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by Crystal Dawn

  Frozen Origin Quickies 1


  By Crystal Dawn

  Smashwords Edition License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchase for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction and characters are entirely a product of the authors imagination. Any resemblance to a person living or dead is merely coincidental.

  2014 Copyright by Crystal Dawn

  Cover by Crystal Dawn using Istock images.

  Dedicated to all the lonely people looking for their other half.

  Frozen Origin 1-Zeus

  Origin is the best in the field of DNA research and they have finely tuned their craft. They started out with a line of supermen pulling all the best traits from the millions of human DNA samples they had available to them. These supermen were the smartest, fastest, strongest, and most adaptable the human race had to offer, but Origin wasn’t satisfied. When they expanded their facility in Antarctica, they discovered something that made the next level reachable. These were the gods, so far beyond the abilities of man that even with some of their gifts still undiscovered, they put the supermen to shame.

  Origin managed to get by with enslaving the products of their research for years until they rented the talents of those products to terrorists that used them against the US and her allies. A team was sent to free them and they were allowed to be an independent entity, free to rule themselves. They had much to overcome and Origin wasn’t ready to give them up yet. Origin fought hard to recover their losses, but the gods fought harder to remain free especially once they realized that they could have a mate and children when they find the right woman.

  Sierra, one of the team sent in to free them, and Zeus, the leader of the gods, are the first to mate and have children.

  Frozen Origin 2-Hermes

  Hermes is captured by rogue Origin agents and meets his future mate under the worst possible conditions. He had hoped to mate a fierce warrior like Zeus did, but is drawn to the timid mousy girl despite his wishes to the contrary. When she helps him escape, he begins to discover she isn’t anything like he thought her to be.

  Origin continues to try to bring the gods back under their control and rogue agents with their own plans are added to the mix. The gods deal with the US military, spies in their midst, and are offered another captured Origin lab to use for their own needs. Zeus offers this to the demons but Lu wants to think about it.

  Several of the other gods suspect they’ve found their mates but they aren’t sure yet. Some of them wonder if they’ll ever be truly free of Origin and if they’ll ever have the things that other people take for granted.

  Frozen Origin 3-Hades

  In Hades, more gods are freed and brought home. A new trend is developing with Origin. They are farming gods out singly to small groups and individuals making it harder to track them. Hades and Doc search for a god that was verified in the possession of an unidentified party. Their mission was largely unsuccessful and they returned to Olympus without the god they had searched for. Was he still alive? They believed he was but the search would have to start all over from scratch. They refused to give up until he was free or confirmed dead.


  Pain was his new name, it was all he felt and all he knew. The disgusting female that wanted him to breed her would be out of luck, why would she believe pain would make him hard for her when her attempts at giving him pleasure had failed? She rubbed her body against his and he wanted to smash her with the rage that burned through him. She is lucky he can’t get loose or he would wrap his hands around her throat and crush it so she would never attempt to use a god in such a way again.

  El is rarely alone but she is lonely. She never wants her ex-husband to come near her or her children again, but she misses having a companion, not that he was much of one once their first child was born, and a lover. She figures she will wait until the kids are grown to find that kind of happiness if she manages to find it at all.


  Chapter 1

  The Search Continues

  “Good morning, Baby.” Sierra leaned over and kissed Zeus with all the passion she had felt since the moment she had laid eyes on the sexy god. She was happy, really truly content with her god, her daughter, and the little son on the way. All they needed was a puppy and a white picket fence to be living the dream, that and all Origin officers to go straight to hell where they belonged.

  “Mm, you make every morning good,” Zeus said as he pulled back slightly, took a breath, and then took the kiss a level higher.

  He looked like a pleased god, his eyes had the slight glow that showed his interest, his face was relaxed so his mind was temporarily distracted from the latest threat or trouble that was brewing, and his lips softly pressed against hers ready to possess and conquer. The peace wouldn’t last, already the issues were brewing that would cause enough worries to ruin the day. They both knew the situation of the gods that had been sent out singly among scientists and others was a ticking time bomb.

  Zeus phone rang, she quelled her disappointment and listened to the call he had put on speaker phone. “Would you repeat that from the beginning?” Zeus asked.

  “Sure, we have a possible lead on a list of Origin teams that were given gods to experiment on. Several of these teams seem to have females heading them and they seem to be attempting to naturally reproduce with gods. According to the little bastard we caught, they think it’s possible for gods to breed with the right females. I don’t think it will happen with the bitches they’re picking, but it’s possible. It may have been a mistake to let Mark know Sierra was expecting, but I guess the word will get out eventually. I think they found out and now they are concentrating on making more gods so they can destroy the originals.”

  “Who is the bastard you got the list from?” Sierra asked.

  “His name is Fritz Gordon. He was, at one time, head of research for Origin. His position is right below vice president and had they not been taken out, he would probably have made VP by now. He’s a bitter hateful man. The US doesn’t know we have him yet and I suggest we don’t tell them.”

  “Agreed,” Zeus said. “There are too many leaks on their end. We’ll just throw them the little fish and we’ll keep the whales from now on.”

  “Fish, huh. Now I know why they smell so bad,” she replied.

  “Thanks, Cherish. Your guys have been a big help,” Zeus said.

  He didn’t know what they would have done without her and her contacts. Hermes finding his mate had been a boon for all of them. The mates had all been a great help to the gods. Just to find a mate was such a blessing, but so far, every one of them had advanced their cause. He wondered who would be next and hoped Way and Apollo would get together soon. Mates often gave a god a run for his money before settling down.

  “I think we need to call a meeting to discuss this list,” Sierra said.

  “Could we give ourselves a little time to get closer first?” Zeus asked with a leer.

  Sierra rolled over on him where he still lay on the bed and she straddled him. “I always have time for you,” she whispered throatily. Oh yeah! This was always the best way to start the day. He was naked, he always slept that way and she wore nothing underneath her sleep shirt. It was better that way so nothing would come between them.

  She grabbed his cock, oh God, it was hard as stone and she could feel it throb. She raised up and slid it in place and lowered herse
lf on him. Oh dear Lord in heaven, he felt sooo good! She rocked against him hard and set a fast pace because time was against them. it wouldn’t be long before the next call or, she shudders, knock on the door, would come. She sped up as her body started to go crazy with desire and heat rushed over her.

  So close, so good, so ready. It hit her in mid motion, so unexpected. She screamed his name as her body thrashed in a frenzy, half fearful that she might pull his cock off his body in her strong orgasmic jerks. He didn’t seem to mind so it was alright. As the aftershocks of her release started to ease, he arched and roared his bliss. He bucked like a prize bronc and set off another wave of pleasure rolling over her.

  They wait until their breathing and heart rate go back to normal before Zeus calls Hercules to set up a meeting with everyone. He and Sierra showered, dressed, and headed to the meeting. It would be mostly top tier gods for now. The list would help, but most of the gods had probably been moved, possibly several times by now.

  The atmosphere was serious because the situation was. The longer gods were in the hands of Origin scientists or worse, rogues that no longer answered to Origin and did whatever they felt like, the less likely that they would be recovered breathing. Hundreds of gods, some of them demons, were out there suffering, waiting for their brothers to rescue them. A question often asked was, what is the deal about demons and gods? What is the difference between them?

  The answer is simple, like the square, rectangle confusion. A square is always a rectangle, but a rectangle isn’t always a square. By the same principle, a demon in always a god, but all gods aren’t demons. But all gods and demons are brothers, again it’s the principle of the thing, but it’s also by the blood of Cronos, that they are bound, which has become a swearing term to some in this fight against Origin. A demon simply has more of Cronos’s blood which brings out traits that can prevent them from appearing human.

  The room filled, it wasn’t long and they were all there. “We have managed to acquire a list of possible locations for a hundred gods. Some locations may be too old, but we hope we can trace them from the last known property they vacated. Some of these bastards that are in charge of our brothers are sadistic. I fear their time may be running out. We need to form twenty teams and start with those in the most danger. You’ll all notice stars next to those that we have reason to believe are in the most dangerous situations,” Hercules said.

  “We’ve had unfortunate accidents recently when we’ve tried to recover some of our brothers. Not only must we work fast, but cautiously. Hades and Doc will take number one. They’ve gone after him before, or at least we think they have. I don’t think they’re expecting us, but I can’t really say for sure. These locations are all across the US and most of them are cold locations, meaning the latest intel is old. Do the best you can and remember, be safe first, but move quickly because some of these guys have little hope and only a small chance left,” Zeus explained.

  Everyone moved out to pack or in the case of Hades and Doc, to load up in the plane. Ten teams were already packed to leave when the meeting started. They would fly to DC then spread out over the country.

  Chapter 2


  Elysia Kale, or El as her friends and family called her, was dead tired. She walked to the bus stop with her two little children, Donnie who was five and had just started kindergarten this year, and Cassie who was six and had started first grade. Cassie was only too glad to take charge of her brother and boss him around a little bit, but Donnie was the independent type and he wasn’t having any of it.

  El stood back a little watching them, content to let them work things out unless they got out of control. She knew they would have to learn to handle things on their own, they saw each other at school and she wasn’t there to play mediator. They were good kids, the best most of the time. They tried hard to make it easy on her since it was just the three of them.

  They’d figured things out and they were doing fine since her ex-husband had left them to sink or swim on their own. She probably wouldn’t have been so resentful if he hadn’t taken their savings and the only running car when he left. Luckily, the house and other property she had bought before they married had been tied up in a trust he couldn’t touch. Mom and Dad had been smart, they had left her a house in trust and urged her to put anything she bought in the same trust before she had ever met Larry.

  He had said he wanted kids, but that was before he realized they had to be fed, clothed, and cared for. He had been a bad decision she had made, but he was gone now, he had left three years ago and they were doing just fine. She believed he had thought he loved her, the first year had been like a fairy tale. Things started to get off track once Cassie was born. He whined about the baby needing so much attention. How or why he had convinced her to have another, she didn’t know. After Donnie came along, things between them went to hell in a hand basket.

  She woke up one morning to find he had cleaned out all their joint accounts and he had taken anything of value he could find including her jewelry, at least what jewelry he could find. Maybe she had seen what was happening because all her family heirlooms had been in the family vault at a nearby security firm. Her family was once wealthy and even though their fortunes had plummeted, they still had a few crumbs left. Larry hadn’t gotten any of those. The only accounts he had cleared out had been the kids college funds and their joint checking account. None had large amounts of cash and all of them had limits on daily withdrawals. Once she realized he was gone, she closed the three accounts out and filed for divorce.

  Now here she was making sure her little ones got on the bus before she started her busy day. She managed rentals, mostly her own. She had a real estate license, but she did little buying or selling. She had a small apartment building with fifteen units, a small hotel with ten, and several duplexes and houses. She had a farm and she rented the land out. Three houses were on the property and she lived in one and rented out the other two. They were her biggest problems because they were twelve miles from town and many of the renters wanted privacy in order to do illegal or immoral activities.

  Even though they were miles out, there were neighbors close by on the road that ran by all three houses. Hers was the furthest off the road and had the most privacy. She kept a loaded gun at home and she knew how to use it. Now that the kids were off to school, it was time to check out one of the houses. Mrs. Sterling, a neighbor who was an elderly widow, was complaining about weird noises coming from the house. She threatened to call the police if El didn’t have a look herself.

  Even though Mrs. Sterling placed complaints often, El hated the police having to come all the way out to check out complaints. She planned to take a look and set the older lady’s mind at ease. It wasn’t far from her house and El felt she could use a good walk. She cut across the field and came to the back of the house instead of the front. There was no particular reason she’d picked that way, it was just the way things worked out.

  She knocked on the back door and waited. No answer, so she knocked again, harder. Still no answer, so she put her key in the lock, it wouldn’t go in. They knew they weren’t allowed to change the lock without letting her know and giving her a spare key. That wasn’t cool! She walked around the to the right and got down on the ground to look in the basement. The sight that met her eyes shocked her to her core.

  A naked man lay chained to a table. He had short brown hair, almost like a Mohawk with the sides buzzed to his scalp. His skin was lightly tanned, or at least it seemed to be, where it wasn’t bruised or cut. Blood was on him, the table he was chained to, and the floor. A woman was stripped naked and trying to straddle him. Why she hadn’t heard the knock on the door was anyone’s guess. This whole thing was like a nightmare. El shook her head to clear it and looked in the window again. Nothing had changed except the woman was hitting the man, possibly because he was limp as a noodle. His cock was large for not being hard, but he was completely soft. Why did that crazy bitch think hitting a man would m
ake him rise to the occasion?

  El pulled out her cell phone. Damn thing had one bar and that wouldn’t do her any good. She walked around trying to get her stupid ass cell phone to work. She tried on her knees and she tried on the porch. She finally had to climb the small apple tree in the back yard to get two bars and she dialed nine one one.

  Once she got hold of an operator, she gave her the address first. Then she proceeded to explain the problem to the operator.

  “Sissy Deckland this is El and my renters have a guy tied up in the basement and he looks like he’s been tortured.”

  “El, is this some kind of joke?”

  “I wish it was. Get someone out here right away.”

  El stood over by the apple tree where she could hide if anyone came outside. A car pulled up and a guy ran in. He came back outside and the woman came with him. Had they killed the man downstairs? Once they left, El went to the front door which they had left open in their haste to get out of the house. She made her way to the basement where the man was still chained to the table. She checked his pulse which reassured her he was alive. A slight buzz went through her hand where she checked his pulse and she looked to see of there were any electric cords nearby but found none. She did see heavy sheeting that looked like insulation. That would explain why they didn’t hear her knock and she didn’t here the noises from in here. Maybe sweet Mrs. Sterling had already complained directly to them and their solution was to make the basement soundproof.

  She hoped the emergency crews would hurry. This guy looked to be in rough shape. She wanted to help him but she wasn’t sure what to do. Sure, she had taken first aid training, but he was one wound after another. He looked tough, but she could see he was in pain. His features were chiseled, and she could see his body was muscular and ripped. She reached out sliding her hand over his cheek softly.

  “It’s okay, Hoss. I’m here and no one’s gonna hurt you,” she told him. She could feel him move slightly, but he wasn’t conscious.


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