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by Charisma Knight

  jumped all over her. Later, she learned he’d been on an all night drinking binge with his buddies.

  Their relationship had been so bad that she actually feared him. That fear had prevented her from verbally expressing her feelings to him, so she held everything in. There had been small instances when she tried to stand up for herself, but she was always met with a vicious outburst that left her sobbing for hours.

  Tears stung her eyes. She recalled numerous evenings of sitting at a table made for two and Danny not showing up until several hours later.

  She wondered why she had stayed with such a cruel, heartless monster. The night he came home with lipstick on his collar was the last straw. The next day she went straight to her lawyer and filed for divorce.

  Despite his desperate attempts to woo her after the divorce, she discovered a happier, less stressful life without him. She smiled because she’d come a long way. Since the divorce, she had only dated one other man she’d met while vacationing in Cancun and just chocked it up as a weekend fling.

  “You’re going to be okay, girlie.” She told herself. “You’re going to be okay.”

  Chapter Three

  After a restless night, Pearl went on another cleaning binge. She couldn’t escape the unclean feeling of her home being invaded and a total stranger pissing on her carpet.

  She washed the dishes and quickly mopped the floor. Her mind focused on Nicholas. His visit was the one positive thing that came from all this mess. After an all morning cleaning binge and rearranging furniture, she settled down to enjoy a hot cup of coffee when the doorbell rang.

  She exhaled sharply and walked through the living room to the front door. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Nicholas.”

  The man’s voice made her insides melt. If he had this effect on her on the other side of the door, how the hell would she react when they were face to face? She wondered if she could go through with this.

  “Just a minute.” Excitement trickled over her wile quickly giving herself a look over in the gold trimmed hallway mirror. Releasing a breath, she opened the door to find herself staring at an incredible well-muscled chest. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she lifted her gaze to meet those familiar twinkling light brown eyes that captivated her all those years ago. Clutching a clipboard in his right hand, he returned her smile.

  Nicholas must have spent hours at the gym over the years in addition to the manual labor.

  His squared face had developed mature age lines around his eyes and mouth. Ah, that

  mouth. His slightly crooked nose and the long scar beneath his eye led her to believe he’d been in more fights over the years than she’d wanted to imagine. The warm April breeze blew through his thick shoulder length brown hair. She also noticed his mane had a light dusting of gray throughout.

  “Hello, Pearl. May I come in?”

  “Hey, Nick.” She stepped back, opening the door wide enough for him to enter.

  As he strode past her, the slight scent of earth, musk, and man made her pussy clench. Her nipples pressed painfully against her bra and her cheeks burned in embarrassment at the fact that she could be so easily aroused.

  “You’re looking good,” he admitted, his gaze quickly sweeping over her body. “Good

  enough to eat.”

  With a nervous smile, Pearl closed the door. “And you’ve changed quite a bit yourself. It’s really nice seeing you again.”

  Nicholas’s eyes darkened and a serious look crossed his face. ”We only see each other in passing, and that’s a shame. You could take the time to stop and talk to an old friend.” He admitted wryly.

  She smiled at his brute honesty. “When I see you, you’re usually working outside with your crew, and I really didn’t want to be a bother.”

  “Obviously, you need to be taught some manners,” he said with a low growl.

  She had no words for his last statement and tried hiding her hardened nipples by folding her arms across her chest. A few minutes of silence slipped by while he watched her intensely.

  “What’s the matter? Wolf got your tongue?” he teased.

  Pearl cleared her throat and swallowed as the room suddenly became hotter. He had her in his clutches. “Nicholas,” was the only word she could muster.

  “What’s wrong, darling? Why so shy?” He moved toward her, but she slowly backed away.

  “My basement,” She pointed toward the stairwell trying to change the subject. If they continued this little game of cat and mouse, they’d be all over each other.

  Smiling slyly, he extended an arm toward the basement. “Yes, of course. Lead the way.”

  She walked down the hallway to the door and descended the basement stairs. With

  Nicholas so close behind her, the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She felt his burning gaze on her back and knew he hungered for her. After all, she was fair game now.

  She tightened her fist as the burning sensation blossoming in her belly became stronger.

  “Oh God.”

  “Is there something wrong?”

  “Uh, no.”

  Pearl couldn’t speak. If she did, she’d stammer or trip down the stairs, she was sure of it.

  There was something in his voice and the way he looked at her that made her want to let him have his way with her. She didn’t know quite how to deal with these feelings, but she wanted Nicholas, and she wanted him bad.

  Once downstairs, Nicholas walked around her basement, wrinkling his face in anger.

  “Wish I’d been here when he’d broken into your house. Do the police know who did it?”

  Pearl shrugged. “Not a clue, they just informed me the intruder was a wolf shifter.”

  “What’d they take?”

  “That’s just the thing, nothing.” She went on to explain how she hid in her closet, clutching the stiletto while fearing for her life.

  Nicholas shook his head. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, darling. I’d rip his damned throat out had I been here.”

  “I think it’s just an omen,” she admitted freely. “You see, I haven’t been one hundred percent comfortable since my divorce.”

  “Then what the hell are you still doing here?” Nicholas jotted some things down on his clipboard before laying it on the leather sofa. He pulled out a measuring tape to take measurements of her glass door.

  “Nicholas, I don’t know. I’ve worked hard for this house. After all that man has put me through, staying here made me feel like it was the one thing he couldn’t take away from me.”

  “I understand that. But, your stubborn nature is causing old ghosts to stir.” Nicholas told her. “Don’t you think it’s time you’ve moved on?”

  Pearl chuckled and wondered how it was so easy for her to tell Nicholas these things. It all seemed so natural. “I’ve been thinking the same thing, just last night. I’ve been divorced for a year now, I should be over all of this.” She laughed. Enough about me, what about you?”

  “Darling, you can talk to me anytime. Maybe, that’s why I’m here. As far as I’m

  concerned, I’m just doing the same shit different day routine. My life is simple.”

  “Aren’t we all?” Pearl laughed.

  He put his tape measurer away and glanced at her. “I suppose that’s how life goes. But, I can’t help but feel there’s something missing from my life.”

  Once again, he’d rendered her speechless. Why hadn’t he come on this strong when she’d been chasing Danny? Licking her lips, she decided to push the envelope. “What do you think is missing in your life, Nicholas?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe someone to hold me tight during the night, that special someone I can open up and bare my soul too without fear of judgment or humiliation. The person that makes your heartbeat automatically sync with yours while making love.” He stopped

  talking and held her gaze with his intense one.

  “Have you found that special someone yet?” Pearl asked, suddenly curious and a feeling a b
it jealous.

  Nicholas smiled. “Maybe I have, but it remains to be seen.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “There’s someone I’m crazy about, but she seems like she’s hell bent on pushing me away.

  If I didn’t know any better, I think she wasn’t interested in me. Maybe you could give me some advice.” He grinned when she shifted her weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other.

  Pearl’s gaze dropped to the floor. The man was talking about her, but she didn’t know how to handle this situation. “She’s interested, but she’s a little nervous.”

  Chapter Four

  “What could you possibly have to be nervous about?” He inquired. “I’d never do anything to hurt you.”

  “I know you wouldn’t, Nicholas.”

  “I’d never treat you the way he treated you.” He reached out to stroke her chin.

  She gasped. “You knew?”

  “Of course I did. Carlos and Renee told me. He was never worthy of you Pearl. I would have placed you up on a pedestal if you were mine.”

  His chest tightened when she pulled from his grasp. “No. This is just happening too fast for me. I think.”

  “It’s okay,” he assured her. “I have no plans on going anywhere anytime soon.”

  While surveying the damaged basement, Nicholas couldn’t help but to think about the

  beautiful creature standing behind him. On the drive over, he swore he’d maintain a

  semblance of professionalism and control. Yet as soon as he laid eyes on her, the promise had flown out the window.

  He enjoyed catching her off guard with his comments and stares. He sniffed the air, his cock hardening at her increasing arousal that reminded him of musk and cinnamon. That irresistible twinkle in her eye made him want to stare into the lovely brown pools while he made love to her for hours on end.

  Reality set in as an angry growl escaped from his lips at the scent of the male who invaded her home. The bastard wanted to do more than just scare her, he’d realized. The various holes that had been punched into the basement and living room walls told him she was dealing with a psychopath. He heard Pearl gasp and turned abruptly.

  “Nicholas? I heard you growl. Is something wrong?”

  He’d scared her, but couldn’t bear to frighten her further about the wolf’s intentions. His cheeks burned as he turned back around to scribble something on his clipboard. With a sigh, he turned to face her again.

  “Do you have someone staying with you?” He stared into her glittering brown eyes,

  releasing a breath when she shook her head. “And you’re not afraid?”

  “Hell, no. This is my house and next time I’ll be ready for the bastard!”

  “I’d feel better if you weren’t alone.”

  “I’m fine Nicholas and I don’t need anyone babysitting me,” She said stubbornly.

  He narrowed his eyes and smiled at her determined nature. “Be that as it may, I still feel someone should watch over you.”

  A smiled curved the edge of her lips. “Someone like you?”

  The sound of her voice was like silk gliding over his skin. His cock stirred when he caught the scent of her arousal and he was certain she was flirting with him. “Yep,” he replied.

  “That’s if you’re not chicken shit.”

  She shifted beneath his amorous gaze. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He leaned in to stroke her cheek. It looked like he’d have to make excuses to be around her home. His crew could focus on other jobs while he concentrated on Pearl in more ways than one.

  “It means a second chance has been granted to us and we should seize the moment Pearl.

  Now, how about a cup of that delicious coffee I smelled earlier?” He smiled when she blushed.

  He loved the innocence, with a dash of shyness that she possessed. Pearl’s stubborn, strong-willed nature on top of everything completed her. He wanted to taste her, so he bent down and planted a soft kiss on her inviting lips. His wolf scratched at the surface, needing so much more than Nicholas was willing to take. She moaned softly when he pulled her

  against his throbbing erection.

  Not wanting to control his emotions, he tightened his arms around her, gently nibbling on her bottom lip before slipping his tongue inside her mouth. Pearl returned his savage kiss until he groaned softly against her mouth. She tasted so sweet, and he wished to explore her all over.

  Nicholas shuddered at the feeling of her soft breasts melding against his body. He allowed his hands to roam along the curves of her body and she was soft in all the right places. His hands glided down the small of her back and to her rounded ass.

  “Oh fuck.” He moaned against her lips, squeezing the plump flesh, pressing her body

  against his. He growled and squeezed again, until she groaned against his mouth.

  “We should stop.” she placed a warm palm against his chest, breaking their connection.

  He peered into her eyes, becoming lost in them. “I can’t,” he growled.

  “We must,” she whispered.

  “You know you don’t want to,” he whispered, before stealing another kiss from those, full precious lips.

  Gently she tried pushing him away, yet he pulled her tighter against him, kissing her again.

  When he finally released her, he found himself gazing into a set of shocked eyes.

  She touched her lips and smiled slightly. “Nicholas, I’m—“

  “Making excuses,” he finished her sentence. “Give me one good reason why we


  “Guilt? Maybe, it’s too soon because I really wasn’t expecting this to happen.”

  “Maybe because Danny was the only man you’ve ever known? My God woman, you

  married right out of high school. What the hell did you know about love back then? You were young. You should have been doing whatever the hell you wanted, not tying yourself down to someone who didn’t appreciate you.”

  “I just know I’m not ready for this.”

  “But, you want it just as much as I do. Pearl, I’m through pretending with you. I let you get away a long time ago and I don’t intend on making the same mistake twice.” There. He’d gotten that off his chest.

  “Well, what about you Nicholas? I’ve been divorced for a year. Why didn’t you approach me?”

  “Because, up until six months ago, I was seeing someone else.” He admitted.

  She held her head down. “I see. What happened?”

  “She cheated on me. I could smell him on her, but she always denied it. It took me a while to get over that level of betrayal and even longer to shake the pain. When I commit again, it’s for life. Like you, I was just settling.”

  “I’m sorry. I know exactly how you feel in that regard.”

  “I have no regrets. I’ve moved on. I deserve so much more and so do you. Now, how about that coffee?” he asked, before picking up his clipboard from the sofa.

  “Of course,” she chuckled softly.

  Nicholas watched her trying to cover up her nervousness. He knew her more than she knew herself. But, he’d give her some time to prepare for their moment. Until then, he planned on catching up with her. He followed her up the stairs. His gaze fixated on the swaying hips and her well muscle claves flexing with every step she took.

  “I know you’re watching my ass,” She said.

  “You know this, yet you seem so hell bent on keeping it all to yourself.” He simply refused to keep his thoughts hidden from her. She needed to see what they were missing out on and hopefully she’d act on her impulses too.

  Once they were in her kitchen, Nicholas leaned against the counter, glaring at Pearl as she poured them coffee. Every so often she glanced up at him, but would quickly avert her eyes. Why was she being so shy around him? Had Danny been so overbearing during their marriage that she deemed it necessary to seek some type of approval for something she wanted?

  She shot him a puzzling glare.
“Something wrong?”

  “Nope. Nothing at all, darling.”

  “You’d better stop toying with me and be serious, Nicholas. How do you take your

  coffee?” she asked with a smile.

  He caught the “come hither” in her voice. She reacted well to his remarks. Yet, she still held back. There just had to be a way to make her loosen up. Unable to resist the brazen thought that crossed his mind, he grinned, and hoped she’d catch on.

  “Black.” When a whimper escaped her, and her eyes twinkled, Nicholas knew she’d

  received the message.

  She simply smiled and strolled into the dining room area. “Nicholas,” she said, setting the cups on the table before she sat down. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “You keep setting yourself up,” he said with a grin before laying the clipboard down and joining her at the table. He took a sip of the rich Hazelnut coffee and smiled.

  “Seriously, why are you behaving like this?” she asked.

  Leaning back in his chair, he tapped his long fingers on the polished wood of the table, shooting her a serious gaze. “I want you, Pearl. I’ve wanted you forever and now that we’re in such close proximity of one another, I refuse to deny it.”

  “So, Mr. Wolford, how much will it cost for you to fix my basement?” she asked.

  Nicholas paused. He’d been so hell bent on chasing the one who’d gotten away, he’d

  neglected to write up the estimate. “Tell you what, I’ll send you an email tonight. But, we’ll replace the glass to the sliding door in your basement tonight. I don’t want you sleeping with just plastic across the frame.”

  He picked up the cell and called one of his men. After ending the call, he smiled. “Your door will be replaced tonight, so no worries about that. I’ll be here while my men are working.”

  “What will you do while your men are repairing my basement door?” Pearl asked.

  Nicholas grinned. “Watching over you.”

  She shook her head. “I told you that I’m fine. What happens when they leave?”

  He wiggled his eyebrows and grinned.

  Pearl busted out laughing.


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