The Breeder

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The Breeder Page 7

by L G Nauck

  Tane did not notice the small figure in the corner until his servant stopped and motioned towards it. His eyes fell upon the person who was currently curled into a ball, face hidden in her knees and her dark hair spilling over, hiding her features even further. He could hear the faint sounds of sniffling and he didn’t like it.

  She looked pitiful.

  Not at all worthy to be called his mate.

  This behavior would have to change.

  “What is this?”

  The form jumped, her head snapping up to stare at him fearfully, her eyes puffy and red from crying. He found himself disgusted by the image. Not only was it physically unpleasant but the show of weakness offended him. He did not mind the fear though. That was a reaction he was quite fond of.

  “I have been told you refuse to eat, and I come to find you in a pitiful pile. Have you no respect?”

  Alena could barely comprehend what was currently happening. She was hoping she would never have to see the dreaded bastard again and now here he was. His very presence sent her nerves into high alert and her heart pounding. Even though she was terrified, she grew angry at his dismissal of her pain and assertion that she had no respect. He was the one who had defiled her. and yet he stood here acting as if she was being unreasonable!? He had completely unrooted her life and abused her body multiple times in twenty-four short hours, and now he dared to stand there and judge her!?

  She glared with all the hate she felt, a darkness consuming her soul and clutching at her heart.

  “You dare to tell me I have no respect when you raped me repeatedly? You are shit, not fit to be a ruler of anyone.” Alena emphasized her statement by spitting on the floor in front of him and looking away.

  She immediately felt the surge of energy in the room and felt a spike of fear as she saw the servant stumble out of the room, wide-eyed. She looked up at the king in horror as she noticed his eyes had turned bright red and his fangs were bared. The amount of energy was staggering, burning her skin and causing her to cry out.

  “You dare insult your king, your mate!? You are not to speak to me in such a fashion. And it is time for you to learn your place.”

  Alena tried to disappear into the wall as her body became paralyzed in fear. What was he going to do?

  She had no time to prepare herself as she felt clawed hands clutch her neck and lift her. In a second, she was being thrown across the room. She clenched her eyes shut as her back hit the opposite wall with enough force to have her scream out in pain. She fell, crumpling to the floor as her back stung from the impact. Was it broken? She couldn’t tell. The fact that she felt pain was a positive sign that she was not paralyzed…

  Alena yelped as her hair was roughly pulled until she was on her knees.

  “Look at me.”

  She kept her eyes squeezed shut, praying that he would leave her alone.

  She hissed as she felt him slap her, one of his claws leaving a scratch that left a lingering sting.

  “Look at me!”

  She felt her body shake as she tentatively opened her eyes to look into the king’s. The amount of cold, calculated anger was enough to have her heart sink. She was lucky her bladder did not relieve itself on the floor at that moment. She could deal with a lot of things, but she didn’t think she could deal with that kind of shame.

  His eyes held her gaze captive, willing her to submit to him. And even though every fiber of her being demanded her to fight for her identity, she could not battle the fear that clawed at her. She was used to pain. She was not used to this kind of assault. And he was so much stronger than her.

  “You will submit to me and show me the proper respect. You are mine. Mine to do whatever I want with. The faster you learn to behave, the faster you will find your life made comfortable.”

  Before she could stop herself she snapped, “Made comfortable? How could I ever be comfortable with you violating me every night?”

  She knew she would be punished and as soon as the words left her mouth, she felt more fear settle in her stomach. She saw the anger flash in his eyes and tried to withdraw but found herself held in place by the hold on her hair. She did not expect his expression to change from anger to curiosity though as she watched his head tilt in consideration.

  Was he considering the best way to punish her?

  Did he finally decide it would be better to kill her?

  She shivered and slid her body backwards when the Metician bent down to be at her level.

  What was he going to do?

  She cringed when his hand approached her face and to her confusion, gently brushed her hair behind her ear. She was not sure what game he was playing but she wanted no part of it.

  She gasped and her fear spiked when he surrounded her body and picked her up, carrying her over to the table that was in the middle of the room. When he set her bottom down onto the hard surface, she immediately tried to move away. Terrified that he would decide to rape her again.

  “Do not move.”

  His arms came down on either side of her, locking her in place as his gaze moved up and down her body in perusal. Her skin prickled in hyper-awareness as his face leant forward to inhale deeply, his eyes closing for a brief moment in what appeared to be bliss.

  So, he liked her smell?

  She could not help the way her body shook as it prepared itself for what could come next.

  “So, you want to know the benefits of this mating and what you could have? Well, there is the obvious luxury of wealth. And status. You will be the most envied woman in Barthamos. Plus, you will have children, and what woman doesn’t want children?”

  Not her. She stifled a sob.

  “You may not have as much power, seeing as you are only a human. But you will have other things at your disposal. Also, you’re an orphan, right? Imagine the amount of food and clothes you could buy. That was the whole point of you trying to join my army wasn’t it?”

  She had wanted freedom. To do what she loved. To live a happy life, spending time with Kaleck and exploring new lands.

  She froze as she felt his hands force her legs apart so he could move in between them. As one hand held her waist, another dipped below the parting in her skirt and went straight towards her center. Her eyes widened as she frantically tried to pull away, memories of pain and shame accosting her and sending her into a panic attack.

  “No, please! Stop! I beg you! I won’t misbehave anymore! I will be good! I swear!”

  She heard the king sigh in exasperation before removing his hand. She felt a wave of relief but her hope of being left alone were crushed when he did not step away.

  “Servant!” He called out and she stared at him in confusion as he turned his head to address the man who stumbled quickly into the room and bowed.

  “Yes, your majesty?”

  “Retrieve me the T13 elixir.”

  “Right away, your majesty!”

  She remained confused as she watched the servant hurriedly exit the room. What was the T13 elixir and what did that have to do with anything? She froze, a fearful thought entering her head.

  What if it was poison? What if it was a type of torture?

  What if it was something to make her go to sleep so he could rape her again? She would almost prefer that, so she wouldn’t have to live through that torture again. Perhaps she could even look into some sleeping pills to give herself. If she was asleep, then maybe he would leave her alone. Or at least she would be unaware of the assault on her body.

  She looked at the king in uncertainty, noticing his expression seemed calm and satisfied. He had something in mind and she highly doubted it would benefit her.

  It did not take long for the servant to return and deposit a small red pill into the king’s outstretched hand before bowing and rushing out of the room. She knew why the servants were terrified, but she envied the way they could escape. She detested them, knowing they knew what was about to occur to her, yet they did nothing.

  “You wanted to know the benefits? T
ake this pill.”

  She immediately shook her head, moving away from the pill as he brought it towards her mouth.

  “What is it?”

  “Do not question it, just swallow it.”

  She turned her head to escape him but found the pill pushed into her mouth anyway and forced down her throat by his long fingers. She gagged at the intrusion but found herself involuntarily swallowing the pill and coughing roughly as his fingers were removed.

  She glared at his smirking face, hiding the fear she currently had as she waited for whatever effects to occur. Since these may be her last moments of life, she was not about to go out with him believing himself above her.

  “You’re an asshole. I hope you burn in he-“

  Alena gasped, feeling a wave of heat crash through her body. The feeling was so powerful she could practically feel herself shake with the intensity. It felt as if her blood was heating up and she felt a burning need begin to claw at her.

  She found her mind clouding over, unable to focus on anything except for a clawing need. A need that she needed satiated or she felt like she would die. She moaned, trying to rub her body against the table but found herself unable to move because of the position she was in. She was so focused on the new feeling that she didn’t notice the look of satisfaction on the king’s face.

  She gasped as she felt a hard groin begin to grind into her, rubbing the place that sorely needed attention. Alena could not think of anything other than the fact she needed this. She wanted this. Her whole body felt sensitive. Her legs tightened around his waist and pulled him in closer, rubbing her clitoris against his hardening bulge. She moaned as she felt sharp teeth scrape against her neck to gently bite at the mark that was beginning to heal. The feel of it sent a sharp prickle of need throughout her body to the point she was grinding mindlessly against him.

  It did not matter who it was. All that mattered was that it didn’t stop.

  Alena’s hands reached out to grab onto his biceps, her nails digging in as pleasure rocked through her body. In another mindset, she would be afraid of the strength she felt there. But right now, all she could feel was arousal at the pure power she could feel from her mate.


  Her mind repeated the word and it sent a small alarm through her mind before it was quickly replaced by need. She needed to orgasm. And she would do anything to get there. Alena grinded against the king as if her life depended on it, pulling him in closer as he sucked at her neck and drove her insane. She heard an aroused growl vibrate throughout his body, sending pulses of pleasure through her.

  If only he could keep that up…

  He moved even more roughly against her, tearing at her top until her breasts burst free. His clawed hand grabbed one and roughly massaged it, his hips banging against her.

  She could not get enough.

  She arched her back, begging for more until she finally felt that building of pleasure burst into a powerful climax. Her eyes widened as she screamed in pleasure. Her entire body felt like it was exploding from the inside as pulse after pulse coursed through her body. It felt like it would never end as the king continued to rub his groin against her, extending her climax until she was shaking and begging for it to stop.

  As soon as it began to wane, she felt another burst of fire sweep through her. She wanted more. She growled, her hands digging into the king’s long dark hair that had begun to become disengaged from its’ bindings. She pulled his head back, ignoring the growl of warning as she captured his lips with hers. Her lips moved heatedly against his, but she was surprised to find the uncertainty she met in return. The fact that the king seemed inexperienced with kissing had her momentarily perplexed. A thought went through her head…

  What are you doing? Stop.

  Her forehead furrowed in confusion, but it did not last as the king finally seemed to become accustomed to the kiss and thrust his tongue inside her mouth to explore the inner depths. Her arousal built again as if she had never climaxed the first time. And all she could think about was fucking until she could not move.

  She felt the king pulling his clothes off hurriedly, never breaking the kiss as each article dropped to the ground. Alena gasped as she felt herself penetrated, his cock surging within her until she was completely filled. And the roar of satisfaction the king emitted just further fueled her desire. He was like a conqueror. And she was his prize.

  She locked her thighs around him and pulled him in further, her eyes locked onto his in a heated exchange. She saw his smirk as his hand reached out to capture the back of her head and hold her steady as he began to thrust powerfully within her. Each movement sent pleasure shooting through her body. Her hands dropped to clench at the table, her nails digging into the wood as she hissed out her enjoyment, pushing her hips into each thrust.

  She could not get enough.

  Soon they were pushing against each other, hips moving in unison as each tried to increase the speed and friction. She heard a piece of the table break off from the place where the king had placed his hand and momentarily felt some humor.

  What is happening to me?

  She quieted the voice in her head as all she could think about was feeling that wonderful heat again as she climaxed. She reached forward and bit lightly at the king’s bottom lip, watching his gaze become molten silver as his arousal become even more evident. He surged his hips forward, plowing into her until she felt that feeling build and culminate again. She leaned forward and bit his shoulder as she felt herself climaxing, pure bliss rocketing through her body as her insides felt like they were on fire. The feeling was so strong she felt like she was going to die.

  She felt the king continuously thrust in her, her own orgasm building to new heights before she felt the rush of hot liquid as he reached his own completion. Her body welcomed the hot seed his body shot into her, pulsing around him and milking him for all he had. She could not even begin to comprehend the amount of euphoria she felt as her body began to come down from its’ height. Her strength slowly left her arms and she fell back against the table, not even caring about the small amount of pain she felt when her back hit the hard surface.


  The king also fell with her, his body covering hers as he lay above her, his length still deep inside of her, continuing to fill her. Alena panted, trying to catch her breath as she felt the burning need within her begin to abate. She shivered as she felt the king’s rough tongue lick at her collar bone. But she also felt pain as she became aware of the pressure on top of her and the growing soreness in her back.

  Her back that had been injured.

  Her thoughts slowly began to filter back to her consciousness and with them came complete horror.

  What the fuck did I just do?

  She pushed at his shoulders in panic, desperate to have him off her and outside of her body. She felt the king sigh and prop himself up on one arm so he could look at her.

  “I was hoping it would not wear off so fast, I would have liked to enjoy this moment a little longer without you messing it up.”

  She felt anger well up within her. Hate began to take hold once again as she glared at him, her fist swinging towards his face but it was easily caught.

  “You bastard! What did you do to me!?”

  He chuckled darkly, rubbing a finger over her clenched fist gently.

  “I just gave you a little something to make you more willing. And to see how much enjoyment you could get if you simply just gave in.”

  She could not comprehend what she was hearing or what she had just experienced. A pill had done that to her? She could not help the feeling of shame that swept through her body as she realized she had wanted him to do that to her. She had actively engaged and enjoyed his rape of her body.

  New tears formed in her eyes and spilled down her face as she stared emptily off to the side, avoiding his gaze.

  “Did you have to do that? Why couldn’t you have just taken me unwillingly?”

  She heard him growl in
frustration, “Are you really going to say you didn’t enjoy what just happened? Your cum on my cock would say otherwise.”

  She clenched her eyes closed in shame, shaking her head to try to push the guilty thoughts out of her mind.

  “I didn’t want it! I don’t want you! Why can’t you just leave me alone!?”

  She felt her breath catch as his fingers grabbed her chin, forcing her head to remain still as he stared into her eyes. She felt fear pierce through her, unsure of what was about to happen.

  “Even though you won’t admit it, I took your body to heights it has never experienced before. You screamed below me as you came and practically begged me to take you. And that is one thing I am not going to let go. I will never leave you alone. I enjoy you immensely and will continue to do so. I will find you throughout the day and fuck you repeatedly, filling you with my seed until you feel it trickle down your thighs with every step. And you know why? Because you fucking belong to me and I will never let you go.”

  She felt her heart stutter as his eyes flashed red briefly, his expression turning savage in a way that made her terrified. That this beast would never let her go. That she would be forced to remain his brood-mare for the rest of her life.

  She felt her spirit sink as she laid there numbly. She did not even feel as he stood up and got dressed, leaving her there with his shirt covering her revealed body parts. All she could feel was shame, powerlessness, defeat, and depression as she cried silently.

  Chapter Seven

  Ann had been a servant at the palace ever since she could walk. Her parents had been high-standing officials who wanted the best for their children. And the best included serving the royal family. Not only did the job come with a large amount of money, security, and status, but it also gave her opportunities to meet other high-standing families.

  Even though the position came with quite a few perks, it was not an easy job. Especially with a king who was quick to change his mind and could become angry quite fast. At least he was not prone to killing or maiming servants. However, as Ann observed the king’s new mate stare blankly into the distance while Ann braided her hair, her heart clenched in sympathy. This was a new kind of cruelty that she wished she did not have to witness, much less be a part of.


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