marc is resting, I look up and am then lost in the most sublime of smiles. Feasting my eyes upon his perfectly shaped lips, I have the sudden urge to run over and kiss him. Landing in his lap with such gusto, I throw my arms about him. God, how I have missed this man. Wrapping one arm around my waist, his other hand takes once again in my hair. The clash of teeth does nothing to stop the passion and love behind the kiss. Both of us fight for what we want to get out of it, as though it was the last kiss we were to ever have together. The only time we break free is when we have to take a breath, even then Marc is holding me close, foreheads touching as we calm our breathing.

  “It's over Isabel, it's over.” For a brief moment my heart stops and then rapidly leaps into my throat. I pull away from him to search his viridian eyes, to see if they are telling me what I thought I had just heard. His voice was barely audible, but I am positive I heard him correctly. Flicking from one and then the other; all I see is a sea of Jade, glistening in front of me.

  Stuttering the words, I'm not able to hold back on the emotion that comes with them. “I, I don't understand Marc, I thought we were, well...I thought you said you loved me?” Watching the expression on my face drop and I must look like the cartoon character, Droopy the dog now, Marc clicks in to what must be going through my mind. He smiles more broadly, almost laughing.

  “No, not us you daft woman. We're so not over, never in a million years if I have anything to do with it. Emelie and Stefano, it's over with them. I won't go onto all of the details now, but please trust me when I say, it is over.”

  Recognising that I would trust this man with my life, I pull him towards me once more. The energy that is exchanged between us, strengthens what we already feel for each other. The warmth and smoothness offers the added comfort and reassurance. The twists and turns that are going on in my stomach, are the most amazing feelings. Feelings that were once new to me, I am now becoming accustomed to.

  Jumping up, I have a sudden brain wave, which isn't that often believe me, so I am glad that Marc allows me to go with it.

  “It's our last full day down here, so can I please suggest we do something extra special? It's something I've never done and would love to.”

  He looks intrigued, too intrigued and so cocks one eyebrow up (as he does). This man is as bad and smutty as I am...and I love it! Now however, I hope he won't be too disappointed with what I really have in mind. So placing my hands on my hips, I have to give him a mock, telling off.

  “Marc Sanders as much as I love having the absolutely mind blowing sex with you and totally enjoying everything naughty as well, I do have another suggestion. I am sure we can devour each other as a night cap later tonight, with maybe a few extras thrown in.”

  Behind me there is the sound of a faint cough. Closing and opening my eyes ever so slowly, I gaze down at Marc. He has the 'stupidist' grin up on his face and is failing epically to disguise it.

  “Paul is standing behind me isn't he?” Marc nods

  “He heard everything I just said to you didn't he?” Marc continues to nod leaning his elbow on the arm of the chair and covering his mouth with his hand, so only the slightest amount of goddam sexy stubble can be seen. I am not daft though, oh no! The laughter lines around his eyes are a dead give away that he finds this whole predicament I am in, unquestionably entertaining.

  “Now tell me Ms Chambers, would you like me to take that foot of yours out of your mouth before we walk back to our room or once we are up there?”

  A red hot flush sweeps across my face, as quick as you can say 'Pinot Grigio!' Embarrassed, I make a fleeting dash towards the stairs, careful that my dressing gown doesn't open in the process. In the background, I can hear Marc and Paul laughing, I stop and turn briefly to see Marc pat the disconcerted manager on his shoulder, before he gathers up his belongings. Both gentlemen then look in my direction, which only encourages the flush once again. There is a glimmer of something in Marc's eyes, even from this distance I notice it. Looking back at me, is a beautiful blend of humour, respect and love; feelings I now know very well and I love them back. The warmth and strength I get from it, is what I can see to be the beginning of wonderful future. If my 'Foot in mouth' syndrome feeds that, well then long may it continue. I start to giggle to myself, as I inwardly sense the compassion and fervour that comes with it. I patiently wait until Marc has caught up with me. Once close, he towers
above me with all of the vigour and vitality, of the man I know he is.

  “It's great to see you smiling Marc. Whatever has happened and I won't bug you about it, but whatever happened I think that was the start and end to a part of your life. You can breathe again now hun, you can be yourself and enjoy life.”

  I reach up to touch his cheek, softly stroking the side with my thumb. If he could, I am sure he would purr and hum as he leans into the touch. Closing his eyes and for a moment, the connection we have is magnetising.

  Unfortunately, as much as I would like, we can't stand here forever like a couple of loons. I'm pretty excited about the day ahead and what I'd like us to do.

  Standing on tip-toe, I kiss Marc on his smooth lips. The heat as ever is there, causing my stomach to tie up in knots. Forcing myself away from him, I curse as now I really, really want to rip his clothes off and make mad passionate love to him. Seriously, I am going to have to start googling for sex therapists. Clearing my throat, in the hope of getting back some composure, I stupidly look up at him and see his drop dead gorgeous, sloping smile. I huff and internally tell myself off. This is ridiculous, I've been here, done that...

  “Right Mr Sanders, I am not going to get distracted by the highly sexed charges, that are totally radiating themselves off you. I won't be able to walk for at least a week the rate we're going and I really don't want to explain why that it is, to my dad or anyone else for that matter.”

  The 'raspberry' laugh Marc lets out, sets me off. Oh gawd, I can tell it's going to take some time to get ready this morning.


  Some 3 hours later, we are finally on the road. No, it wasn't just sex that delayed us. Jeez! I can't go as long as I used to you know! Marc did have to make several phone calls. I respected the fact that he didn't ask me to go out of the room as he took other calls as well. I kind of got the gist of what was happening and it seems that his father is going to take the reins from now on. He doesn't want either of us to dwell on what went on. None of it was our fault. Emelie is obviously a very sick minded woman. Sighing, I know it was a big deal, but it's done with now. And I also know that there will be other legal formalities that Marc will have to handle at some point, but you know what? I have been there, me and the kids had to go through a similar predicament.

  It's bloody tough, but why should other folk still continue to drag you down and stop you from leading the one life, you have to lead? No, I am not going to have that happen to us again. I can see that we have a future to look forward to, a darn good future and so no, she will not have control over Marc or me any longer.

  Deep in thought, I hadn't noticed that Marc had turned the radio on in the car and was drumming his fingers on my thigh to a song. Not quite sure if Little Mix is the sort of music he would usually listen to, so it is quite ironic that the tune playing is “Change Your Life”. My body and mind start to move along with the lyrics and it doesn't take long for me to start singing along to it. Out of the corner of my eye, Marc takes a cheeky peek at me, with an amused look up on his face. God, I am feeling amazing, life is so damn good right now. He isn't embarrassed by my singing as, even if I say it myself, I've got a pretty good voice. Those singing lessons from the age of fourteen paid off it seems. I once entered a Children's Saturday Morning T.V, singing competition. I was pooping myself as I sang Climie Fisher's- Rise To The Occasion. No pun intended honestly. It was an experience. Sadly, I didn't make it through to the final, however I did get the singing bug from there. The word 'Bug' seems to to be cropping up a lot recently! Anyway, from there I went on to sing in a duo with first a male co-singer and then a female friend. Performing in several working men's clubs and pubs, I had the time of my life. Just for the record, I was slimmer back then, so much so, I was daring enough to go commando, as the 'just above the knee' length tight dresses, would have shown my VPL (Visible Panty Line; in case you didn't know) off, It was getting pregnant with James that put pay to taking the singing any further. Hey-ho! I sometimes go out to karaoke nights. Oh my God! Would Marc be up for that? I can't see him singing “Summer Nights” with me at any time soon, but I am sure he'll love the pub I go to, that is out in the sticks (countryside). They're a great group of people. Nuts on occasion, but that is what makes them the fabulous folk they are.

  I rest my head back against the seat, life is good. Driving past the fields of glowing rapeseed, we are not that far from where we're going for the morning and afternoon. You all know by now my love for wine, especially Mr Grigio! It is a love that both Marc and I share. The only difference being, Marc knows his wine a lot better than I do. For me, as long as it is wet, tastes good and helps me to relax, I'm a happy woman. So with this, I thought it would be a fitting end to the best break I have ever had, so far that is, to visit Chilford Hall Vineyard. The last time I came here, was when we had a works' Christmas Party. The venue is amazing. The barn and hall were all tastefully decorated with fifty or so perfectly dressed tables. Large, striking candelabras placed upon on each of them, real ivy cascading like waterfalls from the tip of them to the table top.

  It all appeared very formal, until you heard the whistling sound coming from the latex rocket flying balloons, that you had to dodge or defend your glasses of wine from. Especially as one did have perfect aim and plopped into my colleague’s drinking vessel. I say vessel, you could quite mistaken what we were drinking out of to be fish bowls! Yes, to an outsider it looked all very posh, with it's muted purple lighting to set the mood and cheery festive celebratory voices echoing. Once we were all on the dance floor though, by heck, the deputy head was showing off some moves! One for Youtube it was.

  Turning into the all familiar driveway, you then bypass the buildings and grounds. There isn't much of a view of the vineyard from where we are, honestly though, who comes for the view? Having paid for a tour and wine tasting session, the view can wait for another time.

  We are not the only one's that have taken up the tour, there must be another dozen or so couples. Starting in the Winery, the expert guide talks us through the whole making process, which don't get me wrong, I am interested in, but...lets get to the tasting.

  Both Marc and I hover towards the back of the group. He has no problem in seeing what is going on, as he's tall enough to see. Me however, the short arse next to him, just has a wonderful view of an elderly man's burgundy jacket. I'm not that fussed in truth, as I am waiting for the best part later. I am too busy trying to rescue my thoughts from some other parallel universe when I feel Marc nudge me in the side. We're currently standing in the cool, brick cellar which houses the giant kegs of red and white wines. Looking up at Marc, he casually nods towards a pair of kegs just back from us. Without saying a word, we silently back away from the rest of the group who are engrossed in the tour guide. Marc guides us in between the huge wooden objects until we can no longer see anyone. I open my mouth to say something, just as Marc pushes me back against the cold stone wall and covers my lips with his. The roughness of the brick against my top and skin is soon forgotten as he then lowers his warm mouth to my neck. Tilting my head back, I flinch at the nipping, as Marc delicately bites the skin before kissing and running his tongue over it. The soft moan that leaves my lips is all I can do and say. I clasp at his upper arms, the smooth, blue cotton T-Shirt is a thin layer of defence between us. Marc reaches down for my thigh and raises it, so that my maxi dress then rises and hoists to above my knee. The buckle of my sandals catches on the waist band of his jeans and belt.

  “I want to take you here Isabel.”

  The thrill and excitement of what Marc says, causes my breath to catch in my throat. My breathing is laboured, which is in complete contrast to Marc's as he fights with the zipper on his trouser. I adjust myself against the wall, so that I can raise my leg higher and using one hand I pull the material of the white silk lingerie to one side. Instinctively, I am wet when I feel the tip of Marc against me. It all seems to be happening rather quickly, which is something I don't mind. The fact that we are yet
again, performing such an act in a public space is driving me on. He pulls at the strands hair that fall at the back of me, forcing my head back. He then drives himself into me, kissing me hard, he muffles the sexual sounds that I am eager to scream and shout. The joint force and intensity, of the love making and of Marc rubbing the pad of his thumb against the distended nub of my clit, speeds up the impending orgasm that will inevitably happen.

  Almost grunting in my ear, I feel the warm breath of Marc as he bites the lobe, “I can't hold back Isabel, come with me.”

  Marc thrusts deep inside me; one, two, three more times...The heat inside, soothes me to the core and covering my mouth with the palm of my hand, I reduce the noise that comes from me. Melting into him, we fight to get our breath back for next minute or two. I do realise we won't be able to make love so many times and in so many exotic places once we get back to reality, hence why I am making the most of this now. I am sure you would as well.

  A giggle escapes from my lips, as Marc gently pulls himself out of me. Offering me a tissue from his pocket, I am able to clean myself up. Yes, unfortunately it is nothing like what you read in books or watch on films, it's something I have to do. More for the reason that I don't want to be walking around like John Wayne, for the remainder of the day! The combined smell of sex and wine does wonders for the senses, I smile at what we've just done. Good grief Chambers, I am turning into that little minx. Righting ourselves, we check that each other looks respectable enough, before joining the rest of the party again. Marc grabs a hold of my hand and looking inconspicuously around the end of the keg, I start to laugh even more. I cannot believe we have just done that. Yet again, enjoying the most amazing sex and now we have to act as normal as possible. I am trying to disguise the goofy 'I've just been fucked' look, but it hurts.


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