Captured: Warriors of Hir, Book 1

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Captured: Warriors of Hir, Book 1 Page 2

by Willow Danes

  The restraint around her wrist was some kind of metal, weirdly warm to the touch and smooth. Interesting and all—she would be thrilled to ponder it further once she got the hell out of here. Her frenzied pulls and fumbling searches for the catch weren’t getting her anywhere.

  So I’ll break the fucking bedpost!

  She wasn’t sure how long he would be gone and he knew she was conscious so subtlety be damned. She got on her knees and threw her weight against the headboard, knocking it into the wall, but it was good North Carolina pine and the bedpost too thick to crack. She tried to slide the restraint upwards around the bedpost instead. There was a decorative knob there; carved, not screwed on, but maybe she could—

  One moment he wasn’t there in the doorway, the next he was. Jenna gave a short startled cry at his sudden reappearance and froze, still straining to get the manacle past the bedpost knob.

  His unnerving glance took in her position against the headboard then met her eyes again. He held her gaze as he approached; his movements were as smooth as a stalking panther, startling in someone his size.

  He’d looked big before; this close he made her five-foot, eight-inch frame seem positively delicate. The bed dipped under his weight as he knelt on the quilt, facing her, but even in this position he loomed over her. She caught the scent of him then, warm, male, almost cinnamon-like.

  Jenna flinched as his hand came up toward her face and he froze. After a few heartbeats where he stayed disconcertingly still, he reached for her again, slower this time. Jenna could feel her lips trembling as he stroked her hair.

  His fingers felt calloused as he touched her temple, tracing along her skin, skimming the curve of her cheek to her jaw. He tilted her chin up, the pad of his thumb running over her chinbone as he studied her face.

  His electric blue gaze met hers.

  Then, very softly, so softly it seemed half purr, he growled.

  The sound vibrated through her body and sent a startling, tingling rush of warmth through her belly to tighten her center. On the heels of that wave her breasts felt heavy, her nipples nearly as sensitive as her clit suddenly felt.

  Heat flashed in his vivid eyes and her face warmed at the realization that he knew exactly what her reaction to his rumble had been. She wet her lips and his eyes were drawn immediately there, his gaze now fixed on her mouth.

  It had been a long time since she’d been with anyone. Tending her grandfather during his illness, running the bakery, then moving up here to see to it Pap left this life in the comfort and dignity of his own home had been way more important than getting, or keeping, a boyfriend. Two years without so much as a kiss had to be why she’d even be thinking—

  Jenna cleared her throat and the alien seemed startled by the sound. She tore her gaze away from those gleaming blue eyes for an instant to send a pointed look at her manacled wrist.

  “Please let me go.”

  His gaze was unnervingly intent on hers.

  “Just let me go, okay?” she whispered, pulling against the restraint.

  He had a strap across his chest and as he lifted it she realized he had gone to get a pack of the same dark brown leather as his clothing. He put the bag on the bed and she turned her body toward him as he shifted to sit beside her.

  He opened the satchel and rifled around before pulling out a soft pouch about the size of his hand. He fiddled with it then detached a straw-like tube and brought it to her mouth.

  She reared back. “What’s that?”

  He looked puzzled and examined the tube. Apparently concluding that it wasn’t the problem he tried to push the thing at her mouth again.

  She twisted her head away and he made a huffing, frustrated noise.

  With slow, deliberate movements he put the tube into his own mouth and drew on it. He held her gaze as if trying to make sure she understood then took the straw from his mouth and put it to hers.

  “No thanks,” she stammered, trying to evade the tube. “Look, I don’t want a drink. I want you to get this damned thing off me.” For emphasis she yanked against the restraint.

  He glanced at her wrist. He growled and jerked his chin at her.

  Then he held the straw to her mouth again, his eyes bright, leaning forward as if to urge her on.

  Jenna nipped the inside of her lip. Whatever was in that bag might be just dandy for aliens and real bad news for humans. But maybe if she played along she could get the restraints off and make it to Pap’s rifle or out the front door.

  “Okay, I guess we’ll try it your way,” she muttered and let him put the tube in her mouth.

  Expecting some kind of disgusting alien sludge she was surprised to find it was simply water. She was parched but didn’t want to drink too much of it, just in case it had some weird alien microbes in it or something. But just the little bit she took seemed to satisfy him.

  He put the water bag back into his pack and took out a different container. When he unsealed it, she caught the scent of unfamiliar spices and meat. He broke off a piece between his thumb and forefinger then held it out to her.

  “Uh, no, thanks.”

  He growled and touched it to her lips.

  Jenna glanced nervously at whatever it was he held to her mouth but she didn’t see that she had much in the way of options here.

  “Fine,” she said. “Making friends, right?”

  She opened her mouth so he could feed her the morsel.

  “Mmmm,” she said, exaggerating the yum sound for him as she chewed, and he really did look pleased about that. Actually it wasn’t bad; it tasted a bit like beef jerky. “Delicious, really. Now, maybe you could take the handcuff off me?”

  He leaned toward her, his huge hand pressing into the mattress beside her, and with shocked awareness Jenna realized he was going to kiss her. She felt the heat radiating off his body, and breathed in the warmth of his masculine, cinnamon scent as he bent his head toward hers.

  But he didn’t kiss her.

  Instead he gently rubbed his nose up one side of hers, tilted his face then rubbed down the other side, all the while making that soft, rumbly purr that sent heat curling through her belly.

  He drew back to look at her, his blue eyes darkened with desire. She tried to reach for him and found her wrist still restrained.

  She blinked, struggling to think against the insistent throbbing at her center.

  Right. Escape from the alien.

  “Maybe,” she began faintly, “you could take the cuff off now?”

  He leaned forward, rumbling again, and this time he nuzzled her neck.

  “Oh, God,” she breathed, letting her head fall back as his mouth brushed over her skin and that rumbling went right through her to vibrate her clit.

  He was either very clean-shaven or didn’t grow hair on his face because he didn’t have any stubble at all. The softness of his hair brushed her cheek and jaw as he bent against her and before she knew it her free hand was on his shoulder, urging him closer. The muscle under her palm was rock solid, his body fever hot as if his body temperature were naturally much higher than hers.

  His large hand went to the curve of her waist to pull her against him. He brushed her nose lightly up one side and down the other then, his eyes half-closed, lowered his head to nuzzle, his nose pressed to her skin as he breathed in and a fine tremble ran through his body. His hand came up to her breast and the feel of those long fingers brushing her nipple made her breath catch.

  The reaction drew his attention and he pulled away to focus his fevered gaze there, the rumble coming from deeper in his broad chest. He cupped her breast, rubbing his thumb over her peak, watching her response. Jenna’s mouth parted in a groan at the sensation and when he bent to nuzzle her again she tried to catch his mouth in a kiss.

  He jerked back and his rumbling stopped instantly.

  His shocked stare at her parted lips made her face go hot and she shut her mouth so quickly her teeth clicked.

  His ridged brow creased and he moved further away to re
gard her with puzzled, alien eyes.

  Jenna trembled, shaken by how fast and powerfully he’d roused her. If he hadn’t stopped when he did she would have been pulling him down on top of her.

  He studied her for a moment and then reached back into the bag and took out the meat stuff again. He broke off another piece and offered it to her.

  Jenna turned her face away. “Uh, no, thanks. I’m good.”

  He pushed it at her and growled.

  “No, really,” she said, trying to evade the morsel that he held to her mouth. “I don’t want any more.”

  He gave a frustrated snarl, trying feed her.

  “Goddamn it! I’m not hungry!”

  “Grrrreeee,” he growled.

  She blinked. Did he just talk?

  His gaze held hers, his luminescent blue eyes intent as if he were waiting for something.

  Or waiting for her to do something.

  Jenna wet her lips. “Hungry.”

  He watched her mouth as she formed the word then growled, “Huunnngggreeee.”

  “Right. Not hungry.”


  She searched his face then glanced at the cuff around her wrist. She held his gaze and pulled on it. “Let me go.”

  His brow furrowed, his eyes searching her face.

  “Let me go, okay?”

  He tilted his head. “Gooookaaayyy?”

  She nodded and pulled on the cuff again. “Let me go. Please?”

  With a glance at the restraint, he resealed the package and tucked it back into the pack. He leaned in close, his hand reaching around her, and in the next instant the cuff released. Jenna immediately pulled free to rub her wrist with her other hand. Her wrist didn’t hurt but the air against her flesh felt odd, as if her skin had been wrapped in a bandage too long or something.

  As he slipped the cuffs into his pack he caught sight of her rubbing at her skin and frowned. He took her hand in both of his, examining her wrist. Just his light touch as he turned her hand this way and that, his thumbs probing the bones and tendons of her wrist, had her breath quickening.

  Jenna eased her hand out of his grip and scooted back. He didn’t grab at her or roar or anything so after a moment she risked moving further across the bed.

  As soon as she got to the other side she stood, fingering her bird charm necklace, the wood floor freezing cold under her bare feet. The alien watched but he didn’t look angry or threatening and those wicked fangs of his didn’t make an appearance either.

  She didn’t see her socks but spied her sheepskin boots near the closet door. She kept her eyes on the alien and eased over that way. Balancing on one foot then the other, she pulled her boots on.

  That action got him to his feet; his body angled toward her but he didn’t block the door or rush her. He just stood there, watching her with his brilliant eyes.

  Jenna took drew a slow, steadying breath. Okay, now that we’re all friendly like, let’s see how far I can take this. Maybe I can just walk right the hell out of here.

  Her mouth dry and anticipating an attack any second, Jenna glanced toward the bedroom door and took a shaky step forward.

  The alien’s fangs flashed and he whirled that way, quivering tension clear in every muscle of his body. His arm came up and it was so clear a signal for her to hold position that, startled, she stopped where she was. He crept forward with his catlike movements to the doorway, looking this way and that. He sniffed at the air, his hand on the weapon at his hip.

  After a few moments his stance eased and he looked back at her quizzically.

  It took her a second to figure it out.

  He thinks there’s something in the cabin scaring me.

  She swallowed hard. Does he really not know it’s him?

  She grabbed her jacket off the bedroom chair as she went by and pulled it on. With slow—hopefully nonthreatening—movements she went past him into the living room and he followed her. Between the light from the bedroom and the fire she could see fine. But she knew this place so well she could have moved around in pitch-blackness.

  What she couldn’t do was remember where she’d left her fucking car keys.

  She patted the pockets of her jacket just to be sure but of course they weren’t there. The alien eyed her but he didn’t seem to consider what she was doing a threat. Her phone was still out in the woods somewhere, but between the dark and the snow she was never going to find it tonight to call for help. Even if she managed to get past him and outdoors, he moved like quicksilver. She’d never outrun him.

  And that meant her only chance was to make it to the SUV.

  Her bag was on the coffee table. He seemed fascinated by her every move as she headed to the table and picked up her purse. She kept her eyes on him as she dug her hand through her bag but he simply watched as she rifled around. She was getting ready to dump the contents out on the table when a flash of metal caught her eye.

  Her car keys were right there.

  On his gun belt.

  Swallowing hard, she put her bag down and took a step toward him.

  “Hey.” She forced a smile and gestured at his belt. “Think maybe I could get my keys back?”

  He blinked. Then in a flash of almost-human squared off white teeth and definitely-not-human fangs he smiled back.

  His grin was charming, sexy, and utterly terrifying.

  Caught between the endearment of it and stomach-twisting fear, Jenna’s smile froze.

  His grin faded and he gave a soft, inquisitive growl.

  She tried to focus on taking those slow, even breaths she’d learned in yoga class as she moved closer.

  It wasn’t helping much.

  “My keys?” she asked, her voice high-pitched with fear, near enough now she felt the warmth radiating off his body. She stretched her hand out, slowly reaching for his gun belt. “I’m just going to take my keys back, okay?”

  You stunned me or something and you cuffed me but maybe you weren’t trying to hurt me. Maybe you won’t now.

  She hooked her finger through the key ring and raised her eyes to meet his glowing gaze.

  I really, really hope you won’t—

  With a sudden flash of fangs, the alien gave an ear-splitting roar.


  Jenna jumped back with a petrified squeak.

  “Okay,” she managed after a few moments when he didn’t tear her head off, her whole body quaking. “Okay, not so much into giving back the keys right now.”

  The alien’s black brows came together but he looked more surprised and puzzled than angry. He leaned down, searching her eyes, then he made a soft, soothing growl that almost made her forget she was terrified of him.

  She swallowed hard. Well, now what the hell do I do?

  Heavy flakes pattered against the windowpanes. It was a January night in the Smoky Mountains and her cell was somewhere out there in the snow. Even if she managed to elude a creature who moved like lightning, even if she made it outdoors, she would be trading a warm, stocked cabin with an alien who didn’t seem inclined to hurt her—as long as she didn’t touch her keys apparently—for the virtual guarantee of getting lost in the dark and freezing to death outside.

  And that left her with two choices: get the car keys sometime tonight or wait for daylight to make a run for it.

  Either way, I’m not going anywhere any time soon.

  “All righty, then,” she muttered, pushing her hair behind her ears. “Don’t know about you but I missed supper.”

  She also really, really needed to pee.

  Pulling off the down jacket, she headed for the coat tree by the front door. He followed, probably intending to block her escape if she’d had a mind for it as she hung her coat on one of the hooks.

  She flipped the living room lights’ switch and his startled glance took in the space, then came back to rest on her.

  “I’m going to the bathroom,” she said, heading in that direction.

  He was immediately at her heels. She
turned in the bathroom doorway and held her hand up to stop him.

  “I’ll be right out,” she promised, still holding her hand up to him in the “stay” position, but he caught the door with the palm of his hand before she could close it. She pushed a little harder. Then harder still, digging her heels into the bathroom’s wood floor.

  It was like trying to move a boulder with a toothpick.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake!” she cried. “Will you let me pee already?”

  Startled by her outburst, he let go and she slammed the door in his face then threw the lock. She had her jeans down and her butt on the seat in an instant. She rubbed her forehead against the headache coming on and closed her eyes in relief as she let her stream go.

  The bathroom door burst open with enough force to bounce back off the wall behind it and Jenna let out a startled scream, her knees clutching together, bending over herself protectively.

  The door’s busted lock swung back and forth against the doorjamb as he took in her position with sharp, alien eyes.

  Then he sniffed.

  Understanding lit his face and he gave what sounded suspiciously like a growled chuckle. Still knock-kneed and bent over to cover herself, Jenna narrowed her gaze at him.

  “Do you mind?” she gritted out.

  He didn’t appear to mind at all and ducking his head through the doorway walked right into the wood-paneled bathroom, examining the space with interest.

  “Damn it, get out!” Jenna gave as stern a point as she could while sitting on the toilet with her jeans and panties around her calves. “I’m not kidding! Out!”

  For certain he understood she wanted him gone. He just wasn’t interested in going.

  Jenna glared but clearly it was pee with him here or nothing.

  “I don’t believe this,” she mumbled and, dropping her burning face in her hand, chose the former.

  She was too embarrassed to meet his eye as she grabbed a handful of toilet paper. She yanked her panties and jeans up quick, not missing how he tilted his head, trying to get a look at her.

  She flushed the toilet and, angry enough now not to be afraid, shoved past him to the sink. He watched that too, standing right behind her to look over her shoulder as she turned the handles, cutting on the water to wash her hands.


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