Lethal Action

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Lethal Action Page 10

by Rachel Dylan

  “You remembered that comment? It’s still complicated. But the fact that I’m still alive means something. At least to me.”

  “Of course it means something.”

  “Don’t think I didn’t notice that you kept Sam in the dark about your FBI status.”

  “It’s better if the circle is as small as possible. It’s the only way to really keep my cover intact. Now that’s more important than ever. Especially if we’re caught up in something bigger than I originally anticipated. Nola pushing some illegal businesses into Maxwell is troubling. But my boss may want to bring in additional resources if he buys into this dueling crime ring theory.”

  “This trial is starting Monday whether we like it or not.”

  “You need some rest. Doctor’s orders for that concussion. Let’s head back to the inn.”

  “I guess I can’t argue with that.”

  They walked out of Mel’s into the cool January evening. He stuck close to Hope as they walked the short distance toward his car.

  A sound of screeching tires tore through the night, and he prayed he wouldn’t be too late as he dove forward.

  Chapter Seven

  Hope heard the loud squealing noise, but before she could register what was happening Gabe pushed her down. She hit the ground hard with the breath knocked out of her.

  She opened her eyes just in time to see the car speed off down the street. Her heart pounded and she realized that Gabe was holding onto her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice ragged.

  She tried desperately to steady her breathing. The reality of the situation hit her. Someone had tried to run them over. Or more likely, run her over. “You saved my life.”

  “Barely. That was a close call. He literally came out of nowhere. By the time I heard the tires, it was almost too late.”

  She did not want to cry but the enormity of what she faced began to sink in, and she wiped a stray tear from her cheek.

  “Did you hit your head?”

  “No, most of the impact was on my arm and shoulder.”

  “I’m sorry I hit you so hard.”

  “No, like I said, you saved my life.”

  “Do you want to go back to the hospital and get checked out?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I definitely don’t want to do that. I just want to rest in my own hotel room and have a bit of alone time.”

  “I totally understand. I’ll get you back to the inn, and then I’ll report this to Caleb.”

  “So they’ve already started again. They didn’t waste any time.”

  “Come on, let’s go to the car, and we can talk in there.”

  She nodded and walked slowly to the car. Her life had turned into a nightmare since she stepped foot into Maxwell. Which was a shame because the town itself was growing on her.

  She was thankful when Gabe turned the heat on in the car. She felt a chill wash over her body. It was to be expected, given what she’d been though. Her head started to pound.

  “They really think you know something. If they are so desperate that they are now willing to injure or kill you without getting information from you first that says a lot.”

  She grimaced. “Thanks.”

  “No. I didn’t mean it like that. The last thing I want to do is upset you. But you’re really smart, Hope. You would’ve figured that out for yourself anyway. What I need you to do is to start racking your brain. Maybe you will think of something that can tie you to whatever they want beyond just you working with Nola. Something you saw or read, something you had access to that they think you looked at. Anything. Even if it seems trivial, you need to let me know. We might be making the wrong assumptions about this chip and what it contains.”

  She sighed. “I really want to know, too. I keep thinking but nothing stands out. I’ll keep going over it in my mind and let you know if I come up with any ideas.”

  She looked over at him as he kept his eyes on the road. She could tell he had a tight grip on the wheel. No doubt still on high alert. And thankfully he’d had the presence of mind to knock her out of the way earlier. Saving them both in the process.

  When would this awful nightmare end?

  After only a few minutes, they arrived at the inn.

  “I’m going to get a room next to yours. Let me check out your room first though.”

  As they got out of the car, she noted that he was on edge. Ready and watching their surroundings. He put his hand on her back and guided her into the lobby. Constantly surveying the area and her at the same time.

  It was in that moment that something hit her. She was starting to care for this man. Was it just her seeing him as her strong protector? Or was there something deeper? If something did develop, he would end up hurting her just like Barry, wouldn’t he?

  She shook off those thoughts and tried to focus on her immediate problem. Not getting killed. Never in a million years would she have imagined that she could’ve ever been in danger like this over a case she worked on. She wasn’t a prosecutor. It wasn’t like she put criminals away for a living. She practiced boring business litigation. Or at least it had been boring until now. Until hired assassins tried to kill her.

  By the time she sat down on her hotel room bed, she had worked herself up. She was no longer tired, but angry. There was a knock at the door and she walked over and looked out the peep hole.

  “It’s Gabe.”

  Her eyes confirmed what she heard and she opened the door letting him in.

  “I’m right next door. I don’t want you to answer the door for anyone but me. You got that?”

  “Definitely. I was so worn out but now I think it’s too early to go to sleep.”

  “Wow. You’ve got one of the bigger rooms here. A separate living room.”

  “Yeah, for working if I need to.”

  “You want some company?”

  “Sure, maybe we can have them send up some hot tea. Don’t you need to talk to Caleb?”

  “Yeah, and in fact, he may want to come over here to get your statement anyway.”

  “Why don’t you contact Caleb, and I’ll call down for the tea.”

  He nodded and pulled out his cell phone. Maybe it would be a good thing for Caleb to come over to the inn. They needed a plan.

  In less than half an hour, the three of them were seated at her table with tea in front of them and frowns all around.

  “Hope, walk me through what happened at Mel’s.”

  “First let me apologize. I’m sorry to have pulled you away from your family tonight.”

  “It’s just me and my dog so don’t you worry about that. I fed him dinner so he was ready for a good ole’ nap curled up in front of the TV. And Gabe, I was able to get Zeke brought over to my house so you can stay here with Hope.”

  “Thanks,” Gabe said. “Zeke loves hanging at your place. Caleb is my pet sitter when I have to travel for work.”

  “Ok, Hope. Let’s hear it,” Caleb said.

  Hope looked at Caleb. She couldn’t believe that the chief of police in Maxwell was single. There had to be a backstory involved. For now though she was going to focus on her issues. “We had just finished dinner. I know I wasn’t particularly on guard or anything. I had no idea that something could happen again so fast.”

  “Take me through it slowly.”

  “We walked out of the door of the restaurant. We were about halfway to Gabe’s car, which was parked toward the edge of the lot when I heard the very loud squeal of tires. The next thing I know, Gabe was on top on me and I was on the ground. He pushed me out of the way and saved my life.”

  “I reacted. Pure and simple,” Gabe said.

  “He’s trying to downplay it, but if he wouldn’t have reacted we’d both probably be dead or gravely injured.”

  Caleb nodded. “Which direction did the car come from?”

  “When we were walking to the car, we walked through the parking lot. I was on the left and Gabe was on the right. Gabe was closer to the street. The car c
ame from his side, and he pushed me out of the way forward and to the left.”

  “Did you see the car?”

  “Yes. Only after I was on the ground, though. I looked up and saw it speeding off down the road going left down the street. It was a dark sedan. But beyond that, I couldn’t give a better description.”

  “I spoke to Lee on the way over here. He’s very concerned about you. As is your boss.”

  “We’ve been over this before. If I go back to New York, I’ll be a sitting duck. I’m safer here with Gabe.” Had she just said that? It was the truth whether she wanted it to be or not.

  “I agree. But they’re both very nervous about the start of the trial on Monday. I assured them we would have extra security at the courthouse. I’ve contacted the county sheriff for additional personnel. For the sake of all involved.”

  “Anything else on Nola?” Gabe asked.

  “No. He’s really good at covering up his tracks. I don’t know who all he has working for him, but they’re running a professional operation. Nola is important, but right now I want to neutralize this Cyber Future threat. We can handle Nola. At least he’s not running around attacking people.”

  Gabe frowned. “I don’t like hearing that, but you’re right. The most imminent threat right now is from Cyber Future.”

  “We have to figure out what is on that chip. Or what that chip can do. It has to be important.” Hope poured more tea and took a sip. Figuring out that chip was the key to her safety.

  “All right. Well, it’s getting late,” Caleb said. “Hope, I’m sure you’re exhausted. And again I’m sorry that your time in our town has been so awful. I promise you it’s not normally like this here. We’re a quiet and peaceful place. Well, it was until Nola’s business sprung up. But even that wasn’t to the extent of what’s happening now.”

  “I’m going to need to go into the law firm tomorrow and get some work done,” she said.

  “That’s fine. Just make sure Gabe is with you wherever you go. I know it’s very constraining to have a shadow, but it’s necessary right now.”

  “No, I get it.”

  Caleb stood up and patted her shoulder before he walked out of the room.

  “I want to echo what Gabe said. I had no idea things were going to escalate the way they have. This Cyber Future angle has really thrown me.”

  “Believe me. I’m aware of how serious this is. But on the other hand, I still have a trial. A trial that I earned second chair in, and I don’t want to mess up this opportunity. These chances don’t come around every day for a lawyer working in a large New York firm.”

  “I’d think you would get to go to court a lot.”

  She shook her head. “Not in my line of work. Most of our cases settle or get resolved well before trial. Jury trials are rare. So when the opportunity presents itself you really have to jump on it. And as a fifth year lawyer, having a seat at counsel’s table is pretty much an impossibility. That’s why this means so much to me. The experience will be an invaluable piece to add to my resume.”

  “How did you manage to get second chair?”

  “The other partner who had worked on the case had an international arbitration that Sam wanted him to attend. Since I’m the associate who worked the case and was familiar with the client, they elevated me to second chair. Sometimes doing the grunt work and being the contact for all the client’s questions pays off.”

  “I get the impression that you work a lot.”

  She laughed. “Work is my life.”

  He looked at her, his eyes filled with interest. “Does that lifestyle make you happy?”

  “Of course,” she answered without thinking. “My lifestyle not only makes me happy, it’s necessary.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My family didn’t have much when I was growing up, so I promised myself that I would be totally independent and never worry about money. If that means working eighty hours a week at the firm, then so be it.”

  “That’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself.”

  “Actually it’s better than you might think. It would be more pressure to worry about finances. I will live in New York and make partner within a few years. I have it all planned out.”

  “It’s good you have a plan. And I’m glad you like being a lawyer. I feel the same way about my work. But there’s a piece of me that sometimes whispers that I want something more. Or at least someone to share life with.”

  Whoa. She wasn’t expecting this turn in the conversation. For some reason though, she felt comfortable talking to him about it. “My track record with men hasn’t been a sterling one. It’s just better for me to focus on my career and putting money in savings and that sort of thing.”

  “We all have our past issues.”

  “I trusted someone and he broke my heart. Another lawyer in New York.”

  He reached over and touched her hand. “He must have been an idiot.”

  “An unfaithful idiot.”

  “Hope, I’m so sorry. No one deserves to be cheated on.”

  “So after that debacle, I’ve taken a break from dating. It’s just easier to not engage at all. Focus on work and then maybe one day when I’m ready I’ll figure out how to get back out there.”

  “It’s natural to be hurt. And cautious. But not every man is like your ex-boyfriend. You deserve someone who is going to treat you with the respect you deserve.”

  Enough about her. “What about you?”

  “I could take your line and say it’s complicated. But that wouldn’t be fair given you shared your experiences with me.” He leaned forward in his chair. “Unlike a lot of people I have no problem being alone. I have to be a people person in some aspects of my job, but in my personal life I’m fine with a very small circle of family and friends. And according to some, I have been known for being a bit picky.”

  She smiled. “Really? I can see that.”

  “Don’t get me wrong. I don’t expect perfection. No one’s perfect. Most certainly not me. But I also believe there’s someone out there who has everything I want. Some people have certain qualities and not others. I want it all.”

  “And what would those qualities be?”

  “Someone who is smart and passionate about what she cares about. Someone who understands how important my work is. But she also needs to be kind and caring, funny, and love animals.”

  “Yes, your dog, Zeke.”

  He looked down and back up. “I just lost my golden retriever a few months ago. He was old and battling cancer. I thought I needed time to grieve. But the house just seemed too empty without him. So I went to animal control and adopted a Labrador. No one can replace my golden, but a man should have a dog. And a family should have a dog. So that’s how I ended up with Zeke.”

  This man was breaking her heart and filling it up at the same time. It wasn’t every day that she met someone like Gabe Marino. “You’re an interesting man, Gabe.”

  He grinned. “I hope that you mean interesting in a good way.”

  “I do.” She paused. “I love dogs and cats. But I haven’t had a pet since law school. My roommate had a cat that I adored. I’ve never had one of my own. My family didn’t have extra money for pets. My parents could barely afford to feed me.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “You’re a tough lady.”

  “I’ve had to be.”

  “I’m going to keep you safe, Hope.” He grabbed her hand again and squeezed. “I’d better let you get some rest. We’ll go to the firm in the morning whenever you’re ready.”

  “Thanks. And thanks for the talk. It was nice to think about something other than being targeted by a hit man.”

  “Of course. I’m right next door if you need anything. And don’t open that door.”

  “Goodnight, Gabe.”

  He stood up and walked out of her room. She couldn’t help the feeling that she didn’t want him to go. She felt safe with this man. Protected. Something she had truly never felt. Barry had been nice at
first. A total romantic—or at least she thought. Huge bouquets of flowers sent to her office, romantic dinners at fancy New York restaurants. Looking back now, though, she realized that those were all empty gestures. He didn’t truly love her.

  Even worse, he’d used her and made her feel bad about herself. Barry and Gabe couldn’t have been more different. Yes, they were both handsome men, but that was where the similarity stopped. Barry acted like he was smarter than everyone, but he wasn’t that intelligent. Barry might have tried to romance her, but he was not a gentleman. And of course the cruelest part of all was his infidelity. Something that he didn’t even think was a big deal. His words rang over and over in her mind. Why are you so upset, Hope? She didn’t mean anything. Yeah right.

  She shook her head, remembering how those words had hit her like a blow to the gut. It was in that moment that she knew he would keep cheating on her because he saw nothing wrong with it. He was completely devoid of any moral compass. That was one of the things that drew her to Gabe. He was the type of man who wanted to do the right thing. Someone with integrity. With strong faith.

  But she needed to stop having these delusional thoughts about Gabe. She’d heard him. He wanted a woman who had it all put together and would sit back and accept his FBI lifestyle. She was still trying to figure out her life. A life that was firmly engrained at the law firm and living in New York City. They would never work. Just because they got along now, didn’t mean their lives were compatible with each other. Not to mention how they were raised so differently. Her a poor girl in the big city. Gabe in small town Georgia.

  He would never live in New York, and she surely didn’t want to move. She’d meant what she had explained to him about her lifestyle. A little crush wasn’t going to change that.


  When Gabe heard the scream, he awoke with a start. Going into autopilot, he jumped out of bed and ran next door to Hope’s room. Her door was shut, so he banged on it. Not getting an immediate answer, he took a few steps back, ready to ram it open with his shoulder.

  Then the door opened revealing Hope standing there wrapped tightly in a robe with tears streaming down her face.


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