Forever Lost

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by Laura Morgan


  By Laura Morgan

  Forever Lost

  Copyright © 2014 by Laura Morgan. All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: November 2014

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734

  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-68058-003-7

  ISBN-10: 1-68058-003-5

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  For Ethan and Elizabeth, the loves of my life and the centre of my world. You both bring me such joy and happiness; I am both proud and honoured to have you and to know you.

  For Brian, my lover, my friend and most importantly, my rock. We’ve never been perfect, but together we’re an imperfect match and I’ll cherish what we have until the end of time.

  I’ll love you all forever.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 1

  “Come on, it’s your first night off in ages,” Hanna teased, fluttering her eyelashes at Cassie in a blatant attempt to sway her decision to stay in on her night off from the busy Soho restaurant where she worked as a waitress.

  “I have big plans already. There’s a bottle of chardonnay in the fridge with my name on it,” Cassie replied, shaking her head.

  “Suit yourself, but one of these days you’re coming out with me whether you like it or not,” Hanna retorted with a cheeky smile.

  Although Cassie wanted to go and spend time with her roommate, she didn’t dare tag along to the parties and places where her friend usually ended up. The dark world of escorts, dancers, and prostitutes Hanna was a part of was not what Cassie needed in her life right now.

  “Maybe.” Cassie grinned.

  “I do love you, sweetie. But sometimes I worry about how much time you spend here alone with your old friend, Mr. White.” She pointed at the tall glass of cool wine in Cassie’s hand.

  “I know, Hanna, but I’m not ready to get out there yet. I’m already better than I was when we first met, remember? Who would’ve thought a year ago when this shy girl came looking for a roomie things would have worked out so well?” Cassie replied, planting a kiss on her best friend’s cheek.

  “Absolutely, and I would thank that douchebag of an ex-husband of yours for bringing you into my life if he hadn’t put you through so much.”

  “Me too, sweetie, me too.”

  Hanna finished getting herself ready and was later picked up by her boyfriend, Jamie. They all used the term ‘boyfriend’ in the loosest sense of the word. Hanna was a hooker. She had worked for a call-girl agency called Cyrene’s for over six years. She had started out on a strictly escort basis, but had then progressed to the inevitable ‘option for more’ contract later in her career. She made fantastic money and was well protected when it came to her alone time with the clients, but it still scared Cassie more than she would ever admit. She worried for her constantly, but she admired Hanna for her independence and free spirit.

  She seemed really happy in her work and had been honest about it before Cassie had moved in. She informed her that she didn’t bring her work back home with her, and clients would never collect her from the apartment, so she wouldn’t have to worry about her own safety or privacy.

  Jamie had been the recent exception to that rule. He wasn’t rich enough to buy her affections exclusively, nor was he in a position to offer her a life away from the escort business, but Jamie reserved his beautiful companion on as many nights as he could. He worked hard to keep her for himself, having fallen head over heels for her after Hanna had been invited along to an intimate party held by Jamie’s boss, gangster and all-round scary guy, Leonardo Solomon.

  After Hanna and Jamie left, Cassie sat back and drank her wine, thinking of some of the terrible stories Hanna had told her about the companion business. Tales of women being victimized, raped, and sometimes even tortured by their clients—usually resulting in a large payoff and some time off—but the women almost always returned. They loved the life; otherwise, they never would have gotten into it in the first place. Seemingly gone were the days of girls being forced into the sex industry, at least on the New York prostitution scene. Nowadays, women who openly enjoyed sex would gladly get paid to do it. They enjoyed having the power over the men they frequented rather than feeling ashamed.


  When Hanna and Jamie came stumbling in a few hours later, Cassie was still up. She had been watching a movie while relaxing on the sofa, and paused it while the pair of them regaled her with stories of the party they’d attended at a nightclub owned by Mr. Solomon called Odyssey.

  “It was amazing. There was free champagne, and we were in the VIP area. Leo was there, but he kept himself separated the whole time. I’ve never spoken to the guy, but the others seemed quite taken with him. I think he’s been on his best behavior with the girls lately, and can turn on the charm when he wants to. He’s hot, and apparently he’s British. I had no idea!” Hanna said, joining Cassie on the sofa while Jamie grabbed them some drinks.

  “I’m glad you didn’t speak to him. Sounds like a right piece of work, if you ask me,” Cassie replied, thanking Jamie for the fresh glass of wine.

  “Definitely. He’s just interested in business and fucking, and not necessarily in that order. Rumors are he had a girlfriend back in England who broke his heart, and when he came over here he was done with relationships for good, surrounding himself with sluts, and then prostitutes. Never been married, no kids, just a hard ass with a temper you never wanna get on the wrong side of, trust me,” Jamie said, sliding in beside Hanna and wrapping her in his arms.

  Cassie could tell Hanna loved him back, as best as she could, anyway. Neither of them made a big deal out of it, but Jamie was now at the apartment most nights, a fact Cassie was pretty sure Hanna had not told her madam about since he wasn’t paying for her time.

  “I’ll get the gossip tomorrow, I suppose, but in the meantime, I need to speak with you in the bedroom, Mr. Drug-dealer. I’ve been a bad girl,” Hanna teased.

  Jamie immediately jumped up and pulled her off toward her room, waving goodbye to Cassie on their way. She rolled her eyes and settled back down on the sofa to watch the last hour of her paused movie. Cassie was
glad their rooms were soundproofed, knowing full well she would’ve been kept up all night by their lovemaking otherwise. But she didn’t care. If anything, she was jealous of what they had. She missed being happily married. Cassie had not been with a man since her husband, and because of how he treated her, she still didn’t feel ready to let anyone close enough to try. Jonah’s all-consuming addiction to cocaine had been their undoing. In the last few weeks before she had finally left him, he had put her through so much. Cassie knew he was the reason she had gone looking for a life so very far from what she’d had with him.

  Jonah had gotten through his addiction eventually, but by then the two of them could not reconcile and had decided to split. Jonah was a precious commodity in the theatrical world, a star on both stage and screen.

  As the images of the happily ever after for the movie’s main character played out before her, the landscape reminded Cassie of home. She missed London, the person she had been there, and the life she had led. Memories flooded back to her, unbidden and yet not unwelcome. She and Jonah had met eight years ago while Cassie was painting and building theatrical sets in the West End during her spare time around college. She sang in the chorus on occasion to fill empty slots if the actresses were sick, and had loved the life she had there. She’d met Jonah when he was just starting out in his career. He was talented, beautiful, and so sweet to her that Cassie was quickly putty in his hands. They were married less than a year after having gotten together.

  Now, at the age of twenty-five, Cassie hated the fact she was already a divorcee. Her ex-husband was over ten years her senior, so she knew it wasn’t an issue when he had to tell people he was divorced. But for her, she felt like it was seen as a failure. Relocating to New York City had brought with it many challenges for the couple, but they had loved the Broadway experience. The first few years had been truly blissful and they were extremely happy, but over time Jonah’s stresses and strains soon made their way home with him, and their happy bubble deflated.

  Snapping back to reality, Cassie took stock of the new life she had made for herself. Hanna had saved her in a way therapy couldn't. She had happened upon her through a mutual friend at the family-run Italian restaurant where Cassie now worked. Hanna was looking for a new roommate, and Cassie needed a place to live following the divorce. As if by fate, they had clicked instantly.

  The two had become closer friends than Cassie would’ve thought likely during this past year. She’d confided everything to Hanna about her failed marriage, including the abuse she suffered at the end of it, without judgement or pity. She readily gave Hanna that same understanding and acceptance of her choices in return.

  One day she would get back out there and start dating again. For now though, Cassie would settle for nights spent with a bottle of cheap wine while living vicariously through her professionally promiscuous best friend.

  Chapter 2

  When Cassie’s next night off came around, Hanna dragged her almost kicking and screaming out to a party. Cassie promised a long time ago to give it a try, and they had gone over all the rules beforehand, so she knew where she stood and what might be expected of her. Despite Cassie not wanting to have a contract with Cyrene’s, she couldn't help but be intrigued by Hanna’s world. She was even turned on by a lot of her stories, so she decided to give it a try.

  “The madam, Delilah, is paying you for tonight as a trial. Just think about those cute designer shoes you were eyeing up the other day. A few of these parties, and you can go straight out and get them. You don’t even need to get naked to earn money in this town, sweetie. You’re beautiful, skinny, great tits, and you’re British, for Christ’s sake. They’re all gonna follow you around like little puppy-dogs. You’ll feel sexy, like a goddess to them. And all the while knowing nothing is expected of you, so you can just come home at the end of it a thousand dollars richer and your ego a little bit fatter.” Hanna grinned cheekily, and Cassie had to smile back. This really was a good deal, and she could definitely do with both the money and self-esteem boost.

  “Okay, I’m ready,” Cassie said, checking herself in the mirror one more time. She looked amazing and felt it too, dressed in a skimpy gold dress and high heeled shoes, lots of makeup, and her hair coiffed to stylish perfection by her roommate. It was as though she was no longer looking at the same person she usually saw in the mirror.

  Cassie almost felt like she were playing a role now, a demure, sexy, and alluring woman who would soon be lapping up the attention of the men at the party. She would toy with their affections before sending them off in the direction of willing partners, who would then take the rest of the client’s night in a much more desired direction. It was the perfect scenario, and she was more excited than she would ever admit.


  Later that night, Hanna pulled Cassie over to a closed doorway where a burly bouncer guarded the entrance to the bar.

  “Cyrene, times two,” she said, lifting two fingers up playfully as she greeted him. He asked their names and then checked them off a list before letting them pass, not needing to question them further.

  Cassie found herself both delighted and scared. She wondered if this was how they all started. She worried that in a few short years she’d make the same progression—not caring who she was sent to by her madam as long as the money was headed her way. Cassie vowed to herself she would never become that person, never trade her body in that way, and she meant every word of her silent personal pledge.

  Within seconds they were inside the bar, full to the brim with businessmen and women who were surrounded by scantily clad escorts who were all ready to flirt and tantalize their clients in whatever way they required. Hanna led the way around the edge of the crowd, and soon they were ushered into a small cloakroom. Their jackets were quickly checked in, and the madam, Delilah, arrived to give them their wristbands.

  “Welcome to Cyrene’s, Cassie,” she said, smiling warmly. “I hope you’re happy with everything so far?”

  “Absolutely, thank you,” Cassie replied, staring into the beautiful woman’s eyes as she mentally prepared herself for the night ahead.

  “That’s wonderful to hear. Hanna will be a great mentor, but obviously the two of you are at different levels, so you might have to split up here and there. Please take your bands and head into the party. Drinks are free, but not too many, of course,” she said, and both girls nodded, understanding they were never to get drunk while on the job. “Have fun, and Cassie, your money has already been wired to your account. I hope you’ll enjoy tonight and continue to work with me. If you need me, here’s my number,” Delilah finished, extending her card, which Cassie tucked into her purse. She then watched as the stunning woman wandered off toward the party.

  “Whoa, I have a pimp,” she whispered, making Hanna laugh.

  “Yeah, yeah. Get your red band on, shy girl, before someone tries to fuck you,” Hanna teased, indicating the boxes to the side. Cassie immediately took a thin red bracelet from one of them and slipped it on.

  “So, red means completely off limits?” she asked and Hanna nodded.

  “Yep, look but don’t touch. They may touch your arms, back, and face while talking. Or they might take your arm or hand when walking, if you are comfortable with it, but nothing else. If you ever do decide to do anything with anyone, go to see Delilah first. She will make the necessary arrangements,” she reminded her, and Cassie nodded.

  “Not that I would, but yes, I know. Safety first, don’t ever go off with anyone without going through Delilah,” she replied, going over the rules with Hanna one more time. Her friend seemed happy she had it all clearly engrained in her mind.

  Cassie watched as Hanna slipped on a green bracelet, the signal to the clients that she was unbound for the evening and ready to procure for their pleasure. All they had to do was approach her to chat, and if they were interested, she would make the arrangements. She’d then be free to go with the client to a nearby hotel with a guard, where they would carry out the agreed

  There were also boxes of yellow bands, which meant the girl wearing it was a more complicated case. Women who had been procured by a client for part of the evening wore these bands, or those who were open to propositions by clients of their choosing. It also meant they might be picky and had reserved the right to choose for themselves. These women, while more in control of their careers, were usually far too complicated for the men at these types of parties to bother with. Most of the men there were just looking for a bit of attention and would enjoy the company of the red band wearers, or they were there for a full night of frolicking and would only look twice at those with green bands. The yellow wearers needed to be something special for the clients to deal with the hassle involved in procuring them, so most of the women went for either the red or green.

  “Better to decide yes or no right from the beginning of the night, and then everybody knows where they stand,” Hanna had told her earlier. “I know you don’t want any touching or trying to get in your pants, so make it clear, and don’t tease—unless it’s in the right way, of course.”

  The party was great fun. Cassie tried to stick with Hanna as much as possible but was separated from her when Jamie arrived and immediately bought her for the rest of the evening. She didn’t so much as grumble as he whisked her away with him for a night of passion, and Cassie was left chatting with some of the men she had been introduced to earlier in the evening. These guys were all clearly married, looking for a kind smile and an affectionate woman who hung on their every word, and Cassie played the part well. She was naturally warm and gentle with others anyway, and she remained so in their company. She chatted with them as much as she thought necessary, laughed at their jokes, and sent each of them home with a happy smile and the weight of the world a little less on their shoulders.


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