Chance Collision

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Chance Collision Page 16

by C. A. Szarek

  Lee looked comfortable in Nate’s embrace that lasted a few seconds too long. Not at all like when she’d hugged Pete in greeting the day she’d come to town.

  “It’s nice to see you again, Counsellor,” Lee said.

  Hmmm… Was Pete’s plan to make his younger brother feel uncomfortable going to backfire? He stared at Lee and Nate. They fell into easy conversation.

  If she was into his brother—and it was a big maybe—why had she kissed Pete last night? Would Lee have really slept with him if there’d been something to that kiss?

  Nikki tugged on his arm and heat crept up his neck as if she could read his thoughts. His stomach was a lead weight.

  Pete had kissed Lee then had gone home and made love to Nikki.

  Shit. He rubbed his neck. Why did he feel like he’d cheated on Nikki? Ridiculous.

  “Uh, Nate, you know Nikki?” Pete said.

  She smiled as his brother pulled her into a quick hug—nothing compared to the one he’d given Lee.

  “So nice to see you again, Nikki.”

  “Nice to see you, too, Nate.”

  His brother grinned. “Want a beer, guys? Pop, you need a fresh one?” Nate called.

  “Nope, I’m good.” Their dad didn’t move from the end of the couch and Pete shook his head, smiling. The game must be good to override his good old Southern manners.

  Lee declined the beer and followed Nate into the kitchen for an iced tea instead. Pete watched them go. Their mother was in the kitchen, no doubt. Why would Nate take her into the lioness’s den?

  “Well, that’s interesting,” Nikki said.

  “I know it.”

  “They look good together.”

  He looked into her pretty brown eyes. “You think so?”

  “Yes. We do, too.” She smiled and grabbed his hand.

  Letting her entwine their fingers, he fought the urge to kiss her knuckles. If she planned on touching him, holding his hand, staying close to him all day, it would be no secret to his family that Nikki and he were together.

  Somehow, that didn’t bother him as much as it should.

  Pete gulped. “Nah, you’re too good for me.”

  Nikki frowned. He’d meant it as a half-joke, but shifted on his feet as she stared him down.

  “C’mon, I don’t think you’ve ever met my dad.”

  She nodded, but her expression didn’t soften. Where was the happy grin he’d seen before?


  “Peter Allen Crane. Why didn’t you tell me you were bringing two lovely girls to dinner?”

  Pete winced. His father hadn’t even had a chance to speak, though the man did stand and put his hand out to Nikki.

  He turned to see his mother—all four feet eleven inches of her—striding across the living room in her Sunday livery of a frilly pink apron over a red dress right out of 1955. Her puffy blond hair was piled on top of her head, larger than life. She had on matching red hoop earrings and high heels. Like always, his mother looked great. Ready for church or a night on the town. She’d told him many times that one always needed to look one’s best. Marilyn Crane was as vibrant as the clothes she always wore.

  But damn, nothing was worse than her leaving the kitchen in mid-meal preparation.

  “Hi, Mama.” He hugged her tight.

  His mother cupped his cheeks and dragged his face down to her level for a loud, smacking kiss. Pete just hoped he survived the incident sans the bright red lipstick that was her staple.

  He glared at his brother, who was smirking from the archway with Lee beside him. His temporary partner had amusement written all over her expression as she watched the torture.

  “Nikki Harper, you look fantastic.” His mother held both Nikki’s hands out and perused her outfit.

  Nikki beamed and his heart jumped. She did look fantastic in the multi-coloured bright sundress.

  Pete couldn’t help but wish they were alone so he could get her out of it.

  “Petey, how did you get this gorgeous little thing to come with you?”

  Petey? Fighting the urge to close his eyes, he ignored Lee’s snort. He’d never live that down.

  Nikki saved him from answering—thank God.

  “Thank you for having me, Mrs Crane.”

  “Oh, sugar, Mrs Crane was my mother-in-law. Please call me Marilyn.”

  She smiled and nodded, shifting on her sandaled feet. Mama’s gaze appraised them both. He wanted to squirm.

  Dad slid his arm around Pete’s mother’s shoulders and smiled at Nikki. “Nice to meet you. I believe you work for Chief Martin?”

  “Yes, sir.” Nikki moved closer to Pete after shaking his father’s hand.

  He wanted to throw his arm around her, but made his hands remain at his sides. His mother was already doing the stare-down. If he touched her, it’d get worse.

  “I had no idea you two were dating,” Mama said.

  “We’re not.” Pete’s answer was fast. Quick denial was easier than acceptance he was starting to feel. Starting to want?

  The look Nikki flashed him was full of pain. He cringed but she schooled her expression quickly. God, please don’t let Mama notice.

  “Ah,” Dad said. Retired Lieutenant Dennis Crane had put in thirty years at Antioch Police Department. His father would catch on fast it was work-related and he couldn’t discuss an open case.

  Not that his mother would care. Her quiet stare was already matchmaking.

  “Well, let’s eat, shall we?” Nate asked, much too brightly.

  “Great idea, son. Let’s eat on the patio, since it’s just a mild day.”

  * * * *

  Nikki grinned at Nate’s ribbing Pete about something as the guys set the picnic table on his parents’ sprawling, covered patio. They pulled the white and red checked tablecloth tight then set silverware and plates down.

  Nikki and Lee were told by all of the Cranes to have a seat and relax, they weren’t allowed to help. Mr Crane brought the large platter of smoked brisket to the table and set it at the centre. The aroma was fantastic, teasing her nose and causing her stomach to rumble.

  Watching the brothers interact as they brought the rest of the food out of the house was enjoyable. Pete was laughing and quipping back as soon as Nate could fling teases at him. The most normal she’d seen him in days.

  This Pete was the one she was used to seeing at work. The jokester. The lighthearted guy who always had something witty to say.

  He was gorgeous and fun, and she loved him even more.

  She couldn’t stop staring. He was aware she was watching him. Every glance he spared her—the way his green gaze would heat sent tingles down her spine, warmed her limbs. Made her want him.

  They’d made love so many times she was sore, but it wouldn’t stop her if he wanted her tonight. She wanted to sleep in his arms again. Tonight. Tomorrow night. Every night.

  Even though he’d crushed her when he’d too-quickly corrected his mother. But it was true—they weren’t dating. Having sex wasn’t dating.

  So why does that hurt so much?

  “Why are you so quiet?” Lee asked from her seat next to Nikki at the picnic table. Her dark hair was loose today, and she wore a short-sleeved, scoop-neck maroon top with layers of fabric at the front. It was tapered and hugged her curvy figure. Her grey skirt stopped at her knees, but Nikki would bet money the woman had a gun strapped to her thigh—even on Sunday. The outfit was simple and gorgeous. Like Lee. Fitting.

  Should Nikki still be jealous of Lee’s interaction with Pete?

  Dismissing the thought, she smiled at the beautiful FBI agent. “No reason. Just soaking in our surroundings.”

  Lee smiled back and gestured to Nate and Pete. “They’re something else, huh?”

  Nodding, Nikki looked back at the two brothers. Both too handsome for their own good.

  Nate was an inch or two taller than Pete’s six-foot-one-inch frame, and his eyes were hazel more than green, but they both had the same lean muscular build. Both ha
d the thick blond locks of their mother and resembled their father in looks—chiselled jaw lines and high cheekbones.

  Although his brown hair was receding, retired Lieutenant Crane was still just as tall and good-looking as his sons, even though his wife’s cooking had filled out his middle.

  The family got settled at the table and Nikki had to stifle a few laughs at the fussing Mrs Crane threw at her sons. Like they were little boys, instead of thirty-two and thirty-five.

  When Pete took a seat beside Nikki, and Lee moved to sit across from her beside Nate, all she could focus on was the warmth of his thigh next to hers.

  “So did you catch that murder at the trailer park?” Mr Crane asked as he handed Nikki a full plate of steaming brisket.

  She thanked him and passed the large bowl of mashed potatoes when Nate asked.

  “Nope,” Pete said after taking a sip of beer. “Manning’s on the case.”

  “I didn’t get a call just yet, either, so I don’t know if I’ll be on it,” Nate said.

  “We have to catch him first,” Lee said.

  “Please, let’s not talk about this at dinner,” Pete’s mother said. “It’s uncomfortable talk for Nikki, I’m sure.”

  Before Nikki could assure her the guys and Lee were fine, their father nodded and apologised.

  “We can talk shop after supper.”

  “Petey, can you pass me the salt?” Lee asked, dark eyes dancing.

  Nikki swallowed back a giggle at the look Pete threw his FBI partner. His brother snorted, reaching for a drink.

  His father looked amused when Nikki glanced his way, but evidently Mr Crane knew better than to remark.

  Nikki reached for the salt at the same time Pete did, because she was closer, but their hands bumped. Eyes locked. She relinquished the salt shaker.

  His expression softened and she suddenly needed to kiss him.

  The moment passed when someone cleared his throat and her eyes inadvertently collided with Nate’s hazel gaze.

  He gave her a half-smile and grabbed the salt from his brother for Lee.

  She shifted at Pete’s side, heart racing. Heat crept up her neck. If he didn’t want his family to know about them, he’d have to stop looking at her like that. Her blood sang for him and her belly warmed.

  When his hot hand settled on her upper thigh under the table, Nikki jumped. He patted her leg without looking her way, without stopping the conversation about sports he’d struck up with his dad. But his touch made her calm and burn for him at the same time.

  Nikki felt a stare. Pete’s mother was studying them. She fought the urge to gulp and flashed a smile.

  “How’s your grandma, sugar?” Marilyn asked.

  Good. Something she could focus on. Easy conversation. “She’s coming around from the stroke nicely. But the doc has her in the hospital to monitor arrhythmia. She’s tough. Gram will be fine.”

  “We’ll pray for her.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.”

  Mrs Crane smiled and clapped her hands. “Are ya’ll ready for dessert? I made my famous apple pie.”

  Nikki shifted on her feet as she watched Pete’s mother bustle around the kitchen after dinner. They’d left the guys, Lee and Lieutenant Crane on the patio. “Are you sure I can’t help you, Mrs—I mean, Marilyn?”

  “Oh, no, sugar.” The older woman rinsed off a pan and shut the water off. “I brought you in here so they could talk about horrible police stuff. And my mama taught me you never put guests to work.”

  “I really don’t mind.” Heading to the sink, she grabbed a kitchen towel and started wiping the dishes Marilyn had hand-washed.

  Pete’s mom laughed and shook her head. “Looks like your gram raised you to be as stubborn as she is.”

  Nikki grinned. “I guess so. Where does this go?”

  “Put them in a stack next to the dish drainer and we’ll put them away afterward.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “I knew I always liked you, Nikki Harper.”

  “I like you, too, Mrs Crane.”

  Marilyn stopped washing the pan she was working on. “What did I tell you about that Mrs Crane stuff?”

  “Sorry, Marilyn. Gram raised me to be polite, too.”

  “Good thing you’re so stubborn. You’re going to need it.”


  “My boy is stubborn, too. You’ll have to fight for him.” Her green gaze—just like Pete’s—evaluated her.

  Nikki almost dropped the dish she’d just dried. “I-I-I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Nonsense. I’m not blind, sugar. I see the way you look at him. But more than that, I see the way he looks at you.”

  Her limbs warmed and words dissolved. She’d noticed how Pete looked at her, too. He cared about her—he had to. His touches, kisses, they weren’t totally lust, were they? Was it too much to hope he planned on keeping her around? Probably.

  She swallowed back a gulp. Had Pete’s mother pulled her into the kitchen to ambush her? “I’m…kinda stuck with him right now because of his case. Pete said I can’t really talk about it.”

  His mother’s gaze called her on the bullshit she’d just spewed. “It’s always under the veil of the blue line, isn’t it?”

  “Well, it’s an open case—”

  “Tell yourself what you need to, to get through the night, sugar. Just don’t let him go if you don’t want to. You’ll regret it. And so will he.”

  What the heck could she say to that?

  “I love him,” Nikki blurted. Shit. Why the hell had she said that?

  Pete’s mom smiled—no, beamed was more like it. “Good.” She went back to scrubbing the pan.

  Frozen by the counter, Nikki fiddled with the glass she’d just dried, bit her bottom lip and waited for Marilyn to speak. But Pete’s mom said nothing for a good five minutes.

  “Plates go in the cupboard on the right above the microwave.”

  Nikki jumped.

  “Well, sugar, you said you wanted to help, didn’t you?”

  Nodding hastily, she grabbed the plates and put them away.

  “I love my Pete,” Marilyn said after handing her the pan and directing Nikki to its home. “But he’s just like his father. Can’t tell a good thing if she’s staring him in the face.”

  Nikki paused. Should she comment? But Marilyn saved her the need.

  “My point is, sugar, he can be stubborn and foolish.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” Nikki whispered.

  “Because if he hurts you, I want you to know I’ll kick his behind.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Suck harder, bitch. I paid extra.” Luca buried his hand in Prostitute Barbie’s bleached hair, making her take all of his cock. Pleasure from her hot mouth rolled over him. Damn, the girl didn’t have a gag reflex.

  He hissed when her teeth grazed over-sensitive skin, but he liked it. Rocking his hips, he fucked her face until his balls tightened.

  Hand at the back of her neck, he moved her head up and down the length of his dick, biting his lip to keep his moans and groans to a minimum. It might feel good as shit—however, there was no reason to let her know that.

  She put her hands on both his thighs and raised herself on her knees, making sure to press her fake tits into him.

  Luca grinned and put his hand around her throat, squeezing slightly as she sucked him off.

  Pale blue eyes widened when he increased the pressure, and that just got him hotter. He lifted his hips and shoved his cock down her throat.

  His spine tingled and his dick jerked in her mouth. “Unnnggh, I’m coming.”

  Prostitute Barbie gripped his thighs until fake nails sank through the fabric of his slacks and licked every last drop of him like he was a popsicle.

  What a good little whore.

  She flashed a satisfied smile when she leant back. “Did you like that, baby?” She dragged her fingers down his chest—like that was supposed to turn him on.

  Suddenly, he d
idn’t want her hands on him. Post-orgasmic haze faded. Caselli was after him. He needed to get the fuck out of this cheap motel. Find another. Stay close. They—police and his boss alike—would assume he’d hightailed it out of the city.

  Luca needed to make sure Berto was dead. He’d shot him three or four times. Had he hit the woman at all? Berto’s whore had screamed, but he couldn’t be sure.

  Shit. Why the fuck did he keep failing?

  Leaning up, Prostitute Barbie made like she was going to kiss him, but Luca turned his head. “I didn’t pay for that.”

  The hooker pouted and plopped down on the bed beside him. “But I fixed your arm and everything.”

  “I paid you for it.”

  She said nothing as Luca stood and shoved his dick in his pants. His right arm smarted but he ignored it. He needed to get rid of Prostitute Barbie. Needed to look around and make sure no one had found him. Glancing around the room, he took comfort in the three guns he spotted. Damn good thing he’d stuffed one of his duffles with ammo.

  “What about me?” She frowned.

  “What about you?” Couldn’t the bitch tell he was done with her?

  Those blue eyes flashed and she crossed her arms over the fake double-Ds. They sat high in the black pleather corset, threatening to pop out.

  Luca liked big tits like any other man, but this girl wasn’t his type. She’d just been available. He liked them dark, Italian-looking.

  Ah, so this one actually enjoys sex. “I don’t remember paying to get you off.”

  The girl huffed and puffed.

  Luca leant down over her plastic body, forcing her to lie back. He wrapped his hand around her neck. “You have a problem, sweetheart?”

  Applying pressure caused her eyes to widen again. Her cheeks flushed red and it had nothing to do with arousal.

  Her fear made his dick twitch. Maybe he’d fuck her after all. She’d got an extra hundred bucks for getting the medical supplies from the pharmacy and dressing his wound and she’d even dug the bullet out. Like she’d done that a time or two.

  “Hmmm, who would miss you if you were gone, babe?”

  She sputtered and struggled beneath him. Clutched at his wrists, her nails bit into his skin. Luca didn’t care.


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