Need Me (Coopers Creek Book 4)

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Need Me (Coopers Creek Book 4) Page 4

by Bronwen Evans

  Brooke took a sip and cocked her head. “Robert, why aren’t you married?”

  Completely thrown, Robert stared at her a moment before blurting, “Probably because I’m boring as hell.”

  Her eyes widened. “Boring? There are a lot of things I’d say about you, but boring isn’t one of them.”

  “Really?” He stuck his hands in his front pockets.

  She motioned at the food he’d brought. “You’re thoughtful, brave, know how to treat a lady, and you’re intelligent.” She gave him a suggestive once over. “Plus, you’re hot enough to melt asphalt in that rock climbing outfit of yours. There’s nothing boring about you, Superman, and whoever said you were was a damn moron.”

  Robert wondered if he was still at home in bed dreaming because he’d never had a woman compliment him like that before. “You forgot to mention loyal, responsible, and punctual,” he teased.

  “All good things to have in a man,” Brooke said before biting into her second donut.

  He folded his arms and leaned against a row of wall lockers. After watching her eat for a moment and being jealous as hell of her donut, he asked, “How about dinner at my place tonight?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You cook, too?”

  “Uh, define cook.”

  She laughed. “That thing you do with the stove and oven.”

  “By that definition, yes, I cook. If it comes with instructions, I can make it,” he said. “How do you feel about Hamburger Helper?”

  Brooke put the back of the hand that held her donut to her lips as she giggled and Robert laughed. Her giggle grew into a belly laugh and then she snorted. She put her drink on the table so she didn’t spill it as a laughing jag seized her.

  Robert loved her laugh and the way her dark eyes sparkled. “I mean, I sort of jazz it up, but I start with that.”

  Brooke waved a hand at him. “Shut up. Don’t talk.”

  “I’m really handy with canned meat, too. Kate loves my Spam Surprise.”

  Brooke’s knees buckled and she sat down in a chair as a fresh wave of laughter hit her. “Please,” she gasped, holding her stomach.

  Grinning, Robert fell silent and let her get herself under control.

  * * *

  Brooke’s lungs burned from lack of oxygen. Finally, her laughter subsided and she could breathe again. “Oh, my God. I’m so sorry. I’m really punch-drunk and I laugh at the strangest things when I’m so tired.”

  “It’s okay. My culinary skills really are a joke, so laughing is appropriate,” Robert said.

  Brooke polished off her donut, gulped her coffee down, and stood up. “I’m sure they’re not as bad as you think. I’d love to come to dinner.”

  That adorable smile of his curved his lips. “Great. Come at six and I’ll show you around my place.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing all your fur babies.” She moved closer to him until they were so close she could feel his body heat. “Especially the ones of you.”

  She loved the way he blushed when he grinned.

  “Thanks. Well, I should get out of your hair. I hope you can go home soon. You must be exhausted,” he said.

  “You’re not in my hair, but I do have to get back to work.” She rose on her tiptoes and pressed a lingering kiss to his cheek. The scents of leather and citrus teased her nose and she wondered what kind of cologne he wore. It smelled heavenly. “Thank you so much for the treat. You are super sweet for doing that.”

  “You’re welcome. It was my pleasure.” His gaze rested on her mouth a moment before he met her eyes. “Until tonight.”

  She smiled at the way he raised an eyebrow and gave her a slight bow. “Until tonight.”

  He chuckled and left the breakroom. She followed him out into the hallway and watched him walk away. “No man’s ass should look that good in jeans.” He turned a corner, and was gone from sight.

  Brooke grabbed another cup of coffee, took it to the nurses’ station with her, and started on the mountain of work that awaited her.

  Chapter 5

  The next morning, Robert almost fell out of bed when Corky bayed like one of the Hounds of Baskerville. His heart beat in triple-time and he was instantly alert.

  “Robbie? Hey! You up?”

  Robert rubbed his eyes and tried to stick his glasses on. He poked his left eye with the arm of them. “Ow! Fuck! No, Kate. Still in bed. What time is it?”

  “Down, Corky,” Kate said, coming in Robert’s room. “Why aren’t you answering your phone?”

  Robert managed to get his glasses on without blinding himself and picked up his cellphone. He hit the screen, but it remained black. “Died. I forgot to plug it in last night. Well, this morning, actually.”

  He grunted when Kate sat on his back. “This morning, huh? I thought your date got cut short.”

  “It did.”

  Kate bounced up and down, making Robert groan.

  “Knock it off. I have to pee. Get off me.”

  Kate laughed and let him up. “It’s nine-thirty, by the way.”

  “Holy shit!” Robert trotted to the bathroom.

  “You’ve slept late,” Kate said, following him. She stayed out in the hallway, but kept talking to him. “What happened?”

  Robert and Kate had the kind of platonic best friendship that entitled them to have very little modesty with each other. They also had keys to each other’s houses and often entered without knocking.

  “I couldn’t sleep and I wondered how Brooke was doing at the hospital with the accident victims. I took some donuts and coffee to the ER staff,” he said.

  He took care of business and washed his hands. Coming out of the bathroom, he dropped a kiss on Kate’s forehead. “Good morning, Mommy.”

  Kate laughed and followed him back to the bedroom. “That was really sweet of you to do that.”

  Robert smiled as he pulled on his jeans from last night. He was going to do his outside work, so there was no sense putting on clean clothes. “That’s what Brooke said.” He jerked and almost caught himself in the zipper. “Oh, my God! I invited Brooke to dinner tonight.”

  Kate’s dark eyes widened. “You did what? Why would you do that? You don’t cook.”

  He gave her a withering look before putting on his T-shirt. “I know that. I told her that I make great Hamburger Helper and Spam Surprise.”

  Kate let out a loud laugh. “You didn’t!”

  Robert grinned. “I did. And I do make great Spam Surprise. I’m not going to serve that to her, though. I could get takeout from somewhere, but that’s sort of cheating.”

  “And boxed meals aren’t?” Kate teased.

  Robert made a face at her and then patted his thigh. “C’mon, Corky. Time to go out.”

  Corky bounded down the hallway, scaring Hugo, who’d been coming to see Kate. The cat hissed and landed a flurry of hard blows on Corky’s head. It didn’t faze the big mutt since Hugo was declawed.

  “Knock it off, you guys.” Robert nudged Hugo out of the way and headed for the mudroom. “Please put coffee on, Special K?”

  Kate sighed. “Okay. I hate not being able to drink it.”

  Robert said, “I know, but it’s worth it.”

  “Yeah. I just miss it. I’ll live vicariously through you,” Kate replied.

  Opening the mudroom door, Robert was greeted by a loud whinny from Precious, his mare, who stood at the pasture gate that faced the house.

  “I know, I know! I’m late,” he said.

  The pretty bay mare shook her head and trotted into her stall from the outside while Robert went inside. The barn smells always helped Robert wake up. The last vestiges of sleep left him as he measured sweet feed into Precious’ feedbox.

  Robert had set up his small barn so that all the animals could go in and outside when they pleased. During the winter, he shut them inside at night, but over the summer, he left their outside stall and pen doors open.

  Cletus, his big black mule brayed as he fed him. Robert scratched behind Cletus’
long ears and gave him a few pats before he fed Sam and Sally, his Nubian goats. Poor Sam only had three legs due to getting caught in some barbed wire.

  The farmer who’d brought him into Kate’s clinic had been going to put Sam down, but Robert had intervened. Kate had amputated Sam’s useless leg and the goat had adjusted just fine. He was happy and healthy now and Sam and Sally were expecting a litter soon.

  Going into their pen, Robert pet and talked to them as he gave them a little grain and hay. He ran a hand over Sally’s big belly and wondered if she was going to have twins. The image of two kids scampering around made him grin as he started mucking out the stalls.

  Sketch scurried into the barn, grunting angrily. He was unhappy that Robert had left him inside. It wasn’t every pet skunk who had free rein of both inside and outside, but Sketch never roamed farther than the barn.

  As he came out of Precious’ stall, Kate entered the barn, holding out a cup of coffee to him.

  “Thanks.” He took it and took a careful sip.

  Kate leaned against the stall door. “I’m glad that the smell of horse poop doesn’t bother me anymore. I was worried that it was going to last my whole pregnancy.”

  Robert patted her slightly rounded belly, which was shown off by her running tights and tank top. “I know. I’m glad it settled down for you.”

  He was glad when Kate changed topics. “So, what are you going to make Brooke?”

  Robert wanted to kick himself. “Not something out of box, but what? I don’t even own a cookbook. I don’t suppose that you—”

  “Oh, no,” Kate said. “I’m not cooking for you.”

  Robert glowered at her. “Some best friend you are.”

  A sly smile spread over her face. “But you know who will, don’t you?”

  “No. Who?”

  “Chase.” Kate pulled her cellphone out of her pocket. “Watch this.”

  “What are you doing?” Robert asked.

  Kate put her hand over the cellphone mic. “Saving your ass.” She took her hand away. “Hi, Chase. How are you? Good. Hey, do you have any simple recipes that Robert could make for dinner tonight? He wants to cook for Brooke, but you know that he’s not skilled in that area.”

  Robert watched Kate try not to laugh and wondered what Chase was saying.

  “Okay. I’ll let him know,” she said and hung up.


  “He says that he’ll call you in a little while with something,” Kate said.

  Robert ran a hand over his face in frustration. “I hope whatever he comes up with is easy to make or I’m screwed.”

  “You won’t have to cook. Trust me. Chase can’t resist helping people,” Kate said. “He doesn’t think he’s a control freak like Ric and Tyler, but he is. He just cares about different stuff than they do.”

  Robert scratched his head. “That’s kind of sneaky.”

  Kate laughed. “But effective. Chase does it to people all the time.” She patted Robert’s chest. “Don’t worry. It’ll be fine.”

  He tried to shove his worry away. “Okay, but if something goes wrong, I’m going to kick your ass.”

  “Duly noted. Do you still want to go for a run?” she asked.

  An athletic woman, Kate wasn’t going to let pregnancy get in the way of keeping fit. His stomach churned at the idea of Kate having a child. Would she expect him to babysit? His world began to spin out of control at that idea.

  Robert shook his head. “Raincheck? I’ll probably have to run to the store for whatever I need to make dinner and I have some other errands, too.”

  Kate poked his arm. “Okay, but your ass is mine tomorrow morning. Make sure your phone is charged. Plus, I want to hear all about your date tonight.”

  Robert scooped up Sketch and laughed as they walked out to Kate’s truck. “You’re so nosy.”

  “And you weren’t when I started dating Ric?” Kate challenged.

  “Touché.” Robert opened her door. “I’m glad that he’s cool with us being best friends now.”

  Kate got in the truck and shut the door. “You really pissed him off that first day,” she said through the open window. “He was furious.”

  Robert couldn’t resist a smile. “It was fun messing with him.” Ric was Tyler’s partner in the investment firm, and when he’d first come sniffing around Kate, Robert wondered if the playboy millionaire was simply bored. He didn’t want to see his best friend Kate hurt again. She’d lost her fiancé a few years back and she didn’t need to fall for a guy who wasn’t going to hang around. But Ric proved he was the stay in Coopers Creek kind of guy, and showed he was head over heels in love with Kate.

  “I could’ve killed you,” Kate said. “Seven tomorrow?”

  “Yes, milady,” Robert confirmed.

  “Bye, Robbie,” Kate said.

  “See ya.”

  He watched her pull out onto the main road and hoped that Chase would come through for him.

  * * *

  “I don’t believe it,” Robert said an hour later. “Kate was right.”

  He’d just finished grooming Precious and exited the barn to see Chase’s new Lexus RX 400h SUV turning onto his lane. Waving, he walked towards the house as Chase stopped the fuel-efficient car and got out.

  “Hey, Chase.”

  Chase smiled and opened the hatch. “Hey, yourself.”

  “What’s going on?” Robert asked.

  “I’m here to save your bacon is what’s going on.”

  Robert grinned. “Is that so?”

  “Yep. C’mon and help me carry this stuff in,” Chase said.

  Going over to the SUV, Robert looked at all the grocery bags in the back. There were also a few boxes with pictures of pots and pans on them.

  “What the heck did you do?” Robert asked.

  Chase hefted a few bags. “Well, it’s like Granddaddy always said; you can’t teach someone something without the right tools.”

  Robert met Chase’s dark gaze. “What do you mean?”

  Chase turned towards the house. A second later a very unmanly scream erupted from him and he dropped a couple of bags when he jumped back, banging into the car.

  “Damn it, Robert! Don’t you ever put Sketch in a crate or something?”

  The skunk grunted as he attempted to climb Chase’s jean-clad leg.

  “Chase, I keep telling you that he’s not going to hurt you. He can’t spray you. He’s de-scented.”

  “I can’t help it,” Chase said. “He freaks me out. Can you please get him off me?”

  Robert picked Sketch up. “I’ll put him in the laundry room.”

  “Thanks.” Chase picked up the bags he’d dropped and headed for the mudroom.

  Keeping a tight hold on Sketch, Robert snagged a couple of bags and followed him. Chase put his bags on the table and turned to give Robert a hard look.

  “What?” Robert asked, perplexed.

  Chase pointed at Sketch. “Put that thing where it goes and get back here. We got work to do. You ain’t cleaned or anything.”


  Chase rolled his eyes. “How long has it been since you had a woman over for a romantic night?”

  Robert shrugged. “I don’t know. Last year?”

  If it hadn’t been so embarrassing, Chase’s shocked expression would’ve made Robert laugh. “You haven’t had sex since last year?”

  Robert felt like his face was sunburned. “No! I’ve had sex this year, but not here. We went to her place.”

  How had he forgotten that no subject was taboo as far as Chase was concerned.

  “Oh. Alrighty then. Go put him away and then get back here. Where’s your cellphone stereo dock?”

  Robert walked down the hallway. “It broke last month, and I keep forgetting to buy one,” he yelled back to Chase.

  “Good Lord! Okay, okay. I gotcha covered. No worries.”

  Robert took Sketch to the laundry room, where the skunk’s litter box and food was located. “I think I’d rather
stay in here with you, buddy.”

  He sat Sketch down, took a calming breath, and went back to the kitchen. Chase was just coming in the door with two boxes and a backpack, Chase’s idea of a briefcase.

  “Chase, what is all this?” Robert asked. “I thought you were just going to give me a recipe.”

  Chase looked around the kitchen. “From what I understand, just giving you a recipe wouldn’t do much good. Get out the cleaning stuff, and I’m gonna put on some tunes.”

  “I thought we were going to cook.”

  Chase arched an eyebrow and put his hands on his hips. “Son, we ain’t even close to cooking. I don’t cook in a dirty kitchen. Let’s get to it.”

  Irked, Robert said, “The kitchen is clean.”

  “You have cats. Do they get up on the counter?”

  Robert smiled. “It’s hard to keep cats off the counter. I can’t watch them twenty-four-seven.”

  Chase nodded. “Which is why we’re gonna clean the counters and stove before we start, okay?”

  Robert saw his point. “Okay.”

  He opened the door under the sink, and got out his cleaning supply caddy. Chase whistled and hummed while he set up a portable Bose sound system on the table and plugged it in. In a few moments, Keith Urban’s Even the Stars Fall 4 U started pumping through the speakers.

  Chase, at home anywhere he went, opened a door in the kitchen and said, “Bingo!” He grabbed the broom out of the closet and used it as a guitar as he started singing along. Robert’s irritation was forgotten as he watched Chase perform.

  Halfway through the song, Chase tossed the broom to Robert. “Sing it, bubba!”

  Robert caught it and laughed. “No, no. I suck at singing.”

  “Lip sync!”


  Chase grinned. “At least shake your money maker.”

  Robert shook his head and leaned the broom against the counter. “I have zero musical ability. Like zilch.”

  Chase had been still grooving, but he froze. “You don’t dance? Like at all? Slow dance?”

  Robert shrugged, feeling more self-conscious with every passing moment. “Yeah, I slow dance.”

  Chase said, “Good. Most women love to slow dance, and I suspect that Brooke is no exception.”


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