Redress of Grievances

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Redress of Grievances Page 16

by Brenda Adcock

  Sharon nodded.

  "Nine," Talbot said softly. "Now you're twenty-five years old. Eight and you're twenty."

  Talbot continued counting slowly and speaking softly until he finally reached five.

  "How old are you, Sharon?" he asked.

  "I'm five."

  "That's very good. What are you doing?"


  "Are you alone?"

  Sharon shook her head. "Parker is with me."

  "What are you and Parker doing?"

  "Playing a game."

  "Is it a fun game?"

  "I don't like it. Parker likes it."

  "Does the game have a name?"


  "Can you explain it to me?"

  "No," Sharon frowned.

  "What is Parker doing, Sharon?"

  Sharon's eyes flew open and seemed to look through Talbot.

  "Don't want to, Parker," she whined. "Don't like it."

  Hearing a conversation in her head, Sharon shook her head and closed her eyes again. She began shaking her head rapidly. "No, no, no," she repeated. She was perspiring and becoming agitated.

  "Sharon," Talbot said. "When I count to six, I want you to move five years ahead. Do you understand?"

  Sharon nodded, her demeanor becoming calmer as Talbot uttered the number.

  "Do you feel better now, Sharon?" he asked.


  "Tell me about Parker."

  "He's my brother. I love him. Mother said I should love my brother."

  "Do you love Parker?"


  "Can you trust Parker?"

  "Parker watches me."

  "Do you and Parker still play together?"

  "Sometimes. Parker is getting too old for games though."

  "What do you and Parker do together?"

  "Nothing bad," Sharon said after a hesitation.

  "I know," Talbot reassured her.

  "I don't like his friends."


  "They hurt me sometimes."

  "But Parker doesn't hurt you?"

  "No," Sharon smiled. "Parker loves me."

  "How do his friends hurt you, Sharon?"

  Sharon readjusted her position in her chair and frowned. "Parker told them not to. It was an accident."

  "Was Parker there when you were hurt?"

  "I won't play the game if Parker's not there."

  "Can you describe the game?"

  Sharon opened her mouth and breathed through it, squeezing her eyes more tightly shut.

  "It's a secret game. I'm not supposed to tell."

  "But you want to tell someone, don't you? It's hard to keep a secret all to yourself."

  "Parker said I shouldn't tell."

  "I want you to rest, Sharon. In a moment, I'll count back to ten. When I reach ten you will be the age you are now. You won't remember anything we've talked about today and you will feel rested and peaceful. Do you understand?"


  Talbot returned Sharon to the present and awakened her from the hypnosis. They chatted for a few minutes before Talbot excused himself and left the room. A moment later he joined Harriett and Nick.

  "Why did you tell her to forget everything?" Harriett asked.

  "Because when you draw Jan out again, I don't want her to be repeating what Sharon said."

  "But I thought Jan knew everything that happened to Sharon," Nick said.

  "If the theories are correct and if she exists at all, Jan would have been suppressed by the hypnosis and unaware of what Sharon was doing during that time," Talbot explained.

  "What did you mean when you said when I draw Jan out?" Harriett asked.

  "Jan trusts you. I don't think there's any doubt that Sharon was sexually abused as a small child. The likely offender is her brother and perhaps later his friends. She's too attached to her brother to tell us what he did, but if Sharon indeed created Jan to deal with the abuse, Jan will have no attachment whatsoever to the brother. In fact, she might even want to hurt him. Sharon has a deeply rooted belief that a person should never hurt another member in his or her own family; the old blood is thicker than water idea. That may be why she said that Parker never hurt her. In essence, it didn't happen to her. It happened to Jan, who isn't really a family member."

  "Thanks for clarifying that, Doc," Nick said.

  "It's a complex disorder, Mr. Lazslo," Talbot smiled.

  "Sort of makes you long for your basic, run of the mill whacko," Nick said.

  "Will Sharon let Jan tell me what happened to her as a child?"

  "She'll resist it, but from what I've observed on the videos, Jan exists as a genuine separate personality and is becoming stronger. In addition she's extremely angry and violent."

  "If Jan has been around for what, twenty-five years, why is she just now acting out her anger?"

  "Personally, Ms. Markham, I believe the husband might have pushed her over the edge. That's not anything based on fact, but it's obvious that Sharon's husband has probably also been sexually abusive."

  "They've been married eight years, Doctor. Why would Jan wait this long if she was involved in an abusive relationship with her husband?"

  "Maybe he hasn't always been abusive. If it's a recent development on his part, Sharon might have lived with it until the level of abuse rose to a level that could no longer be tolerated. If the deaths of those people started about a year and a half ago, I'd look for changes in their marital status that have occurred within at least the last two years."

  "Everyone we've talked to has mentioned a change in Sharon's behavior within the last two years, beginning about the time her daughter was born."

  "Did she begin cutting herself off from friends and isolating herself?"

  "Gradually, yes. A former friend said Sharon sought help at a mental health facility but was turned away."

  "It's possible she may have gone through a serious bout of untreated postpartum depression after the birth of her second child. But since she wasn't diagnosed by anyone, there's no way to tell. Maybe Jan can fill in the details for you, if Sharon lets her. You will have to be careful though, Ms. Markham, not to attack Sharon verbally. Jan won't allow you to hurt her. She is Sharon's protector."

  "I told you to take those karate lessons," Nick smiled.

  "She might not hurt you physically, but if she knows everything Sharon knows, she might go after you some other way."

  "What should I tell her if she asked where you are?" Harriett asked Talbot.

  "Tell her I'll be back in a few minutes. That I had a long distance phone call."

  Harriett took a deep breath and left the viewing room to speak to Sharon.

  "Ms. Markham," Sharon said as Harriett entered her room. "Dr. Talbot is here. He just left."

  "I saw him. He had to take a phone call and said it would be all right if I spoke to you until he got back."

  "They told me they were moving me Monday."

  "Yes. A court in Austin will hear your case."

  "Does that mean I won't be able to see Kevin and Laurel?"

  "Not for a while. But your case has a better chance away from Dallas County."

  Sharon frowned.

  "Maybe Frank can bring them to Austin on weekends to see you," Harriett offered.

  "I can ask him, but he might be too busy."

  "I'm sure he's worried about you."

  Sharon looked hard at Harriett, her eyes narrowing slightly.

  "He's only worried that he won't get enough pussy from that whore he's fuckin'."

  "It's good to see you again, Jan," Harriett said.

  "Wish I could say the same."

  "I'm only trying to help Sharon out of the mess you've gotten her into."

  "That why you brought that Talbot guy in?"

  "Yes. But Sharon won't tell him much."

  "She don't know much," Jan smirked. "Listen, you got a cigarette?"

  Harriett reached into the pocket of her jacket and tossed a pack of cigarettes to Jan.
Lighting a cigarette for her, Harriett watched the woman fill her lungs with smoke and exhale slowly.

  "You know," Harriett said, "I'm surprised you let Sharon control what you do so much."

  "She doesn't control what I do. I just respect her wishes...most of the time."

  "Can you tell me about Parker?"

  Jan blinked hard several times and looked at Harriett.

  "Depends on what you want to know."

  "Did Parker ever hurt Sharon?"


  "Did he hurt you?"

  Jan smiled slightly. "That's pretty slick, Harriett. Must be why good old Mom and Dad are so willing to paying your substantial fee."

  "Actually, Parker is paying my fee."

  "No, shit!" Jan laughed. "That cocky bastard."

  "Well, he knows Sharon wouldn't do anything to hurt him. Isn't that what her mother taught her?"

  "Sharon learned that lesson better than he did."

  "Did he hurt you?"

  "He didn't mean to. It was an accident."

  "Will you tell me about it?"

  "Nope," Jan said inhaling more smoke.

  "So I guess Sharon is still in control then. Maybe you're not as strong as you think?"

  Jan stood and glared at Harriett.

  "She should be careful," Talbot said. "She might have stepped over the line with that question."

  "You told her not to attack Sharon," Nick said.

  "It's not a good idea to attack Jan, either. She's the violent one, remember?"

  Jan's face softened slightly. "Are you deliberately trying to provoke me, Harriett?"

  "I'm trying to get to the truth, and you're not helping."

  "I told you I did it, for God's sake. What else do you want?"

  "I want to know why you did it. I demand to know why. Otherwise, they can wheel a gurney in here right now and stick the needle into Sharon's arm."

  "They ain't gonna do that. She didn't do anything."

  "I thought you were supposed to protect Sharon. If you don't cooperate with me, you're going to be responsible for killing her. Maybe you're mad at her because she palmed off all her pain on you. Are you trying to kill Sharon?"

  Jan ignored the question, lighting a second cigarette with the butt of the first one.

  "Proof of your existence is the only thing that might save Sharon. Otherwise, the DA will slam dunk her ass at trial."

  "Who cares," Jan said in a bored voice.

  "I care, the people at Winston and Dunne care, her brother cares."

  "Parker doesn't give a shit," Jan retorted sharply. "He's just trying to cover his own ass. They're all trying to cover their asses and that includes those friendly fuckers over at Winston and Dunne. Especially that bitch Alex."

  Harriett was surprised by the seething anger in Jan's voice. "Do you think they're all out to get you?"

  "Fuck no!" Jan laughed. "They're just doin' what they do and bein' who they are." Staring intently at Harriett, Jan asked, "You know Alexis Dunne pretty good, don't you?"

  "I was an associate with her firm a long time ago."

  "Yeah?" Jan grinned as she leaned closer to Harriett. "I heard it was a lot closer relationship than that, counselor."

  "Shit," Talbot breathed.

  "What?" Nick asked.

  "She knows something that she thinks will give her an advantage over Harriett."

  "I'm not here to discuss my former employer, Jan," Harriett said.

  "Don't you want to discuss Alex?"

  "I'd rather discuss your relationship with Parker."

  "It was close. Real close," Jan smiled. "Like your relationship with Alex. Did Alex ever hurt you when she fucked you?"

  Harriett was unsure where to take her discussion with Jan.

  "How did Parker hurt you?" she continued.

  "I already told you that it was an accident," Jan said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Alex is an attractive woman. A little older than I like, but still very sensual, in her own way."

  "What was Parker doing when he accidentally hurt you, Jan?" Harriett asked, still trying to direct the conversation away from Alexis Dunne and their past relationship.

  Jan smiled at Harriett, allowing smoke to slowly escape through her mouth and nostrils.

  "He just got a little carried away," Jan finally said.

  "How old were you?"

  "Five or six."

  "What did he do that hurt you, Jan?" Harriett asked, grateful the subject had swung back to Parker.

  "Well, I'll tell you, Harriett. He stuck his dick a little too far down my throat, and I couldn't breathe, so I bit him. That what you're looking for?"

  "I'm sorry, Jan. I know it must be a painful memory for you."

  "Not as painful as it was for Parker," Jan laughed. "Neither of us ever made that mistake again."

  "Then it wasn't an isolated incident."

  "Hell, no. And I got so good at giving blow jobs that he started inviting his friends over to join us."

  Anger was beginning to strain Jan's voice even though she seemed relaxed and kept a faint smile on her lips. Crushing out her cigarette, she leaned back in her chair and held Harriett's eyes with hers.

  "This is the way it went, okay. All his buddies would line up and pull their pathetic little dicks out. Then Sharon would go from one to the next on her knees, making them all salute. She usually managed to go away after the first one."

  "Where was Parker?"

  "Watching to make sure she didn't get hurt again even though it really wasn't Sharon. He's a very caring brother, and he never knew the difference."

  "Jesus," Harriett muttered under her breath.

  "Besides she could do him anytime."

  Harriett turned away from Jan and looked at the mirror while taking a deep breath.

  "Of course, later there weren't as many blow jobs," Jan said.

  "I'm sorry," Harriett said, turning back toward Jan.

  "I said, later there weren't as many blow jobs."

  "When did they stop?"

  "Oh, they didn't stop. But when Parker and his buddies started fuckin' Sharon, there wasn't as much time for other things."

  "How old was she when that started?"

  "Eleven. No, twelve. Parker said she wasn't ready until then."

  "How did the sex start?"

  "Same as the blow jobs. Parker taught her what to do and I did it."

  "She had sex with Parker first?"

  "You gotta learn somewhere," Jan said casually. "Hurt like a son of a bitch. But after the first few times, it wasn't so bad."

  "Did you enjoy it?"

  "Well, that's a little personal, don't you think?" Jan said with a smirk. "Do you enjoy it?"

  "I wasn't having sex when I was twelve."

  "When did you start having sex, Harriett?"

  "When I was an adult and could consent to it."

  "I'll bet there were still a couple of times when you really didn't want to though, but did it just to satisfy your lover. Times when you knew you shouldn't but did anyway."

  "No, there wasn't."

  "You knew you shouldn't with Alex, but you did. I guess you must have wanted it real bad since you knew she was already taken."

  "Why do you keep bringing Alexis Dunne into this, Jan? Just to rattle me?"

  "Maybe," Jan shrugged. "It's not much fun being the only one on the hot seat."

  "If I'm honest with you, will you be honest with me?"

  "You mean trade secrets?" Jan smiled.


  "Cool. You first."

  Taking a deep breath, Harriett glanced at the mirror and said, "You're right. I did sleep with Alex while she had a partner, and I knew it was wrong, but I did it anyway. That good enough?"

  "And did you crave it? Couldn't get enough of it?" Jan asked in a low sultry voice.

  Harriett could feel the heat rising up her neck as she saw Jan's pleasure in her discomfort. "Yes," she finally stated.

  "Well, of course you did! Otherwise you wouldn't have k
ept going back to her for more. Honesty is the best policy, don't you think?"

  "It can be very therapeutic, yes."

  "Guess it's my turn," Jan smiled broadly, sitting up in her chair and leaning her elbows on the table.

  "I fucked her, too," Jan announced.


  "Alex. I fucked her, too," Jan answered with a smile. "Or I should say she fucked me."


  "You're right, Harriett," Jan said exhaling loudly. "The truth is therapeutic, even if it hurts like hell. God damn! I feel better already, don't you?"

  Harriett stood up and went to the door of the interview room.

  "Don't you want to know how good she felt, Harriett? Or maybe how good she made me feel, over and over again," Jan purred. "An incredible lover, but then, you already know that. And that delicate little tattoo on her thigh was delicious."

  Jan began laughing as the door opened and Harriett left the room. She had to get out of the building to breathe again. She heard Nick's voice behind her but didn't stop until she was standing outside the attorney's entrance. She wasn't sure whether to believe what she had just heard. She had allowed a client to get to her and felt like she was being sucked down by quicksand.

  "Harriett," Nick said softly from behind her.

  Harriett held a hand up to stop him from talking without turning around.

  "I just need...a moment," she managed to say as she took in oxygen through her mouth.

  Turning slightly, Harriett put her hands out and leaned against the wall.

  "Thinking about stepping away from this one?" Nick asked.

  "Yeah," she said as she pushed away from the wall. "But what reason would I offer the judge? I'm sorry your Honor, I request a release as defense counsel because I just found out my client was fucking my ex-lover." Crossing her arms in front of her and stepping into the sunlight, she squinted as she looked up. "A conflict of interest my ass. What a joke."

  Looking back at Nick, she smiled. "I walked into that like a beginner. Incredible."

  "We knew she was very smart, Harriett."

  "She's sadistic. She enjoyed watching me squirm."

  "She's probably lying just to get a rise out of you. You were pushing her pretty hard."

  "Then she could be lying about Parker, which shoots the shit out of my case. But," Harriett said, shaking her head, "I don't think she's lying about either one. I need Wayne to find out whom Parker's friends were in high school and check them out. I can't just take her word for it. Maybe he can track down someone who'll be willing to admit they sodomized and had intercourse with a child."


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