The Sheikh's Matchmaker Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 9)

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The Sheikh's Matchmaker Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 9) Page 1

by Cara Albany


  Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 9



  Chapter One

  "So, when will it be your turn to get married, Aliyah?"

  Aliyah Al Kharif tried to hide the shock on her face as she glanced at her best friend, Nadyah Al Mahrez. What a question! At first, she didn't have a clue how to respond. Trying to buy some time, Aliyah gazed out across the beautifully tended garden. She and Nadyah were seated on the terrace of Nadyah's brother Azim's palace. It was only a matter of days until the wedding of Azim and his beautiful American bride-to-be, Lucy. Thoughts of marriage were in the air.

  Aliyah felt her face flush, and she hurriedly sipped from the glass of cool mineral water. How could she even begin to answer a question like that?

  Aliyah glanced at Nadyah and saw the wide, expectant smile on her friend's even features. There was a mischievous glint in Nadyah's eyes, a twinkle that Aliyah recognized all too well. Of course, Nadyah was teasing her, Aliyah realized.

  Again. Just like she'd been doing over the past couple of years which had seen Aliyah's three brothers, her cousins and now two of Nadyah's brothers successfully claim their own brides. Yes, Aliyah told herself. Marriage had been in the air a long time.

  Aliyah placed the glass down on the table and rested her gaze on the lush grass, tall trees and looked out to the desert beyond the walled enclosure that circled the palace. It was early afternoon, and she'd thought she'd come to Azim's palace at Nadyah's invitation to see how the wedding preparations were going. Aliyah hadn't realized she'd have to face the same old question so many people had asked her every time there had been a wedding in recent times. When would it be her turn?Was this some kind of setup?

  Aliyah glanced at Nadyah and saw her friend was still waiting for an answer.

  "Well?" Nadyah prompted with a raised brow.

  "Me? Get married?" Aliyah asked glancing at Nadyah. "You already know what I think of that, Nadyah."

  Her friend raised a querying brow. "Really," she drawled disbelievingly. "Why am I not convinced?"

  Aliyah shrugged. "You and everyone else seem awfully interested in my marriage prospects." Aliyah sighed. "People just don't stop asking me."

  Nadyah shrugged. "It makes sense, don't you think?"

  Aliyah frowned. "Why?"

  Nadyah peered knowingly at Aliyah. It seemed there was no way of fooling her friend. They'd known each other since they'd both been children. Sometimes Aliyah was sure that Nadyah could almost read her mind.

  "You were pretty closely involved with all of your brothers' weddings," Nadyah explained.

  Aliyah lifted a dismissive shoulder. "They needed all the help they could get," she said. "You know what they're like," she added with a shake of her head.

  Nadyah laughed quietly. "What! Even down to making sure your brothers proposed?" she asked, her brows rising incredulously. "There's help, and then there's just plain old-fashioned interference," Nadyah said.

  Aliyah pouted proudly. "I was just trying to help."

  "Seems like it was a bit more than just helping, Aliyah," Nadyah said. "You know you have a nickname, don't you?"

  Aliyah's eyes widened. "What do you mean?" she demanded breathlessly.

  Nadyah shook her head. "No need to be shocked. It's nothing scandalous."

  Aliyah twisted in her seat and leaned her elbows on the table. "What are they calling me? And who exactly?"

  "You really want to know?" Nadyah asked, her gaze fixed on Aliyah.

  Aliyah nodded.

  Nadyah grinned. "They're calling you the Qazhar matchmaker," she announced.

  Aliyah gasped. "Matchmaker? That's ridiculous. I didn't interfere that much." Aliyah glanced at Nadyah. "Did I?" she asked receiving a blank look in return from Nadyah.

  Aliyah shook her head and sighed. "How can they call me that?"

  Nadyah laughed. "Because it's true. You know it, and so do I. You can't deny you did pull a few levers behind the scenes now and then."

  "You make it sound so calculating," Aliyah said.

  "I know you only had their best interests in mind," Nadyah admitted.

  Aliyah turned away from Nadyah, determined to hide the look on her face. Right now, that look was a mixture of Shahid had surprise and carefully controlled pleasure. Every time she thought about helping her brothers get married she felt an involuntary rush of satisfaction.

  It was true. Of course, she'd done everything she could to make sure that her three brothers hadn't thrown away the opportunities to wed the amazing women who had come into their lives. She thought about Zayed, Raz, and Tariq. Her brothers were all so unbelievably happy now. And Aliyah now had three wonderful sisters-in-law in the shape of Chloe, Ella, and Zoe. The Al Kharif family had grown so incredibly quickly and now there were even babies.

  Aliyah felt a gratifying warm glow just thinking about how happy her whole family was now. Aliyah tried to contain the flicker of a smile she felt at the corner of her mouth. She had to admit it had been a pure pleasure helping all of the marriages along.

  In her own modest way, and rather sneaky way, of course.

  That meant she'd kept her contribution to her brothers' courtships as invisible and as low key as possible. A little chat here; a little bit of quiet persuasion there. The whole thing had come so naturally to Aliyah, and none of the brides had objected to Aliyah's gentle interference. They'd all told her so, even if it had been long after the weddings.

  And she had discovered something even more interesting during the whole process. Aliyah was pretty good at making sure people in love tied the knot.

  Other people.

  It was just a pity she couldn't do the same for herself, wasn't it?

  That one thought made an emotion curl in her middle. A very familiar emotion. She tried to push away the fleeting thoughts that drifted into her mind.

  Thoughts of one particular person.

  Images of him seized control of her mind just as they always did. Why did she always think of him when this subject came up these days?

  When Nadyah's voice interrupted her thoughts, she was grateful for the chance to shift her attention back to other matters.

  "Well? I'm still waiting for an answer, Aliyah?" Nadyah asked playfully.

  Aliyah tried to pretend she didn't know what Nadyah was talking about. But she could see her friend wasn't about to let her off that lightly.

  Aliyah sighed and shook her head. "The answer's the same as always, Nadyah. There's no-one on the horizon. I'm not seeing anyone at the moment."

  "That's not what I've heard through the grapevine," Nadyah replied.

  Aliyah gazed wide-eyed at Nadyah. "What are you talking about?" she gasped.

  Nadyah squinted at Aliyah, skepticism covering her features. Nadyah said nothing, her gaze locked emphatically upon Aliyah's face.

  There was a very long pause, and Aliyah knew she wasn't going to get out of this one as easily as before. She and Nadyah shared one thing; once they decided they were going to get an answer out of someone, nothing was going to stand in their way.

  Aliyah looked away from Nadyah and puffed out a long exasperated breath. "It's about him, isn't it?" she asked gazing out across the garden.

  When she glanced back at Nadyah, she saw her friend nodding slowly. Of course, Nadyah was talking about him, Aliyah told herself. Who else would she be talking about, if not Shahid Al Mahrez, the brother to Azim and Zarif.


  The youngest and the wildest brother who would soon be the only remaining unmarried male in the Al Mahrez family.
Of course, he was Nadyah's older brother, so Aliyah knew that Nadyah had a natural interest in trying to bring Shahid and Aliyah together.

  "Well?" Nadyah asked quietly.

  "What do expect me to say, Nadyah?" Aliyah said.

  Nadyah leaned closer. "Tell me what's been going on between you two," she prompted.

  Aliyah squinted at Nadyah. "Nothing has been going on, Nadyah."

  Once again, Nadyah gave Aliyah that same disbelieving look. "Tongues have been wagging since Zarif and Rachel's wedding," Nadyah said.

  "That was ages ago," Aliyah retorted.

  "Not so long ago that people have forgotten how you and Shahid were fawning over each other."

  "Fawning? We were not fawning over each other," Aliyah blurted out. She frowned at Nadyah. "And anyway. What exactly does fawning look like?" she demanded.

  Nadyah smiled at Aliyah. "There are photos," she said.

  "What!" Aliyah asked, feeling shock surge through her. "What kind of pictures?"

  Nadyah shook her head. "No need to worry," she said lifting her glass from the table. She took a sip and put the glass back down. "Nothing that would embarrass you. Certainly, nothing that would bother someone with Shahid's reputation." Nadyah cocked her head to one side and gave Aliyah a look. "It would take a lot to rattle Shahid from what I've heard about him in recent years."

  Aliyah ignored that last remark about Shahid's past. She already knew enough about him to take a pretty good guess at what Nadyah was hinting at. Shahid was the kind of man that woman loved to be around. Incredibly handsome, astonishingly wealthy and with a reputation for temptingly wild behavior.

  Nadyah narrowed her eyes. "I have to say I was disappointed. Not even a kiss," she said with a sly grin at Aliyah.

  Aliyah gasped. "Who's seen the photos? Have any of my family seen them?"

  "Everyone," Nadyah said which drew another harsh gasp from Aliyah.

  "Why didn't I hear about this before?" Aliyah demanded.

  Nadyah rolled her eyes. "You're not the only one who likes to keep secrets, Aliyah," Nadyah explained. "Especially when it comes to mysterious liaisons."

  "Who mentioned anything about meetings? We just got together at the wedding and got on well. That was it." Aliyah searched her mind for the right words. Anything that would throw Nadyah of the trail. "Shahid and I have known each other since we were children, Nadyah. It's natural we'd be friendly at something like a wedding."

  "Just friendly?" Nadyah said, lifting a querying brow. "That's not what I heard."

  Aliyah tugged her gaze back toward the garden. She could feel the heat on her face, was sure Nadyah had noticed the change in her expression at the merest mention of Shahid. What could she say? What was there to say? After all, what Nadyah was talking about was true.

  Two months ago, Nadyah's brother Zarif had married a beautiful English woman, Rachel, in a dazzling ceremony at Zarif's palace. It had been an incredible event, yet another Qazhar wedding. Aliyah had attended, along with all her family members and they'd all had a wonderful time.

  Of course, Zarif's youngest brother Shahid had been there, just as he'd attended so many of the other high-class Qazhar weddings in the past two years. And, just like on those previous occasions, Shahid and Aliyah had taken the opportunity to get reacquainted. Was that all it had been, Aliyah had asked herself at the time? Just a chance to meet again? A chance to catch up; an opportunity to see just how much they had both changed during all the years they'd known each other?


  That last time they'd met, so much more had happened. Things had been so different between them. And Aliyah had spent the last two months trying to hide from that fact, trying to pretend that friends might have become so much more than mere acquaintances.

  Aliyah and Shahid had known each other since they'd been childhood friends. All during their teenage years, Aliyah and Nadyah had had to deal with the unruly, increasingly wild behavior of Shahid.

  As they'd all grown up together, they'd all changed, become more mature. At least, that was how Aliyah saw it. In the case of Shahid, perhaps "growing up" might have had a different meaning. Physically he'd transformed from an athletic, lithe young man into a powerful physical presence that caused envy in men and drew women to him like a moth to a flame. A very dangerous flame.

  No. The change in Shahid had been much more significant than that, she told herself. He hadn't just become a grown up. He had acquired a sensual, predatory quality; a magnetic, compelling power not only on Aliyah, but, according to the rumors, over every woman who came within his sphere of influence.

  The change in him had happened quickly, almost within the space of a couple of years. From Aliyah's point of view it had seemed that one moment, Shahid had been a young man, playful and familiar. A mischievous friend.

  Then he had become something else entirely; the dangerous, dominant, masculine presence she'd been encountering in various parts of Qazhar society. He was a couple of years older than Aliyah, but sometimes she felt the difference between them was so much more than that.

  Aliyah sighed. "Maybe things have changed between Shahid and me," Aliyah said in an even voice.

  When she glanced at Nadyah, she saw her friend's eyes had widened at hearing what might have sounded almost like a surprise confession.

  Anxious to avoid any misunderstanding, Aliyah instantly sought to correct herself. "That's not how it sounds," she added quickly. "What I mean is that all three of us used to be such good friends. Before we all became adults."

  "You're saying Shahid isn't your friend anymore?" Nadyah asked.

  "No, of course not. He's still a close friend..." Aliyah started to say.

  "Just close?" Nadyah asked smiling at Aliyah.

  "A good friend. That's what I really meant to say."

  Nadyah frowned disbelievingly. "You're trying to tell me you and Shahid have made the "let's just be good friends" pact?" Nadyah lifted a doubting brow at Aliyah. "Why do I find that hard to believe about my brother? I know what he's like when he wants something. Once he decides to go for something, nothing will stand in his way."

  Aliyah knew that was true. She'd heard stories about Shahid's business dealings and his personal life. If Shahid wanted anything, he went after it with total commitment.

  As if realizing that she might have said too much, Nadyah's gaze shifted quickly away from Aliyah.

  "What do you mean, he wants something?" Aliyah asked.

  Nadyah waved a dismissive hand. "Forget I said that."

  Aliyah reached out a hand and gently grasped Nadyah's forearm. "No, Nadyah. What aren't you telling me?"

  Nadyah gazed at Aliyah and shook her head. Nadyah placed a hand over Aliyah's. "It's not for me to say, Aliyah. But, there's one thing you can't deny. Shahid has always liked you. I don't think that will ever change."

  "I know that already, Nadyah," Aliyah replied. "It seems like we've been friends forever."

  Aliyah had felt her heart quicken at the sound of Nadyah's words. Of course, Aliyah knew that Shahid had always thought highly of her. He'd made that pretty plain the last time they'd been together. Her mind drifted back to the time after the wedding reception, and this time she could feel her pulse begin to pound harder. The memory of being so close to him hadn't faded.

  Not one bit.

  She could still sense what it had felt like to dance so closely with Shahid; how it had felt being enclosed in his embrace; the tempting fullness of his lips; the dark, dangerous glint in his eyes as he'd looked at her, so obviously weighing up whether he could risk kissing Aliyah.

  Aliyah wrenched her attention back to the present. She glanced at Nadyah and saw her friend watching her, an expectant expression on her face. Aliyah told herself it would be best if the details of her last encounter with Shahid were kept quiet. It was something that should stay between Aliyah and Shahid.

  Apart from the apparently incriminating photos. What did the photos show? Had they given away something Aliyah had been trying to keep
hidden for longer than she cared to remember?

  She wondered if Shahid had gossiped with his sister or brothers, and then quickly dismissed that thought. Shahid may be the wild one of the family, but he was still a man of integrity and a gentleman when it came to matters that required discretion.

  "Anyway, you'll get a chance to talk to him today," Nadyah announced brightly. "He's coming over to the palace."

  Aliyah tried to mask the sudden panic which had flared up within her. "Shahid's coming here?" she asked, aware of a slight quiver in her voice.

  Nadyah nodded casually and glanced at her watch. "Any minute now. He and Azim have some things to discuss about the wedding arrangements."

  Aliyah stood and moved to the balustrade. She gripped the cold marble. Nadyah came to her side.

  "Not thinking of leaving, are you?" she heard Nadyah say.

  Aliyah turned and looked at Nadyah. She was sure there was the hint of a smile at the corners of Nadyah's mouth.

  "Of course not. What gave you that idea?" Aliyah asked, even defiance in her voice.

  And before Nadyah had a chance to reply, Aliyah heard a voice from inside the sitting room.

  It was the sound of Shahid's voice.

  Chapter Two

  "Come here and sit down, Shahid."

  Shahid Al Mahrez closed the door to the sitting room behind him as his brother Azim gestured for him to sit down on the sofa. But, the last thing he wanted to do was sit next to his brother and talk about wedding plans.

  Not right now. Not when he knew Aliyah was out there on the terrace. He'd caught a glimpse of her as Azim had led him into the sitting room. Knowing she was out there had made something shift inside him, that familiar sensation he felt these days whenever he thought about Aliyah. He'd been tormented by those thoughts and sensations since he'd held her in his arms at the wedding two months ago. An eternity ago, it seemed.

  And now here he was, being roped into helping arrange a wedding for another of his brothers. What was happening in Qazhar? Every one of his friends and their cousins seemed to have taken leave of their senses. For the last couple of years, it had been one wedding after another. That was all well and good. For other men, he told himself. He wasn't ready yet for marriage. He knew that, felt it in his bones.


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