Redress of Grievances

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Redress of Grievances Page 29

by Brenda Adcock

  "Then Jake can tell you Phelps raped Sharon."

  "Actually he did tell the court that happened. And he knows because he was in the room when the rape occurred."

  "I didn't know that," Collins frowned.

  "Then you must have a profound memory loss because Meier swears you were there also."

  "That's not true," Collins said.

  Standing up quickly and placing her hands on the defense table, Harriett said, "Didn't you leave Sharon alone with two of your friends, and thereby allowed Jerry Phelps to brutally rape her?"

  Collins shot out of his chair. "That's a fucking lie!"

  "Sit down, Mr. Collins!" Landers ordered.

  Harriett waited for Collins to compose himself.

  "Sharon herself corroborates Mr. Meier's story."

  "Sharon's crazy," Collins blurted out.

  "Isn't it true that you charged your friends a fee to have sexual intercourse with your own sister? And that you, and you alone, ensured that she cooperated by holding her down on the bed and threatening her if she screamed?"

  "No...that's a lie," Collins stated. "Sharon never objected, and I was never paid any money by my friends."

  "In other words, you only watched while your friends violated your sister over and over and over, for free, for nearly seven years just because you were being a good host. Is that your testimony, Senator?"

  Collins slumped back in the chair. Harriett looked at the faces of the jury members and walked back to the defense table.

  "No further questions of this witness, your Honor."

  "The prosecution has no questions for this witness, your Honor," Lassiter said quietly.

  Standing at the defense table, Harriett said, "Your Honor, I move Parker Collins be arrested and charged with perjury, based on his testimony in this courtroom today."

  Nodding slightly, Landers said, "Bailiff, take Senator Collins into custody on the charge of perjury."

  "Thank you, your Honor. The defense rests."

  Chapter Forty-Three

  HARRIETT WAS TIRED as she pulled herself up from her desk and stretched. The Taggart case was taking its toll on her, and she knew it. The remainder of the afternoon and into the evening she had worked on her preliminary closing remarks. Lately, she had begun to believe she needed to take some time away from her practice and devote more time to herself and her new relationship with Jess. Carrying her coffee cup into the kitchen of the office, she washed it and placed it in the drainer. A few minutes later, she finished picking up a few things in the kitchen and returned to her office for her briefcase. She wanted to immerse herself in Jess's Jacuzzi, soak away her problems and make love with Jess...several times. She glanced at her wristwatch and smiled. Jess was sure to be in the middle of preparing dinner.

  She was only a step or two into her office when she was grabbed roughly from behind and a hand clamped over her mouth. Quickly, whoever grabbed her spun her around and pushed her hard against a wall, momentarily stunning her. The hand covered her mouth again, but this time she felt a stinging sensation under her chin and froze.

  "If you try to scream, the sound will never make it out of your mouth. I guarantee it," a man whispered.

  Terrified, Harriett tried to remain calm, but it was a losing battle. Her head was pounding from hitting the wall. She blinked her eyes open and felt a shiver run up her spine as they focused on the man in front of her and widened in stunned surprise.

  "Happy to see me again, Harriett?" Jared Wilkes asked with a grin. "Do you know how many times I've dreamed of this moment?"

  Harriett felt the tip of his knife pierce the skin under her chin slightly and closed her eyes. "Twelve fucking years," Wilkes said slowly, dragging his words out. "Look at me!" he demanded.

  She felt her breath quicken even though she tried to control it. When she opened her eyes again she hoped Wilkes couldn't read the fear in them.

  "I've been watching you for a long time. At the bar, in court, passing you on the street. Nice home, too. Sexy lingerie," he said as he brought his mouth closer to her ear. "Has your new girlfriend seen you in it yet? I could have killed her that night she chased me, you know.

  And Lacey, I can't wait until I meet her," he leered.

  At the mention of her niece's name, Harriett brought her hands up in an attempt to push Wilkes away. He laughed as he shoved them away. "I'm going to take my hand away from your mouth now, so we can talk," he said quietly. "But I'm going to keep the knife right here," he continued, jabbing it slightly into the skin under her chin, making her wince.

  Wilkes slowly removed his hand and she began to breathe through her mouth to take in more oxygen.

  "What do you want, Jared?" she asked, her voice wavering slightly as she felt the tip of the knife on her skin with every word, making her tilt her head further back in order to speak without pain.

  "You know, this is a really nice little office you have here," Wilkes said, ignoring her question. "I've been in here a couple of times looking around. Bet you didn't know that."

  "No, I didn't."

  Wilkes pulled her away from the wall and wrapped an arm around her throat, moving the knife to her back. "Let's go," he said as he pressed against her back.

  With Wilkes guiding her from behind, Harriett made her way down the hallway and upstairs to the rooms that had been her home before Nick joined her practice. They had been converted into storage for old files long before and were seldom used. Wilkes stopped her in front of an upstairs room and opened the door. As soon as they were inside, he closed and locked the door before flipping on a small light. She couldn't believe what she saw. A mattress lay on the floor and Wilkes had covered the window with a black drape. Her body tensed, and she knew he could sense it as well.

  "Do you like it?" he asked.

  "What do you want, Jared? You can leave right now, and I won't report this. If you do anything else, you'll only be making things worse for yourself."

  Wilkes shoved her away from him, and she turned to face him. The corners of his mouth curled into a wicked smile. "Undress," he ordered.

  When she failed to make a move, he twirled the handle of the knife in his hand and moved toward her. Instinctively, she began backing away from him, but there was no place to go in the small room. He teased her with the knife until she found herself against a wall. Swiftly, his free hand grabbed her throat, and he held her against the wall. She could barely breathe as he began unbuttoning her blouse. With a flick of the knife in his hand, she felt her bra come apart and saw his eyes as they surveyed her upper body. She closed her eyes as he ran the tip of the knife around her breasts. Releasing her throat, he grabbed her arms and slung her onto the mattress.

  With more strength than she thought she had, she swung her fist and caught Wilkes on the left side of his head. A moment later she was stunned as his hand struck her face. Before she could react, he was on top of her, pulling her skirt up with one hand and holding her by the throat with the other. Cold metal raked against the inside of her thigh as her underwear fell away. Pushing himself up slightly, he looked down at her.

  "Is this your worst nightmare, Harriett?" he asked. "I've been watching Lacey, you know. I hope her boyfriend hasn't done her yet. When I'm through here, I think I'll pay her a little visit and find out. I could've already had her but decided to save the best for last. After all these years, I bet you're still wondering what all those girls went through."

  She tried to move from under him, but her efforts only made him smile. He leaned down closer to her face and whispered, "Let me show you."

  JESS WAS TURNING down the flame under a pot of potatoes that had finally come to a boil when Lacey came into the kitchen. "Smells great," she said. "When will Aunt Harriett be home? I'm starving."

  "I thought she'd be here by now," Jess frowned. "I talked to her a couple of hours ago, and she was finishing up then. Call her office and tell her there won't be any food left if she doesn't get here soon."

  As she was running water over a head
of lettuce for a salad, Lacey walked back into the kitchen. "She doesn't pick up at her office. All I got was her service. Maybe she's on her way home."

  Jess had to smile. She liked the idea of her house being referred to as Lacey and Harriett's home. The cell phone in her pocket vibrated, and she looked at Lacey as she fished it out. "Probably her now." Flipping the phone open, she didn't recognize the number on the display. "Jess Raines," she said.

  A moment later, she shook her head at Lacey. "It's my office. Call Harriett's cell. Maybe she's stuck in traffic," she said calmly. As soon as Lacey left the room, Jess returned to her own phone. "Repeat that," she said.

  WILKES KISSED HARRIETT'S cheek as he encircled her neck with his hands, slowly squeezing and cutting off her oxygen. Within a few seconds, she could feel her body going limp and knew she would lose consciousness. As her eyelids fluttered, he opened his hands, and she gasped for air. Weak from the strangulation, gasping for air, she was powerless as Wilkes ran his hands between her legs and pushed them apart. Her brain was sending signals to her body, but it wasn't responding correctly to the messages as he penetrated her roughly. As her body began responding to the oxygen she was taking in and the pain she felt, his hands found her throat again. The more frenzied his attack became, the tighter he gripped her throat.

  JESS BROUGHT THE Durango to an abrupt stop behind two patrol cars and left the driver's door open as she quickly exited the vehicle and ran toward the officers who were standing two houses down from Harriett's office. Catching her breath, she said, "Anything?"

  "The building is dark inside, but there's a tan Chevy in the back drive," one of the patrolmen answered.

  "Then she's inside," Jess said. Pointing at two of the officers, she ordered, "You two, take the back. When I give the signal go in. We'll go in the front." Drawing her Glock, Jess and the patrolmen moved rapidly toward the office. Looking in the front windows, she tested the front door. Stepping in front of it, she nodded to one of the officers. "Tell them to break the back glass and go in," she said as she struck the front glass with her elbow.

  HARRIETT'S THROAT WAS dry and ached as her eyes opened. As she tried to move, she felt a stabbing pain in her groin. A hand ran across her breasts and down her abdomen, causing her abdominal muscles to tighten involuntarily. Wilkes's face appeared over her once again and a chill ran through her. "Please...," she started as tears filled her eyes.

  Seeing the fear in Harriett's eyes, he smiled. "I could keep this up all night, but I have a date with Lacey later and don't want to keep her waiting too long," he said, his hands taking her by the throat again, slowly beginning to close. Harriett knew she was going to die as lights exploded inside her head, followed by a roaring in her ears as she lapsed into unconsciousness.

  A quick search of the offices revealed nothing out of order until Jess glanced up the stairs leading to the upstairs storage area. A small shaft of light came from under the door at the top of the landing and Jess took the stairs two at a time with a patrol officer right behind her. She turned the doorknob and when she found it locked she lowered her shoulder and rammed into it. She barely had time for her brain to register the scene in front of her before she squeezed off two quick shots. "Call an ambulance!" she screamed to the officer behind her.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  HARRIETT LAY STOICALLY on an examination table, a warm blanket covering her as she shivered. She couldn't remember ever feeling so cold. The bruises on her face and neck had begun to darken into an ugly purple. She barely remembered being undressed, Wilkes's blood being washed from her face and upper body as she trembled.

  "Are you all right?" Jess asked softly.

  Nodding slightly, but not looking at her, Harriett brought a shaking hand up and pushed strands of hair behind her ear. She didn't want Jess to see her like this.

  "Lacey," she managed to say.

  "She's safe," Jess assured her.

  When Harriett finally looked at her, Jess saw tears had begun forming in her eyes. Her heart went out to Harriett, and she took her in her arms, holding onto her tightly, allowing her to cry as long as she needed to. A light tap on the door announced the arrival of a doctor wearing green hospital scrubs, followed by a nurse.

  "Ms. Markham," the doctor said softly. "I'm Dr. Jacobi. I know this is an extremely difficult time, but we need to perform an examination."

  "I know," Harriett nodded.

  "Are you a relative?" Jacobi asked Jess as he pulled latex gloves on.

  "A friend."

  "Then you'll have to wait outside."

  "I want her to stay," Harriett said in a firm voice as she wiped her face.

  "I'm afraid that violates hospital policy, Ms. Markham," Jacobi said.

  "I don't give a damn what it violates," Harriett said forcefully, even though the strain of speaking made her throat ache. "I'm an attorney, and I promise not to sue you because you let her stay."

  "I'll need to perform a pelvic exam and take several swabs as evidence."

  "I know the procedure," Harriett said flatly. "Just do it and get it over with."

  Jess took Harriett's hand and held it tightly, turning her back to what was happening as a nurse prepared Harriett and set out medical implements. She couldn't imagine the humiliation Harriett was going through and tried to block out what the doctor was saying during his examination. Periodically, she flinched and squeezed Jess's hand tighter. Despite the fact that the exam room seemed cold enough to hang meat in, beads of perspiration appeared on her forehead. Picking up a towel hanging near the exam table, Jess wiped Harriett's face. She opened her eyes and kept them on Jess during the remainder of the exam. This is my fault, Jess thought. I should have been keeping a closer watch on her. It seemed that the doctor was taking an eternity to complete his examination and, although she tried not to think about what the doctor was doing, Jess picked up scraps of the doctor's explanation to Harriett and his instructions to the nurse. At last the doctor turned off the exam light and moved to the side of the exam table.

  "You have some tearing, which is to be expected, as well as considerable bruising, Ms. Markham. It might take several days for them to heal, and you'll probably have some discomfort until it does. Do you have children?"


  "Well, the treatment is about the same as with new mothers. Sitz baths and then apply heat to the area to reduce the pain and speed healing."

  "What about...diseases?" Harriett asked as she squeezed Jess's hand again.

  "We'll send slides to the lab to determine the presence of any STDs. I evacuated the vaginal area, but I'll give you an injection to prevent pregnancy. Do you have any other questions you'd like to ask?" Jacobi asked, patting her on the shoulder. "I recommend you make an appointment with your own gynecologist for a follow-up. Someone will be here shortly to photograph the bruises for the police."

  "Can I go home after that?" Harriett asked.

  "I want to admit you for observation, at least for tonight. I'm sure there won't be any complications, but occasionally we see some hemorrhaging. I'll write an order for a sedative tonight and a prescription you can take home. If you'd like I can request a psych consult. Sometimes rape victims have a delayed reaction even after they've healed physically."

  "No," Harriett said. "I have a friend who's a psychologist. I'll contact her."

  Jacobi patted Harriett on the shoulder before leaving the room. Jess excused herself and followed him out.

  "Can you get her a private room, doctor?" she asked.

  "I'm sure we can. We should have her in a room in less than an hour."

  "I'd like to stay with her."

  Jacobi smiled and said quietly, "I won't tell anyone if you won't."

  FORTY MINUTES LATER, Jess accompanied Harriett to her room. As soon as the nurse had taken her temperature, pulse and blood pressure, she left to get the prescribed sedative.

  "Jess," she said softly. "I want to take a bath."

  Nodding silently, Jess helped her out of bed and could tell
by the way she moved that she was hurting and wished there was something more she could do. She knew from experience that Harriett would remain in the shower, running the hot water over her body, for a long time, attempting to wash away the memory of what had happened. It was nearly half an hour before she emerged from the bathroom, holding a hospital gown tightly around her body and crawled back into the hospital bed.

  As she settled back against a pillow, she looked at Jess. "When did he get out?"

  "Last month," Jess answered, stroking Harriett's damp hair.

  "I don't remember how I got here," Harriett said, her voice wavering slightly. "I only remember his hands around my throat...him...inside me...I..."

  Jess gathered Harriett in her arms and held her. "Don't talk about it right now, honey," Jess whispered. "Just rest. You're safe now."

  "Call Wayne and ask him to stay with Lacey," Harriett said, struggling to keep her mind clear. "I'll need a continuance. Get Nick to contact Judge Landers."

  "Don't think about the case tonight," Jess said.

  Harriett drifted off to sleep a few minutes later, and Jess slipped out of the room.

  PACING LIKE A caged animal outside the emergency room, Jess wished she hadn't given up smoking. A car pulled quickly into the parking lot and stopped abruptly. Nick and Lacey jumped out of the vehicle and ran toward her.

  "Where is she?" Nick asked breathlessly.

  "In her room. They gave her a sedative, and she's sleeping," Jess answered.

  "What the hell happened?" Nick demanded as Wayne joined them.

  "I'm sorry. It's my fault," Jess said quietly, shaking her head. "I should have been watching her more closely."

  "I want to see her right now!" Lacey said forcefully and Jess could see the fear and anger in the girl's eyes.

  "She's in Room 442, but she's asleep."

  Lacey pushed past her and entered the emergency room doors with Nick close behind her.

  Taking in a deep breath and exhaling slowly, Jess asked Wayne, "Does Lacey know what happened?"

  "We only told her Harriett had been assaulted," Wayne answered as he pulled a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket and offered her one. Every fiber of her body wanted to take it, but she shook her head.


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