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Dream Keeper

Page 3

by Storm Savage

  They arrived at the party fashionably late. She’d chosen a black, silk camisole to wear under the charmed white clothes of her man. He looked fabulous in a white sleeveless button-down shirt hanging loosely over sleek, black leather jeans.

  “I’m nervous about going to a party so soon,” she said, hesitating at the door that opened to Blade’s home.

  He lowered his head and gave her a reassuring kiss before they walked through the door together. Angel looked up to admire a gigantic chandelier suspended from the cathedral ceiling over the foyer. Large tear-shaped black, clear and quartz gems dangled from the polished black fixture. She had never seen anything so elegant even among Eric’s circle of friends.

  “Do you like our chandelier?” Sage asked, greeting them as they came in.

  “It’s stunning.” Angel nodded in fascination. “Are those black pieces made of onyx?”

  “No, they are actually black crystal. See those little black specks inside each piece of clear quartz? Each one has birthmarks inside so that not one is like the other.”

  “Amazing. Your home is beautiful.”

  “Another bonus of living on Dunalino. Blade found the crystal and quartz rocks during one of their sea-diving excursions. He had them cut into those tear drops and fashioned into this lovely chandelier.”

  “Aren’t they afraid of another attack from Nahtosha?”

  Sage shook her head with a smile. “No. Our men do not bow down to fear.”

  “I guess not.” She looked up at Savaant in adoration.

  “C’mon.” Sage took her hand. “Let’s join the others. I’ve prepared exotic fruit treats, and Blade has drinks ready.”

  Savaant walked beside them, his hand resting protectively at the small of Angel’s back. Her past experience living among the very wealthy swung to her advantage upon entering Blade’s extravagant villa. Accustomed to elegant surroundings, she didn’t gawk like a newbie. She simply surveyed the area in her typical nonchalant manner that she used when entering a new home.

  Blade sat on a leather settee positioned beside double glass doors that had been slid open. Slivers of moonlight danced off his black silky shirt, giving him a rather majestic appearance in his territory. Miles and Kacie stood on a balcony just outside the doors overlooking the ocean. They appeared to be engaged in private conversation. Fresh, evening air floated through the doorway, causing candles to flicker playfully. Reece lay stretched out on a leather sofa opposite Blade, but she didn’t see Ciara.

  “Can I borrow Angel?” asked Sage with a pleading expression. “I would like to show her around the villa.”

  Savaant’s eyes sparkled under the low lights. His hand drifted over the back of her hair. “Don’t keep her too long.” He gave Angel an encouraging wink before letting her go. She looked back to see him join the men as Sage led her into another room.

  “We like to give the boys time to chill before partying.” Sage ended her tour in the kitchen where Ciara was sitting at a large wooden table. Sage pulled out a chair, motioning for Angel to sit. “Try some fruit. Ciara and I picked it fresh this morning. I’ll go get Kacie.” With that, she left the room.

  Angel sat down across from Ciara, who seemed indifferent to her arrival. She didn’t know quite what to make of this woman who hadn’t said much—though, when she had, her words had been intrusive.

  “How do you like the island so far?” she asked, then popped a piece of pineapple into her mouth.

  “It’s beautiful. You must love living in this tropical paradise.”

  She shrugged. “I’ve been with Reece so long I never gave it much thought when we moved out here. I like the social life in LA, but we can’t stay there full time because of his…dilemma.”

  “Sounds like you have reservations about this life.”

  “And you don’t?” Ciara’s eyes burned into hers. Her sudden change in demeanor felt somewhat disturbing.

  Angel met her stare straight on. “No. I love Savaant. He has brought more into my life than I ever dreamed of. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for him. You have no idea what it’s like living in a glorified cage for thirty years.”

  “Did your late husband abuse you or something?”

  “Or something.” She aggressively stabbed a chunk of kiwi with a plastic pick. She felt no obligation to spill her personal life to this meddling bitch.

  “And you have no clue what it’s like living bound to a blood-dragon.” Ciara shot back. “Always walking around with a secret hanging over our heads, praying people won’t find out what we are.”

  “From what I’ve heard, you are not bound unless you return his bite.” She slanted Ciara a knowing look. “And yes… I know full well what it’s like living life behind a secret.”

  Ciara appeared taken aback for a moment. However, her setback didn’t last long.

  “Why would any woman want to bite one of these blood-dragons just to become one of them? I am not fond of the taste of blood, let alone setting myself up to be bound by their fate.” She leaned forward, her eyes narrowed with suspicion. “So you’re not Little Miss Innocent like the guys said. What secret haunts you, Angel?”

  “One that is dead and buried.”

  “You’re not going to tell me?”

  “My past is nobody’s business except mine and Savaant’s.”

  “You’re a lot tougher than you look.” Ciara’s freckled face wrinkled into an expression of puzzlement.

  “Just because I came from a rich country home doesn’t mean I grew up in Disneyland.”

  “Old skeletons have a way of coming back to haunt. Are you sure Savaant knows everything about you?” She looked away to reach for more fruit. “I…we…wouldn’t want him getting hurt again.”

  Angel felt the muscles in her jaw tighten but controlled her rising ire over the accusatory undertone in this woman’s voice. She slammed her hand down over Ciara’s, knocking the fruit off her fork.

  “Worry about your own ghosts. I have mine well under control.”

  Ciara’s eyes flashed with mixed emotion, causing Angel to wonder about her true objectives. They glared at each other in what felt like a challenge of wills.

  “Play nice, girls,” Sage teased upon reentering the kitchen with Kacie. “We don’t want the men to get grumpy.”

  Sage’s return drew a sigh of relief from Angel. She felt overly stressed by Ciara and now viewed her as a threat. The four women sat around the table snacking on elaborate fruit, dipping the succulent treats into various fruit dips.

  Naturally they were curious about Angel and her background. She did her best to field their inquisitions without revealing her dark past or the recent incidents in Los Angeles.

  In the other room Savaant was under scrutiny as well. His friends wanted to know everything about Angel and how they’d met.

  Blade leaned back, casually resting one foot over his knee. “Tell us, Savaant, wherever did you find that lovely lady?”

  “I took out a personal ad.” He smirked while sipping his drink.

  “Why so hush-hush? Everyone knows about Nahtosha and your quest to find the Senhora Do Sangue.”

  “It doesn’t matter where I found her. She’s had a rough past and I’d prefer to uphold her respect by keeping personal matters private.”

  “What?” Blade persisted with quizzically raised brows. “Was she sold into slavery as a child? Kept locked in a castle? We know her blood is pure. There isn’t a man on Dunalino that didn’t pick up her scent when she walked off the plane this morning. What’s the big secret?”

  Knowing Blade was fishing for the energy source used to locate Angel, Savaant guarded his thoughts.

  “Maybe you used those auctions to put out a call,” Blade pressed. “We’re well aware of your supernatural abilities.”

  Savaant stared over the rim of his glass without blinking. He finished his rum and Coke in one gulp. “How about bringing in the ladies? I think they’ve had enough time to get acquainted.”

  Reece and Miles had b
een sitting in quiet observation enjoying their drinks and a bit of smoke. Savaant politely declined the stick being passed around. He wanted to maintain control over his mental energy lest someone try to steal into his psyche.

  Temporarily daunted, Blade left the room to call on the women. Savaant turned his attention to his other band mates.

  “Any luck in persuading your ladies to take the leap?” he asked them.

  Reece shook his head. “Ciara wants no part of that aspect. She’s quite agreeable to receiving my bite though. No complaint, mate. She keeps me well fed and the sex is good.”

  “Kacie claims it’s against her faith to drink blood,” Miles added, with a perpetual grin plastered on his face, clearly feeling the effects of dope. “I share Reece’s sentiment. As long as she lets me feed so I can get a good hard on and play, I’m okay with that.”

  He felt relieved that their women were taking care of them. They appeared fully satisfied. He couldn’t understand why Blade needed more. The man had girlfriends put up in swanky villas all over the island. Yet his lust for power overshadowed the many blessings he’d been given. He looked up when Blade swaggered back into the room with an arm draped over Sage and Angel, followed by Ciara and Kacie.

  “I think Angel would be more comfortable in cooler clothes. It’s bloody hot in here. How about Sage takes her upstairs to slip into something a little less…constricting,” Blade suggested.

  Angel shrugged his arm away. “No, really. I’m fine.” She went to Savaant and snuggled onto his lap. “Experts say to wear white in hot weather. And this little top is very light…practically like wearing nothing at all.”

  Savaant grinned with delight before kissing her neck, tightening his arms around her waist. “See that, Blade? My baby’s just fine.”

  “Hm.” Blade rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “How about a bit of fun? Remember the game we used to play a few years back?”

  The room became deathly silent.

  After a brief instance of awkward silence, Sage spoke. “That’s not very nice, Blade. You know Paula left him because of that silly game.”

  “Not my fault she didn’t want to play. He’s got a woman ready and willing now.” He shot a glance Angel’s way. “Take a look at her lovely neck.”

  Sage clearly didn’t like where he was leading. “I don’t think it’s a good idea. This is her first party. Back off for heaven’s sake.”

  Savaant gave her a nod of thanks.

  “We haven’t played as a group for years,” Ciara piped up. “Now that Savaant has a partner, it’ll be fun. Like old times. And it’s not silly! After all, if it weren’t for that crazy game we’d have never known that our blood gave the men back their ability to fuck us. I think we’d have a blast enjoying bites from the other men again…especially since Savaant can play now.”

  “You’ve become a bloody slut.” Sage scowled. “You’d let any man bite your neck.”

  “There’s no harm in giving the other men a treat. They enjoy the highs from the blood-bites.” Ciara bore a smug expression while stirring a pitcher of cocktails. “Reece doesn’t mind sharing me…unlike other men.”

  Sage shot Reece a fiery look, who shrugged with a relaxed smile.

  “She’s right, Sage,” he said. “As long as Ciara keeps me fed, I’ve no objections to her sharing with the other island males. You know as well as anyone that unless one of you takes the plunge and joins us as blood-dragons, no more men can convert. If we don’t get more males we can’t get more female blood-dragons, you know how it works…” He paused to take a hit off a fresh stick. “Until then, as the only females with a direct blood link, your blood gives the best highs. Wouldn’t hurt you to let down a bit and share the wealth.”

  “I’m selective in who gets a taste of me.” Sage threw back a shot of rum with an unyielding expression on her face. “I may not be able to control Blade’s lusty appetite for variety, but I sure as hell can decide who sinks their teeth into my skin. I share him with other women…that’s fair enough.”

  “Well,” Ciara said with a haughty flip of her hair, “at least the island men don’t refer to me as an uptight bitch. I like being popular.”

  Angel sat quietly—taking it all in and Savaant received her thoughts. Her growing animosity toward Ciara concerned him.

  Blade was shrewdly putting her on the spot again with his idea to play their old game. Only this time his efforts had sunk to a more sinister level. His motives became clear. By suggesting they play this game, he hoped to win a chance to bite her neck for that stolen taste of power spoken of. And for some reason he and Ciara seemed to be working the same angle.

  A chill crept up her spine upon knowing Blade’s obsession with control and his determination to steal her from Savaant. Instinctively she nestled closer to her man. Since his first bite her telepathic powers had increased on a daily basis. Receiving Blade’s inner thoughts startled her as did the depth of his malevolence. She did her best to hide her dismay and wondered how to tell Savaant what his own band mate had in mind.

  Despite the fact that she didn’t know the intricate details of their twisted sport, Angel gathered it resembled a drinking game only with neck biting as the prize. Ciara clearly had interest in Savaant and wanted his bite. Perhaps Blade is using her as a tool in his attempt to steal a taste of my blood and, moreover, Savaant’s supreme power. Maybe they are even working together to take him from me.

  “So…what do ya say, Angel baby? Feeling adventurous tonight?” Blade stared at her with glimmering eyes. His icy green stare felt invasive and unsettling.

  She needed to come up with a reason not to play and fast without looking like a snob. Blade suspects I am clinging to the clothes. I need to throw him off course. Angel didn’t need to keep them on her body for protection as long as she was with Savaant and they kept a close eye on the garments.

  He suspects the clothes. She willed her thoughts to Savaant.

  Savaant gently squeezed her waist with one arm. I thought so. We can’t play this game. It’s a trick. He’s done a bloody good job of putting us on the spot.

  “You know what, Blade?” Angel countered his wicked grin with a modest smile. “You’re right. It is very hot in here. Perhaps Sage does have something cooler I can slip into.”

  She caught Blade’s look, read his thoughts. A mix of perplexity and disappointment shadowed the hard lines of his face as he realized she would find a tactful manner of escaping his attempted trap by slipping away with Sage. His eyes darted toward Ciara.

  Sage stood up. “C’mon, Angel, I’m sure something of mine will fit. I wasn’t always this skinny. Not that you’re overweight or anything. I wish I had your curves.” She gave her a sheepish grin.

  She glanced at Savaant who nodded in approval. Just as Angel began walking across the room Ciara got to her feet still holding the pitcher of drink.

  “Wait.” Ciara staggered toward her. “You haven’t had one of Blade’s special cocktails yet. Let me get you started.”

  Angel feigned a smile while reaching for the glass filled with pink liquid offered to her. Suddenly Ciara tripped, then lurched forward, sending the entire carafe of liquid splashing straight over Angel’s chest.

  “Oh, shit! I’m so sorry.” Her apology sounded anything but sincere. “I’ve ruined your clothes. Quick, if we get them into the wash right away the stains will come out.”

  Raising her hand in protest, she bit her lip to control her fury over this woman’s blatant disrespect. Having known her for less than a full day, she couldn’t completely discern Ciara’s character. But so far it wasn’t good and she’d been picking up negative vibes from the feisty redhead since they met.

  “No, thank you. I’d rather clean them myself.” She pushed Ciara’s hands away as she made a feeble attempt to dab the clothes with a towel retrieved from the kitchen.

  “Looks like we’ll call it an early night.” Savaant wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders. “We should get these clothes cleaned before that bloody
-awful shade of pink sets in. I have an automatic dry-cleaning unit at my place.”

  “Ooo, no wonder you always look so dashing,” Angel remarked.

  Sage couldn’t hide her disappointment over their premature departure as she walked them to the door.

  “Sorry your first night turned out so bad,” she said, placing a kind hand on Angel’s arm. “Ciara can be a nasty wench. I don’t know why Reece puts up with her.”

  “No worries. I’ve met plenty like her in the past.” She smiled, then graciously gave Sage a cordial hug. “Goodnight.”

  “Have a good night, you two. See you tomorrow.” Sage waved as they walked away.

  Chapter Four

  “Blade is getting more aggressive,” Angel told Savaant as they sat on his bed after bathing, waiting for her clothes to go through the dry clean cycle. He had nothing more than a towel covering his groin while she wore a light robe loosely secured at the waist. Her gaze lingered on his sexy abs before drifting upward to meet his loving eyes.

  He nodded while leaning over to light candles placed around the bed. “He has his thoughts guarded from me. Ever since he realized I could steal into his mind, the only time I’m able to do so is when he’s intoxicated. Blade has been very careful not to indulge in heavy partying since I found you.”

  “I was able to get inside his head tonight. He doesn’t know I have received power from you.”

  “That’s a secret we’ll keep. Tell me what you know, love.”

  She rested her head against his shoulder and sighed. “His aura is very dark. This telepathy thing is new to me and still a bit murky at times. But Blade definitely wants to take my blood. Not just for pleasure. He is obsessed with stealing your power and reigning as alpha male.”

  “I kind of figured that.”

  “No, you don’t understand. Blade wants you out of the way…completely. His realm of thinking is sinister…scary. Does he have a vendetta with you? I was picking up deep-seated anger from him.”

  Savaant considered her words for a moment, then spoke. “Perhaps, but I figured he was over that by now, especially since he has Sage and several other women on his string. Blade had a thing for Paula, but she shut him down cold. I dated her for a long time before we married just to be sure there wasn’t anything going on between the two of them. Once I married Paula, Blade hooked up with Sage.”


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