Enticing Interlude (Tempest #2)

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Enticing Interlude (Tempest #2) Page 5

by Mankin, Michelle

  “That’s different and you know it, Sis. It was your reputation I was mainly worried about.” I scowled back at her. “I’d have thought you would be happy for me.”

  “I am happy for you.” I saw the remorse in her eyes even before she apologized. “I just don’t want you to get into trouble. Drugs and alcohol are a big player with them. You just got your life back together.”

  “I understand that. I’ll be on my guard, but I can’t live in a bubble forever. There’ll always be temptation.”

  “And then there’s Lace.” Her eyes went to the table. “Trouble seems to follow that woman wherever she goes.”

  “That’s not fair, Avery.” The displeasure in my tone brought her gaze back up to mine. “That same case could be made about me.” An ill-advised affair with a woman engaged to a mobster, leaving the witness protection program, and so forth, and so on. I leaned forward, elbows on the table. “You really should take the time to get to know her.”

  “I have…”

  I cut her off. “When you’re not reprimanding her.”

  Her lips flattened.

  “Listen, she’s had a rough life, Avery. It’s not like you to be so close-minded about someone. Give her a chance is all I’m saying. I think you might warm up to her.”

  “I don’t know about that. She doesn’t seem like a very stable person. The tabloids say she’s sleeping with War and Bryan both, playing one off the other.”

  “You know as well as anyone that there’s rarely an ounce of truth to those stories.”

  “Yeah.” She arched a brow. “What’d she tell you?”

  It was my turn to look away. “She doesn’t talk about it.” When I turned back, she was watching me with concern filled eyes.

  “Oh, Justin. Tell me you’re not hung up on her too.”

  “No. Absolutely not,” I answered. “She’s just a good friend.”

  “Good.” She looked and sounded relieved. “I’ve got more than enough stress right now with Dad and the transplant coming up, Mary pressuring me to finish a solo album, and Marcus wanting to set a date.” Her apologetic eyes met mine. “Forgive me for being overprotective?”

  “Sure,” I replied easily. After all I was the exact same way when it came to her. “What do you mean about Marcus? You mean a wedding date?”

  “Yeah.” Her cheeks turned pink. “He wants to get married before the summer tour with Tempest.”

  “Wow. I mean, I knew this was coming, but…” I covered her hand with my own, “You’re right. You do have a lot going on. Sorry to add one more thing to the list, but I’m really stoked about this chance. If I could describe better how it felt being with Tempest in the studio today, you’d understand.” I let out a long breath. “Everything just clicked. It was incredible. I really think I’m going to be as good for them as they will be for me, you know?”

  She looked at me for a long moment. “Yeah. I think I do know actually. That’s how I felt the first time I played with BS.”

  “Just jump, kiddo.”

  Pensive as he stood along the edge of the indoor pool deck, Carter shook his wet head. “I can’t, Mommy,” he said adamantly, his chin down to his chest and his gaze on his bare feet. “I’m too scared,” he admitted a moment later on a soft whisper.

  I waded through the warm water and reached out to tap on his cute chubby toes. “C’mon,” I coaxed. “You can do it.” Carter swam really well, but for some reason he’d always been afraid to dive.

  I’d brought him down to the pool as a treat after a long and exhausting day for both of us. After the tryout, I’d interviewed at a nearby coffee house and then enrolled him in kindergarten at Lord Roberts, an IB accredited school just a couple of blocks away. I really wanted him to attend there, but when we moved out, it would be tough to find affordable housing in the area. The list of lodging in this area of downtown started at expensive and moved up from there.

  Carter’s lip jutted out. “Why couldn’t we go out with Miss Lace and Tempest to celebrate?”

  “Because they’re going to a bar and that’s not a good place for either of us. I already told you that though. Stop stalling. You can do this.” I moved backward, the heavy chlorination making my eyes water a bit. “I’ll be right here to get you.”

  “I can’t.” He sounded so defeated it hurt my heart. “I’m sorry, Mommy.”

  “It’s ok, kiddo. No big deal. You’ll get it. How about feet first instead?”

  His chin lifted and a big smile spread across his round face right before he launched himself into the pool. I turned my head to avoid the splash. He surfaced easily by himself and swam right to me. Living in Florida, I’d insisted on swim lessons as soon as he could walk. Not that he minded. He loved being in the water as much as I did.

  I told him to flip over to practice his floating. His adorable little rounded tummy lifted as he went buoyant. After counting to sixty out loud, I reached out and tugged him into my arms. In the pool he was light enough for me to lift easily, but he was growing so fast that those days were numbered.

  “Where are they?” I pretended to look for gills and then started tickling him. “I know you have them. Only a fish could swim and float as well as you do.”

  He laughed and wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me a wet kiss on my cheek. “I love you, Mommy.”

  “I love you, too, kiddo. So much.” I closed my eyes and squeezed him tight. When I opened them, I saw him on the far edge of the pool deck.

  “Hey.” My voice came out sounding a lot gruffer than usual. Watching Bridget and her son just now and overhearing that last affectionate exchange had hit me hard, resonating someplace deep inside. Their powerful bond would surely tug on even the most jaded of heartstrings. And my heart might be a little calloused, but it was far from hardened. In fact, I was almost as big a romantic as my sister. I just didn’t wear my emotions on my sleeve.

  “Justin!” Carter squealed, spotting me. He sprang out of his mother’s arms and swam toward me.

  “Mind if I join you?” I asked eyes on Bridget’s beautiful blues, waiting for her approval. Her platinum hair was wet and slicked completely back from her pretty face. I followed the dripping ends down to really nice breasts.

  She noticed where my gaze had settled and tried to hide them by crossing her arms over her chest.

  And for some reason I didn’t get, it took her an inordinately long time before she replied to my question. “Sure, but we were just getting ready to leave.” She bit her lip and cast a wishful glance toward the other end of the pool where a white hotel robe and a couple of pool towels lay draped over a chair back.

  Carter’s smile turned into a frown. “But Mommy,” he pleaded, looking up at me as he held onto the edge of the deck beneath my feet. “Justin has pizza and you said we could stay ‘til ten.”

  “Alright, Carter.” She gave him an exasperated look. “But then it’s straight to bed. I’m worn out and you have school in the morning.”

  “Ok, Mom.” Carter beamed. “Wanna see me cannonball her?” he asked in a conspiratorial tone that she had to have heard.

  “Sure,” I replied, looking back at her. She hadn’t moved, still in the shallow end, same position, arms over her chest. I wanted a chance to see more of her in that clingy red one piece that she was trying so hard to conceal.

  Carter got out of the pool and padded around the pool deck as fast as his little legs would carry him without running. He gave me a wicked grin and then jumped toward Bridget yelling, “Incoming!”

  Bridget lifted her arms to block her face from the large splash.

  I practically choked on my own tongue. The oversized clothing she wore had hidden more than I’d imagined. Her breasts were high and round and ample. They might not be a double d’s, but they were damn near perfect.

  My mouth went dry fantasizing peeling that thing off. I managed a swallow just as Carter surfaced, giggling.

  “You scamp.” Bridget waded over to him and scooped him up. A droplet of water trickle
d down to pool between her pretty pink lips. I wanted to dip my tongue there to catch it. I bet she’d be sweet. She started to tickle him, and their joined laughter echoed appealingly within the walls of the indoor pool.

  That was it. I had to join them. It wasn’t just to be near her, though that was certainly part of it. There was something more. I was on a mission now. I was going to find out everything about her. Where she came from, what her dreams were, and what turned her on. I knew I had to capture her somehow and become a part of what they shared.

  I took off the leather bracelet Avery had given me for our birthday, put it with the pizza box and sodas on a nearby table, and dove in from the deep end. I took a long look at her under the water. My lungs were burning before I surfaced. The view was just as good as I’d suspected. Though petite, everything about her was sexy. She had shapely legs that I longed to trace, a cute little heart shaped rear end, and a tiny tapered waist I could probably span with both hands.

  I popped up and pulled in a deep breath while raking the hair back out of my eyes. When my vision cleared, I noticed Carter was watching me. “Boo,” I told him lifting my brows.

  “Ha. Ha,” he laughed playing along. Bridget held him in front of her body like a shield.

  Too late, I thought. I’ve already seen what you’re trying so hard to hide. Her attempts to thwart my perusal only made me more determined.

  “You guys wanna swim a little longer or eat pizza?”

  Carter grinned. “How about swim, eat, and then swim some more?”

  I snorted. Smart kid. “I like the way you think, my man. How about it?” I asked Bridget. “Can we, Mom?” I wiggled a brow.

  Her lips twitched. “Great.” She gave an exaggerated sigh. “Now I’ve got two kids to contend with.”

  “Apparently so,” I teased back, wading closer. “I suggest you get used to it.” I spoke low, my lips near her ear. “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”

  I eased back giving a little slack on the line, my eyes going to Carter. “I noticed you earlier, buddy. You’re a strong swimmer.” I threw an arm out toward the other end of the pool. “Wanna race?”

  He nodded and wiggled out of his mother’s grip. “I get a head start ‘cause you’re taller,” he said over a shoulder and immediately kicked away.

  The kid was pretty fast, but I caught him and tugged on his foot before he could reach the wall. “I win. I win,” I teased him slapping my hand on the edge just ahead of him.

  “You cheated.” His lip came out and his big aquamarine eyes filled.

  “Only because I had to.” I ruffled his wet hair.

  He liked that and smiled and then launched himself at me. I let him push my head down under the water. When I resurfaced, I noticed Bridget watching us with a funny look on her face.

  “Maybe you could get better,” Carter told me completely serious. “My mom made me take a lot of lessons.”

  “Good for her,” I said locking eyes with Bridgette. “She’s a great mom, kid.”

  She blinked, pulled her gaze from me, and waded toward the steps. Then she stepped out of the pool, all toned wet skin and curves. The underwater view hadn’t done her justice. She was stunning.

  “Justin,” Carter called out just as Bridget reached down and pulled on the robe, covering up all that perfection. “Justin!” Carter repeated louder.

  She turned and caught me ogling her. I returned her gaze, hiding nothing, my lips curving into a hungry grin.

  She pulled tight on the sash and I turned my attention back to Carter.

  “You wanna race again?” he asked glancing back and forth between his mom and me with a worried crease between his blond brows. He looked exactly like her when he did that.

  “No. But how about we dive together?”

  He shook his head back and forth.

  I moved closer to him. “I used to be afraid to dive, too. But I have a twin sister named Avery. And she did it with me, and even though I was scared it wasn’t too bad. It was definitely worth it when I saw how happy it made my mom to see me dive.”

  Carter chewed on his lip and glanced over at his mom and then back at me. “Ok.”

  Not making a big deal out of it, I pulled myself up out of the pool and Carter did the same. I squeezed his shoulder before we took our diving stances. I noticed that Bridget had gone completely still over at the other end of the pool, her eyes round with surprise.

  I counted to three, smiled at Carter and then eyes to the water, I dove. Looking to the right once I was under, I noticed Carter was underwater beside me. He’d done it. My chest burned with pride for him. I kicked to the surface and swam over.

  He was laughing. “I did it! I did it!”

  “You certainly did, kid. I knew you could.”

  “Thank you, Justin,” he said solemnly as if he were years older.

  “You’re welcome.”

  He gave me a nod and then yelled at Bridget. “Mom! Mom!” He splashed and kicked his way to her end of the pool. “I did it! Did you see?”

  Even across the length of the pool, I could see the glassy sheen in her eyes. Her head was cocked to the side and she was looking at me like I was a riddle she couldn’t figure out.

  Good. Same here.

  Carter flew out of the pool and practically knocked her over in his excitement. He was only five, but he already came to mid chest on Bridget. I presumed he got his height from his father. He was a fool to abandon them. It made me angry thinking about it. But I was thankful because his loss was my gain. It gave me an opening. Exactly how far I could take it, I wasn’t entirely sure yet, but it already felt heavier than I was accustomed to. Heavy in a way that I might have run away from before. But not now. Not from them. Not from her.

  Bridget hugged Carter to her chest and I swam quickly to the other end of the pool. “What’d you say to him?” she asked quietly after I’d stepped out and she’d sent Carter to retrieve the pizza and drinks. “I’ve been trying to get him to do that forever.”

  “Nothing really.” I shrugged, a large puddle dripping onto the pool deck beneath me. “Just about how proud it made my mom when my sister and I did our first dive.”

  “Oh.” Her pink lips rounded with surprise.

  “What?” I snorted. “I don’t know exactly who you think I am, but I’m not all that bad. I’m certainly not some creature that clawed its way up from the bowels of the earth.” I took a step closer to her. “I had a mother, too. She loved my sister and me with damn near everything she had in her. Just like you with Carter.”

  She stared at me, licked her lips and swallowed. “Had?”

  “Yeah. She died when Avery and I were eight. I miss her.” I admitted with brutal honesty. “Every. Single. Day.”

  Fuck me, but her aquamarine eyes filled. The sight of those sympathetic tears on my behalf blew out of the water any remaining thoughts that what I felt growing between us was casual, at least from my end. I never thought I’d ever find a woman I’d be willing to share things like that with.

  I wasn’t thinking that way anymore.

  “My mom died right after she had me,” I admitted after Justin shared about his. “I remember being pretty happy until my dad remarried when I was six. And then that was the end of that. My stepmother is a witch.” I noticed Carter was coming back with the pizza and drinks. “It sounds harsh but I told Carter she was dead,” I confessed quickly. “I only wish that was really true.”

  As soon as my little guy reached us, I drew him into my side suddenly needing the reassurance of his presence. Thinking about that woman still made me feel inadequate and unsettled. She had taken my father’s love away from me, and then after he was gone she’d taken everything else. The unconditional love I had from my son was something I’d never really received from anyone else, and it took a mental pinch to remind myself that was all I needed.

  I could feel Justin’s eyes on me. I turned to look at him and the intensity of his gaze frightened me enough that I began to waffle about staying.
  “Thanks for the diving lesson, but we should probably be going. We need to get to bed early. I’ve got training in the morning for my job, and Carter has school.”

  “No, Mommy.”

  “Bridget, no.”

  They both spoke over me and each other.

  Carter glanced at Justin.

  “I can’t eat a whole large pizza by myself,” Justin began. I doubted that was true, but I didn’t call him on it. “And Carter and I deserve a chance to celebrate. A first dive is a big deal. We need to commemorate the occasion with pepperoni.” He raised an auburn brow. “And we need to figure out a good time for me to give Carter those guitar lessons I promised.”

  Dammit, I’d forgotten about that. “Ok,” I gave in, muscles tensing into anxious knots as we each took a seat on either side of Justin. Carter immediately pulled a slice of pizza from the box, and Justin handed him a soda after getting a nod of approval from me.

  “Relax,” he whispered near my ear like he’d done in the pool earlier. I shivered just the same only this time I didn’t have the water to cover up my response. “What’s the harm in the three of us getting to know each other a little better?”

  If that was all this was maybe it would be ok. But the way he watched me with those devilishly lashed emerald eyes said something different. I was afraid it would be too easy to fall prey to him. He had a depth that I’d missed during our first couple of encounters, and it was those glimpses of compassion that I definitely found myself responding to. I’d already given him more personal details than I usually shared with anyone.

  He drew out a slice and handed it to me, waiting until I put a bite in my mouth. My eyelids fluttered closed as I chewed. It was delicious. Heavy on the sauce, light on the cheese, thin crust, just the way I liked it. I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast this morning. I stifled a moan.


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