Safeword: Quinacridone

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Safeword: Quinacridone Page 27

by Candace Blevins

  Her hands moved to caress both hipbones, her nails softly scraping their way back to his thighs as her arms gripped his legs again and her nails teased his inner thighs, and her tongue continued to torment his throbbing cock.

  No matter Cara’s delight, Travis had reached his own personal limit. He raised his head, hands still locked behind it, and said, “As much as I love seeing you enjoy yourself, if you don’t take me in your mouth soon I’m going to flip you over and pound you through the mattress.”

  She pushed up, met his gaze. “In my mouth? Okay, we can do that.”

  Her head sank to his groin and tilted horizontal. Heat wrapped around the base of his cock as she pulled him into her mouth crosswise, her tongue snaking around and branding wet heat where it touched the root, while the tip waved with no contact.

  “That’s not what I meant,” he warned, and she chuckled again, the vibrations setting him off and making his cock jerk yet again.

  She pulled her head up, sliding her mouth sideways up his cock. When she reached the top she took him in the right way — all the way down her throat in one, smooth, glide. Her face pushed hard into his body and her tongue slid down his cock and poked past her lower lip as she pulled herself down ever so slightly, stretching until she licked his balls with his cock still buried in her throat.

  “Ahhh, fuck!” he growled, “now that I know you can do that, I may make you do it every night for the rest of our lives. Shit, Cara.”

  He opened his eyes and saw more shooting stars as he realized how close he was to losing control and shooting down her throat. She’d have to raise up soon to breathe; if he could just hold on a little longer, because he wanted to see what other surprises she might have. However, she didn’t come up for air and he grew concerned. “That’s long enough Cara Mia; I’d never force you to hold your breath this long. Raise up and breathe for me, baby.”

  In response, she only grasped his legs harder and used more pressure to push her face into him. He was about to lower his hands and pull her up, to make her breathe, when she rose on her own, sucking in air as soon as he cleared her throat, and rising to her knees before straddling his torso and sitting on his cock, taking it deep inside her exquisite warmth.

  Their groans came out together, as if the same sound issued from two stereo speakers. She leaned forward, braced her hands on his shoulders for leverage, and moved a dozen or so times before making her own growling noises. She abruptly lifted off him and knee-walked herself in a half-circle before lowering again and landing in reverse cowboy. When she rode him this time he could tell she was close, and he said, “Come for me Cara Mia. Lose control. Let go. C’mon, let me feel you coming apart on my cock.”

  Her wail began as her pussy commenced spasming around him, and he quickly wet a finger in his mouth and pushed it into her ass.

  * * * *

  Cara gasped at the invasion. She wasn’t sure when she’d lost control, but as he filled her ass with one finger, then two, she didn’t have it in her to complain.

  “Oh God, more Travis, please!”

  He inserted three, barely inside, and stopped. “After you teased me so mercilessly, you want more? Really?”

  Cara braced her hands on the bed and pushed herself backwards, hard, until she felt his knuckles on her ass and she wasn’t able to stop the noises of pain coming from her throat. Travis’ voice lost the teasing tone as he said, “You need pain?”

  She nodded and he pulled out. “Turn over — head by the headboard and grab your ankles.”

  She did as he said, and watched as he stepped to the suitcase and retrieved lube and a glove, tossing them on the bed before lifting the extra blanket draped over the footboard. He quickly folded and wedged it under her bottom, propping her up a few more inches. He didn’t look at her face as he worked, focusing instead on her spread open crotch with ruthless eyes in an icy face. She wanted him to take her, use her, and his demeanor assured she’d get what she craved.

  He deftly moved into position and rammed his cock into her ass without adding lubricant and she sucked air in and tried to stay relaxed as he forced his way. When he was in he finally opened the bottle of lube, dripping it liberally over her pussy before donning the glove and pressing one finger, then two, then three into her over the course of as many seconds. He pushed the three all the way in, pulled them out, added another, and drove four into her.

  He spoke without looking up, his voice distant and cold. “If you need to let go of your ankles to find a more comfortable position, you can. I’m going to fist your cunt, with my cock in your ass, and you won’t try to stop me.”

  He took a breath and raised his head to meet her eyes. It was Travis again, and she wasn’t sure what to make of it. “You can use your hands to help me get in, or to move a part of yourself out of the way, if you like. I need you to pay attention to the way it hurts, and keep me informed. You’ll feel stretched, as if my hands might split you open, and that kind of pain is to be expected. However, if my knucklebone pushes into your pelvic bone in a way that isn’t likely to spread things wider, I need to know so I can make adjustments. You wanted control tonight? I’m giving it to you. Help me get my hand in one hole while my cock fills the other.”

  She wasn’t sure what to say so she kept her mouth shut as she lay with her legs spread, holding her ankles. Travis’ other hand smoothed a path down her stomach until his palm was flat on top of her clit, and he pushed down, waking her libido and reminding her how horny she still was.

  “I’ll use my fist to objectify you at some point in the future, I’m sure, but tonight it’s just us, Cara. I see you, and I want you to experience this as the meteors race towards their own annihilation above us; with Mother Nature’s amazing light show in your eyes as we work together to get my fist into you. The position’s a little awkward, so I’ll need your help.”

  She could only nod as she released her ankles and tucked her knees under her shoulders, freeing her hands to reach down and spread herself wider around the four fingers already stretching her impossibly wide. She loved having the flexibility to fold herself this way, and could appreciate Travis wanting it for her, now.

  Cara hadn’t expected him to go so slowly, millimeter by millimeter, or for the pain to be so intense. She was beginning to understand the agonizing burn of the peppers had both made her hurt worse and covered some of the pain of a fist splitting her in two.

  At times it felt as if he were prying her soul open, not just her body, and the raw emotions spilling out of her were almost too much.

  She re-adjusted his hands several times, and occasionally pulled a piece of her pussy lip away from his fingers to rescue the tender flesh before it was crushed between knucklebone and pelvic bone.

  Helping him turned her into an active participant, almost as if they were working together to fist her as a team, and as their eyes met she felt their souls intermingle and meld, and her heart grew boundlessly until it filled the universe.

  “Look up, watch the sky, Cara Mia. Do you think meteors are sentient? Do they feel themselves burning up in our atmosphere in a final blaze of glory?”

  She did as he said, seeing several streaks of light as his words sank into her brain, and his hand pressed a little farther into her pussy, spreading her wider and pushing the limits of her tender tissues until she was sure the skin wouldn’t hold, and would split. Tears spilled out of her eyes, though she wasn’t crying, and she pulled her slippery fingers up until she was massaging the muscles at the base of her clit.

  “That’s good, but don’t make yourself come yet. I want you to wait just a little longer; we don’t have much to go and my entire hand will be inside you.” His voice was gentle, encouraging. “Keep watching the sky; we’re almost there, and you’re going to have the most amazing orgasm.”

  More streaks trekked across the heavens and Cara reached down to Travis’ fist and was surprised to feel he only had a few millimeters to go.

  She looked away from the stars, met his eyes. “O
h god, Travis. Just push it in, there isn’t much left, I can take it; just do it already.”

  He gave a mischievous grin and said, “Be careful what you ask for, but okay. First though, I need to get my cock slick.” He reached his other hand into the excess lube around her pussy and slowly pulled his cock from her ass, making her gasp in pain. It’d become background noise to the activity in her pussy, but the natural moisture was gone and she felt as if he were dragging her insides out.

  His other hand spread lube on his cock as he pulled it out, and then pushed back in every inch or so to transfer the slippery liquid onto her inner walls. She held her breath during most of it, the jumble of pain and pleasure almost bringing her to orgasm several times.

  When he was finally out he generously lubed himself with his free hand and steadily pushed his way back into her until he slowly fucked her ass while his unforgiving hand spread her pussy impossibly wide.

  He went in and held a moment, saying, “Squeeze. Ass and pussy. As hard as you can.”

  She did as he said and felt his hand shifting inside of her as overextended muscles hopelessly attempted to constrict around his uncompromising hand.

  “Okay, relax again. Good girl. You want to play with yourself some more? Watch the sky and relax Cara Mia, trust me to make it good.”

  She looked up until the stars filled her vision and said, “Good pain, yeah. I trust you. I’m not close to coming now but I’m not too far away. I don’t think it’ll take much to get me back.”

  He began rocking his cock in and out of her, the motion slow and gentle, for now. “I want us to come together. Look at the sky until I tell you to come, then you can look at me.”

  Cara rotated her feet and felt her calf muscles under her shoulders. Travis had taught her how to hold the position and still breathe, but after maintaining it this long her hips would be stuck when she tried to bring her legs down. However, not especially caring at the moment, she drew on her recent yoga training to spread her knees a little wider and give him a few more millimeters of space.

  He was still gently fucking her ass with long strokes in and out, and she shifted her fingers beside her clit, massaging and pulling the muscles beside it. A huge meteor streaked across the sky, lighting the night so she could see the oak and maple leaves nearby just as his hand sank those final millimeters into her pussy, filling her completely as the worst of the stretched tissues found a reprieve and relaxed around his wrist.

  She held her eyes on the sky as she gasped, “Oh god, oh god, I’m close, I’m going to—”

  He interrupted as he used his fist to tilt her pelvis up and began pistoning his cock in her ass, his hips slammed into her and bounced back before he shoved himself in again. “Hold on, I’m close, too. Ten seconds. Hold on for me, that’s it, here we go...NOW!”

  She pushed her hand over the top of her clit and pressed her palm into it, her fingers sliding around his wrist. The sky erupted in a dozen shooting stars at once as her eyes finally tracked to his and she felt herself spasming around the fist in her pussy and the cock in her ass, saw the look of ecstasy on his face, and felt him pumping himself into her.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Cara awoke the next day to bright sunshine streaming down. She forced her eyes to focus on the clock and was surprised it was only a few minutes before noon. Travis was still sleeping and she tried to get up without waking him but they were wrapped around each other — her face to his chest, his arms around her, and her leg thrown over his. She only moved a few inches and his arms tightened, holding her.

  “Shhh, go back to sleep,” she said. “I’m gonna have to brave the ladder. I need to use the restroom.”

  “What time is it?”

  “Almost noon.”

  “No, I’ll get up, too. That gives us around six hours of sleep, right?”

  She thought it closer to five, but her brain didn’t want to engage. “Don’t make me do math until I’ve gone to the bathroom.” He didn’t relax his arms, and she said, “I swear if you don’t let go of me I’ll pee all over you.”

  He gave her a drowsy smile, eyes half open. “Would that turn you on, Cara Mia?”

  “Oh! You’re impossible!” she said as she finally managed to push away and exit the bed.

  The movement reminded her of their early morning activities, but she wasn’t as sore as she’d expected. There hadn’t been any friction in her pussy, she didn’t feel terribly bruised, and though she felt pain from the stretching, it was a good hurt. She could feel her heartbeat in her pussy as she made her way down the ladder and she wondered how it would feel to be fucked when sore from his fist.

  She used the restroom and decided to take a quick shower. Travis had cleaned her with baby wipes the night before, and then she’d come to the bathroom to douche her ass — still paranoid about making a mess when someone came in her, there. Still, a shower felt good, and when she turned the water off Travis brought her a cup of hot tea.

  “Breakfast is in the freezer, it’ll take a few minutes to heat in the microwave, and I’ve got a warmer so we can take it to the cliff to eat, if you’re interested.”

  She wrinkled her brow. “We can’t see meteors in the day, can we?”

  “No, but it’s a great view and you should see it in full sunlight. I have chairs, so we won’t be on the ground this time. Humor me?”

  She smiled. How could she turn him down for anything? “Okay. What can I do to help?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve got it, just run up and put some jeans on”.

  In the dark, she’d have sworn they hiked a quarter mile to the cliff. In the daylight they walked less than the length of a football field before stepping out of the forest onto bare rock, and the expansive view rendered her speechless. She froze as she stared at the huge, forested canyon below, extending as far as the eye could see with gullies and ravines from the side leading into the large valley stretching before them.

  She finally managed a short, “Wow,” and Travis chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, gently resting his chin on her head.

  “Yes. Wow, indeed. I have drawing pencils and a blank sketchbook in the pack, and I brought a camera, too. Please don’t go near the edge without me; there are no railings and it’s a sheer drop-off. If you stay at least seven feet from the edge you won’t go over the side if you stumble and fall.”

  He kissed the top of her head and backed up, lifting the two long drawstring bags from his shoulder and propping them on the ground in one hand like two walking sticks before lowering the backpack.

  He pulled what looked like a tangle of metal and fabric from one of the bags and Cara was surprised to see him spread it into a chair, complete with footrest. He situated it on a flat piece of rock at least ten feet from the edge and flourished his hand towards it before helping her straddle the footrest and sit without falling into it. The seat proved far more comfortable than it looked, and once her legs were stretched contentedly in front of her she was tempted to rifle through the backpack. Her fingers itched for the pencils he’d promised.

  He set his chair up beside her before pulling their breakfast from the pack — two sausage biscuits each and bottles of cold orange juice to go with their thermos of hot tea. It didn’t sound like much but it hit the spot and she was pleasantly surprised to discover the seats even had two cup-holders built in.

  She finished her first biscuit and reached for the pack, pulling out the promised sketchbook and pencils. Her heart warmed even more when she saw the pencil sharpener and special click-eraser she preferred. “You’re too good to me.”

  “And you’re going to eat the second biscuit.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes, I am, but I can eat and draw at the same time and the lighting is ideal right now, with the one small cloud perfectly filtering it.”

  When they packed up and left the cabin an hour later he took her to see several of the waterfalls in the park — the ones easily reached with a short walk from the parking areas. One of th
e cascades had the remains of a gristmill nearby, and she took dozens of photos, making a mental note to look online for pictures of the old mill.

  They arrived home in time to get dressed for the Arts Council fundraiser, and he surprised her by having his driver take them in the limo. She’d known Kiki was working on a large sculpture in a downtown warehouse, since there wasn’t room for it at the house, but she hadn’t seen it yet. It was set up outside near the entrance as an example of what the sponsored artists could do, and Cara stood looking for a full five minutes, speechless, as she took in every detail.

  It was an eagle, with its talons still grasping a tree branch and wings outspread in that instant before it jumps and takes the first flap to become airborne. The top of the claw was taller than Cara, with the majestic creature’s face above her staring intently in the direction he was about to fly. Kiki had created it in metal and had included so many details Cara thought she could study it five years and still find more.

  She turned to Travis. “You have to buy it.”

  He raised an eyebrow and said, “Okay,” waited a few heartbeats and added, “Where are we putting it?”

  “No, it’s not for us, it’s for...” she growled in frustration, and continued. “Your new project, the one the government people have been talking to you about, to get parents more involved in the education of their children and to try to change the culture in schools.” She loved the idea of creating an environment so the smart kids would be popular, where not having your homework would have the class embarrassed for you. Travis had toured a handful of schools that’d made it happen, and been asked if he could create something to use in all schools to build the same learning environment.

  He looked up at the eagle, then back to her, and his face lit up. “Yes! It can be the logo for the project, and I can donate it to a park somewhere so the public can enjoy it in real life, too. I can use its unveiling as PR for the program, when it goes live.”


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