The Dreamer, Her Angel and the Stars

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The Dreamer, Her Angel and the Stars Page 12

by Linda S. North

  "Do that, and if I find anything else I'll let you know," she said gruffly and terminated the call. She took a gulp of coffee while thinking she certainly wouldn't object to a sexual relationship with Ariel. But with Ariel resenting her, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. She was confident that once Ariel saw she wasn't a beast, things would change.

  She wondered whether her uncle and Jack had such an agreement. That thought brought to mind images of her uncle and Jack doing things she tried not to imagine, prompting her to leave her chair hastily in search of some Irish Cream to put in her coffee.

  A SHARP RAP sounded on Ariel's closed bedroom door, and Seth called out, "Ariel, you have a package you need to sign for."

  Ariel had been waiting all day for the prenuptial agreement to arrive and wanted a chance to read it before taking it to her attorney, Joyce Conrad. Her mother's attorney, Ian Broxton, put Ariel in touch with Ms. Conrad, who agreed to take Ariel as her client. With the wedding only three days away, Ms. Conrad promised to go over the agreement immediately and discuss it with Ariel tomorrow. The clock on her dresser showed the time as 4:20 p.m. This left her with no time to read over the agreement before she could get it to her lawyer by the close of business.

  With effort, she pushed herself out of bed feeling her head throb and throat ache from the cold she'd come down with after a sudden rainstorm surprised her while riding her Harley the day before. She tied the cord at the waist of her sweatpants, slipped into her house shoes, and not bothering about her hair, hurried out of her room. The front door was already open, allowing her a view of the young male carrier. She signed for the delivery and was shutting the door when her mother came out of the kitchen and saw the package in her hands.

  "I take it that's the prenuptial agreement?" Joanna said with distaste.

  Ariel opened the package, took out the folder, and leafed through the legal-size documents. "That's what it is. I'm going to run this over to Ms. Conrad before her office closes. She'll call me tomorrow when she has a chance to review it, and I'll go to her office to discuss it with her."

  "You don't want to read it tonight and take it to her office in the morning?"

  "I told Ms. Conrad I would have it to her today. Besides, with this cold and the medications I'm taking for it, I doubt I'd be able to comprehend what I'm reading anyway."

  "Why don't you go and rest, and I'll run it over to her office for you."

  "Are you sure?"

  "You don't need to be out running around in this weather, and I have to go to the Produce Co-op anyway, so it won't be a problem."

  "Thanks, Mom." The only thing she wanted to do was to crawl back in bed and pull the covers over her head. Not only because of the misery of her cold, but also because of the misery she suffered with the approach of her so-called wedding and how it would change her life.

  Chapter Fourteen

  JOYCE CONRAD SAT across the conference table from her client, Ariel Thorsen, as she explained the prenuptial agreement. Joyce knew Kiernan O'Shay from the various social gatherings and functions they attended in common, and they moved in the same social circle.

  When Ian Broxton called her and said the daughter of a client needed to have a prenuptial agreement evaluated immediately, she had declined because her calendar was full. When he said it was the fiancée of Kiernan O'Shay, she agreed to take Ms. Thorsen as her client.

  She wondered how Kiernan had kept her involvement with Ms. Thorsen out of the media glare, when in the past if she so much as talked to a woman the media automatically linked them romantically. She also wondered who this beautiful woman was who had managed to take Kiernan off the top of the most eligible list for at least the next five years, or indefinitely, if both parties agreed to stay in the marriage past the specified time.

  The previous night she took time to search every social registry in the world, not finding her client's name in any of them. Finally, she ran a data search on the name of Ariel Lynn Thorsen, discovering some interesting matches. Ms. Thorsen was a physics professor at a local college and had graduated with the highest honor from MIT. The fact was Ariel Thorsen was nobody. No, that wasn't true any longer. Ariel Thorsen was definitely somebody now. But she remained a mystery.

  Mystery seemed the operative word surrounding the marriage. She suspected from all the evidence that it was a sudden decision on Kiernan's part as the ordinary practice for prenuptial agreements was to sign them well in advance of the actual marriage and not a couple of days before the event.

  Her assessment of the prenuptial agreement the previous night revealed that the marriage was more along the lines of a business arrangement. Apparently the primary reason was Kiernan wished for an heir. Joyce guessed she'd chosen Ms. Thorsen due to her intelligence and, perhaps secondarily, her physical appearance.

  But why marry? Kiernan could always go to one of the private fertility specialists and specify what she wanted. She could well afford the exorbitant price for genetic material from a donor with superior intelligence, health, and, attractiveness. She could even have a surrogate carry the fetus to term.

  There was more to this whole situation, she was sure. She had tried to engage Ms. Thorsen in a friendly discussion on how she and Kiernan had met and how long they had known each other, but only received vague responses letting her know her client did not wish to discuss the subject. Joyce had realized that she must stick to explaining the agreement, making sure the stipulations were in her client's best interests.

  "The next stipulation, number nineteen, is usually standard in these types of contracts." Ms. Thorsen read over her copy of the contract. After a few seconds of reading, her client suddenly blinked, sucking in her breath and coughing violently. Joyce hurriedly left the table and exited the room, returning with a cup of water she handed to her.

  Ariel gulped down the water, which finally stopped her coughing. She focused once more on the contract. After a few seconds, she peered up at Joyce, a note of bewilderment in her tone. "Please explain stipulation number nineteen."

  "A marriage in and of itself entitles the couple to certain rights. These rights can include the enjoyment of companionship and the benefits of living in the same residence together. It also refers to the privilege of engaging in sexual relations with their spouse. What this stipulation does is state your spouse can request conjugal privileges up to two times a week."

  Ms. Thorsen asked hesitantly, "What you're saying is--if my spouse requests--I have intimate relations with her--I would be required to do so?"

  Studying her client closely, Joyce noticed a certain amount of uneasiness. "Essentially, yes. Is there a problem with this, Ms. Thorsen?" She, for one, would have no problems carrying out that stipulation. Kiernan was one of the hottest women she knew. That didn't mean her client thought so, and the more she talked to Ms. Thorsen, the more she saw this wasn't the proverbial blushing bride. Ariel Thorsen was less than enthusiastic.

  Ms. Thorsen closed her eyes, and Joyce could tell she was under duress. Her client opened her eyes and said, "I've never heard of such a thing."

  "Granted, it does seem to take the romance out of marriage. This stipulation is common in a prenuptial agreement that's more of a business arrangement and is usually discussed between the parties before being included in the contract. Ms. O'Shay did not discuss this with you?"

  "No," her client said quietly.

  "If you wish it changed, I can contact Mr. O'Shay today, and if Ms. O'Shay is in agreement, we can have this amended before the wedding."

  "No. Leave it like it is," Ms. Thorsen said with a sigh.

  Hesitating, Joyce debated whether she should question her client further, but somehow she knew she would not be forthcoming. "There are a couple more points to go over, and we're finished."

  Joyce covered the rest of the agreement with her client, noticing a strain about her features. Finally, they reached the end.

  "That about does it, Ms. Thorsen. I'll meet you tomorrow in Mr. O'Shay's office at three."

  Ms. Thorsen said wanly, "Yes, thank you."

  ARIEL OPENED THE door of her electric mini coupe and slid into the driver's seat, closed the door, and slumped against the steering wheel, her mind going over stipulation number nineteen. She couldn't believe Kiernan would put that in the agreement. Surely she must know Ariel hated her.

  When Ms. Conrad asked her if she had a problem with the stipulation, it was all she could do to keep from screaming of course she had a problem with it. She hated Kiernan's guts. But Kiernan was calling the shots. She couldn't tell Kiernan she wouldn't marry her unless she agreed to remove the stipulation. She didn't know how she would fulfill her obligation. And what was she going to tell Mom? She would provide general answers and never mention the stipulation.

  A wave of nausea washed over her, followed by a headache. All she wanted to do was go home, crawl in bed, and sleep--for the next hundred years.

  "AH. HERE SHE is now," Kiernan heard her uncle say as she rushed through the door and into her uncle's office. He was standing by a moderate-sized rectangular table at the far side of the room. The mountains were in prominent display outside the window behind him. Seated at one side of the table were Ariel and her attorney, Joyce Conrad.

  "Sorry, I'm late," Kiernan said in a rushed voice. "Business call."

  Joyce rose from her seat and held out her hand for a shake. Kiernan took it in a firm grip. "Joyce, is everything going well?" Kiernan wanted to get right to the point and forego social formalities.

  "No problems."

  Kiernan let go of Joyce's hand and noticed Ariel's scowl and the dullness about her features. "Ariel, how are you?"

  Ariel shot her a cutting glance and curtly replied, "Okay."

  Theodore took his seat. "Well then. Let's get this on the way."

  Kiernan walked to the other side of the table, taking a seat beside her uncle, and across from Ariel.

  "Ms. Conrad, you and your client have had a chance to go over the prenuptial agreement?" Theodore asked.

  "Yes, we have."

  "Are there any points you and Ms. Thorsen wish to discuss?"

  Raising her eyebrows slightly in question, Joyce studied her client and asked, "Ms. Thorsen, do you have any points, or questions, you wish addressed? Now is the time to voice any concerns."

  "No!" Ariel barked out emphatically, her cheeks and neck reddening with what was surely anger.

  Joyce appeared taken aback by her client's outburst. She regarded her closely before directing her attention back to Mr. O'Shay. "We are in agreement with the stipulations."

  He addressed his niece. "Kiernan, is there anything you want to address or add?"

  "No. I'm satisfied with the terms," Kiernan stated while keeping her gaze on Ariel. Since she first entered the office, Ariel had avoided her and displayed a snarly attitude, making her feel greatly annoyed. She wondered whether Ariel divulged to Joyce the circumstances of why she was entering into this marriage. Not that Joyce would break a client's confidentiality and tell others, but it grated on Kiernan to think Joyce would know Ariel wasn't enamored of her and felt forced into this marriage.

  "That leaves us with the signing to do." Theodore reached over and pushed a button on a com-unit. "Franklin, we're ready for you and Ms. Farleigh to come in now."

  After the two witnesses entered, all parties signed the document, and Theodore dismissed Franklin and Ms. Farleigh. Rubbing his hands together, he said, "Now, let's all have a celebratory drink."

  Kiernan saw Ariel roll her eyes before slowly standing. She hastily went around the table to Ariel, whispering loud enough for only her to hear, "Stay here a moment." Kiernan said to the others, "You two go on. I want to speak to Ariel."

  Theodore and Joyce left, and when they were out of earshot, Kiernan took Ariel by the elbow, pivoted her to face the window, and said in a stern and low voice, "I don't know what your problem is, but it stops here. The agreement is signed, and we'll be married tomorrow."

  Ariel's face shaded pink and she clipped her words. "That's true, but I don't have to like it."

  "No, you don't. However, I would appreciate it if you would show me some consideration. You're embarrassing me in front of a peer, and that I will not tolerate."

  "I'll endeavor to do my best," Ariel said frostily.

  "I have no doubt your best in anything always succeeds." Kiernan took Ariel's hand. "Let's join the others, shall we?"

  Ariel dipped her head in assent, and Kiernan led her over to the other two, noticing Ariel managed to produce a smile, but her eyes were icy.

  Chapter Fifteen

  A SOFT TAPPING sound roused Ariel from sleep, and she opened her eyes to the light before she instantly closed them against a stabbing lance of pain through her temples.

  "Ariel, it's time to get up," her mother called from the other side of the door.

  "All right, I'm up," she ground out hoarsely from a sore throat, making herself sit up. Pain pounded behind her hot, gritty eyes.

  She forced herself to her feet, slipped on her housecoat and made her way to the bathroom. She caught her reflection in the mirror over the sink, startled at the fevered brightness of her eyes and the little dark smudges beneath them. She opened the medicine cabinet, pulled out the box of disposable thermometer tabs, removed one, and placed it against her forehead. After a faint beep, she removed the tab and read 101. Her sore throat almost prevented her from swallowing the analgesic tablet for her headache and a cold tablet to alleviate her symptoms. Feeling as bad as she did, she took another cold tablet in hopes of faster relief. Not that it would do that much good, as she had been doubling the dosage lately with very little effect.

  After a hot shower, she dressed in her housecoat and made her way to the kitchen where everyone was seated around the kitchen table. Seth and Leigh were enjoying a breakfast of pancakes.

  Her mother put down the English muffin she was eating, and Ariel saw her assessing her condition. Finally, Joanna said, "I see you got about as much sleep as I did."

  "Sleep? Who needs it? I sure don't."

  "I made a pot of the real stuff this morning. That should wake you up."

  Ariel almost asked what the special occasion was, but bit her lip, thinking her mom probably prepared the expensive commodity in an attempt to add some cheer to what was, to date, bound to be one of the lowest points in her life. A clean cup was on the counter by the vintage coffee pot. She picked it up and filled it, sloshing some over the side of the cup.

  She grabbed an absorbent towelette from the dispenser and sopped up the spill. Seth was singing, "Ariel and Kiernan sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

  Leigh joined in. "First comes love, then comes marriage, here comes Ariel with a baby carriage."

  "Shut up!" Ariel snarled and whirled around, glaring at them.

  The twins stared at her in shock with their mouths hanging open.

  "That's enough you two," Joanna ordered. "Go get ready."

  "But Mom, I haven't finished eating," Leigh protested.

  "Then go out in the dining room and finish."

  "Mom," Leigh whined.

  "Don't argue, do it. Now!"

  Both kids exited, and Ariel seated herself at the table across from her mother. "I'm sorry." A creepy shiver crawled down her back thinking about the last few words to the song. "That's not the image I need right now."

  "Sweetheart, you don't have to do this--"

  "Mom, please don't harp. I'm doing it."

  After an uneasy silence, Joanna said, "Don't you want to eat something? I have some pancake batter left and can make you a stack."

  "No thanks. I'm not hungry."

  After Ariel finished her coffee, she got a glass of orange juice and took her seat at the table, noticing her mother scrutinizing her hair.

  Joanna said, "I'm thinking a French braid would go really nice with your dress. I can do it for you."

  So what if her hair was a squirrel's nest. Ariel didn't care, but apparently her mother did. She said unenthusiastically, "That'l
l be fine, Mom."

  "I'll make your face up, too."

  Ariel rarely used cosmetics. "That bad?"

  "You do look tired. How's the cold?"

  "Not good. I'm taking medication, but it doesn't seem to be working as fast as it should."

  "Uh oh. I hope you're not getting the flu. You did have your flu vaccine this year, didn't you?"

  "Yes." Ariel took a sip of juice and stared off into space.

  "Mysha called last night."

  Ariel jerked her attention back to her mother.

  "She said she has been leaving messages for you on your IMP and wanted to know whether it was working. She wanted to tell you she managed to get an earlier flight out of Beijing and will arrive home around six tomorrow morning. She wanted to know if that would be a good time for you to pick her up."

  On Thursday, Ariel had tried calling Mysha but couldn't reach her, so she left a message on her IMP that things were the same. It disgusted her that she lied. Deliberately, she had not read any of the messages from Mysha after that call as it would be too painful.

  "What did you tell her?"

  "The truth--that you've had a bad cold for the past few days and went to bed early. I told her you wouldn't be able to pick her up at the airport. She's going to take a taxi and call you later."

  For a moment, silence, until Ariel let out a shuddering sob. Joanna left her seat and knelt by her daughter, holding her close, her own tears falling.

  "YOU ARE LOVELY, my dear." Theodore's eyes twinkled as he checked Kiernan over. She was dressed in a rich cream jacquard outfit with gold embroidered flowers that fell a couple of inches below the knees. Over it she wore a matching cropped jacket with a Mandarin collar and slim dolman sleeves with side slits.

  "Thank you, Uncle." Kiernan glanced around the living room, making sure everything was in order. A dozen floral arrangements of cream and pink roses adorned the room. Two arrangements sat in front of the fireplace, spaced far enough apart for the ceremony to take place between them.


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