Forever Lost

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Forever Lost Page 17

by Laura Morgan

  “You’re red,” Victor whispered in her ear, stroking Cassie’s arm, and breaking her reverie. He held his cool glass to her skin, and she groaned. She hadn’t even noticed her pale skin burning in the strong Mexican sunshine, and cringed at her stereotypical British pallor. He fussed over her, but she insisted it was fine, looking at him with a grateful smile.

  Cassie then caught a beautiful, yet vindictive stare watching her from a few feet away. The woman it belonged to was tall, skinny, and had long black hair that flowed almost to her waist. She watched Victor like she wanted to devour him, or be devoured, Cassie couldn’t be sure. When the woman’s gaze was on Cassie, she felt as though there were a thousand tiny daggers flying her way.

  The woman approached, talking in Spanish with Victor while Cassie tried her best not to look completely lost. Her voice soon started getting louder and louder, and she thrust her finger right in Cassie’s face. She needed no translation as the girl spat harsh words regarding his new arm candy. Without any hesitation, he struck the woman. The blow sent her flying onto the ground, and she clambered to her knees, peering up at him and begging without a care for who might be listening. She must’ve only been eighteen or nineteen years old, and Cassie’s heart broke for her despite her rude words and evil glances.

  Although, once again, Cassie could not understand her words, she could sense this young woman’s pain, and quickly figured it out. Victor had dismissed her as his lover in preference of Cassie, and this girl had been left heartbroken. He didn’t seem to care one little bit, his eyes darting up to a man whose face Cassie recognized from the plane. He approached and dragged the girl away.

  Cassie didn’t ask Victor to explain, nor did she show any reaction to the girl’s dismissal. She stood still, remaining calm and collected beside him. When a second young girl sauntered up and kissed Victor’s cheek seductively, Cassie readied herself for more shouting, but this woman was quite the opposite. She spoke to Victor in soft, hushed tones, and while he seemed more agreeable to her at first, he quickly grew bored and shooed her away with his hand. The girl shrugged and wandered off, trying her luck with another man, but she looked back at Victor every once in a while as though checking to see if he might be watching. Cassie made sure he never was.

  The wake lasted well into the evening. She stayed silently by Victor’s side the whole time, and after dark he finally took her for a walk around the grounds. He seemed to enjoy showing off his impressive complex, and stopped every now and then to kiss her or stroke her skin.

  “You made this whole thing easier today. Having you beside me gave me strength,” he told her, pressing Cassie into one of the huge trees that grew around the edges of his home.

  “I’m glad. Thank you for doing as you promised. I realized today how many people loved your brother, and how hard this must’ve been on you. I know I’m the reason he’s dead, and I’m sorry.” She stroked his face in the moonlight, and she noticed his face fall a little.

  “I wanted my brother dead for a long time, Cassie. You were the last of many reasons I had to kill him, so don’t feel guilty,” he replied, lifting her skirt so he could pull her thighs up around his waist. Cassie locked her feet behind him, not trembling at all as her slid his finger inside the hem of her panties and pulled them to one side, clearing the way for his erection.

  Victor grinned, appearing to have picked up on the changes in her reaction to his touch. Her hands found his belt buckle, freeing his hardness before guiding him inside. He thrust into her, deep and powerful, while his lips silenced her delighted moans and his hands gripped her ass from beneath. When she came, her senses were overwhelmed, and Cassie saw stars for a moment before calming down. She rested her head on Victor’s shoulder, kissing his neck softly as he continued to thrust into her.

  It was then she sensed jealous and vindictive eyes on them. She looked up and saw the young woman who’d taken a slap from Victor earlier watching them from a nearby window. She wondered if he had taken her here on purpose, knowing they were beneath her room, showing the young woman she had been dismissed. Cassie couldn’t be sure. She focused her eyes on Victor’s again, kissing him deeply as he came, and ignoring their watcher above.

  Chapter 25

  Despite her fear and deep-seated hatred for the gangster who’d ripped her away from her home and the man she still loved, Cassie soon settled into her new life beside the Mexican drug-lord. Victor continued to be kind and genuinely affectionate with her, and she carried on playing her part as best she could. She was the dutiful lover, the trophy on his arm, and the submissive partner at all times. Cassie bit her tongue and forced her arguments aside no matter what, and Victor soon began showering her with expensive gifts and attention.

  One night, he announced they were going to the nearby city and a nightclub he owned. He told Cassie to dress in her skimpiest outfit and highest heels, and seemed pleased with her choice. He asked her to walk up and down the bedroom for him, demanding she bend over to fasten the buckle on her shoes, and giving him full view of her scantily clad behind.

  “Don’t you dare bend over like that while we’re out, otherwise you’ll find yourself over my knee,” he told her, grabbing her by the waist and leading her downstairs to their awaiting limo. She giggled but shook her head, leaning closer to him, and began nibbling at his ear.

  “It’s all for you, baby, every inch of me,” she whispered. She squealed when he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her onto his lap. Victor kissed and fondled his lover while the car made its way into the city. He slipped his hand between her thighs and teased her clit with gentle strokes that had her writhing on his lap. It wasn’t long until she bucked and shuddered with her release, moaning loudly for him.

  “Fuck, you make me so hard,” Victor told her. She knew exactly what he needed and gripped his hard cock as she released it. Cassie dropped to the floor, sinking it inside her lips, and sliding up and down his thick length until he came. She cleaned herself up and was back in her seat just in time for the car to come to a stop outside the busy nightclub. The queue was huge, but Victor led her right through the front doors. No one needed to ask his name, and as the powerful man’s date she was greeted like royalty by the staff.

  “My eyes will be on you at all times, Cassie. Stay close, and do not disappoint me,” Victor warned, his tone warm, but his expression fierce. She looked across at him with a delicate smile as they made their way to the VIP area, and the hostess showed Victor to his table.

  “I’m not going anywhere, not even to the dance floor. I’m afraid to say I can’t dance for shit, baby,” she told him. She shrugged when he laughed, and followed Grayson’s lead over to a group of other women. They were chatting to each other in Spanish, and because of her limited grasp on the language, she said nothing as she hovered close by.

  Cassie stood by a balcony overlooking the main dance floor. She watched the dancers below strut their stuff in a way she had never been able to. Grayson stood close by and kept watch while she waited patiently for Victor’s meeting to be over.


  Victor couldn't take his eyes off Cassie as she walked away, his gaze on her incredible legs. He took his seat at the table with the men he’d called to meet with him tonight, and caught their eyes on her too. They clearly approved of his new companion, but their gazes didn’t linger long. He enjoyed the respect he commanded, and snapped his fingers, demanding their attention. Although Victor wanted to show Cassie off, he didn’t like to share, at least until he was well and truly finished enjoying her.

  The men talked for a while, deliberating over which one was worthy of becoming Victor’s second in command. Now that he’d risen to the top, he needed to decide, and settled on one of his oldest and most trusted men, Eduardo. The group toasted his choice, and soon lined up shots of tequila to celebrate. They had far too many, and soon they were shouting loudly for the waitress to bring them more.

  Victor ushered Cassie back over, and she did as he asked, hovering awkwardly when s
he arrived at the table. She smiled, waiting patiently for her orders, arranged in her submissive pose.

  “Cassie, I have promoted Eduardo to be my second in command. I’d like to give him a present,” Victor told her, eyeing her up and down. He wanted to show everyone he owned her, not caring that he was very drunk, so shouldn’t really be making decisions.

  “Congratulations, Eduardo. Would you like me to ask the waitress for another bottle of tequila and some cigars?” Cassie offered, looking over at Victor timidly.

  “No, baby. I’d like you to give him your panties,” he replied with a challenging stare, daring her to say no. He knew her ass was barely covered by the dress as it was, and by removing her panties she would feel exposed and vulnerable, but he wanted to test her. Cassie did as she was ordered, slipping them off, and tucking her tiny thong into the breast pocket of Eduardo’s suit jacket. He blushed but grinned broadly, thanking her in Spanish before Victor shooed her away again without a word. He enjoyed watching her walk away, tugging at the hem of her dress in an attempt to pull it down, and preserve what little dignity he’d left her with.

  Victor’s eyes settled on his trusty guard, Grayson. He’d been his first, and only, choice for the protector of his prize. He kept everyone away from her when Cassie resumed her position overlooking the balcony, protecting her from drunken propositions of men and women alike. This pale beauty, with her combination of long, skinny legs and in that tight, skimpy dress, was a vision of loveliness. Cassie was a stunning contrast to the dark-skinned, curvier women who frequented the club, and Victor could tell she wasn’t enjoying the attention.

  Victor noticed how she kept one eye on Grayson the entire time, seeming grateful for his protection, but he wasn’t jealous of their blossoming closeness. He was pleased with her in so many ways, and knew Grayson was a big factor in why she seemed so happy here.

  When it was time to go, Cassie appeared glad. She had to climb carefully into the limousine, holding her dress down to cover her ass, and she crossed her legs tightly when Victor invited his men to ride back to the complex with them. Eduardo didn't take his eyes off her, and Cassie seemed relaxed, but held onto Victor tightly the entire time.


  When they reached the complex, Cassie set off toward her bedroom, but Victor stopped her. He put an arm around her waist tightly and led her into the house through the large hallway with his men. They came upon a room filled with scantily clad women dressed in even less than Cassie, who were ready to provide Victor’s guests with whatever they needed. He saw to it that his men were comfortable before taking a seat and lighting a cigar.

  When Victor patted his knee, Cassie climbed into his lap, groaning uncontrollably when he forbade her from crossing her legs, and his hands stroked her inner thighs. She was grateful the other men were now occupied, and their gazes were off her, but she still felt uncomfortable. When most of the men disappeared off to the guest rooms with their chosen partners, she expected Victor to take her upstairs out of sight, but instead he unzipped his fly.

  “I want you.” He pulled her around so she straddled his lap. In his drunken haze, he didn’t seem to care who was left behind with them, and pulled her dress over her head as Cassie began riding him. Victor threw it to the floor and cupped her large breasts before sliding them free of their satin cups. His mouth covered each nipple in turn, sucking on them hard. She cried out, but didn’t stop him.

  Cassie felt eyes on her, but desperately tried to ignore them. Eventually she could not stop herself from opening her own eyes, and she caught Eduardo watching her from just a few feet away. His sinister grin gave her the creeps, while a woman rode him in the exact same way she was doing with Victor. She focused her attention back on her lover, laying her head on his shoulder until he finally came. She hastily grabbed her dress and pulled it on, then cleaned them both up.

  Victor’s slow-moving body took her lead, climbing up off of the chair after her with a groan, and he followed her upstairs to her room. Once inside, Cassie stripped him off and they climbed under the sheets without another word. Victor fell asleep, snoring within seconds, but Cassie barely slept that night. Her mind kept going back to the eyes she’d felt on her so many times over the night. The horrible knowledge that she’d caught Eduardo’s attention gave her chills. She knew she would have to be very careful with Victor’s second in command now, and decided she would find a way to take him down if she had to. Cassie knew she couldn't ever let Eduardo have his way with her. Doing so would forever taint her in Victor’s eyes. For sheer self-preservation, she could never allow that.

  Thankfully, Cassie didn’t see Eduardo for weeks following that night, and wondered if his boss might’ve warned him off. Victor hadn’t said anything to her about what had happened, and it wasn’t his nature to apologize, but he’d been very quiet the morning after their evening at the club, and had been extra vigilant with Cassie’s seclusion ever since. She also found those same panties she’d been ordered to give Eduardo washed and put back in her drawer the week after, a clear signal he’d been ordered to return them. Victor never spoke of it again, so didn’t say a word to confirm or deny her suspicions, but he also made a point of never again taking her to the nightclub on his arm.

  Chapter 26

  After a few more weeks of welcome captivity, Grayson came to wake Cassie with his usual breakfast of coffee and a homemade muffin, informing her that Victor had instructed him to take her into the nearby town so she could choose a dress to wear for a party that night.

  “He’s not got time to choose one for you, so I’ve been told to take you to a small boutique and help you choose something,” he told her, grinning broadly.

  Cassie jumped out of bed and squealed in delight. It had been so long since she’d been allowed to wander around free from envious stares and hard-nosed criminal glances. She couldn't wait, and knew it would be lovely going out into the world outside these walls, and without Victor’s hand holding her tightly, even if it was only for a short while.

  “Oh my gosh! I’m so excited, GG,” she told him. Grayson rolled his eyes, but continued to smile. Cassie had grown close with him during her time here, and despite her constant smile, she got the impression Grayson could see through it. Right now, she knew her eyes were alight. Her happiness was rolling off her like a wave of pent up emotion she’d hidden away for so long, but now Cassie felt truly delighted.

  Grayson helped her get ready, and together they made their way out of the complex onto the dirt roads. Cassie sat in the back while Grayson drove, her happiness still buzzing in her veins, and she watched with a wide smile as the dirty, barren world beyond Victor’s walls whizzed by.

  “We need to buy something that fits the theme, which is black and white. You’re wearing white, as per Victor’s orders. It’s a fancy ball, but he wants nothing extravagant,” Grayson informed her, his eyes flicking up at her as he drove. “I hope I don’t need to remind you how much he’s trusting you with this? I’ll be expected to give him a full report of your behavior, Cassie, and you know I won’t lie for you.” He turned onto a main highway, and she saw a sign signifying they were heading west, but didn’t concern herself with reading the others as they sped along.

  “You gonna write him a step-by-step report? Or does Victor prefer essays?” she teased.

  “I’m not kidding. I want you to stay with me the entire time. Don’t ever wander off, and you certainly don’t try and run away. You know the punishment would be severe if you did,” he added, his concern for her safety written on his face. He maintained his businesslike tone as he went over the rules, but he really didn’t need to.

  Cassie was no fool. She knew the risks far outweighed any chances she had of actually getting away, and she also presumed Victor’s ultimatum still applied. If she ran, he would no doubt be on his plane headed for New York within hours, and her friends would be punished for her foolishness. They were forever on her mind, even now. Cassie kept going for them and their safety. She would keep on
going as long as she had to, because no matter the life she might have with Victor, her heart belonged there. A huge part of her was still with Hanna, Jamie, Mrs. Brown, and especially Leo. Cassie knew she would die if she ever let them come to harm.

  “Save me the lecture, GG. Today is the best day of my life, and I’m sure as hell not going to ruin it by being a dumbass,” she retorted, making him smile.

  It wasn’t long until they reached a small town, which was definitely not one of the big cities Grayson had told her about. It was a single street lined with shops, salons, and an ice-cream parlor. Grayson took Cassie’s arm, holding her close, and she didn’t fight it.

  “Can I have anything I want?” she asked him, and Grayson nodded. “From any shop, or just the dress store?” Cassie added, knowing she was being cheeky, but it couldn't hurt to ask.

  “He told me to bring you into town, and you could buy whatever you wanted. He specified that you had to come back with a dress, but other than that there were no limitations. If you wanna visit the other stores, I don’t mind. Just as long as you’re being a good girl,” Grayson replied, raising one eyebrow.

  “Calm down, GG. There’s only one place I want to go after the dress store, I promise. And I’ll be a good girl, pinkie swear.” She lifted her little finger in the air, and he shook his head.

  Grayson led the way to a boutique a short walk up the quiet street. He walked fast, too fast for Cassie’s liking, as she was trying to take it all in. She wanted to savor her tiny dose of freedom, but followed his lead and didn’t argue once. That was her way of life nowadays, and she wasn’t intending to ruin her morning of relative freedom.

  When they were inside the store, Cassie’s mouth dropped open. The place went really far back, so was deceptively large. Inside were rows and rows of stunning dresses in every color imaginable. The young woman behind the counter greeted them warmly. Cassie understood most of what she was saying, thanks to her daily teachings from Grayson, but he was the one who did the talking. He described her needs to the tall, slender woman, who nodded and led them toward the rail of light colored dresses. She held out a few to Cassie, who eyed them with a smile. Grayson finally let go of her arm, and she followed the woman into the changing rooms to try a few on.


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