Tracing Invisible Threads

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Tracing Invisible Threads Page 24

by C. Fonseca

  “So, how are you this fine afternoon?” Jac asked in her usual chirpy voice. She craned her neck to look at the screen. “What are you looking at? That looks heavenly. Are you planning a holiday?”

  Alexa removed her reading glasses, spun her chair around, and scowled. “I wish.”

  “Looks like the sunny coast of Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef.” Jac nudged Alexa aside. “Hey, that’s the documentary they’re making about the destruction of the reef, isn’t it? Good on them. Those celebrities are really pushing the government to make changes.”

  “Uh-huh, it’s time the political parties stopped fighting each other,” Alexa agreed, hoping Jac hadn’t noticed Eleanor in the pictures.

  “And listened to what we want. It’s such an important—” Jac hesitated as she scrolled down the page. “Well, well, well, that’s Eleanor. What’s she doing right there, amidst the action?” She shot a curious glance at Alexa. “Is she one of the famous, supporting the campaign?”

  Bloody eagle-eyed Jac. Now she’d want details. Alexa shook her head. “Well, I’m sure she supports saving the reef, but I believe she’s there to work.”

  “Is she part of the film crew?”

  “No. She’s on assignment for some environmental magazine covering the event, I think.”

  “Lucky her. Nice place to be on assignment.”

  “Hmm. Fantastic.” Alexa pursed her lips. Especially when your ex happens to be there—all over you. Had she mis-read the situation between herself and Eleanor? It was after all just a kiss or two. Maybe she was a fool to think that Eleanor too had experienced the electrifying sparks between them.

  Jac waved her hand between Alexa and the computer. “You aren’t listening to me, Alexa. You’re distracted.”

  Alexa blinked out of her daze and lifted her chin to meet Jac’s questioning stare. “What did you say?”

  “You’re distracted. I asked if you’ve learnt any more about your ancestry since Eleanor presented you with the startling news?”

  “No, not yet. I’ve made an appointment with a historian in Castlemaine who specialises in Chinese settlement. Hopefully, she’ll direct me to ship passenger records or anything relevant to the case against my great-great-grandmother.” Alexa sat back in her chair and crossed her arms tightly. “I’m going to the cottage this weekend.”

  “Is Eleanor back from Queensland? Is she going to Chewton with you?”

  “I haven’t asked her yet.” Alexa’s brows furrowed, and her eyes were drawn back to the monitor screen. She hoped Eleanor would take part in the research, but after her whirlwind trip to Queensland, would she really want to bother with a trip to Chewton?

  “What are you looking at now?” Jac asked with a frown. “It’s Eleanor, isn’t it? You can’t keep your eyes off her. I bet you’re green with envy because she’s there in that amazing location.”

  Alexa pointed to the picture of Eleanor and Mia standing knee-deep in crystal-clear water at the turtle rehabilitation centre. “Just look at them.”

  “Isn’t Mia gorgeous? I think it’s fab that she’s flown home to support such a worthy cause. Don’t you?”

  “Did you know she’s Eleanor’s ex?” Alexa didn’t mean to raise her voice, but she couldn’t hold back her annoyance.

  “No. I didn’t know that.” Jac jerked in surprise. “I haven’t seen you like this before. You really do have a thing for Eleanor.” Her eyes widened in realisation. “Are you pissed off because they’re there together?”

  “They’re not there together, Jac. Eleanor’s supposed to be working. But it doesn’t look much like work to me. And that ridiculous man from Channel 10 was stupid enough to ask if they were back together again.”

  Jac gave Alexa a look of sympathy. “Eleanor does have her camera around her neck. She’s obviously working. They do look cute together in this picture. It’s nice they’re still on friendly terms. That’s all it is.”

  “Hmph…” was all Alexa could say. Why did they have to look so friendly? Alexa tossed the mouse onto the desk in frustration and leaned back. It looked as if Eleanor was having a hell of a time with Mia. Well, good for her.

  “What’s going on in that brain of yours? I can literally see the cogs grinding,” Jac said, picking up a folder from her desk and fanning Alexa’s face. “A little smoke puffing out of your ears.”

  Alexa waved her hand away. “I’m not angry. Just a little…”

  “Disappointed,” Jac finished her sentence.

  That was it. Alexa was disappointed. She wanted Eleanor. She tried to quell the surge of longing that swept through her. What if Eleanor wanted to rekindle things with her ex?

  “You have to admit Eleanor has a certain allure.” Alexa laughed, shutting down the computer. “Women,” she said, feigning nonchalance. She reached for the folder just as Jac pulled it away. Alexa frowned. “Give it to me.”

  “I’ll hold onto this.” Jac stood up and held it behind her back. “In your current state of mind, you’ll certainly leave it behind,” she said with a mock stern look.

  Alexa raised her eyebrows. “I’m ready. Let’s go to that meeting.”

  * * *

  Just in time, Eleanor pulled a tissue from the pocket of her backpack. She sneezed. What on earth had triggered her allergy? She scanned Alexa’s tiny front garden for the source.

  Ah, there it was. She sneezed again and stared at the ceramic tub overflowing with purple asters. The bright gold pollen was the culprit. What would Alexa think if she arrived home and found Eleanor sitting on her doorstep with red eyes, a runny nose, and her roll-on bag and backpack? God, no. That wouldn’t make a good impression at all.

  Eleanor quickly rummaged through her bag, located an antihistamine, popped it in her mouth, and drained the last drop from her water bottle. Hopefully, it would work really soon, and when Alexa got home Eleanor would present a laid-back image, calm and totally together. No problem.

  As the boat had docked in Cairns this morning, she’d messaged Alexa telling her she would be back today. She assumed Alexa would want to see her on the weekend or sooner and had anticipated an enthusiastic reply. Unfortunately, the message she received back from Alexa threw her for a loop.

  She’d responded, Oh okay, cool.

  Is that how Alexa felt? As though Eleanor was nothing special? That was not the answer Eleanor had hoped for. Far from it. She had no idea what was going on in Alexa’s mind based on the cursory message, so rather than worry about it, she thought the logical thing to do was to come and find out in person.

  Squinting in the sunlight, Eleanor looked at her watch again. It was six fifteen, ten minutes later than the last time she’d checked. She’d already worn a path from circling the tiny patch of grass so many times. Where was Alexa? She could be anywhere. It was Eleanor’s fault for arriving at the loft without checking when Alexa would be home. What an idiot.

  Eleanor slapped her forehead. She’d come straight here from the airport without a second thought. Her luggage was even sitting on the doorstep. It would look like she was ready to move in, and that was sure to scare off Alexa. She scanned the enclosed yard for a place to stash her bags. Behind the lavender bush? No, not tall enough. What about the big planter with the apple blossom? That wouldn’t work either. Definitely not anywhere near those aster pollen bombs. She shoved the two pieces of luggage together, hoping they’d appear more compact. Nope, it didn’t really work, but it would have to do.

  Eleanor plonked down on the hard-as-iron bluestone step and put her head in her hands. Maybe she shouldn’t have come here, but she hadn’t been able to stop herself at the thought of seeing Alexa again. Even thinking of Alexa did funny things to Eleanor’s insides.

  A loud chirping caught her attention. Above the loft window, a pair of pretty brown house sparrows were busy cramming twigs and leaves into a high crevice. She smiled, watching them work, and reachi
ng into her jacket pocket, pulled out her phone and snapped a string of pictures.

  During one of her photographic jaunts around the English countryside with her aunt, Helen, an avid birdwatcher, had pointed out a nest tucked in the rooftop beams of a crumbling mansion. She’d explained that birds nesting was a lucky symbol representing growth, beauty, and fortune. Eleanor crossed her fingers, deciding fortune favoured the brave. Alexa would turn up soon, and she would be glad to see Eleanor.

  Leaning her back against the solid blue door, Eleanor closed her eyes and ruffled her hands through her hair. Alexa was a fiery spirit, and the fact that they’d kissed in the hallowed halls of the library—was hot. Her heartbeat quickened at the memory of Alexa’s sensual mouth. She wanted to kiss Alexa so badly right now.

  Eleanor tugged the neckline of her T-shirt. The blue sky, bright with late afternoon sun, still bore plenty of heat. She licked her lips, wishing she’d topped up her water bottle at the airport.

  “By the look on your face, you’re still basking in the afterglow of tropical paradise.”

  Eleanor winced, surprised by the sarcasm and something else evident in Alexa’s tone. She mustered her courage and peeked through half-closed eyelids, her gaze cautiously scaling Alexa’s towering form, from her mid-calf buckle boots, up endlessly long legs encased in black tights, to the stylishly figure-hugging yellow pinafore.

  “Hm… hmmm.” Alexa cleared her throat.

  Eleanor looked up guiltily. Alexa’s face was mostly obscured by her Jackie Ohh sunglasses as she tossed her messy ponytail and curled her lips in a sardonic smile.

  Was Eleanor’s mouth open? Probably. Alexa was gorgeous. So sexy. It had definitely been worth sitting on the hard-stone step and getting a numb bum.

  “Eleanor.” Alexa pushed up her sunglasses, fixing her hazel eyes fully on Eleanor’s.


  Alexa had one hand resting on her hip and her head tilting to one side. “What are you doing here?”

  Eleanor jumped to her feet, tottering like a toddler taking her first steps, and knocked her bags onto the grass. “I’m sorry to just turn up but—”

  “You couldn’t find your way home?” Alexa’s voice was taunting, but her smile broadened, showing a flash of gleaming teeth.

  “Um, no.” Eleanor lifted her shoulders and let them fall. “It’s just that I didn’t know if you’d want a visitor,” she stuttered nervously. It was as though she had a mouthful of marbles. “I really wanted to see you. Do you have time to talk?”

  Alexa jiggled her key ring, and Eleanor stepped aside, allowing her access to her front door.

  “Come on in.” She turned the key in the lock, nudged the door open with the toe of her boot, and stepped inside. Eleanor didn’t waste any time and already had one foot in the door when Alexa called out, “And, Eleanor, bring in your bags. This neighbourhood maintains a relatively low level of crime, but I wouldn’t leave your fancy cameras outside.”

  Eleanor raised her eyes heavenward, scurrying to gather her gear like an anxious mouse. At least, this time, she’d been invited inside.

  Balancing a bag under each arm, Eleanor narrowly avoided the satchel that was tossed on the wooden floorboards inside the door. Her eyes widened as she scanned the high-ceilinged loft, her gaze taking in the eclectic furniture that popped with colour, contemporary wall art, and large leafy wonders, including a giant palm. Alexa had maintained the apartment’s modernist features, and Eleanor wasn’t surprised that the ambience reflected Alexa’s quirkiness and charm. She’d caught a glimpse of the loft through the front door the day she and Leo brought Alexa home. Now that she was actually inside, she could fully appreciate it.

  She drew a deep breath. Alexa’s subtle fragrance lingered in the air along with… What was that odour, burnt toast?

  Where did she go? “Hey, this is a great apartment,” Eleanor called out, tucking her bags behind the chrome coat rack.

  The door slammed closed behind her with a thud. Before Eleanor could move, Alexa put her hands on her shoulders and eased her hips against Eleanor’s. The air between them was full of crackling intensity that made the hair on Eleanor’s arms stand up.

  “I’ve been crazy for the last few days.” A low growl escaped from Alexa’s lips. “Crazy for you.” She gently cupped Eleanor’s face, pressing their foreheads together. Her breath tickled Eleanor’s cheeks. “Imagining you…you with Mia. All those pictures of you together in Queensland drove me insane.”

  It sounded as if Alexa was jealous. That was absurd. Eleanor tightened her grip around Alexa’s waist. “We were working. The media focussed on us for a while, trying to drum up gossip.”

  Alexa scowled. “It didn’t look like that to me.”

  “Mia is married,” Eleanor said emphatically. She loosened her grip, running her hands over Alexa’s hips. “Happily married. She and her wife are expecting their first child.”

  Alexa looked sheepish. “Okay, but you two were pretty chummy. Having a lot of fun, together.” She curled her fingers through Eleanor’s hair and tugged. “Did I mis-read the situation?”

  “Believe me, you did. Mia and I are friends, that’s all.” Eleanor drew her hands across Alexa’s abdomen up to her breasts, and her own stomach fluttered.

  Alexa nibbled the sensitive skin below Eleanor’s ear. “That’s reassuring. No need for me to be jealous, then?” she whispered.

  Eleanor was barely able to catch her breath before Alexa’s mouth descended on hers. There was a determination in Alexa’s kiss, and Eleanor answered with equal exuberance, just as hungry to taste her again. Alexa’s mouth was luscious and sweet. Dazed with pleasure, Eleanor’s world seemed to shift beneath her feet. A moan escaped her.

  Alexa’s lips left a fiery trail from Eleanor’s chin to her ear. “God, how can you drive me crazy with just a kiss?” she hissed, tracing the outer edge of Eleanor’s lobe with her tongue.

  Tingling heat rushed through Eleanor’s body, her response showing just how much she wanted Alexa. She’d never realised until that moment her ears were such an erogenous zone.

  Alexa pulled back and held Eleanor’s gaze. “Is this okay, Eleanor? You’re here, and I can’t keep my hands off you. I’m sorry. You wanted to talk.” She raised an eyebrow. “Now?”

  Eleanor shook her head and smiled. “Not now. I want you, too. I couldn’t form a coherent sentence if I tried. Talking will have to wait.” She curled one hand at the base of Alexa’s neck and pulled her in, sweeping her tongue boldly across Alexa’s, searching her mouth. Then she grabbed Alexa by the waist, spinning them around until they’d reversed positions and Alexa was pressed against the door. If she didn’t slow things down a little, her knees would buckle, her bones would melt, and she’d be at Alexa’s feet, a useless puddle of longing.

  Alexa’s green eyes widened in surprise, and her dark lashes fluttered. There was a sharp intake of breath as Eleanor skimmed her hands down the curve of her hips to the hem of the pinafore and stroked the tops of Alexa’s silk-covered thighs with her thumbs. Alexa moaned loudly, the back of her head striking the door with a thump.

  Eleanor swallowed. Her whole being began to tremble with an overwhelming desire to touch, to feel, to breathe in everything Alexa. “I’ve wanted you from the minute I met you.”

  “Really. What happened at the cottage, then?” Alexa quirked an eyebrow.

  Eleanor wished she didn’t have to revisit that moment, but she owed Alexa an explanation. She hesitated before answering, “I wasn’t ready. We hardly knew each other, and I was confused. You made a point of telling me there were two bedrooms when you showed me around.”

  Alexa tucked a strand of her hair behind an ear. “I didn’t want you to think I’d lured you there, Eleanor. Planned the whole rainstorm—”

  “But you kissed me.”

  “And you kissed me back.” Alexa took hold of her hand. “Well, th
ere’s only one bedroom here. I’m asking you again, would you like to share my bed?”

  “Yes.” Eleanor’s voice croaked. “Please.”

  Alexa pulled her through the apartment. At the top of the stairs, she nudged her into the spacious bedroom diffused by early evening light. She clasped a fistful of Eleanor’s shirt and pressed her against the wall, licking Eleanor’s bottom lip with a quick sweep. “Does the bedroom meet with your approval?”

  Eleanor glanced around and fixed her gaze on the large, sleek low-line bed adorned with a moss green quilt. She nodded. “Looks inviting,” she said in a raspy whisper. She’d fantasised about this moment many times and here she was. Her heart pounded, and her stomach fluttered. She was more than ready this time.

  “One moment.” Alexa walked across the room, unzipped her calf-high boots and kicked them into an open doorway. She pulled the door closed. “You don’t want to see my messy wardrobe.” She pointed to the adjacent door with her thumb. “Here’s the en suite if you need it.”


  Alexa strode towards her, hunger in her smouldering emerald eyes holding Eleanor captive. She tugged Eleanor’s shirt from her jeans, her fingers gliding over Eleanor’s stomach muscles, causing them to tense.

  A flush of heat from Alexa’s hands rushed all along Eleanor’s skin like a wildfire. “I want you, Alexa,” she moistened her lips with her tongue.

  With the tips of her fingers, Alexa lightly brushed Eleanor’s lips. “Believe me, the want is mutual,” she said, tracing Eleanor’s jawline with her knuckles. “I’d really like to see all of you.”

  Alexa fumbled with Eleanor’s shirt buttons, clutched the collar, and pulled the linen shirt over Eleanor’s head. Her singlet followed, and both garments were flung somewhere on the floor. Goosebumps rose on Eleanor’s skin as the cold air hit her.


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