Room Service

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Room Service Page 64

by Chance Carter

  Women liked heroes, and he easily handled the kid. Alice sure seemed grateful.

  It was clear that she was holding on by a thread. Joe was now the only worker she had left, and after meeting him it was obvious he would never betray her. He was solid and steadfast and treated the ranch as if it were his own.

  He could be a problem, Billy observed.

  Alice had taken him to the barn to introduce him to Joe right after the lodge tour. The man seemed quite indifferent to meeting him, but Billy did his best to be charming. Even after Alice left them to attend to her own chores, Joe didn’t seem to warm up.

  However, he did show him the ropes and was quite thorough. He walked Billy through a list of tasks that would be his responsibility every day. Although the list was long, Billy was confident he would be able to handle it. He had been shoveling shit his whole life, metaphorically speaking, so he wasn’t intimidated.

  “You might want to wear boots in the barn. It can get pretty mucky in here. There are rubber boots over by the tack. And since it seems you don’t have much experience with horses, don’t stand behind ‘em. It makes ‘em nervous and you’re likely to get a shoe to the face,” Joe grumbled.

  “Got it,” Billy said with a smirk.

  Although Joe was probably close to the same age as him, he came across as much older, and Billy couldn’t help but respect him. You could tell the man was just a loyal, corn fed, all-American cowboy, with a work ethic that was second to none.

  “We’re up pretty early in the morning. The animals will need cleaning, feeding and watering between five and seven. That only gives you about ten minutes a stall so you can’t dally. Keep an eye out for Misty, the gray mare at the end. She is about to foal,” Joe said quietly.

  It didn’t take long for Billy to figure out he had to listen attentively. Joe was a man of very few words, and he didn’t like repeating them.

  “I come by around seven thirty and lead them out to the pasture. You can help me with that. Once the animals are taken care of, we can do whatever else needs doing. There is always something. The fence down by the pond needs reinforcing so maybe you can set to that over the next few weeks. Supplies are in the equipment shed, and what’s missing you can let me know and I’ll be sure to have it for you the next day.”

  “You bet,” Billy agreed.

  Joe looked him up and down, as if assessing not just the strength of his back, but also the strength of his character. Billy held his chin up and met his stare.

  “All right then. Why don’t you go get yourself unpacked and take a few hours to look around the ranch. Get comfortable with the place. You can saddle up a horse if you like. Donald is in stall two. He is a pretty gentle beast, not known to cut dirt.”

  Joe gestured towards the stall with his thumb and spat.

  “Cut dirt?” Billy asked, raising his brows.

  Joe looked at him with a half-smile, and shook his head.

  “Go fast. He is more of a walker than a runner. Probably a good horse for ya.”

  Billy knew that Joe was taking a piss on him, but the truth was, he probably did need a horse like Donald, so he didn’t disagree. He nodded back and returned Joe’s smile.

  “Do you think you could teach me how to saddle him up?” Billy asked cautiously.

  Joe shook his head in disbelief, the way people do when they are certain they’re in the presence of an idiot. It didn’t bother Billy too much. He would take his licks and keep his head down if he had to. Pissing off Joe was probably a one-way ticket home.

  “I promise you’ll only have to teach me once. I’m a fast learner,” Billy assured him.

  Joe cocked his head, raising one scruffy eyebrow.

  “Ya, I can do that,” he said finally, leading Billy to the stall.

  “Be back at the barn by six thirty. I’ll show you the night routine. Occasionally, if the weather is good, we will leave the team out to pasture,” Joe ordered, after Donald was tacked up. “When they stay out you will need to bring fresh hay out to the lean-to and fill the water buckets. You can use your pick up and load the back with a bundle or two or you can use the tractor if you know how.”

  Billy nodded and offered his hand out to shake. Joe looked down at his hand for a moment as if deciding what to do with it. Finally, he shook it, but without enthusiasm.

  “Thanks for your help,” Billy offered kindly.

  Joe grumbled and gestured a dismissal.

  “See you at six thirty,” Billy assured Joe, watching him walk away.

  Billy lead Donald out of the barn and the submissive horse followed, happy for the change in scenery. He had been riding a few times before, but wasn’t confident on horseback. Each time he had ridden it was to appease a woman who wanted to go riding on a date. And then it was on freshly groomed trails with the horses following slowly behind a lead horse and guide. All safe and secure. Why women thought that was romantic was beyond him.

  Billy looked at the animal and wondered what to do next. Donald met his stare for a moment, and then put his head down, as if to reassure him. Billy gave him a gentle pat on his muzzle.

  “How about I just walk with you for a bit,” Billy said, gently pulling on his reigns.

  The horse lifted his head and nickered and then happily followed his new friend down the horse path toward the open field.

  When Billy was sure he was out of sight he stopped and looked at the animal.

  “Ok Buddy. What do you say we give this a try. How do I do this?” he asked, feeling a little foolish for expecting an answer.

  Donald shook his head gently, as if to say ‘Get on, dumb ass.’ Billy chuckled softly to himself and lifted the reigns over the horse’s head.

  “Ok, ok. I’ll figure it out. Just hold still,” he said, walking around to Donald’s left side.

  “I’m getting on now. Don’t move,” he instructed cautiously.

  The horse stood perfectly still, obviously well trained, as Billy slipped his foot into the stirrup and hoisted himself high up onto its back. The horse shifted as Billy adjusted himself onto the saddle.

  “Easy there, Buddy. Give me a second.”

  The horse pawed the ground, not sure what his rider wanted from him. Billy sat for a moment, adjusting to the height, allowing his confidence to catch up. His mount waited patiently for a command. After a second or two, Billy finally spoke.

  “Ok, I’m ready. Go slow.”

  Donald didn’t move. Billy sighed and wondered where the gas pedal was on the beast.

  “Giddy up,” he said, remembering some of the old westerns he watched as a kid.

  The horse raised his head and flickered his ears but didn’t move.

  “Come on boy, let’s go!” he said, giving the reigns a little jolt.

  As if on cue, the horse started walking forward, causing Billy to slip in the saddle. He cursed quietly and adjusted himself. As promised, Donald was very patient and carried his rider tenderly across the field.

  After a while Billy was relaxed enough to take in the view around him. The horse walked at a comfortable pace, as he and his rider got to know one another.

  Billy was amazed at how intuitive the gentle animal was. He seemed to know exactly where Billy wanted to go, in spite of the awkward commands. He urged the horse west, toward the ocean. He wanted to see the shore for himself, and the piece of land that was so highly prized.

  The horse walked to the edge cautiously, as if expecting Billy to pull back on the reigns and signal him to stop. When the ocean came into view, Billy pulled in his breath and held it in.

  It was spectacular. The mid-afternoon sun glistened on the pristine water like millions of diamonds, boasting the value of the land. If Billy had any doubts about the property, they were gone now.

  People would pay through the nose to live here. It was a magical place.

  Billy dismounted and walked to the edge, the horse’s reigns in his hands. The tide was in so the beach was mostly hidden under the surf, but it was still approachable. He wan
ted to walk down the slope but he wasn’t sure what to do with Donald. He looked back at his horse. The animal pulled his head back as if to say I ain’t going down there.

  “Okay, okay. No worries, Buddy. We will just stay here and look,” he offered reassuringly.

  He gave the horse a hearty pat on his neck and could feel Donald relax under his touch. He turned around and took in the view for a few more minutes.

  Billy was a huge believer in the law of attraction. In fact, he attributed his success to it. You had to see what you wanted in the minds eye, and truly believe that the universe would move mountains, or in this case a stubborn woman, to make it happen.

  He could visualize the whole area, condos stacked in such a way to capitalize on the view for the home owners. He could see a common area with a pool and a stone stairway curving all the way down to the beach. The homes were going to be in high demand, he was certain of it.

  Billy’s stomach growled. He hadn’t eaten anything since early that morning and it was probably close to dinner. He wondered if there was any food at the lodge.

  “Come on Donald. Let’s go rustle up some grub,” he said playfully, imitating his new boss Joe.

  This time he was able to mount the horse easily, his confidence growing. The horse seemed to sense it too, and turned toward home as his rider directed the reigns.

  Alice was leaning against the fence, one boot up on the bottom rail, looking sexy as hell. Her hair was pulled back in a haphazard pony tail, as if she didn’t have time to fuss with it. She smiled at him as he pulled up alongside her. Billy felt himself unwillingly drawn to her, and smiled back warmly.

  “How was your ride?” she asked him, reaching up to steady the horse so he could dismount.

  He slipped his right leg easily behind him and let it fall to the ground, but his left foot got stuck in the stirrup and he stumbled ungracefully. Alice reached a hand out to support him.

  “You alright?” she asked as he steadied himself, freeing his foot from the hold.

  He hated looking like a novice in front of her, but when he met her eyes, he saw a playful gleam in them. He grinned back at her.

  “I’m good. No worries,” he said, assuring her. “Been a while since I have been on a horse.”

  Alice chuckled. He knew he wasn’t fooling her. She had been around horses all her life and could easily spot a green rider.

  “I thought you were going to chew gravel for a minute there,” she teased.

  He threw her a wink.

  “Well I am pretty hungry,” he offered playfully. “I was just going to see if I could find something to eat.”

  “I’m not sure the lodge has much to eat. Get cleaned up and come on up to the house. I’ll make us grilled cheese. I’ll go into town tomorrow and shop,” she offered kindly.

  Billy nodded.

  “That’s very kind of you. Let me take Donald here back to the stable and then if you don’t mind I’ll take a quick shower.”

  Alice pulled the reigns over the horse’s head and tightened her grip.

  “I got him. I’m going to towel him off and set him out to pasture. Go take your shower.”

  Billy watched Alice walking away, leading the horse to the barn, his eyes zeroing in on her curvy ass. He took a moment to visualize her in his bed, her strong thighs wrapped tightly around his waist as he thrust himself deeply into her. Although he hadn’t been on many horses, he had ridden his share of women.

  Forty-five minutes later, Billy was standing on the front porch, knocking on the old wooden screen door. His hair was still damp from his shower. He wondered if the after shave was too much, but he figured a little sex appeal couldn’t hurt.

  He waited for a few seconds and knocked again.

  “Come in, Billy!” Alice shouted from somewhere inside.

  Billy opened the creaky door. He stepped inside, expecting to see a rustic old farm house with ancient furnishings. Instead it was surprisingly modern. He walked down the hallway past the living room. A grand staircase went up through the center of the house. He could see pictures adorning the walls, sharing the stories of the family who had lived within.

  “I’m back here in the kitchen,” Alice beckoned.

  Billy made his way through the house, finding Alice standing by an old farm house sink.

  The kitchen had been tastefully renovated, but was still classic and comfortable, the way one would expect from old farm houses.

  Alice turned around and looked him up and down, assessing him. She smiled at him, warm and inviting. He ambled over to where she was standing.

  “Hi,” he said quietly.

  “Hi there. I’m just cleaning lettuce from the garden. Can you grab the salad bowl, over there?” she said, pointing at an open shelf.

  He did as she asked and returned it to her.

  “Thanks,” she said, taking the bowl from him. “How are you with a knife?”

  He smirked at her.

  “I do alright,” he admitted.

  “Perfect. Can you cut up the cucumber and tomatoes? Maybe finish putting this salad together. I’ll get started on the grilled cheese,” she instructed.

  He liked her assertiveness. It was refreshing knowing exactly what a woman wanted.

  He could smell the scent of the shampoo from her freshly washed hair as she slipped around him. Her hip brushed against him and he found himself genuinely aroused. He grinned and picked up the knife to finish chopping the vegetables.

  A few minutes later, Alice invited Billy to sit down. He brought the salad over with him and joined her at the table. The scent of her teased his senses once more as he sat in the chair next to her. She looked relaxed and happy without a care in the world. If she were his woman, he probably would have pulled her into a deep, sexy kiss, right then and there.

  She glanced up and caught him looking at her, his arousal evident. She blushed and broke his gaze, reaching instead for the salad bowl.

  For a split second, he worried that he might be coming on too strong. He didn’t want to spook her. He cleared his throat and poured himself a glass of water, and then one for her. He was relieved to see her nod and smile at him.

  “Help yourself,” she gestured to the platter of sandwiches.

  He was as hungry as he was horny, and since she was only offering the food, he gladly filled his belly.

  Chapter 5


  Billy had rushed out right after supper so he could meet Joe on time. Alice enjoyed sharing a meal with him. His relaxed nature set her at ease and she found she could easily let down her guard and be herself. She knew he was being flirtatious and she didn’t mind. She just wasn’t sure how to reciprocate. She didn’t have much call for flirting these days.

  She was attracted to him, he was obviously a good-looking man. Their conversation had been light, but his intelligence was obvious. He asked her questions about the ranch and the day to day operations. She filled him in on the basics, not wanting to bore him, but he listened intently, his eyes never leaving hers. This drew her in to him. She wished that they had more time to chat, and considered inviting him back later in the evening, but wasn’t sure it was appropriate. So, as usual, Alice played it safe.

  She finished the last of her chores, poured herself a glass of wine and took it out to the front porch. The sun was just setting. She sipped her wine slowly, watching the canvas of the skyline change from peach to amber with flecks of hot pink and purple lining the stratus clouds. It was still warm outside, but there was just enough of a breeze to keep her comfortable.

  Billy and Joe were just finishing up. She could see them talking by the barn, Billy nodding periodically as Joe shared his wisdom. She hoped that he would work out. Joe needed someone reliable to help lighten his load. He had taken on so much lately.

  Alice watched Billy walk toward the lodge, his hands in his pockets. Part of her wanted to call out to him, invite him to join her for a glass of wine and continue their conversation. She was curious about him and wanted to know
more. She tried to summon up her courage, her heart beating a little faster under her ribs.

  Why was she so nervous?

  Billy opened the door to the lodge, stepped inside, and disappeared from her view. Probably for the best, she thought. She picked up her glass and went into the house.

  * * *

  The next morning Alice got up early and headed out to the barn. She had a buyer coming in a few hours to look at the horses. She anticipated that he would take two or three of her mares.

  Although it was always difficult to let her horses go, she could use the money. It was her job to train them and the hardest part of that was not getting too attached.

  Billy was in the barn, mucking out the stalls. He smiled at her when she walked in. He was shirtless and covered in dust, dirt and sweat, but he looked good to her. She strolled over to him and gave him a little smirk.

  “How is it going?” she asked playfully.

  He gave her a wink and grinned broadly.

  “Aside from the flies and the stench? Not bad at all. I could be faster,” he admitted, wiping the sweat from his brow.

  Alice offered him a reassuring touch to his forearm, in a weak attempt at flirting. He looked at her warmly.

  “Not to worry, it gets easier,” she said cheerfully. “Do you need a hand?”

  Billy sighed and nodded, a look of relief on his face.

  “That would be great. I still have those three stalls over there to get to and Joe will be here soon. I don’t want to piss him off,” he said with mock seriousness.

  “He will be fine. He knows there is a learning curve. Hand me the broom. You muck and I’ll sweep,” she offered, holding out her hand.

  Billy handed her the broom and for a brief moment their fingers touched. He held the broom for a second longer, forcing her to meet his gaze. She looked up and was met with his soft smile. She felt her body respond, a tingling sensation coursing from her fingertips to her toes and lingering on all the vulnerable spots in between.


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