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Safeword: Quinacridone

Page 21

by Candace Blevins

  The door closed and the collar was released just before the strap under her chin went away and the mask was drawn up and over her head. She was told to keep her eyes shut moments before a blissfully cool wind caressed her face and she heard the whirring hum of a fan. Fingers gently touched her lips, encouraging them to open, and the ball was removed.

  “Permission to speak softly if there’s information I need.”

  “I need to come.”

  Travis gave his evil chuckle and Cara thought she might come at the sound of it. He said, “Oh yes, I know you do, and I promise you will — but not yet. You’ll have a different hood when we go back.” The fan moved away from her face and she opened her eyes to see a latex mask with the same hair and eyes, and with a large hole where her mouth and nose would be.

  She angled her gaze to Travis and his lips curled into a roguish smile. “A three-holed fuck-doll, my dear slave; this’ll make all your holes available. Anyone in your mouth besides me will wear a condom, but when I come you’ll swallow every last drop. The penalties here for spitting on purpose involve the customary caning followed by a jennings gag and people pissing into your mouth and all over your head. I’ll volunteer to leave before I let it happen, but I hope you don’t choose to spit. Accidently spilling a few drops is okay but be careful it isn’t too many. I have much planned for us and if we have to leave it won’t happen.”

  Cara’s eyes grew huge at the idea of someone peeing in her mouth. Her insides fluttered and warmed at the thought of other people being forced to undergo such things, but she was glad Travis didn’t appear interested. The image of Travis peeing on her was disturbingly arousing, but a stranger doing it was sick.

  “Would...would you want to do me?” Her voice squeaked on the last part and she looked down.

  Travis moved closer and put his fingers under her chin, raising her head to force eye contact. “The idea turns you on?”

  It did, but it also scared her. “I don’t...I mean, yeah, but, not to me. I think I’d like to see it happen to someone else. Is that wrong?”

  He smiled affectionately and grazed her forehead with his lips. “No, it isn’t wrong. You can’t watch this weekend even if it happens right in front of you, but I can arrange for you to play voyeur some other time.” He caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers and gave her another quick peck on the lips. “You really are a dream come true, and I love you so much, Cara Mia. Now, stand and turn around so I can be sure we removed all the wax. I think I’ll oil you again too, because getting your next outfit on will a bit of a trick.

  * * * *

  Cara was enveloped in latex from ankles to neck, and the suit pushed into her pussy and ass, turning them into pockets, sort of. It felt all kinds of wrong, but as he inserted oiled fingers in both ‘pockets’ she comprehended how the costume turned her into even more of a fuck-doll than she’d been earlier. She moaned and pushed into his hand and he chuckled and withdrew. “Let’s walk to the mirror so you can see yourself.”

  She hadn’t realized how much her makeup had run in the mask, but her face looked horrible with eye shadow and eyeliner smeared and running down her cheeks. She reached up to wipe it but halted as she remembered the latex sleeves had taken her hands.

  He gently pushed her arm down and slid his hand up to stroke the side of her throat, his voice kind as he said, “No Cara Mia, I want you looking like this under your mask. It makes you look like a well-fucked little bitch. Also, no one’ll recognize you if it needs to come off.” His smile turned feral and his voice harsh as he added, “They’ll just see the fuck-slave they all believe you to be.”

  He sat her on the edge of the bed, laced her ballet boots on, and attached fake plastic hands at the ends of her arms before stretching the new mask over her head and face, taking her sight once more. She felt him staining her lips as well as her nipples this time, and her stomach did flip-flops when she heard a knock on the door.

  Travis’ footsteps moved away, the door opened, closed, and two pair of footsteps returned as Travis said, “I just need to get the tongue clamped and holes lubed and it’ll be ready to take downstairs.”

  Fingers touched her lips and she obediently opened her mouth and pushed her tongue into the cool air. He must’ve had the rubber bands around one end already as she felt the chopsticks scissor down and rapidly grow tighter with each loop of the elastic band on the other side. When he removed his hands she tried to pull the trapped appendage into her mouth but the sticks were too long. She gingerly closed her teeth and lips around it, feeling the bottom chopstick more than the one on top, though both hovered between pain and discomfort. She could handle this for a little while but already felt her tongue dehydrating and suspected the dryness would soon bother her more than the pressure.

  She was brought to her feet, turned, and leaned over the bed. Aggressive fingers stretched her pussy and then her ass as they lubed the latex sheaths tunneling into her and reminded her again of her blow-up doll status.

  Strong, heavily muscled arms carried her downstairs, depositing her on hands and knees on some sort of raised dais. She felt around and discovered she was situated on four small platforms: one for each arm and one for each leg. Her knees were spread wide and she knew the view would readily display the sleeves poked into her pussy and ass.

  Travis’ hand rested on her back, comforting and grounding her as her forearms and wrists were strapped down, then her calves and ankles. He seemed to speak to the room in general as he said, “Condoms are mandatory if you’re using her mouth, but with the latex sheaths at her other end she’s protected so use them for your own safety if you want, totally up to you. She’ll be here a while; use her more than once if you wish.”

  Cara wanted to panic at the thought of over a dozen men possibly using her multiple times. The latex might keep her from being fucked raw, but she’d probably come until she didn’t want to think of another orgasm — if Travis let her.

  It occurred to her, the men fucking her would know she was coming even if she managed to climax silently, and she felt the edges of mini-panic. A cock entered her pussy from behind, sinking in until the man’s body touched her ass, and she almost came at the insertion alone. The latex was tight over her mound and as he moved inside of her, the doll costume compressed and tugged and stimulated her clit. She was almost at the point of full-blown panic, barely holding onto her orgasm when Travis commanded she come, and lightning flashed and zipped through her as she convulsed and jerked around the cock hammering her pussy.

  A hand rested on her shoulder blade and she heard Travis’ voice again. “Gentleman, I’ve programmed the fuck-doll to orgasm at least once for every person who uses its ass or cunt tonight. It won’t need permission for release, but if one of you fucks it and don’t feel it spasming around your cock at some point, let me know and we’ll put clamps on these beautiful red nipples hanging down, and they’ll stay on until it has a loud and obvious climax.”

  Cara was grateful for Travis’ way around the rules, and she came over and over again with no difficulty. She had no idea how many times she’d been taken in the mouth, ass, and pussy when she heard the sounds of someone being throat fucked right beside her as a particularly large man used Cara’s ass, making her glad the pocket kept him from going as deep as he obviously wished to delve. The chopsticks on her tongue were long gone, but her mouth was filled with cock almost constantly. These men were using her to get off with no care for how she felt about it, and she’d long ago lost track of her orgasms.

  As soon as she came, the man in her ass pulled out and someone pushed into her pussy, but only pumped four times before he roared with his orgasm. He slapped her leg, hard, and said, “I believe your fuck-doll is defective; she didn’t come.”

  Travis’ voice said, “To be fair, you fucked your own slave until you were ready to blow and just used mine as a cum-dump. But, the rules are the rules, I suppose. Let’s clamp those nipples and see how long it takes to find a screaming orgasm.”<
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  Travis attached the clamps to her nipples quickly and efficiently with no regards for how it might feel, and if a cock hadn’t filled her throat she may have accidently said something.

  The latex sheathed member in her mouth pulled out and flesh pushed past her lips and slid down her tongue without tasting of rubber. The hands caressing her shoulder over the latex were familiar and she relaxed and took him in, thankful she could concentrate on pleasing Travis, instead of her blazing nipples. Someone entered her ass and immediately began pounding away, and she was rapidly overcome by an adrenaline-charged orgasm. Travis pushed into her throat, held, and reached under her to remove the clamps. The surprise and pain of the first stalled her climax, but the removal of the second served to slingshot her into the stratosphere and she wondered that the world didn’t implode around her.

  He pulled out without ejaculating and her muted screams were finally given voice, but another cock tasting of latex rammed its way in, muffling her roars and keeping the words on the tip of her tongue from forming.

  It occurred to her she hadn’t seen any of these men’s faces, and if she were to meet them sometime later she wouldn’t know they’d used her body. Of course, they wouldn’t know her, either.

  As the pain in her nipples gradually subsided, the idea of enduring a punishment for speaking kept creeping into her mind. Part of her wanted to see what would happen and sought to endure the daunting condition of ending their weekend if she stopped the punishment, but another part was horrified at the mere thought.

  She heard a voice in front of her saying, “Dennis, can she deep throat me or should I hold back?”

  Travis’ answer came from her left, very close. “Don’t take it easy on her, just make sure you pull out every once in a while so she can breathe.”

  The man chuckled and she felt the movement in his cock. “Right, don’t want to break your toy. Okay little fuck-doll, get a good breath and let’s see how much of me you can handle.”

  Cara was used to being forced to deep throat, but this cock kept coming. She gagged around it but the man didn’t care and continued pushing. When she finally felt his torso against her face and he fell into a rhythm, he didn’t pull out far enough for her to breathe and she was in panic mode long before she ran out of air. He withdrew briefly and she gasped as much oxygen as she could, but he was swiftly at the back of her throat again, his hands holding her head as he pushed himself deep once more. He didn’t stay long this time before allowing her another breath, and she quickly synced with his tempo. She gulped air in when she had the chance, but it never seemed enough and she couldn’t help but gag around him, no matter how much she concentrated on relaxing and swallowing.

  Tears and snot flowed freely when he finally pulled all the way out and gave her a few moments to catch her breath. Too soon, the same clipped voice said, “Open up again little fuck-toy”, and without thinking she said, “Oh, God,” as she opened her mouth.

  She realized what she’d done as soon as she said it, and her insides somersaulted until she was lightheaded. The cock in her ass went in and froze and a deep voice said, “I believe the slave spoke words, did it not?”

  Her body took in his words and immediately betrayed her by having a colossal orgasm at the knowledge she’d be punished. Her back and pelvis bucked and bowed and twisted as much her bonds allowed, and the hands at her hips held firm so her movements didn’t eject the cock filling her ass.

  Another voice said, “You may have gotten her around the restriction of orgasming without permission, but you know the rules about punishment. If she comes once it starts we’ll triple the sentence.”

  Travis didn’t sound concerned as he casually said, “And what’s the sentence?”

  “She’ll be stripped nude, including the mask so she’ll have to control her eyes and voice like the other slaves. Her mouth offended so it must be punished. I call for the stocks, with fire oil in mouth, pussy, and ass; and twenty strokes of the punishment cane. We’ll end with the TENS to the tongue, standard time and strength.”

  Travis spoke almost immediately. “Ten strokes.”

  A southern accented voice said, “Alternatively, we can hog-tie her face up on the bondage swing with her knees tied far apart, use the fire oil on mouth, nipples, ass, clit, and pussy, and she can be used in any hole for an hour. All condoms will be lubed with the fire mixture.”

  Travis’ voice again. “The first option, but with only ten strokes of the cane. I don’t want the fire mixture pushed into her throat and the second option will do so if she’s deep throated.”

  Cara remembered the peppers he’d put in the blender and was terrified the fire mixture would be similar.

  Another voice, one she didn’t remember hearing before. “What’s your objection to the twenty strokes?”

  “We’re travelling tomorrow, and while I’m fine with the bruising and pain she’ll experience from ten of the best, I’m not comfortable with making her endure the trip after twenty.”

  “Seems reasonable. I’ll adjust the first option to ten strokes to the ass with a cane and ten strokes of a rubber flogger to the breasts.”

  Not having a say in the discussion and hearing the men discuss her as if she weren’t in the room made Cara ache to hump something — anything. She was afraid of the punishment, but also nervously anticipating it, and almost looked forward to the men forcing her to endure whatever judgment they deemed suitable.

  “Thank you, kind Sir. The latex doesn’t come off easily; if I can ask Sir Mark to help me get her to the room?”

  “Of course, but he’ll need to stay with you while the costume is removed.”

  “Naturally. Let’s do a sample test of the fire mixture on the inside of her cheek. I’ve used ginger and cinnamon on her, but not clove. If we apply it now we can begin as soon as I return with her.”

  A few moments later something touched Cara’s lips and she opened her mouth to have her jaw stretched wide as a finger ran back and forth on the inside of her left cheek. Travis spoke from beside her, which meant it hadn’t been his hand in her mouth.

  “Try not to lick the area; we want the mixture to stay ten minutes to assure you don’t have more of a reaction than you’re supposed to.”

  She felt heat where he’d touched, but it wasn’t terribly painful and her awareness shifted to the hands releasing her arms and legs.

  Travis and Mark talked politics, of all things, on the trip up to the room and then as they peeled the latex from her body. Goose bumps chilled her skin as cool air assaulted naked flesh and the line of fire inside her jaw built in intensity. She could handle it, but wasn’t sure how she’d deal with it in her entire mouth.

  Travis patted her on the ass and said, “You should make use of the toilet. It’ll be a while before you’re given another chance.”

  He stood so he could see into the bathroom, so she stole only a quick look in the mirror. The bald cap hid her hair color but made her look like more of an object, especially with her makeup all over her face. She didn’t recognize herself, and any worry of someone identifying her as Travis Winslow’s girlfriend vanished.

  When she returned to Travis she wasn’t sure what she should do, so she dropped to her knees by his side.

  “She’s beautiful with her makeup smeared; she looks thoroughly besmirched, but you know if someone insists you’ll have to remove all cosmetics and nail polish.”

  “I’m aware,” said Travis. “But we generally only have objections when makeup is used as a mask, or when a slave is haughty. I’ll remove it if requested, but I’m like you — I love seeing her like this.” He paused and added, “Sarah has never experienced a TENS, and I’m not entirely sure she’s familiar with them.”

  “So she doesn’t know it’s an electrical charge that travels across the skin, without sinking into muscles, and is perfectly safe? I’d imagine she’ll be pretty scared then, because if you didn’t know you might think you were in danger of being electrocuted.”

Yes, you understand my concerns.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be fine. My slave tells me this punishment is about twenty times more intense than sticking a nine-volt battery to your tongue at its worst, but I believe that’s only the final ten seconds.”

  “I’ve had slaves use the battery on the tongue analogy to describe the pain, too. Is it still two minutes? With the controls programmed to go up and down in intensity, and gradually ramping up until the slave must survive the last ten seconds?”

  “Yes. They’ll put a ball into the property’s hand for a safeword during this punishment, if the Master requests.”

  Cara remembered the electricity Jonathan had used on her, and recalled he’d only given her two-second jolts that were over almost as soon as they started. She couldn’t imagine two minutes non-stop, and thought surely it must feel completely different. No way could someone handle that kind of pain for two minutes.

  “I’m going to collar her so I’ll have something to put the white loop on. I’ll use a thin one, so hopefully no one will request its removal.”

  Travis held the slender silver collar under her face a moment, giving her a chance to see it before he fastened it onto her neck. He stepped behind her and grasped her wrists, pulling them back and up until her breasts pushed forward.

  “Grab your elbows slave.” She did as told, and noted the difference in his tone when he spoke to her. He was conversational with Mark, brusque and commanding with her. She wasn’t affected when he spoke to others but a single curt phrase addressed to her made her hips want to hump the air.

  Hands turned her towards the door and the two men stepped around her and walked to the door. She got the message and followed, staying just behind and to the left of Travis.

  Aside from a thin collar, she was completely nude without even her hair to hide behind, and she felt more vulnerable than she’d been all day as she trailed the men down the steps, the stripe inside her jaw on fire. Her hands stayed locked behind her and the thought flittered through her psyche that he’d replaced cuffs with his willpower, holding her with his intent.


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