Delightful Temptation

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Delightful Temptation Page 11

by Scarlett Avery

  I guess I’m not the only one who’s horny as hell. There’s no denying it, Ethan is raw. When he goes without for a few days, his feral nature can be quite overpowering. It sounds like tonight we’ll leave one lucky lady panting for more.

  “Give me one second,” I say, looking around me. People are gathering in front of the restaurant. They might be oblivious now, but certain words jump out at you no matter how engaged you are in a conversation. I walk a few steps away from the crowd. It’s not the epitome of privacy, but it will do. “Same here. I might not know this Texan curator you’ve been going on about, but your description of her has been haunting me for the last couple of days. In fact, a few nights ago at Craig’s party, I was a very good boy. I only played with two women. I allowed a couple of twenty-year-old blondes to suck my cock,” I confess.

  “Twenty?” He sounds shocked. “Xander, you keep lowering your age threshold. At this rate you’ll be fucking teenage girls again.”

  “In my defense, they were identical twins, curvy and they had giant tits—fake, mind you, but I’m not one to judge when I’m in LA.”

  “Of course not.” Ethan’s sarcasm doesn’t go unnoticed.

  “I couldn’t possibly say no to that. I’m sure you wouldn’t have passed on that opportunity.” He doesn’t fool me. “One cornered me and pushed me into a room where her naked sister was waiting. They wanted me to talk dirty to them until I released myself at the back of their throats. It’s the whole British accent thing,” I explain. “As a gentleman, I obliged.”

  “No doubt.” Ethan chuckles. “So you’ve already had a threesome?”

  “No. The twins didn’t touch each other and I didn’t fuck them. They did beg. They even offered their asses once I dropped my trousers and they caught sight of my cock, but I abstained. Shagging two women at the same time isn’t bad, but I’d much prefer sharing one with you. I haven’t been inside a pussy since we had that conversation on Wednesday. That’s three whole days, mate.” I say that with pride. “I want to be hungry for tonight.”

  “You’re crazy, Xander.”

  “I prefer hardcore,” I respond.

  “I’m sure you’ll be on edge tonight. You’re a fucking animal when you go without for a few days.”

  “What are you talking about?” I exclaim. “I’m like that when I haven’t released myself inside a woman in twenty-four hours. I’m well past being an animal.”

  “I stand corrected.” Ethan laughs.

  “Have you been with anyone since your Monday and Tuesday all-night sex marathons with Shelley?” Ethan might try to pretend to be a saint, but we both know his sexual appetite matches mine. Shelley McDonald is his on-again, off-again booty call of the month. Just like me, he tends to keep his relationships short-lived.

  “You tosser. Quit being such a wiseass.”

  “Are you choosing not to answer?” I know I’m being cocky, but I know Ethan too well.

  “No. Wednesday night I was at a gala. There were a few attractive women, but none who really caught my attention. After seeing Delilah that morning I wasn’t in the mood to find a substitute. I really want her. It goes without saying that Shelley wasn’t even a consideration. It was much more enjoyable to go home and wank thinking of Delilah.”

  “Translation, I’m not the only one who’s eager.” I grin from ear to ear, already knowing he can’t see me.

  Ethan roars with laughter. “No, I guess not.”

  “It should be good tonight then. In fact, I might have spotted a candidate.”

  “Already?” I hear the surprise in his voice. I don’t know why. He knows how I operate. “I thought you were still standing outside.”

  “I am. She was headed to the lounge area. I was just about to tail her when you called. It’s a good thing I reserved a private chill-out room for after dinner. Now I see we’ll definitely be able to put it to good use.” I chuckle.

  “You’re impossible.”

  “I’m serious,” I quip. “I intend on having my cock inside a woman’s ass as soon as humanly possible, mate. Hers would do just fine. There’s no time to waste. I’m already losing my mind as is.” I laugh.

  “I take that back. You’re absolutely mad, Xander.”

  “You can mock me as much as you want, but there’s a method to my madness.”

  “I’m all ears.”

  “Since we don’t know if the woman we’re both interested in has been with two guys before, we need to prep her. The chill-out room will also give us the opportunity to determine if this is the kind of girl we want to take back to our place or if we get a room at a hotel for the night. I think I’ll—” I stop in my tracks when a short brunette with enviable curves waltzes by me in a pair of sexy sky-high sandals that would make Ethan drop to his knees and worship her feet. As lovely as that flirty bright pink dress she’s wearing is, I suspect it would look a whole lot better off. “Scratch that. I just noticed a drop-dead-gorgeous brunette walk by me. Guess where she’s headed?”

  “The lounge?”

  “Indeed she is. Mate, I’ll be the tall black guy with a huge grin on his face as I seduce the blonde or the brunette… or both. We haven’t had a go at two women at the same time in a very long time. Maybe tonight’s the night,” I suggest.

  After Adele, Ethan and I corrupted two Dutch tourists we met at a bar near closing hour. We fucked both of them at the same time. It did help that they were bisexual and super nasty. We went at it all night without giving them much rest. The second we were ready to shoot our loads again, we were pounding them. That was quite the dirty night. A few months later we did the same to a couple of hot Spanish nurses who were in town for a convention. Emotionally we couldn’t handle being with just one woman. Fucking two lessened any chance of us getting involved.

  “That’s too much work, Xander. Let’s keep it simple. Pick one.”

  Thanks for bursting my bubble. “All right.”

  “Don’t sound so disappointed. Since you partied all night Thursday and you were on a plane all of last night, you’ve gone without sleep for a few days now. You might want to pace yourself in order to keep up,” Ethan advises.

  “I’ll keep up just fine. I always do.” I quickly dismiss his worries.

  “I’m glad to hear it. I’ll meet you in the lounge. I’m on my way. It shouldn’t take me more than half an hour. Hold the fort until I get there.”

  “Aye aye, Captain.”



  “I can do this, I can do this, I can do this,” I coax myself.

  After hanging up with Piper I called my cousin in a panic. I know I’m second-guessing myself, but I just can’t help it. Left to my own devices, my bravado fizzled faster than the bubbles in a glass of Coca-Cola sitting under the Texan sun in the middle of July. I was praying Maggie might also think that going to Hush by myself was a terrible idea. Alas, I was to have no such luck.

  Maggie’s sided with Piper. Maggie also feels that it would be a crime not to flaunt my new hairdo. A part of me really just wants to run and hide under the covers, but another part is dying to find out how it feels to step into the role of this seductive vixen everyone seems to think I’ve become.

  Gideon definitely worked his magic. I was so elated when I stepped out of the salon that I didn’t only send a selfie to Piper, I also sent one to my roommate Jackie, Maggie and my mom. They all had the same reaction. Fueled by their compliments and Maggie’s words of encouragement, I decided to take a chance. After changing six times, I finally decided on an outfit that boosts my confidence like crazy. I added a few simple pieces of tasteful jewelry, slicked one more coat of gloss on my lips, slipped into a pair of super-high heels and I was ready for the night. At least I think I am.

  The cab just dropped me off in front of Hush. Like always in London, the streets are nearly as packed as the bars, restaurants and lounges. I love that about this city. I rotate in a three-hundred-sixty-degree circle, taking everything in. The atmosphere is vibrant, even electrifyi
ng. Elegantly dressed men and women swarm around me. Most everyone is walking around in couples or as part of a small a group. Very few people are alone. The more I stand here, the more freaked out I become.

  “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea after all,” I say under my breath. For a split second I consider hiring another cab to take me back to the apartment when my phone rings. I nervously rummage through my bag, pull it out and accept the call.

  “Hi, love. Are you close?”

  I swallow hard. “Oh, hi, Jeremy. I just got here.”

  “Brilliant. I can’t wait to see your beautiful face.”

  When I made the decision to throw caution to the wind and follow Maggie’s advice, I called Piper’s friend to let him know I was on my way. I can’t believe he’d be so considerate as to check up on me like this.

  “I’m warning you, it’s quite busy tonight.” It is. “When you get inside, you’ll notice there are two bars—a smaller one on the left-hand side of the room and a very large one that’s illuminated at the very back of the room. I’m working the smaller bar tonight. It’s more easy-going where I’ll be hanging out.”

  “Got it.”

  “Are you standing right in front of the building?” Jeremy asks.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Excellent. You’ll notice there are two doors.”

  I stretch my neck out. “I see them. One is electric blue and the other silver.”

  “Exactly. You’ll also notice two different queues—one that’s insanely long and another that’s more manageable.”

  “I do.”

  “You’re heading towards the shorter one that’s lined up in front of the blue door.”

  Copy that. “Okay.”

  “Do you see a very tall guy with a slicked-back ponytail? He’s a big guy. He’s hard to miss.” Jeremy chuckles and I can already imagine what this guy looks like.

  I shift my head from left to right, trying to catch a glimpse of the man standing at the door. It seems like out of the blue a crowd has amassed in front of the building, making it nearly impossible for me to see. Even in my four-inch heels, I’m still not that tall. Lucky for me, a group of six beefy guys moves out of the way. Finally. I giggle when a guy who could double as a World Wrestling pro looks my way. “I do now.”

  “Good. That’s Matt, the bouncer. He takes care of our VIP customers. I’ve already told him to expect you.”

  “Oh.” Me a VIP? Wow. I’m taken aback.

  “You sound surprised, Delilah.”

  “I am. I’ve never been part of a VIP list before.”

  “That’s the only way to go with Piper.” He chuckles. Ain’t that the truth. “Since you’re one of her friends, I assumed it was the same for you.”

  “No. Not at all. I’m new to London. Piper and I work together. I’m more casual than she is.”

  “Regardless, for tonight you’re VIP.”

  “Okay, then.” There’s no point in arguing. Not to mention it’s rude not to be courteous when someone does something unexpected for you.

  “Great. Welcome to the club.”

  There’s no going back now.

  “Thank you, Jeremy.” I beam. “I guess tonight’s a night of firsts for me.”

  “I like the sound of that, kiddo.”

  “Me too,” I confess.

  “Go up to Matt and tell him you’re a friend of mine. He’ll make sure you jump in front of the queue. Even if you’re going VIP tonight, you don’t have to wait.”

  This night has barely started and it’s already so exciting. “I’ll be right in,” I cheer.

  “If you look half as hot as your sexy American accent, I’m in for a real treat.” Jeremy’s comment astounds me.

  “I guess you’ll have to wait and see.” My answer is flirtatious as hell. This audacious tone is new. I like it a lot.



  I hang up with Ethan and follow the sexy little brunette who’s torturing me with each one of her steps. I’m just about to close in on her when a bald guy wearing a camel-colored suit shouts out her name and waves. What happens next is straight out of one of the sappy romantic movies my mom has playing twenty-four-seven at her house when she’s not working. The temptress in the pink dress—whom I now know as Jenny—waves back at the man, a huge grin taking over her face. Both of them run towards each other—not that I know how the hell she manages to do that with those skyscrapers strapped to her feet, but to my amazement, she does. They tangle in a steamy and passionate embrace. You’d think the cameras were rolling. The pair kiss for what seems to be an eternity. Things go from hot to heavy when Jenny starts grinding her hips against what I can only assume is a mighty erection.

  They’re at it until a passerby yells at them to get a room. You have to love Londoners for their frankness. I’m not sure if it’s real love or if it’s pure lust, but one thing is certain, that lucky bastard is getting his cock taken care of tonight. Strike one. Okay, I guess she’s officially off the list for a threesome.

  Unfazed, I set my sights on the blonde who caught my eye when I first arrived. I’m not sure if those monumental tits are fake, but tonight I’m easy. Real tits rule, but when my cock is so desperate, I wouldn’t dream of making a fuss. As I approach the entrance, one of the very tall and beefy bouncers standing guard already has his hand on the doorknob.

  “Xander. You’re back. You missed the naughty professor and bad girl-themed party we had last weekend to kick off summer. I’m surprised, mate. It was ridiculous. I’ve never seen it this wild.” From the way he shakes his head, it must have been quite the party.

  “Theo. It’s good to see you.” I punch his muscular arm. Clearly I’m being playful. You don’t want a guy like Theo to ever take a swing at you. He’d knock you out cold on contact. “I was in LA on business.”

  “Right. You missed a good one. Come to think of it, Ethan didn’t show up either.”

  “He was at another one of his chichi art galas,” I respond with a smile.

  “I see. You two have busier social calendars than the Royal Family,” Theo teases. “Will he be here tonight?”

  “Yeah, mate, he’s on his way. He just flew back from the French Riviera.”

  “Of course he did. Well, I’ve been roughing it here in ol’ London while the pair of you have been jet-setting around the world,” he mocks.

  “Yeah, but you get an eyeful of the most beautiful women in the city every single night when you’re manning the door. In my book, that’s an enviable position to be in.” I wink.

  “You got that right, mate,” Theo says proudly.

  “Even though I’m certain you already have dibs on all the prettiest girls here tonight, I think I’m going to head in and try to scrape up your leftovers,” I joke.

  Theo claps me on the shoulder. “It’s a dirty job, but someone’s has to do it,” he mocks.

  “Indeed, my friend,” I tease right back.

  “Xander, enjoy tonight,” he says, stepping aside to let me in.

  “Oh, trust me, I will.” I grin at him as I stride forward.

  I walk into the lounge with a definite purpose. I barely have one foot through the door when it hits me—the dancing lights, the head-bobbing club music and the crowd of sexy people sipping on expensive cocktails. You’d think that after one entire week of this in LA I’d get tired of it. Not a chance. It’s only twenty past eight. In other words, things are still quite subdued. It’s far too early for bodies to gyrate suggestively on the dance floor, but when the clock strikes midnight, this place transforms into the perfect arena to hook up with a willing candidate for a one-night stand. If you’re really lucky, it might even extend throughout the weekend. That’s exactly what I hope will happen to Ethan and I.

  I head towards the long illuminated bar at the back of the room as I push my way through the animated crowd, looking around for the gorgeous blonde. When I don’t see her, I decide to start with a drink. She can’t be that far. I lean onto the bar and call out to
the bartender. “Andy,” I shout.

  He flashes me a warm smile as he walks towards me. “Xander. Where the hell have you been?” he asks, stopping right in front of me. “I haven’t seen you in at least two if not three weeks. Are you partying your face off at our competitor’s lounge?”

  I shake my head. “I’d never dare to betray you.” I grin. “I just came back from California a few hours ago. The week before that I was in Dublin and the one before that I was in New York. Lately, I’ve spent more time on an airplane than I have at my own house.” I chuckle. “I’m glad I’m here tonight,” I say, pointing to the floor.

  “It’s good to have you back. Will your partner in crime grace us with his presence or is he too busy rubbing elbows with his rich, snooty clients?”

  “Absolutely. He’ll be here soon. As for the latter part of your question, he spent most of the day today on a client’s yacht in the South of France.” I waggle my eyebrows.

  “Life is really hard for some of us.” Andy’s expression is priceless.

  “You don’t even know the half of it. Between my working practically every night until the wee hours in the morning while I was in Los Angeles and Ethan being forced to work on a Saturday without extra wages, we’re lucky we have enough energy left to drag our tired bodies out. I doubt I’ll have the energy to approach anyone—no matter how hot the ladies are tonight.” I’m being dramatic and Andy knows it.

  “You’re full of it, Xander, but then again, once a performer, always a performer.”

  “What can I say? Guilty as charged.” I shrug and smile widely.

  “It sounds more to me like the two of you are ready to stir up some trouble.” Andy winks.

  “It wouldn’t be nearly as fun if we didn’t,” I retort.

  We both laugh.

  “What can I get you, mate?”

  “I’ll have a Rusty Nail.”

  “Should I open a tab?”

  “That’s a great idea.”

  “In that case, one Scotch whisky and Drambuie coming up.”


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