Matthew's Mask [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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Matthew's Mask [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 10

by Dennis, Josie

  Would Gabriel try to assert control over where Matthew might marry? Over the life he now chose at long last?

  “Like hell,” he muttered.

  He raised his fist and knocked sharply on the door.

  “Come,” the earl said.

  Matthew pushed open the door. “Gabriel, we have to talk.”

  “Oh, we do?” He pushed aside the papers he was working on and leaned back. “Please sit.”

  Matthew did, but he couldn’t seem to make his mouth work.

  “So you’re marrying her, then?” Gabriel asked.

  “What? Who?”

  “The mystery girl you met in the village.” Gabriel gave him a half smile. “As if I didn’t know who she was on sight.”

  Matthew’s stomach clenched. “No one else guessed? Please tell me the countess didn’t know it was Posy.”

  “No, she didn’t.”

  “Your wife doesn’t like her, Gabriel. She couldn’t be more wrong about Posy’s character, but I suppose there’s no changing her opinion.”

  “Lady Hawksfell didn’t like Posy, Matthew. But that was when she was under the impression that I’d had her.” He leveled a gaze at Matthew. “I haven’t.”

  “I know that.”

  His brows raised. “Good.”

  “Yes, it is. It saves me from having to call you out.”


  “You see, I had Posy first. At the inn in the village. That wasn’t a lie.”

  “You fell for her then, didn’t you?”

  Matthew’s cheeks heated. “I admit I did.

  Gabriel nodded. “What of William?”

  “God, is there nothing you don’t know?”

  “Grantley is my eyes and ears when he’s not otherwise engaged, Matthew. He sensed something between you two from the start.”

  “William and Posy love me, Gabriel.” He placed a hand over his heart. “Me. I have the chance at a real life with true affection.”

  “And passion?”

  Matthew smiled now. “Yes, and passion. They’re all I want.”

  “And what you deserve, despite being a Hawk. Took me a long time to realize it, but we deserve to be happy, too.”

  “That’s very kind.”

  “You know, it’s amazing that you grew up as well as you did with that uncle of yours.”

  Matthew started to protest then realized the futility of it. “Grantley told you about the abuse, I take it.”

  “He did. And there is nothing lower than a man who abuses a child. Either with his fists or his words. Seems I am the lucky brother after all. Our father paid me little attention, leaving me to Mrs. Holmes to raise.”

  “She seems like a good woman.”

  “She’s like a mother to me, and I couldn’t be more grateful. You understand then how I can see the value in servants beyond their duties?”

  Matthew grinned. “I can. Thank you, Gabriel. For welcoming me and for being a true brother.”

  He held up his hand. “Don’t thank me yet. I went over the properties with Grantley after your meeting, and it seems there is little option left open to you aside from the dower house.”

  “What’s wrong with it?”

  “Nothing. It’s a perfectly lovely house in great condition.” He winked. “There hasn’t been a Hawk widow in generations, you know. The place has never been used.”

  “Then we’ll take it.”

  “You’re more than welcome to it. I’d thought you might want to be farther away from your meddlesome brother.”

  “I don’t know. I think I like the idea of our children growing up together.”

  “Children?” The earl rubbed his chin. “Capital idea.”

  Matthew grew silent. “You know, I thought the Hawks had the right of it. Fathering and abandoning their children. Lord knows my uncle never should have tried to make a go of it.”

  “And now?”

  “With Posy and William, I can see that family can be loving.” He smiled at his brother. “I see that with you, too.”

  Gabriel smiled. “I, as well.”

  Matthew blinked back the moisture in his eyes. “And perhaps I can aid the next wayward Hawk you stumble across?”

  Gabriel eyed him. “Been talking to Patrick, have you?”

  “A bit, yes.”

  “Then I would welcome my brother’s assistance.” Gabriel came to his feet and held out his hand. “Perhaps between the two of us we can help a few more Hawks break their curse.”

  Matthew stood and shook his hand. “Indeed.”

  He left Gabriel’s study. He had his brother’s blessing, as astounding as that seemed. He would have both his loves in his life and a family as well.

  He saw Posy in the parlor, dusting and straightening. He thought back to his first night here, when he’d watched her lovely ass as she’d cleaned the hearth. His cock twitched, and he knew he’d never stop wanting her.

  He snuck up behind her and grabbed her in his arms. She yelped then giggled as he tickled her neck with his nose. Her fresh wildflower scent filled him.

  “We’re going to marry, Posy,” he whispered.

  “Truly?” She bit her lip then ran toward the hall. “William!”

  William poked his head into the parlor. “Posy, why are you shouting?” William spied Matthew, and a lovely smile spread across his face. “Matthew.”

  That note of affection was in his voice, and Matthew felt it like a caress. “I’m marrying Posy, and the three of us are moving to the dower house.”

  William looked stunned now. “What of my position?”

  “That’s entirely up to you, William,” he said. “As for Posy, she’s to be my viscountess.”

  Posy collapsed onto the couch she’d just been straightening. “I’ll be a viscountess. I’ll be a wife.” She lifted her head and beamed at him and William. “I’ll be loved.”

  Matthew sat beside her and held her close. “William and I love you, Posy. You’re ours.”

  William sat on the other side of her. “Ours forever.”

  Matthew tried to ignore the gaping servants gathered in the doorway, but their chatter soon rose to a fevered pitch.

  “Now, now!” Mrs. Holmes said, cutting through the noise with authority. “Come away from there. Is this a holiday?”

  “Well, I’ll be damned!” Lily cried.

  She and the rest of the maids and footmen fled, and the housekeeper cast a surprisingly affectionate glance in Matthew’s direction. Yes, he supposed she’d made a wonderful mother for Gabriel. She withdrew, pulling the doors closed behind her.

  Matthew and William held Posy close. He would have a real life with real love. William and Posy loved him for who he was, and he would never have to hide behind his mask again.




  Josie Dennis writes erotic romances for the discerning reader. Her characters find love in the most amazing places, and the Happily Ever After is a guarantee. Readers who like their romances hot and their heroes and heroines open to ideas they’ve only explored in their fantasies will find her erotic romances quite satisfying.

  For all titles by Josie Dennis, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  About the Author



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