Safeword: Quinacridone

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Safeword: Quinacridone Page 24

by Candace Blevins

  Her voice broke and she had to stop talking or risk crying. He took three quick steps to her and turned her, pulling her into his arms before she could stop him. She tried to push him away, warning, “No, I’ll get paint on you. It won’t come out of your clothes.”

  “Then I’ll throw them away and tell Jacob I need more. God Cara, I love you so much. I wish you’d told me, but I can understand why you wanted to wait.” He hugged her tighter. “Just knowing you’re giving it a try means so much.”

  “You aren’t mad?”

  “No, Cara Mia.” He kissed the top of her head. “My feelings were hurt, and still are a little, but I understand.”

  “Okay, then.” One crisis averted, now onto the next. “Is that the worst picture? How many are there?”

  “Only two have been published of you in the studio so far, along with pictures of you going into the front of the teahouse, out the back, and into the rear of the yoga studio.” He kissed the top of her head. “They’re pretty proud of themselves for figuring you out.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Shit, I thought I was so smart. It worked for a while, but...shit.”

  He laughed. “If you were going at the same time, three days a week, they were bound to figure out something else was going on, and sneaking just made it more of a story. If it’s okay with you I’ll offer to have a contractor install a film on the windows so light can come in but people can’t see into the building from outside.” He hugged her tighter for a moment before releasing her. “Just go in and out the front door from now on, and don’t try to sneak.”

  She sighed and pushed herself up to sit on her stool. “Print something out about the window film, so I can give it to them, and I’ll make the offer. I’ll let you pay for it, but only because the paparazzi are your damned fault. Fuck if they aren’t on my last nerve.”

  “I’m sorry, I wish I could make them go away but trying is counterproductive as it just gives them more to print.” He touched her chin, gently lifting until their gaze met. “Can I ask you for something, if you think you’ll be comfortable doing it, eventually?”

  “You’re asking if you can ask me something?” She laughed nervously. “That’s never good. What do you want?”

  “Will you show me what you do in class? Maybe once a week? I want to be part of it with you, but it’d be weird for me to go to with you to watch.”

  She smiled, suddenly shy again, and she hadn’t felt bashful around him in almost two years — shortly after they’d gotten back together after her gallery opening. “I don’t know, Travis. Give me a few weeks? Maybe? I don’t even know if I’m going to get any more flexible.” She shrugged. “I can’t tell that much of a difference yet. I mean, the poses don’t seem as awkward, but I don’t see an improvement in how far my legs will go or how much I can bend over.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Whatever you’re comfortable with, then. I’m just so happy you’re trying. It means a lot to me, Cara Mia.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “She’s turned on by watersports? And you’re upset with this? Where’s Travis and what’ve you done with him?”

  “Very funny. I’m trying to be serious here.”

  Paul grinned and shifted gears as they commenced the arduous climb up a long hill. “Yes, yes.” He huffed. “I know you are, but I’m trying to give you some perspective.”

  Travis followed Paul’s lead and shifted as well, leaning forward and pedaling faster. “I’ve never considered spending the rest of my life with someone before. I love her, and worry where we’ll be twenty years from now if we do too much, too fast.”

  The two were silent until they reached the top and were pedaling easily again, and Paul said, “Consider this: the other women did what you desired without making their own needs part of the equation. You knew how far you wanted to go and had an idea of how far you’d likely get by paying them. You’ve never had someone else adding their kinks into the mix, pushing you to go beyond. The two of you are playing off of each other, and while it’s the way a relationship’s supposed to work, I believe it’s scaring you.”

  Travis didn’t speak as he coasted down one hill and powered up the next, pulling ahead of Paul on a narrow part of the trail. He pedaled faster, until the leaves and branches blurred as he flew past. Was Paul right? He’d never had to consider anyone else’s kink, and for the first time it wasn’t all about what he wanted. So far, Cara hadn’t asked him to do something he was averse to, but if she did, how would he handle it? Would he keep objectifying her past the point of a healthy relationship if she asked? How would he know what was healthy and what was too much? Was pissing on the woman you love better or worse than pissing on someone you’d paid to treat as less than human?

  The second bench came into view long before Travis expected and he braked hard, looking upriver a few seconds before turning around to see how far Paul lagged behind. He didn’t see him so he parked his bike and hefted himself up onto the bench, enjoying the view as he waited. His gaze travelled to the marina in the inlet to his right, and he considered buying another boat. He’d bought a large one years ago but hadn’t enjoyed it as much as he’d expected, and promptly sold it. But now, the thoughts of taking Cara out, and the two of them in the middle of the water, alone with the rocking of the had merit.

  Paul rode up several minutes later and leaned his bike against a tree before walking to the riverbank. He sat gracefully and threw his legs over the edge without speaking, the silence comfortable between them as he let the younger man have all the time he needed to process his thoughts.

  Travis looked around to make sure no hikers were near and said, “What’s to keep us from taking things too far? You had to convince Meg to remove watersports from her hard limit list, and even after she’d taken it off you waited months before you actually did it.” He shook his head and spread his arms. “But Cara’s interested and it’s probably only a matter of time before she’ll want me to...” He stood, took a few steps, paced back, and reclaimed his seat on the bench. “What’s next? How far will we go? What happens ten years from now when we have to do something totally insane to keep pushing the envelope?”

  “I think the very fact you’re worrying is reason to believe you’ll be responsible. I know couples who’ve been together for decades, and you’re right — sometimes they do things neither would’ve considered when they first met, but those with a foundation in reality still have hard limits.”

  “I love her. What if I take her too far? What if I damage her somehow, doing something she wants but neither of us should actually consider?”

  Paul swiveled around and leaned against a tree, stretching his legs out on the ground. He glanced at Travis briefly before looking forward to focus in the marina’s direction. “This isn’t just about watersports. What specifically is worrying you?”

  “I’m realizing some of the things I’ve done, some of my turn-ons...” He stopped for several minutes and Paul kept his gaze on the marina, giving Travis time to pull his thoughts together.

  “I’ve always believed it was about power and sex, but I’m recognizing part of my kink is objectification — turning a woman into a thing I can fuck, stripping away her...personhood? I never thought of it in those terms, but I can see now how pissing on a woman behind a dumpster, making them kneel and crawl, not allowing someone to look me in the eye, or to speak unless asked a direct question — it’s all about turning her into an object. Something less than human.”

  He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Cara has this need for objectification, and many of her fantasies include some pretty scary body modification. Right now, she doesn’t want to actually do it, but the idea certainly excites and arouses her. I can bring her to orgasm just by tying her up and talking about doing terrible things to her body, without laying a hand on her.”

  “And are these ‘terrible things’ a turn-on for you?”

  Travis blew a breath out and said, “Yeah. They disgust me, but I’m hard as a
rock when I talk about them.”

  “What specifically turns you on?”

  “She told me of someone who’d had all their teeth removed, so they could give better blowjobs.” He looked down at his hands and spoke quietly. “Her orgasms are practically through the roof when I tie her legs out of the way and point out if I had a surgeon amputate them at the hip joints I wouldn’t have to hassle with them when I fuck her.” He shook his head. “I’d never do it, and on some level the idea makes me sick to my stomach, and yet...”

  “Ah, yes, I can see your dilemma.” Paul turned to meet Travis’ eyes. “One of your hard limits has always been no permanent damage,” he smiled, arching his eyebrows and adding, “Even when you were young and stupid.”

  Travis rolled his eyes. “Right. So I say I’d never do it, but how do I know for sure what I may do ten years from now? Before I met Cara I’d have sworn I’d never consider pulling someone’s teeth.” At Paul’s sharp look, he rushed to add, “I’m not considering it, but I’m turned on by the idea. We’ve agreed our talking about it is pure fantasy, but...” he sighed again, his eyes meeting Paul’s a few seconds before he said, “It’s starting to scare me.”

  Paul returned Travis’ gaze a moment before looking away, staring at the constantly moving water as he talked. “I know of a couple who’ve gone too far. Way too far, in my opinion. He found a surgeon out of the country who put in ridiculously huge breast implants, completely removed her outer labia and clit hood, cut her vocal chords, and did something to disable the tendons controlling her thumbs.”

  He looked back at Travis and continued. “He regularly beats the bottoms of her feet so she has no choice but to crawl, and he’s contemplated having her Achilles tendons cut and her hearing destroyed. He trained his two huge Great Danes to enjoy fucking her, and she’s not allowed to turn them away when they mount her.” He shook his head, his voice becoming melancholy as his focus returned to the river and he said, “He’s made her less than human, but still wants conversation and camaraderie, and he’s dating other women. His slave signed a contract, knowing this was a possibility, but I wonder if she truly understood she’d be relegated to a pet — a creature — while he found other human companionship.”

  Sighing, Paul turned from the water and faced Travis. “I know for a fact she wanted everything that happened to her up until a few months ago. I’m not sure about the most recent developments as he’s begun dating other submissives because I think she’s too far gone to know what she wants now. She truly isn’t human anymore, and I have my doubts she could be brought back. Her owner’s made arrangements, so if something happens to him another Master will become responsible for her.”

  Travis dropped his gaze to his hands. “You aren’t helping, Paul. The thought I might take Cara that far makes me want to break up with her now, before we have a chance to see how far we might go. God, what you’re talking about — it’s criminal, isn’t it? I mean, I know we’re supposed to be okay with other people’s kinks, but...shit.”

  “The current laws criminalize anything that deliberately puts so much as a bruise on someone, whether consensual or not. Most of us are used to the idea of the justice system considering our sex lives illegal, and it makes it harder for us, as a group, to have conversations about what truly steps over the line.” He shrugged. “Personally, I have major issues when someone lacks the capacity to give informed consent. However, in this case I don’t think there’s anything to be done, because I don’t believe the woman in question can be brought back to her humanity.”

  Travis scowled. “What’s fucked is I can understand the desire to keep pushing, and pushing, until the person becomes a thing. I can see the challenge, the power trip of it. It’s a great fantasy, but the reality would be horrific.” He shook his head. “Why would a woman actually consent? And if she does, shouldn’t her agreement mean she’s so screwed up she shouldn’t be allowed to give consent?”

  He kicked the dirt. “Fuck, Paul. Should I just break up with her now? To make sure I’m never tempted to do these things to her?”

  The older man’s smile was kind, patient. “I told you about this couple to make a point — you’ll never take Cara so far. You love her mind as much as her kink. I’ve watched the two of you play off each other intellectually, and I don’t believe either of you’ll do anything to curtail that part of your lives. Her art defines her, so you won’t take her thumbs from her permanently. She’s your friend, not just your lover, and you’d never destroy her voice. You enjoy making her a thing for brief periods, but then you want your girlfriend back. I can’t see you doing it full time.”

  “This couple you’re talking about, they didn’t have that?”

  Paul shook his head. “Not even a little. Their relationship’s always been about their kink. She worked for a health insurance company when they met, and was one of those drones who approves or denies claims, but it was a job and not a career. When he decreed she’d quit and be his full time slave, she didn’t blink an eye; the prospect of total dependence on him fed her kink. She wrote in her blog she was on the verge of an orgasm when she handed her notice to her supervisor.”

  A squirrel ran between them and up a tree, stopping ten feet up to scold and chitter at them. Travis watched it a few seconds and turned back to Paul. “Cara’d never be happy letting me support her. She bought groceries again last week!” He waved his arms and said it again, for good measure. “Groceries! I give Debbie a card to purchase everything we need, why would Cara want to walk through a grocery store and buy food? With her own money? We’ve argued about it a few times, and she’s bound and determined she won’t be dependent on me. So yeah, she’ll always have her art, and I’ll never do anything to harm that part of her life.” He breathed out in frustration. “I still say if I’m pissing on her eight months after she moves in with me, the thoughts of what we’ll be doing two decades from now is scary.”

  “I think you need to talk to Cara about it, and perhaps the two of you come up with some guidelines together. Honestly though, as long as she intends to remain active in society, you’ll be fine.”

  “You kept Meg bald for a while, so she had to wear wigs when she left the house. Was that your kink or hers?”

  He laughed. “Certainly not hers, she hated it.” Sobering, he added, “It was my line in the sand, to find out if she was serious about relinquishing all control and all decisions to me.”

  “It’s grown back out now, did you tire of it? We discussed it when you shaved it, but I don’t think we’ve talked about why you let her grow it again.”

  He smiled. “Can’t take it away again unless I give it back.” His face went serious as he added, “I needed to take something she’d never considered the possibility of losing. It was a mental thing, more than physical. I made her ask me to shave it.”

  Travis nodded, thinking back. “I remember the story. You offered a three-month contract, but she asked for a year’s term and wanted you to assume more authority than you’d intended so soon. You said she’d have to prove she was sincere about giving up all control before you’d consider her terms.”

  Paul smiled at the memory. “I had someone come to the house to wax her legs, pussy, ass, armpits, and eyebrows. When the aesthetician left, Meg had to kneel before me and ask me to shave her head and make her mine. She bawled her eyes out as I cut it short, and cried quietly the whole time I shaved it. I don’t think I’ve ever been so hard in my life. Almost makes me want to do it again.” His gaze returned to the water. “You know, on second thought, maybe it’s become one of my kinks.”

  “I don’t remember her not having eyebrows. You covered the baldness with wigs, how’d you explain the eyebrows?”

  “We spent three weeks at the kink-friendly resort in the Caribbean, and they’d grown out enough by the time we got back, it wasn’t a big deal.” He shifted and tossed a rock into the river. “I know you and Cara don’t have a D/s dynamic unless you’re in a scene, but there’s nothing to stop you fro
m using something similar as a short-term objectification experience. There are lots of things you can do that aren’t permanent.”

  Travis nodded, feeling better, and changed the subject. “Cara wants to see someone being pissed on and forced to drink it.”

  Paul smiled. “It’d be a turn-on for me to make Meg do it in front of her. We’ve only done it around others at kinky camp so far, and the couples around us were doing it, too. It’ll be harder for Meg if she knows Cara’s never done it.”

  “How do you want the evening to play out?” Travis grinned. “I can have the two of you over for the entire day, or just an evening, or for an overnight.” He grumbled in frustration. “Normally, I’d say we’d be safe using the side section of the backyard, but the paparazzi have been buzzing us at odd hours via helicopter.” He rolled his eyes and sighed. “It’s so much easier when you can just let it soak into the ground in an off the way area, but I’ll order some tarps to line the garage floor.”

  “I’m surprised you haven’t created a gadget to disable any helicopters flying too close to your house.”

  “The thought’s crossed my mind.” He shook his head, rolled his eyes good-naturedly this time, and smiled. “It’s scary how well you know me sometimes.”

  Paul didn’t say anything, so Travis answered his unasked question. “I could do it easily enough, but would risk knocking out my own electronics, along with theirs; and it’d endanger too many lives — pilot, paparazzi, and whoever the ‘copter crashed into. I’d hoped they’d move on by now, but they’re positive of a juicy story and they’re as tenacious as a pit bull, assuming if they keep at it we’ll screw up and give them a million dollar scoop, but I don’t want to talk about them. Would you like to plan a scene? How should the evening to go?”

  Paul raised an eyebrow as he considered the question. “Do you want to piss on her, too? Fuck her? Either way, once I get her really deep I like to keep her there, so all day would be better.”


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