The Ambassador's Daughter

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The Ambassador's Daughter Page 5

by Theodora Lane

  “I know what it is. On Earth, people courted long ago, but now we call it dating. How long do people on New Commonwealth usually court?” She was only here for a year.

  “Until they either announce their betrothal or go their separate ways.” He shrugged.

  “Betrothal?” she squeaked. Another word out of the past. “You mean engagement. Like to be married?”

  “Yes. I speak of marriage. Does it shock you?”

  It did, but Brett shook her head. Was he joking? If he asked to meet her father and ask for her hand, she was going to burst out laughing. Or just die. Or say yes….

  “Let me court you with the understanding my intention is for marriage.” His steady gaze held no hint of jest. He was dead serious. She’d dreamed of marriage, but she’d never really expected to find anyone she found acceptable. Certainly not here on New Commonwealth.

  “We just met.” Brett searched for rational thought.

  “Do you deny there’s something between us? Don’t you want to kiss me again?”

  “Yes, but, it doesn’t mean I want to get married.”

  “But you’re not opposed to marriage, are you?”

  “Well, no.”

  He grinned at her, one eyebrow cocked upward, waiting for her to make the first move. He was completely gorgeous. He turned her on.

  “Kiss me again,” she commanded him. She wanted to see if it was a fluke, a one-time thing. An illusion due to the night, the garden, and the Taser shot to her head.

  He kissed her. No, he took her mouth, ravished her lips. God, shoot me again. She slipped under his spell, letting her body react. His tongue brushed her lips, delving between hers, searching out her tongue.

  She answered his demand and sucked on his tongue. He groaned deep in his throat. The vibration shook her. Her pussy surged past damp to hot and wet and wanting. She wondered how it would feel to have his fingers satisfy her, instead of her own. This is moving entirely too fast. She pulled away from him.

  “We should be going back inside, Lord Brandon. My father must be looking for me by now.”

  He cleared his throat. “Uh, I can’t.”

  “What do you mean you can’t?”

  “You have, uh, affected me, Miss Butler. Perhaps it would be best if we sat here for a few moments, so I can regain my…er, composure. I’m afraid we would both be embarrassed if I stood just now.”

  She glanced down. His uniform trousers bulged more than before. Brett couldn’t help but notice it was an impressive bulge. Oh, yes, how good would it feel? She longed to touch his cock, find out just how large he was, how firm and how hot his flesh would be in her hand. Stroke him until he begged to be inside her.

  She glanced up, met his eyes, and heat filled her face, burning its way up to her scalp. How long had she stared at the evidence of his desire? His dark eyes held fire, passion, all just within her reach. If she only asked.

  She couldn’t…she was at the palace. During an official reception for her father. In a garden where anyone could stumble onto them.

  “Then by all means let’s talk a little while longer, Lord Brandon.” She edged away from him on the bench.

  They looked around the garden. Stephen bounced his knee up and down.

  Brett cleared her throat. “It’s very pretty, the garden.”

  “Oh, yes. And there are lots of stars out tonight.” As if on cue, they both looked skyward. Stars painted a deep canvas above them. Lovely. Romantic.

  The silence stretched.

  This time, he cleared his throat and she scraped her boots back and forth on the stone path.

  “How long will this take?” She shot him a sideways glance.

  “Well, if you weren’t sitting next to me, just a few minutes. But you’re here, your thigh touching mine, I can smell the perfume you’re wearing, feel the warmth of your body.” He shrugged, looking as helpless and adorable as a puppy.

  She laughed. “So we could be here all night?”

  “Possibly.” He exhaled. “It would help if you moved just a little ways from me.”

  She shifted over to the edge of the bench. “Like this?”


  They sat longer. He hummed some tune she didn’t recognize. When she couldn’t stand it any longer, she jumped to her feet, “Are you recovered now?”

  “Completely, yes.” He slapped his hands to his thighs and stood. He offered his arm to her.

  “May I call on you tomorrow, Miss Butler? For tea?”

  “Tea?” Was he serious? Of course he was, this wasn’t Earth.

  “Yes. You’ll find we drink tea all the time here on Commonwealth. Especially when we’re courting.” He winked at her.

  “Well, then, of course. Tea would be lovely.” She hoped James knew what having tea meant and could have one prepared for her.

  Arm in arm, they headed back to the reception as if nothing happened. They entered the hall through the open doors and watched as couples danced to the waltz the orchestra played.

  “I believe you saved a dance for me, Miss Butler?”

  She nodded, barely able to control her smile.

  When the music stopped and began again, he led her to the floor, and they stood in the four couple pattern for a reel. Brett had practiced the more popular court dances during the last two months as part of her research on the planet and its customs, so she needed little guidance as they moved through the elaborate pattern.

   •●• 

  “Look at Stephen, Helena. I believe he’s smitten!” Johann nudged his wife as they stood off to the side watching Stephen and Brett dance.

  “I don’t blame him, she is—” Helena was at a loss for words.

  Johann chimed in, “Aristocratic. How can you be so aristocratic without being born into the nobility?”

  “I’m not sure, but she is,” Helena shrugged.

  “She’s certainly very beautiful. I don’t think Stephen has ever come across a woman quite like this one.” Johann smiled at the thought of Stephen being the one for once to be enamored of the girl, instead of the other way round.

  Helena watched Brett. “I think if Stephen is not careful, he will get this girl.”

  “Brandon finally married?” Johann shook his head. “He’s the last of us to fall.”

  “Lady Diane won’t like it, I can tell you that much. An off-worlder was not what she planned for him.” Helena shook her head.

  Johann added, “I’m not worried about his mother. It’s his grandfather who concerns me.” Together, they walked over where Lady Diana Brandon, Stephen’s mother, stood just off the dance floor. Lady Diana’s clear blue eyes narrowed as she watched her son dance with the new ambassador’s daughter.

  “They look very good together, don’t you think, Lady Diane?”

  “Hmm, she’s not Commonwealth. Why do all the young men want off-worlders nowadays?” The disdain in her voice matched her frown. “I want him married, but to the right woman. Not some exotic off-worlder without a shred of understanding about the ways of our world.”

  “She’s very different, there’s no getting past it.”

  “Different, exotic. It won’t matter. Nailing Stephen down will be like trying to nail water to a tree.” Diana waved her hand in aggravation. “Lord knows I’ve tried so many times to get him to settle on someone.”

  “Perhaps that’s the problem. He’d be settling. Up until now it’s not been the right someone.” Helena smiled, knowing Johann’s reputation prior to their betrothal. The other women in Johann’s life rapidly disappeared once he’d met her.

  “Stephen’s wife needs to be very aware of his station, of his future responsibilities as a duke. She must know how to best utilize her own skills to insure he always excels, both in his military career and in his future political career. After all, as duke he will take over his grandfather’s seat in the House of Lords,” Diane continued.

  “Well, she’s the ambassador’s social secretary and must have some knowledge of social duties.” Helena s

  “I don’t like those looks he’s giving her.” Diane frowned.

  “Don’t be surprised if you are arranging for a marriage broker shortly.” Helena wasn’t sure it would be for the best, but if Stephen was happy, it should be the only thing which counted. And she’d never seen Stephen so happy, so enamored of a woman.

  “Look at her outfit! So…masculine. She’ll never fit in here.” Diane sniffed.

  “I don’t think it matters, Lady Diane. Look at him. The goofy smile, the light in his eyes. He looks just like Johann did when we first met.” She laughed. “He’s in love already. When was the last time that happened?”

  “For Stephen, never, I hate to admit. At least that I know of. But she’s still not Commonwealth.” She sniffed again disapprovingly and took a sip of her wine. “Worse, a general’s daughter, not even titled.”

   •●• 

  The music ended. Stephen led Brett to the chair she'd been sitting in and went to get her a cup of punch. She managed to catch her breath from the lively dance, enjoying the way her heart raced, proud she’d been able to keep up with the other couples. She wasn’t sure if it was the dance or the man she’d danced with making her lightheaded, but she like the way she felt. The way Stephen made her feel.

  A very distinguished older man approached Brett. He appeared about seventy perhaps and wore a uniform. tThe insignia ranked him as a colonel. What could this gentleman want of her? A dance, perhaps?

  “Miss Butler, I presume?” He bowed to her. She rose and curtsied.

  “You have me at a disadvantage, Colonel.”

  “Duke Alistair Brandon, your dance partner’s grandfather.” He offered his hand, and she took it as he studied her.

  His grandfather, the duke! What was going on here?

  “Duke Brandon, it’s very nice to meet you!” She beamed at him and remained standing. “I can certainly see where Lord Brandon gets his good looks, sir.”

  “And I can see I’m going to like you.” He grinned. “But then again, I’ve always had an eye for a beautiful woman.”

  “Like grandfather, like grandson?” No harm in being charming, was there?

  He chuckled. “Fair enough. Have you been walking in the moonlight with my grandson, Miss Butler?” He raised an eyebrow at her, and she caught the twinkle in his blue eyes.

  “Yes,” she answered. “I needed some fresh air.”

  “And was it fresh?” Duke Brandon raised a white eyebrow. The old man was scandalous. She liked him.

  “Very. I feel quite refreshed.” She winked.

  “Stephen, I’m sure, must have his charms.” The smile slipped from his face. “Most of the women here,” he waved his hand to take in the room, “have fallen to those charms.”

  “And yet, he’s not married.” She leaned closer. “And I’m not like most of these women.” She shot a sly smile at him.

  “Indeed.” He raised an eyebrow. “I think Stephen might have met his match, young lady.”

  “Perhaps.” She shrugged. “He wants to court me.”

  The duke nodded. “As well he should. You’re…perfect.”

  “I don’t know about perfect. I think it’s more I’m…different. Not from here.”

  “Exactly.” He chuckled. “Exactly.” He raised his cup of punch to her, then took a sip.

  Brett studied the elder Brandon. He was tall and distinguished, his gray hair still thick. The shape of his cheekbones and forehead mirrored Stephen’s, but the mouth was different. Stephen’s lips were soft and full. This man’s were thin. But she could see in his day he would have turned a few feminine heads himself.

  “Do you like horses, sir?” She pulled out the minivid of Black and showed it to him. They sat, and the old duke nodded, making appreciative noises as the images of Black displayed.

  Chapter Six

  Stephen returned with the drinks. He stopped so short he nearly spilled them all over his uniform. Grandfather and Brett? Sitting next to each other, their heads bent together over the vid, discussing her damned horse. It was almost too much for him.

  The duke looked up, and the corner of his thin mouth quirked. “Oh, Stephen, there you are. Pull up a chair and sit with us.”

  With us? That was his chair. How did you find her so fast, old man?

  He handed one of the drinks to Brett. His grandfather took the drink Stephen meant for himself.

  “Thanks, boy, how did you know I was thirsty?” His eyes glittered at Stephen.

  Stephen pulled a chair over, but the only place to put it was on the other side of the duke. He sat and leaned around his grandfather to see Brett, but the duke was in full discussion with her on the merits of the Appaloosa breed and blocked Stephen’s view of her.

  “And you say you raised him from a colt? And trained him yourself?”

  “Yes. I’m usually at the stable in the afternoon, if I don’t have any duties to attend to. Come out anytime and visit him, if you like.” Brett closed the vid and stuffed it back into her jacket pocket.

  “Absolutely, my dear. I look forward to it.” They both stood. Stephen slowly stood, too. The duke bowed to Brett and then turned to his grandson.

  “Stephen, Brandon House. Tomorrow, for dinner.” It was not an invitation, but a command.

  “Yes, sir.” Stephen nodded and watched as the duke moved away to join a small group of his cronies, smoothly entering their conversation.

  Stephen slid over into the empty chair next to her.

  “Sorry,” he muttered.

  “Why? I found him charming, Stephen. It must run in the family. Besides, it’s the first time I’ve ever been checked out by a grandfather.” Her hand came to rest on his thigh. Fire shot up his leg, burying itself in his groin. As if she felt the same jolt, she pulled her hand away.

  Good Lord, he wanted this woman. She’d even put up with his grandfather. And managed to charm him. No small feat, that. Could she be so perfect?

  A winter wedding, or in the spring? Would she mind having a boy first, or did she have her heart set on a girl? He almost shook his head, startled by the thoughts popping into his head.

  She is the one. Had Johann known with such certainty Helena was the one for him? I must ask him.

  Brett sipped her drink as Stephen sat with his hands clasped between his legs. He couldn’t let the conversation just die.

  He cleared his throat and pulled at his collar before speaking. “I have read about your father’s strategies during the Earth war against the Ottomans. You are lucky to have him. My father died in our war when I was six.”

  “I’m so sorry. It must have been very hard for you. Your mother never remarried?” She reached up as if to smooth the unruly lock of his hair back into place, but returned her hands to her lap.

  “No, I don’t think she ever got over losing him.” He looked down at his hands and rubbed them, palms down, on his thighs. This was ridiculous. He’d never been this nervous before, but then it never counted for so much before.

  “Perhaps she never found anyone who could fill his shoes? I can understand it,” she said.

  “Perhaps. How do you fill a hero’s shoes?” The tone of his voice told of the pain buried beneath his words.

  Perhaps he and she weren’t so different after all.

  “With another hero?” she offered.

  This was going entirely too fast. They’d only just met this evening, and he’d already made up his mind he wanted to marry her. She was the one.

  How do you know if you’re in love?

  Just how big a fool am I?

  Could he be mistaking lust for love?

  Lord Brandon sat next to Brett and inhaled deeply. Her scent went straight to his body, and it responded. He wanted to run his fingers through her hair and then down her throat to her… He blinked, swallowed, aware of a growing tightness in his trousers and strove to think about something else.

  He’d wanted other women before, so he was well aware of wanting, but this feeling for her was more than
lust. Well, he wanted her in his bed, unquestionably. Wanted to lay his body over hers, make slow love to her, and take her places she’d never been. Make her his and be by her side.

  He could see their life together. It'd never happened before with any woman. It terrified him. Yet he craved what he lacked, what he thought he could have with her.

  A future. A family.

  But could she ever see herself with him?

   •●• 

  Across the room, Johann found Ambassador Butler. They discussed the current political situation of New Commonwealth and the upcoming tariff dispute. He’d hopes of sounding Butler out about his daughter, for Stephen’s sake.

  “I’m afraid young Lord Brandon is barking up the wrong tree.” Butler motioned to the couple.

  “Why do you say that?” Johann cocked an eyebrow.

  “Brett just turned down an offer of marriage from a general. I’m not sure a mere captain will stand a chance.” Butler shook his head.

  “She looks very interested to me.” Stuart sipped his drink.

  “Yes, she does…how interesting.” Butler’s eyes narrowed. Stuart watched the ambassador and wondered if Stephen would find a friend or foe in her father. “Perhaps there’s hope, after all,” Butler said under his breath.


  “For grandchildren. At my age, grandchildren become so very important. Brett is very duty bound, very focused. Even after her military tour, I thought she’d find someone among the officers, but no.” He shook his head and looked again at his daughter.

  “Military career?” Johann froze with his wine glass halfway to his lips.

  “Yes. She was a major in the United Nations Marines,” Butler said with pride.

  “Indeed.” Johann’s eyebrows rose. Lady Diane would have something to say about this bit of intelligence.

  The two men looked across the hall to Brett and Stephen. She laughed at some story he told her, and the toss of her hair was so very feminine.

  “Now,” Butler said. “That’s something I haven’t seen often. She’s flirting. And the young man certainly has a ‘in love’ look about him.”

  “Well, he has some sort of look.” Johann grinned. He thought Stephen looked quite smitten.


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