The Roman's Revenge

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The Roman's Revenge Page 19

by Caroline Storer

  Metellus's hands lifted, coming to rest on the underside of her breasts, and Livia felt frustration claw at her. Oh, how she wanted to feel the touch of his hand on her breasts. Then, as if her silent communication had somehow reached him, his hands moved upwards and he cupped them both.

  “Oh,” she breathed, leaning in closer as his long fingers touched the sensitised nipples, causing her to moan into his mouth as Metellus pinched the hard buds, rolling them in his oh, so, malleable fingers. Pleasure, and pain, in equal measure shot through her, as his fingers drew out so many different responses from her she lost all sense of time, and place, as his fingers worked their magic.

  Eventually he stopped, his hands moving away from the heated swollen flesh, trailing lower until they reached the soft roundness of her hips.

  “I want you, all of you.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, blinded by passion. She felt Metellus lift the hem of her gown, pushing it up over her legs until it pooled around her hips. The slight breeze from the window caused a delicious shiver to run over her as the coolness caressed the sensitised skin of her now bared legs and thighs.

  “Lift yourself.”

  She obeyed his husky command, raising herself up on one hand so he could push the silk fabric of her gown further up so it now bunched around her waist.

  The coldness of the marble against the nakedness of her buttocks and thighs had to be one of the most erotic things she had ever experienced, and she shifted slightly to heighten the pleasure now made even more intense when she once again felt Metellus's fingers stroke up and down the long expanse of her thighs. Her wantonness grew with each delicious stroke and touch, his fingers eliciting feelings and sensations she had never experienced before. She heard her breath catch, as if she were on the precipice of something totally new and exciting, and she leaned forward, gripping the hard muscles of Metellus's shoulders, unaware of her nails digging into his flesh.

  “Yes!” He groaned against the softness of her neck. “I want you so much.”

  The words were nearly Livia's undoing, and she let him have what he wanted, spreading her legs, giving Metellus the access he needed as they melted together, his erection pressed against the softness of her belly.

  “I…I…” The words she wanted to say froze in her throat, when she saw him remove his tunic in one fluid motion, revealing his naked body to her fascinated gaze. She realised with a sudden sense of awareness, this was the first time she had actually seen him naked in the full light of day, and her glazed eyes took in the bronze smoothness of his chest, so temptingly close to her fingers that she reached out and touched the smooth expanse of hardened muscle. She felt him shiver at the lightness of her touch, and she glanced up, taking in the darkness of his eyes as desire and need flared in them.


  The one word, spoken with an intensity that was empowering, caused her hand to still for a moment. She could feel the rapid hammering of his heart under her splayed fingers where they rested on his chest. She knew what he wanted, what he was asking, and without breaking eye contact, she lowered her hand, down over the corded muscles of his abdomen which rippled under her fingers, lower until they encountered the crisp hairs at the top of his thighs. She saw his pupils dilate, daring her, wanting her to go lower.

  And she did. She skimmed her fingers over the fullness of his erection, saw his mouth flatten before he hissed his pleasure at what her fingers were doing to him. Feeling emboldened, she trailed her fingers downwards, teasing him, bypassing the thick root of his erection, until she rested her hands on the muscles of his thighs. Thighs which bunched and tightened where her fingers touched and stroked.

  She leaned in closer, pressing her lips to where a vein pulsed in the corded muscle of his neck. “Say it,” she whispered, “Say ‘please’.” She felt him stiffen. He obviously didn’t like the fact that she was trying to dominate him. Smiling against his skin, she closed her eyes and inhaled the musky scent of him. Then without a thought about how her actions might be perceived, she trailed her tongue down the column of his neck.

  The saltiness of his skin was like a powerful aphrodisiac and she felt her insides melt as liquid fire pooled low down in her belly. He felt, and tasted so good, and she wanted to feast on him for eternity. Was it like this for him? Did he want her as much as she wanted him, longed to feel his hands upon her body? She hoped so, for if the feelings were only one way and he didn’t reciprocate them, then she was lost.


  Livia smiled once more, when she heard the growled response to her demand, heard the huskiness of his voice as he voiced his needs. Emboldened once more she moved her hand until she once again wrapped her fingers around the fullness of his erection, amazed at how it felt, strong, yet silken to the touch. Instinctively she tightened her grip, creating a friction which made Metellus moan deep in his throat, amazed to see a dark flush suffuse his face. A rush of feminine power came over her, she literally held him in the palm of her hand and he was totally at her mercy. It was a heady feeling to have such control, such mastery over him.

  But her power only lasted a few more moments because Metellus grabbed her hand, stilling her movements. She could feel him throbbing in the palm of her hand, knew he was on the verge of losing control.

  “Keep that up and I won't be responsible for my actions,” he growled.

  With a swiftness she wasn't expecting, he once again took control, pulling her forward, lifting her, the palms of his hands holding the softness of her buttocks, giving him the angle he needed to slide the hardness of his erection into the pulsating soft warmth of her flesh.

  Both of them groaned in unison as flesh met flesh, and Metellus pumped his hips, burying himself, seating himself fully within her hot and willing body as she wrapped her legs around his hips, the movement bringing them even closer together.

  She felt her body tense, as he rocked against her time and time again, propelling her towards a climax so strong, so intense, she couldn’t believe it was happening so fast. A moan of pure pleasure came from deep within her as her orgasm slammed through her, her body squeezing him as she climaxed on a tidal wave of emotion. It was as if her body had started some sort of chain reaction, because she felt Metellus stiffen, and she watched in stunned fascination when his head fell back, the muscles and sinews of his neck standing out in response, as he pumped his body, and his seed, deep inside her.

  Emotionally, and physically spent, Livia rested her head on the wide expanse of his shoulder, slowly coming back to reality, aware of the sweat coating his skin, the unique manly scent of him invading her senses…and the even more heady aroma of their combined lovemaking. The silence of the bedchamber broken only by the harsh rasping of their combined breaths. Their bodies were still joined together, the position so intimate she could feel his heart beating against the softness of her breasts.

  A loud bang, and a curse from outside the villa, jolted them both out of their passion induced lethargy. Livia stiffened as the ramification of what had just happened, or more pressingly, where it had happened impinged on her dazed mind.

  What if someone had come into the room?

  “I have to go. Elisha. She needs me.” Livia could hear the panic in her voice, and she stiffened in his arms, gripping the hardness of his upper arms, communicating her need to get away.

  For several long seconds he didn’t move, but then she felt him pull away, breaking the sexual contact between them, and Livia shivered as the coolness of the room hit her exposed skin. The coldness, a marked contrast to the heat and passion they had just shared.

  Refusing to meet his gaze, she jumped off the window sill and hastily rearranged her gown, pushing the silk down, covering her nakedness, aware he was watching her every movement.

  Heat flooded her body. How could she have been so wanton? Let herself go without thinking of the consequences? What if Antonia had come looking for them?!

  Shame coursed through her, as she bent down to pick up one of her san
dals which had fallen off during their lovemaking. Unable, and unwilling, to look at Metellus, she ran from the room without a backwards glance.


  As soon as Livia walked into the peristylium she spotted Antonia sitting on a chair holding Elisha and talking to two older men at the same time. Making the most of the older woman’s distraction she halted, took a deep calming breath, patted her hair to ensure it was still in place and stole a quick glance down at her gown. She was relieved to see that it had somehow managed to survive intact during their heated lovemaking, neither ripped nor creased.

  Feeling somewhat calmer she walked towards Antonia. As she got closer she noticed Antonia looked a little perplexed, a frown marring the elder woman’s brow, and when she saw Livia coming towards her, a smile of relief came over her face.

  “Ahh, Livia. Thank the gods you are here. These men have come with the fabrics needed to furnish the villa. I was originally going to do it on Metellus's behalf, but I thought you might like to choose them instead.”

  As she spoke, Antonia handed Elisha over to Livia, responding to Livia’s open arm gesture. Thankfully, Antonia didn’t seem to notice anything amiss, and Livia was relieved at the chance to take her mind off what had just happened with Metellus. Had she really just made love with her husband in an empty bedchamber in the middle of the day?

  “Yes. Yes of course,” she finally replied, “But perhaps you could assist, as I don't really know what furnishings need fabric, or how much is needed.”

  Her response seemed to please Antonia, and if her words seemed a little stilted, Metellus’s mother didn’t seem to notice. And so, for the rest of the day, both women worked side by side, choosing and picking out the fabrics needed for the villa. Once they had finished, they made the short walk to Verenus's villa.

  “I understand Verenus has invited several acquaintances to dine with us tonight – a sort of wedding celebration for you and Metellus,” Antonia said, as they arrived at the gates of Verenus’s villa.

  Taken aback, Livia stammered, “Metellus never said anything to me about this.”

  Antonia smiled, “That is because he does not know about it. It was to be a surprise for you both, but I thought you would like some advance warning so you can prepare yourself. I know if it had been me, I would have wanted to know. You don’t object to me telling you do you?”

  Livia saw a worried look steal over Antonia's face, and held out her hand, taking the older woman's hand in hers. “No. No not at all. You are very kind to tell me. Is it to be a large gathering?”

  “Oh no! Nothing too grand at all. No more than fifteen people I would imagine.”

  As they walked through the villa – a very sumptuous villa - as would befit an architect of Verenus’s standing, Livia was approached by a slave who had been instructed to show Livia the cubica Elisha was to sleep in. As she entered the room she found Addie the wet nurse in attendance, and smiling her thanks, she handed Elisha over to her. As she left the baby in the woman’s capable hands, the slave then showed her the bedchamber allocated to her and Metellus.

  Once the slave had left her alone in the room, she leaned back against the closed door, taking in the opulence of the room. Like her father’s villa, no expense had been spared in the lavish decorations adorning the room. But the one thing that captivated her the most was the bed. Raised on a dais, the huge bed dominated the room. Silk covers, and matching cushions, the colour of peaches adorned the bed, whilst suspended above it was a swathe of silk drapes. There was no doubt this bed was made for loving…for sharing the intimacies between a man and a woman.

  She prised herself away from the door and walked towards the bed, almost trance like, as if commanded to do so by some unknown force. Trailing her hands over the silk covers, she was tempted to climb up and see if it was as comfortable as it looked.

  But she didn’t. It was far too tempting, and she was afraid that if she did, sleep would claim her. So instead, she made her way over to where several of her, and Metellus’s, trunks sat along the back wall. Opening one of them, she took out a silk gown the colour of emeralds and started to prepare herself for the meal which was to be given in their honour.

  Once she had finished bathing, and had donned her gown before rearranging her hair with the help of a slave, she left the bedroom and made her way to the peristylium where Antonia had told her to go once she was ready. Of Metellus there had been no sign, and pride prevented her asking any of the slaves if he’d arrived at the villa yet.

  Her stomach knotted at the thought of seeing him again. How, in the name of Hades, would she be able to look at him without remembering what had happened between them at their villa this afternoon?

  Deep in thought about what had transpired earlier that afternoon, Livia was unprepared for the sudden silence which greeted her when she entered the peristylium. It seemed as if everybody stopped talking at once and turned to stare at her. Hot colour surged through her, and her stomach dropped, as she encountered the many gazes of the people assembled there. With a sinking feeling, she realised she knew some of the people present, and if their mocking smiles were anything to go by, she was very much the object of their speculation and gossip.

  She was saved from further embarrassment when Antonia came to her rescue, taking her hand before leading her over to where an older man stood watching her with a neutral expression on his face.

  Verenus. It had to be, Livia thought, as she took in the similarities between him and Metellus. Although not as tall as Metellus, he was still taller than a lot of the men present in the room. Again, he wasn't as broad in the shoulder as her husband, but he still had a commanding presence; a presence accentuated by his greying hair, and piercing blue eyes. Dark blue, the colour of the deepest ocean she noticed, not the silvery grey of Metellus’s, and they were trained on hers with an intensity which caused her stomach to knot in tension. For some reason she felt nervous about meeting the man who had effectively raised Metellus; and provided him, and Antonia, with a home.

  “Verenus. This is Livia. Metellus's wife. She is a delight, and we are firm friends already,” Antonia said, her tone light, as they approached.

  Livia saw the older man’s eyes narrow as he looked her over, before he masked it by bowing from the waist and taking her hand, pressing a brief kiss on it. As she felt the coldness of his fingers envelop hers, she had to fight the urge to pull her hand away from his. With an intuition she was certain of, she could sense, that for some reason, Verenus did not like her. Instinctively she knew this was one man she wouldn’t want to cross, and one she would have to be on her guard around.

  “I’ll leave you two to get to know each other. I need to speak to Senator Critto,” Antonia said once the introductions had been completed, and then she left them alone, unaware of the tension flowing between them.

  For a few moments an uncomfortable silence fell until Verenus said, “I have to confess, I was slightly taken aback when I was told of your marriage to Metellus.”

  “I thought as much.” At her words, she saw his eyes narrow, but before he could say anything she continued, “But I didn't have much choice in the matter. It was decided without any input from myself. As a man of Rome, you should know that.”

  “Indeed. But it was still a shock.” He stared at her for a long moment, before he bit out, “How is your father these days?”

  Livia looked at him in askance, wondering at the sudden change in conversation. Was he probing to find out more about her father’s illness, when in reality he knew all about her father's condition?

  Keeping her tone measured and precise she replied, “He has been very ill. For months now.” When she saw him frown it became clear that he was taken aback by her words, and Livia had to acknowledge that maybe Verenus hadn't known of her father's illness.

  Again, it would seem Flavius had done a good job of keeping news of her father's illness quiet to all but his closest allies – quite an achievement in the cut throat arena of the Senate – and the
gossip filled gatherings of Rome's elite.

  “What ails him?”

  For a moment she hesitated in telling him, but then she decided that if she didn’t tell him, he would only find out from Metellus, so she gave him the brief details of her father’s illness.

  Verenus listened intently, and when she had finished he stared at her for a long while before he murmured, “I see.”

  Those two words held a wealth of meaning, and once again Livia wondered what was racing through his brain. She saw his face harden, and his eyes became shards of ice as he glared at her before he murmured in an ominous tone, “I am very fond of my nephew, and my sister-in-law, and I would not want them to come to any harm. You-”

  “Harm? Livia spluttered, taken aback by this unprovoked attack on her character, “And how, sir, do you think I could harm either Metellus or Antonia?”

  “I do not trust your father, even if he is as ill as you say. I do not trust your half-brother, and I certainly do not trust you.” His words were forced out through gritted teeth, anger flashing in the blue depths of his eyes.

  At his words Livia felt tears spring into her eyes, but she forced them back finding an inner resolve. “I would never hurt Antonia. She has been very kind to me,” she said passionately. She firmed her chin, and looked him in the eyes, “And as for Metellus. May I suggest you ask him why he married me, because it is as much a mystery to me, as it is clearly to you? He-”

  “Is there a problem, Livia? Uncle?”

  Metellus! Her head whipped around, and she saw him standing behind her, his face impassive as he watched them both. Both she, and Verenus, had been so caught up in their argument, neither of them had seen Metellus approach. How much had he heard?


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