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Disavowed Page 16

by Tee O'Fallon

  Back at the shop, Jack drove into the loading bay and lowered the garage door behind them. “Meet me in the storeroom,” he said. “I gotta hit the head.”

  As Dom made his way inside he heard the lavatory door shut behind him. Daisy’s voice filtered down the hallway, and he walked toward her office. She was sitting with her back to him, her cell phone pressed to her ear.

  “Alex, that’s wonderful,” she said. “When are you due?”

  Well, damn. Alex was pregnant.

  “Have you told Gray yet?” She swiveled her chair but still didn’t know he was standing at the doorway. She was smiling ear-to-ear, obviously happy for her friend. “Gray’s gonna piss his pants when you tell him.”

  Dom grinned, recalling that one of the things he’d liked instantly about Daisy’s personality was her sense of humor and the way she always said what was on her mind. Gray would piss his pants when Alex gave him the news.

  Gray loved Alex’s son, Nicky, as if the kid were his own flesh and blood, but Dom also knew Gray wanted a child of his own. With Alex.

  He shook his head, still amazed at how Gray and Alex had overcome some major issues before hooking up. The love Gray had for his wife was the forever kind. The guy was tough as nails, but when he looked at his wife he turned to mush.

  “I’m so happy for you,” she went on. “You’ve made my day.” After ending the call she put her phone on the desk. She was still angled mostly away from where Dom stood. She picked up a framed photo from her desk that Dom hadn’t gotten a good look at earlier. Even at this distance, he could tell the man and woman in the photo were her parents. The family resemblance was obvious.

  The smile on her face slowly disappeared, and she took a deep, shuddering breath. A single tear rolled down her cheek.

  What the hell?

  One minute she’d been smiling and joyful, and the next…

  When she let out a soft sob, the sound went straight to his heart. Even in profile, there was undeniable sadness in her eyes, and he had the urge to take her in his arms and hold her until whatever was bothering her passed. But that would completely violate his vow to maintain distance. Don’t get personally involved. Still, he’d have to be a coldhearted sonofabitch to stand there and do nothing.

  “Daisy?” She jerked her head around as he entered her office. “You okay?” He knew she wasn’t. She turned quickly away and wiped her face with a tissue, but not before he’d gotten a close-up look at her eyes shimmering with more tears.

  “I’m fine.” She forced a smile, but even a cop straight out of the academy could tell she was faking it.

  “Bullshit.” He sat on the edge of the desk. “I know you better than you think I do, and I know damned well you’re upset.” He grabbed the framed photo. “It has something to do with your parents. Talk to me.”

  “Why?” She yanked the photo from his grip and set it down on the desk as far away from him as possible. “And don’t you dare bring my parents into this.” Her beautiful eyes blazed with anger hot enough to burn a hole in his chest.

  “I’m only trying to help.”

  “The only help you can give me,” she said, her lower lip trembling, “is by the hour. So get back to work. And don’t forget to lock up. You’ll be the last one out tonight because I’m leaving early to get ready. For my date.” She began shoving things into her bag.

  He rose from the desk, clenching his teeth at the way she’d emphasized her last word. He left her office and headed back to the storeroom. Needing something to do with his hands, he grabbed the broom and began sweeping up more piles of spilled dirt. He heard the toilet flush, then Jack poked his head into the storeroom.

  “Heading home to get ready for my date. I’m tellin’ you, man. This is the woman who’s going to bear my children.” When he bobbed his eyebrows Dom suppressed the urge to snarl and tell him to fuck off. “Marjie’s already left and Daisy’s heading out, too. Catch ya tomorrow.”

  “Later.” Dom stood rooted where he was until he heard the bell over the front door jangle as Jack and Daisy left. An indecipherable feeling gripped him, and he didn’t know what it was. Jealousy? Somewhat, but there was also a heavy dose of anger jam-packed in there, too.

  He’d wanted distance, and that was exactly what he’d gotten, so why was he so goddamn angry? Then it hit him. If he hadn’t been so fucked up in the head a year ago, that could have been him going on a date with her.

  Twelve months ago, he’d liked her. Really liked her. Seeing her again had only intensified the feeling. But he’d been unprepared for her then, and still was. He’d give his left nut to have done things differently, but this train was barreling down the track without a brake and there was no stopping it. He had a job to do, and do it he would.

  He threw down the broom, picked up a small terra cotta pot, and hurled it against the wall.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Daisy fastened large gold hoops in her ears, then ran a brush through her hair. With a critical eye, she gave herself a once-over in the bathroom mirror, hoping the dress she’d decided on wasn’t too over the top for a first date.

  The full-length, black halter-top dress didn’t reveal a whole lot of cleavage, but it hugged her body like a second skin, and she was going braless, something she hadn’t done in a very long time.

  Slowly, she ran her hands down the front of her dress, smoothing out the slinky black fabric. She closed her eyes, imagining what it would be like to have Jack’s hands running over her body.

  Her breathing came faster as she moved her fingers over her breasts, trying to summon forth the image of Jack doing the same. Almost immediately, her nipples tightened and hardened, but in her mind it wasn’t Jack’s hands slipping inside her dress to caress her bare skin. And it wasn’t Jack’s tongue driving into her mouth, tangling with hers. It was Dom’s.

  Dom’s large, rough hands massaged her breasts while his tongue swirled around first one nipple then the other, before plucking at the hardened buds with his teeth, sucking them into his mouth and—

  The doorbell rang and Daisy gasped, snapping her eyes open. She gripped the edge of the vanity, cursing her stupid brain for going where it had. “I have got to stop thinking about that man.” How could she ever give Jack, or any other man, a chance if she didn’t?

  When the doorbell rang again, she yelled over her shoulder, “Be right there.” She uncapped a tube of scarlet lipstick and ran it over her lips. She took a deep breath and let out a frustrated groan. Dammit. “Great way to start a first date.”

  She grabbed a black shawl from her bedroom closet and tied it around her shoulders. She hadn’t intended to wear anything over the dress, but she sure as hell couldn’t answer the door looking all turned-on and sexed-up.

  When she opened the door, Jack’s gaze swept over her with obvious appreciation. “Wow, you look incredible.”

  “Thank you.” She opened the door wider, and he stepped inside. “And you don’t look so bad yourself.” He didn’t.

  The way he filled out his dark slacks and matching jacket…he looked damn good. And it didn’t hurt that the top button of his white dress shirt was undone, revealing a sexy wedge of skin and dark hair. The guy would get any woman hot for him.

  So why isn’t my blood sizzling?

  “I just need my purse.” She grabbed her black satin evening bag from the nearby table and tucked it under her arm. Jack took it from her, holding it while she slipped it on.

  “Ready?” He placed his hand at the small of her back.

  “Definitely.” She smiled up at him. It was high time she got back into the dating scene, and if nothing else, she planned to enjoy his company and a nice meal.

  Their table at La Rosa was private, situated in the back of the restaurant, and Daisy already knew how romantic the atmosphere would be. Alex had given her a play-by-play of the first date she and Gray had at La Rosa. Including the chocolate fondue.

  Alex had described La Rosa’s chocolate fondue dessert as one of the hottest, sexies
t culinary encounters she’d ever had. She and Gray had fed each other fruit dipped in melted chocolate, and then licked the chocolate off each other’s fingers.

  “Wine?” Jack asked as a waiter handed him a leather-bound book.

  “Of course.” She could really use a drink to relax, and it bothered her that she did.

  “Do you like the place?” From the expectant look on his face it was important to him that she did.

  “I love it.” She glanced around, taking in the floor-to-ceiling velvet drapery, the elaborate chandeliers, and the tiny dance floor. “My friend came here on a first date with her husband and told me how beautiful it was inside.”

  “I’m confident this will be the first of many dates for us as well.” He smiled and reached across the table for her hand.

  When he threaded his fingers through hers, she met his gaze and smiled back, although she was already wondering how many dates they’d really have. Luckily, the waiter was quick to bring them their wine, and he released her hand. Not that it didn’t feel good. It just didn’t give her goose bumps, or tingles, or whatever it was she really, really wanted to feel from his touch.

  After the waiter had left, they held up their glasses while he made a toast. “Here’s to us, and here’s to the future.”

  She clinked her glass with his. “The future.” She took a long sip.

  “Speaking of the future,” he said, “I hope you don’t think I’m being too forward, but I’m amazed that you aren’t already married with a house, two point three kids, and a dog. I mean, you’re beautiful, talented, and successful. Your business is obviously prospering, so what’s next in Daisy Fowler’s future? Do you ever think about settling down and having kids?”

  She raised her brows. Whoa. He sure moves fast. They hadn’t even finished their first date yet, and he was already planning a family with her? “One day, yes.” With the right man. “But I have to say, most men would run like jackrabbits if a woman asked them about marriage and kids on a first date.”

  He stared at her, his eyes taking on a growing intensity that she found a little unnerving. “I’m not most men. When I see what I want I go for it. I’ve got one more side job I’m committed to, and then I’m all yours.”

  Suddenly feeling the need for space, she leaned back. She liked Jack, but he really needed to ease up on the whole domesticated-man thing.

  “Sorry,” he added quickly. “I can tell I’m making you uncomfortable. Guess I came on a little strong.”

  Maybe. Then again, maybe I’m not accustomed to a man who isn’t afraid to put himself out there and be honest about what he wants.

  “I appreciate your candor,” she said. Perhaps she was judging him too harshly. It wasn’t as if Dom had ever talked with her about marriage or kids, but she really did want that. For now, however, a change of subject was sorely needed. She leaned forward. “So did I hear correctly? In addition to working all those hours for me, you’ve got a side job?”

  “Yeah, but it’s the last one, and it’s almost over. Something I committed to long before I was lucky enough to meet you.”

  “What exactly is your side job?”

  He took a sip of wine before answering. “Nothing exciting. Just a little extra cash on the side. Padding for my nest egg.”

  She frowned. “Most men would consider nesting akin to being neutered.” She guessed Dom did.

  “I don’t.” He shook his head, again staring at her with unrelenting intensity.

  Odd that I didn’t notice this intensity in him before.

  “Well, that’s refreshing.” The more she thought about it, it really was. “So tell me about your childhood.” Although her glass was still fairly full, she reached for the wine bottle to top off. She sorely needed something to do with her hands. Anything to disrupt the way his eyes were locked on to her like a heat-seeking missile. “Do you come from a big family?”

  “Kind of.” He took the bottle from her and did the honors. “Two sisters and one older brother. What about you?”

  “Only child.” What she wouldn’t have given to have a sibling to grow up with.

  “Then you must have been pretty close with your parents.”

  “I was.” Until they died. But she didn’t want to discuss her lack of family growing up.

  Another couple strolled hand in hand onto the dance floor, smiling at each other as they swayed to the romantic Italian melody piping in from overhead speakers.

  “I can tell you’re not much of a reminiscer.” He laughed lightly. “Care to dance?” He stood and held out his hand.

  “Now you’re talking.” She removed her shawl and draped it over the back of her chair. No matter where this date was headed, she hadn’t met a dance partner yet she’d turn down. Dancing was an outlet, a stress reliever.

  When he swung her onto the dance floor, their bodies touched. She closed her eyes and gave in to the rhythm as he led her around the tiny floor.

  “You’re a good dancer.” He pulled her closer so that her head was tucked under his chin. His breath was warm against her ear. “You know I care about you, and I’d like to get to know you better. All I’m asking is that you give me a chance. Give us a chance, for you to get to know me. Okay?”

  Something tugged at her heart, but it wasn’t what she wanted it to be. He is so nice, I just don’t feel any sparks. Even with her braless breasts pressed up against his chest and the prospect of chocolate fondue on the horizon.

  Give him a chance.

  “Okay.” She swallowed the guilty lump in the back of her throat. No matter how nice he was, she was unable to shake the certainty that no matter how much of a chance she gave him, there would never be any sparks.

  The rest of the evening passed quickly. They returned to their table, then ate their meals, followed by chocolate fondue. Thankfully, Jack didn’t try to feed her.

  After he’d parked outside her apartment building, he went around to her side of his BMW and opened the door. She appreciated the gentlemanly gesture, although she wondered why a man who owned a BMW needed to run deliveries for a florist.

  When he clasped her face gently and kissed her, she honestly didn’t know how to react. In the spirit of giving him a chance, she gave in to it.

  His mouth was warm against hers, and when he urged her to part her lips, she did. He tasted like chocolate. Never a bad thing. As he deepened the kiss, she rested her hands at his waist, sensing tension in his body, as if he were holding back. She had to admit he was an experienced kisser, and she was an excellent judge of kissing. With the right guy, she could do it all night. But she wasn’t ready for things to go any further. At least not yet. Easing her hands to his chest, she pushed gently.

  He made a sound that could only be interpreted as a frustrated groan, and she glimpsed the unmistakable hardening of his jaw. “I’ll walk you to your door.” As he took her hand, his chest rose and fell with rapid breaths, but he didn’t complain.

  Once they’d reached her door, she took her keys from her bag. “Thank you for a beautiful evening.”

  “My pleasure.” He took her hand and kissed the back of it. “Can I take you out tomorrow night?”

  “Not tomorrow.” She shook her head. “I’ll be too busy going over last-minute plans for the Piazza, and I need to get a good night’s sleep.” Tomorrow was the one night out of the entire year that she never went out.

  “I won’t take no for an answer,” he said, tugging her closer, and she again noted an uncomfortable intensity in his eyes.

  “You have to.” She smiled, tilting her head to look up at him. “I wasn’t kidding. I’m not going out tomorrow.” And you really need to let go of me.

  After another long, uncomfortable moment, he frowned but relented, releasing her. “Okay,” he growled through clenched teeth. “See you tomorrow, boss.”

  After he turned to leave, she inserted her key into the lock. A slamming sound had her spinning to see Jack had taken the stairs instead of the elevator, and he’d apparently shoved the do
or open with enough force to send it smacking against the stairwell wall.

  “Oh, crap,” she muttered as she let herself into her apartment. He’d obviously hoped the night would end in her bed and wasn’t happy it didn’t. Too bad. She’d had her one and only sex-on-the-first-date and wasn’t looking to repeat it.

  After locking up and turning out the living room light, she went into the bedroom to change into a silk nightshirt. It was only ten o’clock, but she was drained and the shop was open tomorrow. She slipped into bed and turned off the bedside lamp. Twenty minutes later, she was still awake, staring at the ceiling.

  Despite being exhausted, her mind was revving in high gear. She’d been crazy to hire Dom. Eventually her latent feelings for him would pass. But in the meantime, seeing him every day would probably tie her into knots.

  With a groan, she turned over and punched the pillow into submission.


  As Dom had watched Jack kiss Daisy, he’d gripped the steering wheel so hard it wouldn’t have surprised him to hear it crack. And when Jack had led her inside, he’d slammed his fist against the side window.

  For the last hour, he’d been keeping vigil half a block away, waiting for her to return home. For professional reasons, he kept telling himself. He knew Jack’s feelings for Daisy were real, and as such he doubted he would hurt her. But he had a professional obligation to watch out for her just the same.

  Yeah, keep telling yourself that, asshole.

  What he’d really wanted to know was whether she’d take Jack into her bed. Now he had his answer.

  Fuck. Me.

  The lights in her apartment went out and images began torturing his already crazed mind.

  Daisy, naked and spread out while Jack feasted on her luscious body. His tongue in her mouth, then kissing his way down to the juncture of her thighs. Her long, beautiful legs wrapped around his waist as he drove into her warm, willing body.

  He growled deep in his throat. It was his own damn fault.


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