Restless (Relentless Series Book 2)

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Restless (Relentless Series Book 2) Page 15

by Alyson Reynolds

  Stephen nudged me again, and I looked over at him. He grinned, and I instantly felt better. I don’t understand what this man does to me. With every look or touch he can completely change my mood. I smiled back at him and ducked my head, staring down at my hands.

  “I need a drink,” I announced. I walked the short distance to the house and tried to breathe as I poured my whiskey. Violet wasn’t trying to upset me, but I didn’t want to talk about why I hadn’t pursued a music career. Slowly, I made my way back out to the group.

  We talked for a while about their new projects and random things going on. I shivered against the night air. Stephen moved closer and offered part of his blanket. I smiled gratefully and moved to cover up. As the night wore on, we inched closer to each other. The others shared knowing looks, but no one said a word. By the end, I was curled up under Stephen’s arm, my head resting on his chest, our fingers interlocked under the blanket. His large hand rested on my thigh and I trembled every time his fingers dipped lower.

  I must have fallen asleep at some point because I woke up in my bed. Stephen’s spicy cologne filled my room, and I smiled. He had tucked me in. Thursday couldn’t come fast enough.

  I stared down at my phone, willing it to ring. Stephen should have called by now, but I hadn’t heard from him yet and it was worrying me. Harper sat in her high chair, happily munching on Cheerios. Her bright and cheery face was the only thing keeping me from calling him over and over again.

  “Your Uncle Stephen needs a new job, Harp. Two hours is too far away.”

  Sitting here doing nothing was making me crazy. I needed a distraction. The dishes in the drying rack were clean, so I focused on putting them away. Next, I grabbed a broom and swept. If nothing else, Violet and Jax would have a really clean house when they came home.

  My phone chimed, and I ran over to it, nearly knocking it to the floor in my haste. Thank goodness. He was finally off set and we would be able to talk. We had texted a lot since the cookout, but this was the first time I would actually hear his voice.

  “Hey,” I answered trying to keep the excitement out of my voice.

  “Hey, baby. I’ve missed you so much. I can't wait to get there.”

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  “Are you ready for me to come pick you up for the weekend?”

  “My bags are packed and I'm waiting not so patiently for you to get here.”

  “I can't wait. We can disappear and just talk. And there might be some other things I want to do to you too.” His husky voice made me warm in some very interesting places and I was even more impatient for him to get home.

  “Stephen, let’s do this right this time. I want to move back home.”

  “Baby, I'm so happy to hear you say that. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too. Hurry home.”

  “Taylor, I wanted to surprise you, but I left over an hour ago. Traffic is awful, but I think I’ll be there in like 30 minutes—”

  Stephen cut off and the sound of crunching metal and shattering glass filled my ears. I screeched his name, but he didn’t answer. Harper screamed beside me, scared from my outburst. Her piercing cries should have pulled me from my stupor, but with each passing second I panicked more. The phone disconnected and there was only deafening silence. I sank down to my knees next to her high chair and stared down at my phone.

  “Oh my God,” I whispered. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I dialed 911. If he left almost an hour ago he had to be somewhere on Highway 126. I gave the information I had to the operator and rubbed Harper's leg in a poor attempt to console her. My body shook with sobs as I called first Violet, then Alexis.

  It took everything I had not to get in the car and drive. I needed to find him, to see if he was okay, but I couldn’t get behind the wheel like this and I certainly wouldn’t risk taking Harper with me when I was so upset. My phone rang, and I cringed when I saw the number.

  “Ms. Montgomery?”


  “We found your boyfriend, and he’s being taken to Community Memorial. You can meet the ambulance there.”

  “Are you able to give me an update on his condition?”

  "I'm sorry. I don't have that information."

  "Thank you," I whispered weakly and disconnected. This pain was so much worse than the numbness. Everything in me ached. All the hope I had for my future with Stephen hung in the balance. If he died, then part of me would die with him. We were so close to finally being together. It wasn't fair that it was all being ripped away from me now. I hung my head and let the tears fall freely as I clutched Harper to my chest.

  At some point Jaxon’s mom Alice showed up to take care of Harper. Jax came home after that and took me to the hospital. I had no perception of time. My mind and body were in shock and I couldn’t do anything other than what they told me to. I wanted to scream and yell. I had so many questions, but somehow I already understood it would be bad. The sounds that came through the phone weren’t sounds that inspired hope, they crushed dreams. If I could see Stephen, I would know he was okay, but until then it was too hard to trust he would walk away from this.

  I hoped that he would be sitting on a bed with just a scratch, but my dark thoughts turned to gurneys and body bags. A shudder worked its way through my body and Jaxon reached out and grabbed my hand. The tears had finally stopped, but my head ached from my sobs.

  “We’ll know something soon. We're almost there.”

  I didn’t answer him because there wasn't anything to say. I didn’t want to shatter his optimism. Yes, we would find out what was going on soon, but would it be what I was desperate to hear? Or would they tell me that Stephen was gone forever? Another tremor coursed through my body.

  As soon as Jaxon parked the car, I jumped out and ran to the ER entrance. Jax took my arm and pulled me back as I demanded answers from the poor nurse at the front desk. He spoke in quiet, hushed tones trying to get the information we needed. How could he be so fucking calm right now? I paced as I waited for someone to tell me what the fuck was going on and if the love of my life was still alive. Jaxon made me sit down because I was making everyone nervous with my frantic pacing. My hands shook, and I had to keep taking deep, calming breaths to try not to pass out.

  Gage ran inside and Jaxon called out to him. His expression was grim as he crossed the room.

  “Any word yet?” he asked as he walked up.

  “No," Jax said shaking his head. "The ambulance will be here in a few minutes. We should know more then."

  People were starting to stare at Jax and Gage. Soon we would have a full blown fan fest in here, not to mention the press when they found out that it was Stephen's car that had been hit by the semi. I tried to stand up again, but Jax placed his hand on my shoulder. The sound of an ambulance filled the waiting room and that time when I stood up Jaxon let me.

  We stood on the back side of the hallway they entered, waiting for someone to tell us about his condition. There was no missing Stephen’s limp, bloody body as they rushed him past. EMT’s were calling out stats to the doctors, but all I could focus on was how horrible he looked. My body sagged against Gage, and his arms wrapped around me so I didn't collapse to the floor.

  “Taylor, I need you to stay conscious. We have to find out how bad it is, okay?” I nodded weakly, and he took my hand in his. “Stephen’s strong, and he loves you. He's going to find a way back to you.”

  The ER doctor asked for me. I looked up, confused. “Stephen has you listed as his emergency contact. The paperwork is all here.”

  “But we aren’t married,’ I drawled.

  The doctor smiled gently, “That doesn’t matter. We also have your signature on the documents.”

  I vaguely remembered Stephen shoving papers across the table at breakfast a few months ago and telling me to sign it. Without even looking, I signed my name. He never explained what it was, and I just assumed it had something to do with the house.

  “What about Alexis?” I asked.

>   “Dr. Davenport? I assume he wanted someone closer. She still lives in New York, right?”

  “What do you need Taylor to do, doctor?” Gage pressed.

  “Stephen needs emergency surgery. There is swelling on his brain from the accident and we need to relieve it.”

  “Just give me whatever it is I have to sign and go save him.”

  My hands shook as I scribbled my signature on the documents. I prayed that it would be enough. The doctor patted my shoulder once and left quickly. It was hard not to keep picturing the concerned look on his face.

  Gage wrapped his arm around my waist and led me over to a row of chairs. He tugged me down next to him and I rested my head on his shoulder. Jaxon was on the phone, talking to either Alexis or Violet. My body ached from all the tension in my shoulders. I was strung so tightly, I felt like I might snap at any second.

  The sob that escaped from my mouth surprised me. I thought I was holding it together, but apparently not. Gage’s arms tightened around me. My entire body shook as I finally broke down.

  “Alexis is on her way,” Jaxon said as he came back.

  I didn’t look up at him, but Gage nodded. Jax sat down next to us and put his hand on my back, rubbing small circles. My breaths came faster, and I felt the beginnings of a panic attack hitting me. The darkness in my head and tightness in my chest consumed me. My fingers dug into the plastic chair and I thought my heart would fly out of my chest.

  “Taylor, look at me,” Gage commanded. I'd never heard him use that tone of voice and I immediately snapped my head up. His eyes met mine, and I felt a little calmer. “Take deep breaths with me.”

  We sat there counting breaths for who knows how long. I was weak, but it didn't feel like I would lose my mind anymore. My body quit shaking as the attack passed. I was quiet for a long time before I asked him, “How did you know what to do?”

  “My little brother used to get them after my mom died.”

  “Thank you.”

  He nodded and leaned back in his chair. I looked around for Jax. Gage answered my silent question. “He went to meet Violet in the parking lot.”

  “Do you know everything I’m going to ask before I even say it?”

  “Today, yes; any other day, you’re an enigma.”

  “You’re a lot more complex than I thought, Gage Baker.”

  “Be careful or I might take that as a compliment.”

  I was quiet for a minute, trying to gather my thoughts. “Thank you. I don’t know how I would have gotten through this without you.”

  Violet ran into the waiting room and I jumped up to hug her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around me. Hospital security rushed to keep the press from taking pictures through the glass of the sliding doors.

  We waited for an hour and a half before the doctors sent a nurse out to give us an update. After the surgery was done, the same doctor from the ER came out to tell us that things were touch and go. He wouldn’t give a clear answer if he thought Stephen would make it or not and it terrified me. Stephen had made it through surgery, but unless the swelling stopped soon, things weren’t looking good. I signed more papers, ones that said I agreed to let them keep Stephen in a medically induced coma. Everything around me was happening both slow and fast all at once. There was no processing or feeling what was going on, all I could do was hope that I didn't lose the one person that made me whole. The doctor nodded and patted my shoulder again as he left. Without a word, I made my way to the ladies’ room and threw up everything I ate that day.

  My stomach tumbled, and I couldn’t keep the fear at bay any longer. Dry heaves racked my body as I leaned over the toilet. A light sheen of sweat covered my entire body, and I wondered how long I would be able hide this blinding panic from everyone. Gage waited for me outside the bathroom. When I opened the door, he looked down at me and I nodded once. I could do this. Stephen would make it through this nightmare and we would get to be together. I wouldn’t fuck it up this time.

  “Wake up, Taylor! Look at me damn it!” Lexi screeched, pulling me from sleep.

  Gage grabbed my shoulder to keep me from falling out of the chair. My eyes closed again as I caught sight of Stephen lying in the huge hospital bed. Seeing it was a confirmation that this hadn’t been some horrible dream. I had dreamed of the two of us at our house. We had been playing in the ocean and having a normal, wonderful day.

  “Damn it, Lexi. I just got her to sleep. She hasn’t slept for almost forty-eight hours,” Gage griped.

  “I’m awake. What do you want, Alexis?” I said through gritted teeth.

  She glared at Gage’s arm around me.

  “Quit being a bitch, you know there’s nothing going on,” Gage snarled. I put my hand on his forearm to calm him and if Lexi could have killed me with a look, I would be dead on the floor.

  “Lexi, it’s been a long 48 hours. What are you so pissed off at me about?” My voice was flat. Dead. No emotion at all. I couldn't show any or I would fall apart again. And I wouldn't do that. I needed to be strong for Stephen.

  “Many things, but to start with I’m upset that Stephen made you his emergency contact. When did that happen?”

  “I assume at some point while we were living together. I didn’t ask him to, and I was just as surprised as you when I found out.”

  “Why would he let the girl that left him and broke his fucking heart make life-altering decisions for him?”

  I gritted my teeth and tried not to react. She was hurting and Lexi had a tendency to lash out when she was scared. We were all terrified at what would happen with Stephen. The next few days would be critical.

  “Alexis, what decision did I make that you wouldn’t have approved of?”

  She shook her head. “It’s not about that. I’m his sister and a fucking doctor.”

  “You’re an OB/GYN!” I screamed as I shot out of the chair.

  “I went to medical school. You write for blogs. I think I’m a little more qualified than you to decide for him.” She snapped, stepping closer. I saw the worry in her eyes; I'm positive mine mirrored the same thing back at her.

  “He chose me. It doesn’t matter what you think.”

  Violet and Jax walked into the room and immediately felt the tension between me and Lexi. Jax grabbed my arm and tugged me back to where Gage sat while Vi went to calm Alexis down.

  “What’s going on?” Jax asked calmly.

  “Nothing,” I spat out. “I’m fine.”

  Gage stared at me for a second. “Lexi is pissed that Taylor was his emergency contact. I have a feeling she’s also a little bitter at the fact that they broke up.”

  Jax took in a deep breath. “Well, the next few days just got more interesting.” I glared at him. “I’m just being honest. I could lie and say that it’s going to be okay, but I’ve been on the receiving end of one of Lexi’s freeze outs. I know better.”

  “She has no business digging into my relationship with Stephen. This is my fault anyway. If Stephen hadn’t called me, he wouldn’t have been so distracted. The semi never would have hit him.”

  Gage grabbed my face and made me meet his gaze. I tried to swallow back the tears, but one slid down my cheek silently. “This is not your fault. It was nothing more than an accident. An awful, horrible accident, but no one is to blame except the asshole who was drunk at three in the afternoon.”

  “What am I going to do?” I whispered.

  “You'll stay strong and you won't let Lexi get to you,” Jax said. "Do it for Stephen."

  I took a deep breath. Gage wiped the tear from my cheek and kissed my forehead. “You’re going to be fine, kid.”

  Nodding, I stood up and walked over to Alexis. She looked up from Violet and swiped at her eyes. “I never wanted to make decisions regarding Stephen without talking to you first, but you don’t get to judge my relationship with him. He was coming home when this happened, Alexis. All I’ve done since coming back is tried to figure out how to make things work with Stephen. So don�
��t think that you can come in here and be a bitch and get your way. We’ve been friends a long time, but I get that he’s been your brother a lot longer.”

  “I don’t support Stephen’s decision to be with you, but for now we’re stuck together.”

  My hands fisted at my sides, but I made myself count to ten before responding.

  “I don’t give a fuck what you think about my relationship with Stephen, but you’re right, we are stuck together. If you quit trying to take cheap shots at me, maybe I can explain what the doctors did in surgery.”

  “You don’t need to. I’ve already talked to his surgeon.”

  I raised my eyebrow. “Fine.”

  Violet stood to the side, her head whipping back and forth between us. If it hadn’t been so fucking tense in the room, it would have been hysterical. I walked to the chair beside Stephen’s bed and sat down, taking his hand in mine as I settled.

  Jax was right about one thing, the next few days had just gotten really interesting.

  I heard something from the door to Stephen’s room, and I glanced over my shoulder. Maybe I’d been awake for too long because I thought I saw Emmy standing there with Mason. Holy shit. They were really there, and it wasn't just my imagination. She wrapped me up in a huge hug. Mase dropped his arm from her shoulder and let me have my friend. He rubbed my back as I cried all over her.

  When I finally calmed down, he gave me a quick hug and walked into the hall, leaving us alone in the dark room. Emmy put her arm around my waist and led me back to the chair next to the bed.

  "What are you even doing here?"

  "Why wouldn't I be here? You guys needed me, and I love Stephen too."

  "Oh my God. Em?" Violet said from behind us. "You came."

  She nodded. "Of course. Where's Lexi?"

  "Getting coffee. This was all, Jax,” Vi said in awe.

  "You know your husband well. You guys wouldn't admit that you wanted me here, but Jax knew I should be here. Stephen is my friend too and work can wait. As soon as Lexi was out of the apartment I was looking at flights."


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