Editions and translations: Many letters are unavailable in accessible modern editions; for these cases Hercher 1873 must serve for now. Aelian, Alciphron, and Philostratus are collected in the Loeb of Benner and Fobes 1949, while Jones’s Loeb 2006 now covers Apollonius of Tyana; Penella 1979a offers a commentary. Düring 1951 provides edition and commentary on Chion; Doenges 1981 on Themistocles. Full translations of both these epistolary novels and selections from across the range of second sophistic epistolographers, with introductory essays on each subgenre, are found in Rosenmeyer’s 2006 anthology, an excellent starting point for the genre. Costa’s 2001 anthology (edition, translation, and disappointingly spare commentary) makes further texts accessible, and Trapp’s 2003 ranges widely across Greek and Latin epistolography but adds a few more Second Sophistic examples. Phlegon is translated with commentary in Hansen 1996. Text and (Italian) commentary on [Aeschines] 10 in Mignona 2000.
Secondary literature: The only place to begin is Rosenmeyer’s (2001) excellent monograph on the whole field of Greek literary letters, with separate chapters on epistolary novels, embedded letters, Aelian, Alciphron, Philostratus, and pseudonymous letter collections; see also in general Jenkins 2006, Muir 2008, 177–210, and now Ceccarelli 2013 on Greek epistolary literature before the Second Sophistic, and for a bibliographical survey, Rosenmeyer forthcoming. These should be supplemented by edited volumes by Hodkinson, Rosenmeyer, and Bracke (2013), including an Introduction which surveys some of the important issues in scholarship on Greek epistolary literature, and contains chapters on (among others) Phlegon, [Aeschines] 10, Apollonius of Tyana, [Euripides], Lucian, and Achilles Tatius; by Vox (2013b), which contains contributions (mostly in Italian and Spanish) on Alciphron (8), Aelian (2), and Philostratus (1); by Biraud and Zucker (forthcoming), on Alciphron; and by Nadjo and Gavoille (2000, 2002, 2004). Further accessible modern studies of these texts are rare; here are listed some of the most recent, together with some important older contributions, all of which should be consulted for further bibliography. Aelian: Hodkinson 2013b, Smith 2014. Alciphron: Anderson 1997; Fögen 2007; Hodkinson 2012; König 2007; 2012, 251–265; Schmitz 2004. Philostratus: Anderson 1986, 274–277; Goldhill 2009; Penella 1979a; Schmitz 2017; Walker 1992. Chion: Penwill 2010. Themistocles: Penwill 1978, Hodkinson 2007b. Multiple authors: Holzberg 1994a, Trapp 2006, Hodkinson 2007a, 2014, Morrison 2013.
Anderson, G. 1986. Philostratus: Biography and Belles Lettres in the Third CenturyA.D. London.
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Biraud, M. forthcoming. “Echoes of stress-based rhythms in the Letters of Fishermen: poetic, rhetoric and structural aspects.” In The Letters Of Alciphron: A Unified Literary Work?, edited by M. Biraud and A. Zucker, 55–65. Leiden.
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Drago, A. T. 2007. Aristeneto: Lettere d’amore. Lecce.
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Drago, A. T. 2013b. “Su alcuni (presunti) casi di imitazione letteraria: le epistole di Eliano e di Alcifrone.” In Lettere, mimesi, retorica: Studi di epistolografia letteraria greca di età imperiale e tardo-antica, edited by O. Vox, 71–86. Lecce.
Drago, A. T. 2014. “Menandro nell’epistolografia greca di età imperiale.” In Menandro e l’evoluzione della commedia greca (Atti del convegno internazionale di studi in memoria di Adelmo Barigazzi), edited by A. Casanova, 259–276. Florence.
Drago, A. T. forthcoming. “‘Laus vitae rusticae’: conventionality, imitation, Variation in the Letters of Alciphron.” In The Letters of Alciphron: A Unified Literary Work?, edited by M. Biraud and A. Zucker, 169–177. Leiden.
Düring, I. 1951. Chion of Heraclea: A Novel in Letters. Göteborg.
Fögen, T. 2007. “Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes: Zur Charakterzeichnung in den Hetärenbriefen Alkiphrons.” Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft 31: 181–205.
Funke, M. 2012. “Female Sexuality in Longus and Alciphron.” In Narrating Desire: Eros, Sex, and Gender in the Ancient Novel, edited by M. P. F. Pinheiro, M. B. Skinner, and F. I. Zeitlin, 181–196. Berlin.
Funke, M. 2016. “The Menandrian World of Alciphron’s Letters.” In Athenian Comedy in the Roman Empire, edited by C. W. Marshall and T. Hawkins, 223–238. London.
Gallé Cejudo, R. 2013. “Obsesión, fetichismo y masoquismo en las “Epístolas eróticas” de Filóstrato o la atomización del ejercicio preparatorio de retórica.” In Lettere, mimesi, retorica: Studi di epistolografia letteraria greca di età imperiale e tardo-antica, edited by O. Vox, 327–374. Lecce.
Gallé Cejudo, R. forthcoming. “Different forms of generic tension between Epistolary precepts and progymnasmatic rhetoric in the Letters of Alciphron.” In The Letters Of Alciphron: A Unified Literary Work?, edited by M. Biraud and A. Zucker, 131–146. Leiden.
Gera, D. L. 2013. “Letters in Xenophon.” In Epistolary Narratives in Ancient Greek Literature, edited by O. D. Hodkinson, P. A. Rosenmeyer, and E. Bracke, 85–103. Leiden.
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