by Aies Jay
IRL: In Real Life
Jack: computer cord cable insertion hole
Konnichi wa: Japanese; How do you do
LAN: Local Area Network, a closed System routed through Gates in a limited area such as a building or a room
Las gun: laser gun, laser weapon with firing capacity
Liner: a space craft big enough to host a minimum of one million people, travelling the known Universe with visits to planets, staying in orbit and sending crafts back and forth to the surface, considered to be travelling colonies
Luna: the moon, the first place colonized by humanity to replace the Earth after the Exodus, now a very high society that only gives access by a large entrance fee and only permits habitants with either the finest education or very fat bank accounts
Mil: million
Necro: a person who desecrates dead flesh in one way or another and has a mentally unhealthy view of it
Neh: Japanese; approx.; right
Nugger: a person without any cybernetic implants whatsoever, who uses this to commit crimes and be untraceable by hackers or security, originally known as “no implants mugger” or NIMs.
Physio/ in physio: physically, in the hardware world
Portal: an internet platform or Community, offering games and/or forums and the like
PTN: Personal Tagging Number, a combination of birth date and social security number, used for identification of an individual
-sama: Japanese; term for respect, fx “hacker-sama” approx.. “honoured hacker”
Space cowboy: a job or calling performed by people who are considering themselves the last arms or the law in the Universe, making a living off taking jobs killing pirates, saving kidnapping victims or the occasional body guarding job for huge amounts of creds, never killing innocents as a Code
Spot: a Wire café with a direct connection to the GalactiNet which offers internet access to its visitors by way of hooking up to Gates
System: the software world
Tec: short for technology
Tournament, the: on Scorpio 2 the event where the President holds the ultimate hacker challenge once a year and defends his title as President
Triads: the mob, Chinese origin
Virgin: a person without any implants at all, body modifications or cybernetics
Wire: the net connection to the System, also used a slang for the System in general or being hooked up
Yakuza: the mob, Japanese origin