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Forever Lost

Page 4

by Laura Morgan

  “Leave,” Leo said coolly, his eyes on Cassie, but his tone making it clear he was talking to Hanna and Jamie. The two of them stood and walked to the door, Hanna turning to quickly look at Cassie and mouthing ‘sorry.’ Cassie couldn't react but hoped her friend wouldn’t be too worried or feel too guilty about leaving her there. Cassie was a big girl, and she was aware what he might want from her, but also that she had many ways in which to gain his affection rather than his lust, and so she worked on ideas to steer the powerful man in that direction now that they were alone.

  Chapter 6

  “So, what brings you to the States?” Leo asked once Jamie and Hanna had gone, taking his first shot while Cassie watched him intently.

  “The theater,” she replied. The smirk on his face made it obvious he assumed she was a failed actress. Cassie quickly corrected him. “My ex-husband is the actor. I was working the sets as a designer until last year, and I was pretty damn good at it too. I left when he and I split up. My choice,” she told him in a more determined tone, opening up more than she possibly should have. He seemed to draw out her honesty without even trying.

  “And now you’re a whore,” Leo said coldly, standing just a couple of feet away, his body language tense and unreadable.

  “If you say so,” she replied, not taking her eyes from his.

  “Well, you see, this is where I am confused. Jamie said so. He told the other guys up there all about the antics you three apparently enjoyed in my guest bedroom this evening, but he failed to mention the fact that you did not even remove your knickers the entire time, nor did you let either of your friends touch or fuck you. I find it strange that a whore would be so conservative during a threesome that had been set up and paid for in advance,” he said, wondering aloud what had gone on, but also giving away the fact he had somehow been watching them. Cassie flushed but held her ground, knowing he was calling her out, having caught them at the lie. And there she was thinking they’d played out their deception so perfectly. “Are you even a real whore, Cassie, or are you just playing one for the night so you can have some fun with your friends?” Leo asked, stepping closer.

  “I am a Cyrene, my madam is called Delilah. I can give you her number if you wish to check my credentials,” Cassie replied, trembling slightly under his intense scrutiny.

  “But,” he insisted.

  “But, no. I am not a whore. I am a red girl,” she admitted, readying herself for whatever he might do to punish her for lying. Most powerful men in his position, and, according to Hanna, even Leo himself in the past, would deliver a lying whore a slap or drag her off to his bedroom to be taught a lesson for her dishonesty. But tonight he merely smiled and shrugged. Leo seemed genuinely pleased to have figured her out at last and stepped closer.

  “Your turn, and this time play properly. I saw you miss on purpose last time.”

  After a few games of pool, all of which Leo won, though Cassie managed to give him a good run for his money, they left the billiards room. She followed him down another corridor toward the underground garage. This house was truly spectacular and so sprawling Cassie couldn't be sure where they were anymore. The thought scared her a little, but so far Leo was being the perfect gentleman, so she remained calm. It surprised her that he seemed to enjoy her this way rather than the brazen, sex-kitten persona many of the other girls adopted around him.

  “Do you have cameras in every room of your house?” she asked as they walked, following his lead through to the vast, cold room where over twenty stunning cars were parked. Cassie gasped as she took in the fantastic array, all of which had been restored to perfection. They were no doubt worth millions of dollars.

  “Yes, I like to watch people,” he replied, observing her every move as she trailed her hands delicately over the bonnets of his impressive collection and peeked inside the windows at the intricately upholstered interiors.

  “Even when they’re having sex?” Cassie asked, unable to help herself.

  “Especially when they’re having sex.” Leo came around in front of Cassie and pinned her against one of the stunning vintage cars that had bright red paintwork and a black roof. “But, you didn’t have sex, did you? Why?” Leo pressed her, demanding to know her motives.

  “Because I don’t have sex at all, ever.” Cassie placed her hands on his chest and pushed him back. Leo stared down into her eyes, waiting for more, and she knew he would not stop until she gave it. “My marriage ended badly, and I haven’t been with anyone since.”

  “I’m gonna need to know more than that,” Leo replied, his expression dark and his strong jaw tense. Cassie sucked in a deep breath, not wanting to carry on with her story, but she could tell by the look on his face that Leo was not going to let her off.

  “My husband went on a cocaine bender that eventually sent him spiraling into a complete mental breakdown. He was somehow convinced I was going to leave him, and he tied me up and held me hostage for over a week until we were found. Ever since then I have had trust issues, to put it bluntly,” she said, talking as fast as she could to get the words out, needing them gone from her mind so she could escape the powerful man’s intense gaze. She felt hot and bothered, her body reacting to Leo in a way it hadn’t in well over a year, and she was angry with herself for letting him affect her this way.

  “Did he rape you?” Leo asked. His expression hadn’t changed, his brown eyes still peering into hers, and Cassie hated him for asking.

  “Yes, repeatedly, thanks to his snapped mind. He doesn’t even remember doing it,” she replied, looking down at Leo’s perfect and expensive shirt, focusing on his shimmering buttons in the dim light rather than on the tears that were now pricking at her eyes.

  “Did you press charges?”

  “No, just rehab and a quick divorce,” Cassie replied, becoming upset.

  “Hmm, I figured you were damaged goods, but I never took you for a victim.” He grinned, clearly enjoying the stern look she shot him.

  She felt full of defiance, and her emotional turmoil shifted to anger.

  “I’m not a victim. Maybe I was back then, but not anymore. You have no idea what I’ve been through, so I’d appreciate it if you’d keep your assumptions to yourself.” When her outburst was met with a smile, Cassie knew he was toying with her. She reacted in exactly the way he wanted her to, but she hadn’t been able to hold her tongue.

  “I apologize, Cassie. Well, I was gonna ask you to fuck me, but seeing as you don’t do that…” He tailed off, as if hoping she might offer him something else. Cassie stayed quiet, gazing up at the powerful man in the darkness, a smile curling at her lips uncontrollably. “How about one of those amazing blowjobs, like the one you gave Jamie? I wanna come all over your tits like he did.”

  “Well, that depends,” Cassie retorted, enjoying their closeness now. She actually did want to see more of him, to feel more of this connection they obviously shared, but she didn’t dare risk a liaison with this violently renowned man. She tried to turn his attention away, reminding him of the details of her contract. “I’m officially off the clock, as you’ve so cunningly discovered. So I would need for you to call my madam and arrange it. Once our business is over with, I’ll go home and you’ll never see me again, because I’ll never be anything more than another whore to you.”

  “What if I pay you ten million dollars right now to spend the night with me? Off the books, you’ll keep every cent.” Leo’s counter offer was mind-boggling, but Cassie shook her head.

  “That’s incredibly generous of you, Mr. Solomon, but the answer is still no. Goodnight.” Cassie stepped away from his grip and his gaze. She made her way over to the doorway and began walking back the way they came without another word, hoping he would let her leave. She got as far as the billiards room when powerful arms gripped her from behind, and Leo’s strong body pressed her into the wall. She remained calm, determined not to end up like all those other girls who had supposedly taken his money to stay quiet after he’d had his way with them.
/>   “What will it take for you to be mine, Cassie?” Leo whispered in her ear. His voice was rough, his breath ragged, and he sounded desperate for her to change her mind. She peered back over her shoulder, her breath quickening and her stomach twisted like a pretzel.

  “Time, patience, and trust. All the things I fear you do not possess, Mr. Solomon. I can never be yours, just as you can never be mine,” she replied. She cried out with shock when he turned her around an instant later and kissed her lips so delicately it was as though he were an utterly different person. She had expected a harsh, deep kiss, but this was something soft and passionate. Her hands found his stubbly cheeks and grabbed them as she kissed him back, their mouths locked on one another’s before he eventually pulled back. Leo peered into her face intently as though really taking her in, creating a lasting memory of her in his mind.

  “I’ll see you again soon, Cassie.” He stepped back to let her leave, and she walked away quickly, heading toward the sounds of the party above.

  “I don’t think so. Goodbye, Mr. Solomon.” Cassie replied, her voice quiet and full of tension.

  “We’ll see. You can call me Leo, by the way,” he shouted after her.

  “No. Not unless I’m ready to be yours,” Cassie stopped at the bottom step and looked back into the face of the man she feared more than anyone she had ever known, yet was so drawn to that she couldn't stop herself from enjoying one last look.

  She ran up the rest of the stairs and burst through the doors into the ground floor hallway, catching the many gazes which darted her way. She clambered forward and gripped the ornate table in the center of the open room with unsteady hands, desperately trying to calm her nerves and stop herself from trembling. Jamie and Hanna rushed to her, but she collected herself and shooed them away rather than draw any more attention to the situation.

  Less than a minute later Leo entered the hall from the same doorway, and every face turned to look at him, their expressions fearful or, for some of the women, excited. His body was shaking with rage, and Cassie could see his knuckles were bleeding, making her wonder if perhaps he had taken out his frustration on one of the walls beneath them.

  “You two,” he called to a couple of blonde women snorting cocaine from the table in the hall. Both of them were clearly ready to party, and they followed him upstairs while the rest of the partygoers watched them with intrigue. He didn’t so much as look at Cassie as he passed. It was as though he’d become another person entirely from the soft and affectionate man who had just kissed her so tenderly.

  “We’re leaving,” Jamie said from behind her, and Cassie was grateful when she felt his hand on her hip as he led her and Hanna out the front door toward his car. Within minutes they sped away, and Hanna grabbed her friend’s hand, pulling her over the center space in the back seat to hug her tightly.

  “What the fuck happened?” she whispered, her eyes wide. Cassie took a deep breath and told them what had gone on between her and Leo.

  “You were right not to do anything with him. He would’ve demanded more, I’m sure of it. You’re very lucky he took no for an answer at all,” Jamie said from the driver’s seat, his words sending a shiver down Cassie’s spine.

  Chapter 7

  Leo Solomon sat in an armchair and watched as the two blondes he summoned upstairs kissed and played with one another to entertain him. He had taken them to a guest room, as was his usual way at these parties. No woman ever, or would ever, share his real bed with him. He tried to enjoy them. He even slid on a condom and fucked them both hard and deep in a bid to release his tension, but it was no good. Cassie had wound him up more than he would ever reveal, even to himself, and he knew it would be a long time before she was out of his system. He kept the girls busy for a while, working up a good sweat while commanding them to pleasure him and pummeling each girl hard until he finally came, but he was still unsatisfied. He made his way upstairs to his bedroom on the third floor after informing his right-hand man, Tyler, to send everyone home.

  “Party’s over,” he muttered, and the burly man nodded but did not say a word. That was one of the things Leo liked most about him. He had worked for Leo for a long time and earned his place as second-in-command by never asking questions and always doing as his boss asked, no matter what it had been.

  Leo retired to his room, pulling one of his many laptops from his bedside desk. He opened up the video file he had been watching from his office earlier of the threesome that had enticed him downstairs to join the party at last. He ignored the other two, the lovers who were enjoying having a third person in bed with them, and focused on Cassie. Her breasts were beautiful, as was her body, and she had the most stunning smile he had ever seen. But the best part of the whole clip, the moment that had turned his full attention toward her, was not during her exploits while pleasuring herself and her friends. It was when she fell back on the bed, laughing loudly and enjoying herself in a genuine and unmasked way. In that moment she was happy, carefree, and quite simply the most spectacular creature he had ever seen.


  The next morning, after a few hours of fretful sleep, Cassie awoke to the smell of eggs and bacon. She yawned and stretched, pulling on her dressing gown and then heading out to sit with her friends. They were back to being everyday Jamie, Hanna, and Cassie, chatting loudly and joking around while the two lovers openly fawned over one another. Despite the previous night’s events, Cassie was not a part of their relationship other than being a friend to them both, and she was happy with that. Last night had been fun and scary, sexy, and even exciting, but she was not ready to re-enact their interlude anytime soon.

  She had fallen straight into bed when they got back to the apartment. Her overwrought emotions overtook any other needs, but now she felt rested and at ease. Her pent up sexual tension from the dangerous time spent alone with Leo Solomon was now forgotten, thanks to the anxiety caused by her unwelcome attraction to him that had taken its place.

  The three of them ate together before Jamie headed out for work, kissing Hanna tenderly and waving Cassie goodbye.

  “You okay, sweetie?” Hanna asked when they were alone. She was washing the dishes while Cassie dried them and put them away.

  “Yeah, that Leo guy sure is scary. I’m glad he didn’t force me into anything, but he saw right through my façade and called me out on not being a green girl. He has cameras in the bedrooms and watched our little threesome. Leo knew Jamie was lying when he re-told the story of how he fucked us both senseless. He asked me outright why I didn’t let either of you touch me. He knew our secret all along. That guy is very clever when it comes to reading people. I bet you any money there’s no fooling him.”

  “I bet you’re right,” Hanna agreed. “But he is pretty fucking hot too, agreed?”

  “Oh yeah,” Cassie conceded, grinning across at her friend. “When he stared into my eyes and told me he wanted me to be his, I nearly caved and let him have me there and then!”

  “I’m glad you didn’t, though. I get the feeling he would not be such a gentleman the morning after,” Hanna replied thoughtfully. Much to her dismay, Cassie couldn't help but agree.


  Over the next few days Cassie kept herself busy between working at the restaurant and more parties for Cyrene’s and other escort providers from the city. She enjoyed being back to her normal routine, sleeping late before heading out for her evening at work in either role, and her confidence continued to grow thanks to her newly found prowess at wooing the opposite sex.

  The powerful memories of Leo Solomon and her still strong desire for him kept popping into focus, though. Part of her hoped he would reach out to her in some way. She hoped he had taken her refusal as a challenge to be the better man she needed him to be, but she had heard nothing. As hard as it was to accept, he must have considered her unworthy.

  “Quit fooling yourself,” Cassie told her reflection in the mirror as she finished cleaning up the ladies’ bathroom and turned out the light. She knew tho
se types of romances only existed in the movies or in the many romance novels she continued to pore over. Bad boys did not change their ways, they did not repent and offer whores the world in return for their hand in marriage. Leo was not about to come storming into her life to whisk her off of her feet and give her everything she had ever dreamed of. The idea that a lifetime of happiness and a sex life to blush over might be right around the corner was naïve. Those fantasies were exactly that, fantasy.

  “Goodnight, Cassie, thanks for covering tonight. You’re a star,” called her boss, Mrs. Brown, as she left the restaurant. Cassie waved her goodbye with a wide smile from across the room.

  “Any time, Mrs. B, see you next week,” she called back, grabbing her things and leaving the others to finish off the rest of the cleaning up.

  Cassie headed home, her body ready to rest and her mind ready for some much-needed quiet time. When she got back, she showered, put on her pajamas, and then poured herself a large glass of chardonnay. She stood at the kitchen counter for a while, flicking through the pages of a fashion magazine Hanna had left out, while eating a bag of jellybeans she had found in the back of one of the cupboards. It was probably one of Hanna’s secretly stashed sweets for her hormonal days, and she promised herself she would replace them.

  Cassie hummed as she unwound, allowing her hectic life to fall away as she enjoyed her wine and sweets. After a while, she heard the front door click shut, and Jamie’s voice filtered in from the hallway. He was talking quietly to someone she assumed must be her roommate, and she waded out to greet them, stopping dead when she saw who had invited himself into their home along with his employee—Leo Solomon.


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