Scoring Mr. Romeo (The Mr. Wrong Series Book 3)

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Scoring Mr. Romeo (The Mr. Wrong Series Book 3) Page 19

by A. m Madden

  He nodded thoughtfully. “Exactly. Their net was 1.2 billion last year.” I let out a whistle. “Anthony will be traveling here next month. I’m not sure when and neither is he. But, he said when he gets here he will give us a call.”

  “Fantastic. What can I do in the meantime? I’ll assume you have a game plan already formulating in that head of yours.”

  “I want you to take point on this. Naturally, I’ll be there as well, but when I spoke to him, he sounded exactly like you did when you got to Yale. His English was extremely broken. You, being from his homeland will serve a great purpose. More than you already do.”

  Ideas swirled in my head. “I’ll create a proposal. Did he send you any financials or are we going off public record for now?”

  “I’ll email what he sent. We need this one, Luca. This could put us on the map.”

  “Don’t you mean control the map?”

  Jude let out a hearty chuckle. “I want Soren Enterprises to be the map.” He stood. “I’m excited about this one, Benedetto.” His eyes danced, his jaw was stern, and I knew what that meant… I will be in Forbes top 100 before I turn 31. It used to be 30, but that ship had sailed.

  “I’m on it, boss.”

  “Let’s go grab a bite to eat.”

  Ten minutes later we walked into the small café-style restaurant around the corner. We ordered our meals. Jude and I started discussing our game plan for Callo. According to Anthony, he was visiting a few companies in the city. This information sparked both of our competitive nature. Of course, this was what normally happened when a top-rated company searched for the right person to handle their outside investments. It was as if vultures could smell the blood. The difference with Soren was we planned on swooping in before any bloodshed occurred.

  Over our club sandwiches and fries, we plotted out our plan of attack, so to speak. We were out of the office for over two hours. Jude brought up his calendar. “Fuck.”

  “That doesn’t sound good, did you miss a meeting?”

  “No, but I’m going out of town for Brae’s birthday next month. I want this wrapped up by then.”

  “If you’re not here, I’ll take care of it. Trust me, I can handle it.”

  “I have no doubt, but…”

  “Don’t. Your wife will be disappointed. Like you’ve said, love first, work second. Right?”

  He smirked at my comment. “Eighteen months ago I wouldn’t have agreed with you, but yes. Love always comes first. By the way, we’re thinking of buying a home in the Hamptons. We found one we like and are renting it for the summer. Plan on coming out the weekend of the Fourth of July. I’m going to tell Cleary, and Brae is inviting the girls. Feel free to bring a date. Speaking of, what’s new on the Sabrina front?”

  The sound of her name brought a wicked smile to my face. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been thinking of her. In all of my adult life I had never thought of a woman as much as I did Sabrina. Everything about her made me happy. From the way the sun caught the natural highlights in her hair, to the way she walked. If I let myself think of anything sexual, there would be no way to hide my thoughts.

  “Everything is great, thanks. I spent Saturday with her son, and then Mikey and I cooked her dinner as an early Mother’s Day gift,” I said matter-of-factly.

  Jude stared at me. “Wow, you got it bad. When’s the last time you cooked for a woman?”

  I had to think about it and the answer would probably be my own mother but that most likely didn’t count since my grandmother did most of the work. I just chopped tomatoes and grated cheese. Rather than answer, I just shrugged.

  He snickered, “That’s what I thought.” That’s when my best friend gave me a genuine smile. “I’m happy for you. She’s definitely a keeper and her boy seems to like you.”

  “I love that kid.”

  Jude’s eyebrows shot to his hairline. “What about her?”

  Either my heart was swelling or my ribs were shrinking, but my chest started to tighten. “She’s special.” That was all I could offer. Even if I was feeling love or extreme like toward her, I wanted her to be the first to know.

  He gave me his trademark nod alerting me I wasn’t fooling anyone. “We should get back to the office.”

  Mere minutes later that was exactly where we were. Me in my office and Jude in his, both plotting out ways to land Callo and in the back of my head, I thought of Sabrina.


  You would have thought this was my first time applying mascara. Why in the world I was so nervous going out with Brae and Vanessa sans Cassie, baffled me. No, that was a lie. I wasn’t baffled. These women were part of Luca’s circle. If Becky wasn’t watching Mikey for me tonight, I would have brought her with me like Linus would his blanket.

  When Brae called to ask me to go out for a girls’ night, I was excited. Then once I had Mikey situated, the nerves kicked in. I stared at my reflection and wondered if I was trying too hard. As it was, I had changed outfits three times and wound up wearing the first one I tried on. I reached into my pink V-neck sweater and adjusted my boobs—even they felt crooked to me. Calm down, Sabrina. I chanted in my head. I sprayed on a bit of perfume, gave my hair one more smooth over with my palms, before heading out to meet my Uber at the curb.

  A neon sombrero flashed as the sedan pulled up in front of José Ponchos. When I walked in I scanned the bar for the ladies. Brae spotted me and thrust her hand in the air signaling me to their table.

  “We’re so glad you’re here.” She gave me a hug and then Vanessa did the same.

  “Thank you for inviting me. I’ve never been here before.”

  Vanessa flagged down a waiter. “The margaritas are to die for, you’ll love them.”

  Tequila had never been a friend of mine, but why not? It wasn’t as if we were doing shots, and a cocktail or two wouldn’t be bad. When I was younger, I dubbed tequila, “talk-ee-la” since my lips moved faster than my brain. Many a night did I say something I didn’t intend to.

  When the young waiter appeared, Vanessa ordered a refill for herself since Brae was still working on the one she had, and one for me. Once again, my nerves spiked. After meeting these girls a couple of times, I could see that their group of friends were more like a family.

  Brae shimmied in her seat and then looked at me. “How was your week? I think I’m going to start coming to you to get my hair done. My stylist moved away and my new one, Enrico, isn’t going to work out.”

  I hated hearing horror stories about hairdressers, but, she had perfect hair. “Why?” My head tilted to the left and to the right to check out her shiny tresses. “You have beautiful hair.”

  Vanessa laughed. “Oh, it has nothing to do with the man’s talent.”

  Confusion set in. “I don’t understand? Did he say something rude?”

  Brae shook her head. “No, nothing like that. Let’s just say Enrico could double as a movie star, and he’s straight… a combination that didn’t sit well with Jude.”

  Vanessa shook her head in mock disgust. “You should’ve told Jude he batted for the other team. It’s hard to find a good stylist and that man had talent. Plus, your man is just as hot if not hotter.”

  Without pause, Brae added, “Hotter. But, I suppose if his stylist could double as a lingerie model, I wouldn’t care for that. Thankfully, she could double for my grandmother.”

  The waiter delivered our drinks. After the tart liquid caressed my taste buds, I added. “I wouldn’t care for that either.” They both waited as I took another sip. “Wow, this is really good.”

  Brae and Vanessa eyes remained focused on me. “Why would that bother you?” Brae asked.

  “When I was in cosmetology school, a lot of the girls would say how they loved giving attractive men haircuts because they could use their boobs to flirt.”

  “Shut up!” Brae exclaimed.

  “I could see that,” Vanessa chided. When neither of us said anything, she added, “I mean, they’re eye level with the man. I suppose
I should be thankful Kyle goes to a dude.”

  Brae flung her hand in the air. “Change of subject.” That was when she pinned me with her eyes. “How’s Luca?”

  Vanessa leaned forward, elbows on the table, her laced fingers supporting her chin. “Yes, dish. We want to hear all about him.”

  It was then I knew my face turned the same shade as my sweater. “He’s good.” No, that wasn’t the right wording. “This past Saturday he took care of my son, since I had to work, and then the two of them made me dinner. It was—”

  Before I could complete my sentence, Vanessa finished if for me. “Fucking romantic, that’s what that is. Hell, did I get the only one who doesn’t cook?” She sipped her chartreuse colored drink. “Jude-alicious cooks for that one, Luca cooks for you, and Kyle orders in dinner.”


  Brae waved her off. “Ignore her. It sounds like a great night. So, you two are getting close? Jude said Luca went to your parents’ for Easter.”

  I did a recap of my relationship with Luca, adding a sigh here and there followed up with a smile. All this talk of him made my insides coil. Shit. As if on cue, my phone vibrated in the back pocket of my jeans.

  “Excuse me. This could be about Mikey.” When I saw Luca’s name, I slid the bar to the right opening the text.

  Luca: My ears are burning. Are you talking about me?

  I gasped.

  “What is it? Is everything okay?” Brae’s concern prompted me to show her the screen. Vanessa feeling left out, snatched it from my hand.

  “Oh, this is too good. May I?” Switching the straw from her water glass to her margarita, to suck it down, and before I could object, her thumbs went to work.

  Vanessa squirmed a bit and let out a giggle. My heart felt like it was going at rapid speed.

  After every chime she pulled the phone closer to her chest and farther away from me. Suddenly using a straw didn’t seem like a bad idea.

  After the last chime, Vanessa jutted out her bottom lip in a pout. Then my phone rang. Without hesitation, she answered. “Well, hello there. How did you know it was me?” I dropped my head in my hands causing it to spin a little, while Brae patted my shoulder in support. “Fine, hold on.” Vanessa graciously offered me my phone back, adding, “The jig is up.”

  Not knowing what the text said, I cringed a little before I said, “Hi.”

  “Hey, how’s it going?”

  “Can I call you right back? It’s loud in here and I can’t really hear you.” I clicked the call off after he said okay, and scanned through the text.

  Me: They should be on fire. I’m telling the girls about how you make my toes curl.

  Luca: Is that so?

  Me: It is. I can’t wait to see you again.

  Luca: I can’t wait to see you too.

  Me: The way you kiss me makes me so wet, Mr. Romeo. The next time we’re together, I’m going to climb you like a tree.

  Luca: Vanessa… give Sabrina her phone back.

  “Oh my God, Vanessa?”

  Brae read the messages and tsk’d. “V, really?”

  “What? Was I wrong, Sabrina? Doesn’t he make your toes curl? You can’t tell me he isn’t an amazing lover. Couple that with how he treats you, and your toes should curl like a poodle’s coat after it just got out of a bath.”

  “Excuse me a second. I need to call him back.” I hurried out of my chair and headed toward the front door. As soon as I breathed in some New York air, and tried to slow the merry-go-round in my head, I tapped on his name.


  Everything Vanessa said was right. Even the way he sexily said that two-letter word made me want to leave and go to him. “Hi, I’m really sorry about that.”

  “You weren’t talking about me?”

  “No, we were.” I let out a small giggle. “But not as detailed as Vanessa would want you to think. I don’t kiss and tell.”

  “Good to know.” He paused. “So, I don’t make your toes curl?”

  “No comment.” The cool brick of the building chilled my back when I leaned against it. “I wish you were here.”

  “I wish I was, too. Cleary and Soren have been kicking my ass at pool. Is Mikey out all night?”

  “Yes, he’s sleeping over at Becky’s. Why?” My fingers started fiddling with the edge of my sweater.

  “Let’s ditch our friends. My place or yours?”

  A groan crawled up my throat and into the receiver. “Yours.”

  “I’ll come and pick you up in thirty. Will that be enough time?”

  I felt like saying too much, and even though I wanted to be with him sooner rather than later, I didn’t want to ditch Brae and Vanessa. “Can we make it an hour? I don’t want to make a bad impression. You know, ho’s before bro’s.” Ho’s before bro’s? Yes, talk-ee-la stuck again. “You know what I mean.”

  He laughed. “One hour. I’ll pick you up. Jude told me where you all were.”

  “See you soon.” I paused. “And Luca… just so you know, you do make my toes curl and much more.” I pressed the red dot ending the call and walked back inside.

  Chapter 25


  The elevator pinged and opened on my floor while she still worried her bottom lip. I stopped us in the hall and tugged it from between the confines of her teeth. “Stop. After your phone call, no sooner had I said that I was ditching our pool outing when Jude and Kyle dropped their cues on the green felt before stalking toward the door.”

  “I just feel bad. They went through the trouble of inviting me.”

  “If you ladies want anyone to blame for ending your girl’s night out early, then blame my two horny friends.”

  She threw me a sideways grin. “Nice try. From what I hear, the three of you are all pretty similar in that department.”

  “It’s our women,” I retorted just as I opened my apartment door. “You ladies bring out the beast in us.” At her silence, my eyes searched her face for a reaction to my claim. “What’s running through that pretty head of yours, Sabrina?” A slow smile spread, lighting up her eyes. “That look has me even more curious.”

  “I like your inner beast.”

  “You, do, huh?” I asked, as I removed my jacket and tossed it not caring where it landed.

  She nodded shyly. “He makes me feel wanted.”

  With my eyes pinned to hers, my response held no levity. “Oh, you’re wanted, Sabrina.” It was almost comical when her bag fell to the ground with a thump, yet neither of us laughed. I stepped closer and began unbuttoning her jacket next. “But a beast won’t be appearing tonight.” I didn’t stop with her jacket and continued to stare right into her soul while my fingers gripped the hem of her soft pink sweater.

  “He won’t?” My only response was a slow, methodical slide of my head from right to left. “Why?”

  “I have other plans in mind for tonight. Maybe in the morning I’ll ravage you like an animal in my shower, or with you spread across my kitchen island. But tonight, you’re getting the real Luca.” The motion of her swallow caught my attention just before I lifted her top over her head and dropped it to the floor. A lace bra of the palest shade of pink melded with her skin tone, creating an open canvas for my lips. But we were still vertical in my foyer, and I needed her horizontal on my bed to do what I had in mind.

  Without any further explanation, I lifted her and carried her right to my bedroom. Once I placed her in the center of the mattress, I appreciated the beauty before me. “Sei bellissima.”

  “Hearing you speak in Italian while staring at me with those sinful brown eyes of yours is the best kind of foreplay.”

  “Here comes more foreplay, Sabrina.” Her admission forced me to give her a play-by-play on all I planned to do to her, in Italian. I wouldn’t translate with words, only with actions. With each detailed account of where my lips would travel from hers down and over every inch of her body, the reaction I received proved her comment was true.

  But first and foremost, I need
ed her naked. One by one, I removed her heels and when she wiggled her pink painted toes I took a moment to knead them with the pads of my thumbs eliciting a sexy groan to escape her lips.

  The next article to come off were her jeans. As I unbuttoned and unzipped them, I admired how they seductively molded over her body before rolling the tight denim down until her legs were freed.

  “Gesù Cristo,” I muttered the Lord’s name from seeing her in a whimsical pair of white panties with pink polka dots all over them. My heated gaze caused her to bring her thighs together. “No,” I said with a firm shake of my head. She hesitated a pause, and then widened her knees just enough for me to see what she tried to hide a few seconds ago… her wetness revealed in the way the polka dots over her crotch appeared a tad darker than the rest.

  I wasn’t even aware that my hand moved down to adjust the uncomfortable confines of my jeans until her eyes tracked me doing so. As she continued to stare, I took the opportunity to remove the clothes I wore. They were nothing less than a nuisance to what I needed at that moment. I stopped when I had nothing left to remove but my boxer briefs. The reason I had, Sabrina’s gaze stopped raking over me and settled on the very obvious arousal that I couldn’t hide. She licked her lips and lifted her gaze to my face.

  It seemed an eternity by the time I shed that one last piece of fabric I wore as well as removing her bra and panties. I settled over her while forcing myself to keep the pace that I had started with. Because that beast she claimed she loved lay right beneath the surface, ready to claw his way out.

  The reasons I wanted all of her, and to give her all of me, may have been a cowardly way to convey how I felt about her. But, somewhere along the line I realized that I fell in love with Sabrina in every way. What was about to happen needed to be a preview of what would come for us with each day that passed. Words could be scary, and I hoped I could transfer my emotions by making love to her. Just she and I, with our hearts and bodies connecting in the most intimate of ways.


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