Escaping Me

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Escaping Me Page 3

by Cat Mason

  “What’s so funny Wildflower?” He asks pushing the hair away from my face.

  “I was thinking that I’m having fun with Shaft even if Landon is being a dick!” I say doubling over in laughter. Tears streaming down my face as I roll off of the couch and onto the floor still giggling.

  “That’s awfully punny.” Hunter laughs from his chair then takes a pull from his beer.

  “Yep sure is hard not to laugh at the Shaft jokes.” Aiden says and now I am heaving for breath through my laughter.

  “I fuckin’ love this chick.” Hunter says laughing as I lean back against Gray’s leg, catching my breath.

  “Thanks, not so bad yourself.” I say sweetly. He just winks at me.

  “What the hell is wrong with her?” Landon bursts through the aisle while I am wiping my face on my shirt sleeves. He stops at my feet, then pulls me off the floor with a groan. “She’s drunk! What the fuck Daisy?” He says looking around at the guys. “Are you all drunk?”

  “That’s a great big positive there Captain Blue-ball.” Hunter announces. I push away from Landon only to plop between Aiden and Gray on the couch again. Landon’s eyes angrily flit to mine making me wince. “Oh and you’ll wanna keep your voice down. I mean if you don’t wanna fuck her on the bus because she’ll be too loud then you should know you two arguing on the bus about it is pretty much the same thing.”

  “I say she fakes it any way.” Aiden says making me elbow him in the ribs. I don’t deny it or come to Landon’s defense and this seems to send him over the edge.

  “You four are like children!” Landon snaps then jerks my hand, pulling me to my feet. Tossing me over his shoulder he nearly falls backward into Hunter, then stomps down the aisle toward our bedroom.

  “Put me down Landon! What the hell is wrong with you?” I scream trying to wiggle free. He tosses me to the bed as he slams the door. I jump up to argue which is a big mistake. The room starts to spin as I meet him toe to toe at the edge of the bed.

  “What is wrong with YOU? You’re supposed to be helping me keep them in line not doing shots of tequila with them. Are you trying to ruin everything? Tad is furious!” He shouts, getting in my face.

  I slump to the bed burying my head in my hands. “I’m sorry.” I whisper.

  Landon paces the small room, his hand diving into his hair. He is so angry with me. I don’t know what to say to calm him down. I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong. Landon doesn’t drink, ever. Maybe that is what he is upset about. I don’t know. I have never seen him so unhinged.

  Looking out the window I notice we have made it to the venue. Landon walks to the door. “Maybe it is best you don’t come to the show tonight Daisy. I’ll see you later.” He says then he slams the door. I hear muffled voices then the bus door slam. I watch Landon and Tad walk away from the bus and into the building.

  Leaning against the wall I slide to the floor, letting the tears fall freely. The door to the bedroom flies open making me jump. I look up to meet angry grey eyes. “Why the fuck did you let him talk you like that?” Gray growls pulling me into his arms.

  “I…I…” Is all I get out before he crushes his lips to mine, I feel his lip ring pressing against my bottom lip. Gray groans into my mouth as his hands slide under my shirt meeting my bare skin. I should fight him but I don’t have it in me. All the alcohol mixed with all the emotions is making my head swim.

  Just as quickly Gray pulls back and runs his thumb across my bottom lip. “Never let anyone trample your petals Wildflower. No one. Don’t let him get away with brushin’ you off.”

  “I deserved it.” I say defensively. “I don’t act like this Gray. I’m supposed to be here for Landon. I was being stupid before. Now Tad is angry with him and it’s all because of me.” I choke out.

  Gray gets right up in my face shaking his head. “No one Daisy.” He repeats and once I manage to nod he hands me a shirt. “Wear this to the show. Stand on stage left where I can see you. Some fuckin’ body needs to be worried about you.” Then he’s gone.

  I pace the length of the room over and over trying to figure out what to do. Landon told me not to come to the show tonight. I have a feeling if I do we will just fight again. I don’t know what has come over him in the past few days. He is usually so sweet and relaxed. Now? Now he is wound so tight I think he may snap! I need to give him his space. Let him go do his job without me getting in the way. Then, I think about Gray and the fact that I really do want to watch tonight. I want to hear him sing.

  Continuing to pace, I worry the shirt in my hands as I continue debating with myself. Then my mind goes where I don’t want it to…the kiss. Flashbacks of Gray marching in here taking something he wanted just like he said he would has my body trembling at the memories of his hands on my skin…his mouth on mine.

  I am pretty sure I’m losing my mind completely. I should pack my things and leave before something horrible happens. Never in my life have I ever felt so torn over what to do. I can’t think straight enough to fix a sandwich let alone talk this shit out in my head. Having only met Gray yesterday, I hardly know him. I have been with Landon over a year. I should go right now while I still can. Distance is the only thing that would clear my muddled brain.

  Instead, I straighten my hair and dig a black mini-skirt out of my bag. Once I am dressed after giving myself a once over in the mirror, I attempt a half-assed pep-talk. My pink converses match the words on the black halter top and I have to still be half-lit to even contemplate going out in public wearing this stupid thing. I can’t help laughing at the phrase ‘Shaft Approved’ plastered across my chest as I hear a tap on the door.

  “Time to take you over Daisy.”

  Turning I face the giant of a security guard. “I’m ready Henry.” I say as he drapes a security tag around my neck.

  “This way no one questions you if we get separated.” He says but I can only nod. “You good to go then? Need anything? Show starts in half an hour.”

  Not waiting for my answer he leads me up the aisle, out the door. The minute my feet hit the pavement, Henry wraps a protective arm around me blocking me from view. We shuffle through hundreds of people all waiting to get a look at the bands before the show. I don’t get to look around too long before Henry swipes a card key, getting us inside away from the growing crowd.

  Henry leads me down a hallway into a staging room. My eyes go wide as truck tires and my jaw probably hits the floor. Hunter is on a couch with a topless red head in his lap, his face buried in her tits. She moans loudly as she wiggles her ass into his crotch. Does this bitch have no shame? “Maybe after the show. Company’s here.” He says as he spots me. Hunter shoves her off his lap, making her stumble in her heels as she fixes her top.

  “Boys…” I mumble walking over to sit on the couch across from Hunter while the redhead is dismissed from the room.

  “Love the shirt.” Aiden says with a wink as he unwraps his burger.

  “She’s off limits.” Gray growls as he walks through the door and flops down beside me. “She’s gonna be Daisy Cole so she’s a no-go.” He stresses his glare drifts between them both. “That especially means you Cunter.”

  My eyes meet Gray’s but I can only nod. He is sending me mixed messages. He says he wants to be friends, then kisses me, then says I’m off limits. I don’t get it. Maybe I read more into that kiss when all I should be doing is finding Landon to apologize. It seems the more my buzz fades the more confused I become. One thing is clear though now that the alcohol has nearly left my system. I need to talk to Landon.

  “Have you seen Landon?” I blurt making Gray’s smile fade.

  “Yep.” Aiden says through a mouthful of burger. “Down the hall with Tad.”

  I stand to my feet and head for the door. “Thanks.” I whisper then head down the hallway in search of my fiancé.

  Heading further down the hallway, I stop outside of a closed door. Before I can knock the harsh voice makes me freeze. “I told you Landon. You get her on board with
this. I have given you enough chances.” Tad snaps.

  Oh no they are fighting about me again.

  “It’s not that simple with Daisy.” I hear Landon’s hushed tone.

  “Either she’s with us on this or she’s fucking gone. End of story. Remember your place Landon I hold all the cards here.”

  I watch in horror as the door knob starts to move. Oh my God! They are going to see me. They will know that I have been listening. Move Daisy! I’m frozen in my spot. I couldn’t make my feet move if the building was on fire.

  A hand covers my mouth, muffling my gasp as my feet leave the ground. “Ssh Wildflower.” Gray whispers against my ear as we duck around the corner.

  We watch Tad and Landon step out into the hall. Tad glances around before turning to Landon, pinning him with a glare. “You want her to stay then get the shit done.” He bites out then they go separate directions leaving Gray and I standing out of view.

  “What the hell was that about?” Gray asks sagging back against the wall.

  “I’m a problem.” I whisper as a tear rolls down my cheek. “I need to go before I get Landon fired.”

  “The fuck if you are.” He roars turning me in his arms to meet his eyes. He opens his mouth to say something else then shakes his head. “Show is starting. We’re openin’ for No Approval Needed. When we’re done I’m goin’ to feed you. Then we will talk to Landon and figure this shit out.” Gently Grayson pushes the hair off my shoulder before walking away.

  By the time I take a minute in the bathroom and head back up to the staging room Henry is standing there waiting for me. “Ready?” He takes my arm, leading me through the stage doors. Picking me up, he plops me on a stool and pats my shoulder. “Better than front row Daisy girl.” I can’t help but smile when he grins at me. Then without a word he walks over and leans against the wall. Crossing his arms over his chest, he fixes his eyes on the stage, going into his badass mode.

  The stage lights dim as I watch Hunter and Aiden come into view. Aiden takes his place at the drums immediately beginning to pound out the beat. He is one with his kit, his sticks just extensions of his fingers as the intensity pours off of him in waves. I watch the tattoos ripple across his chest as he slams his foot down on the bass pedal, keeping time. His sticks moving almost effortlessly as he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip in deep concentration.

  Hunter’s bass kicks in with his brother’s beats seamlessly. It’s amazing being this close. I can see everything as it changes, every movement, every facial expression… They communicate without words. The music does all the talking for them as Gray’s guitar cries out. The crowd goes wild as he walks out joining the guys. I scream out too making Henry chuckle behind me.

  Gray’s eyes roam across the stage until his gaze lands on me. His eyes heat, making me drop my gaze to his guitar. Big mistake Daisy. I watch his hand glide up the and down the neck, paying special attention to each note just as he would every inch of my body. The thought makes me squirm and I inwardly scold myself. Where the hell are these thoughts coming from? I can’t be thinking thoughts like this about Gray! The pull I felt nearly instantly for him is so strong I don’t understand it. He says that he feels it too, but it doesn’t make it right. It just means that I have to fight it that much harder.

  Hunter’s voice breaks through the haze as he plays up the ladies. “Look at all of the sexy kittens boys. Are you all here for me?” He asks as he rolls his hips earning him a few screams. Two blondes flash him making him smile wickedly. “Uh oh…” The cocky bastard scolds clicking his tongue, “You naughty kitties need a tongue lashing.” Looking over to Henry, he points to them. “These two, Shaft Approved… See to it Henry.” Henry nods in agreement. My eyes immediately go to my shirt. Shit! “Now hold on to somethin’ Shaft’s comin’!”

  I watch from my stool as Shaft completely commands the stage. Song after song they own every person in the audience, me included. My thoughts drift to Landon but I make no move to find him. I assume he is behind the scenes working. I remind myself it is probably best that I leave him to it. Not a great idea to give Tad anymore reason to hate me.

  After a few songs Aiden and Hunter exit the stage, leaving Gray alone. Walking up to the mic, he scans the crowd. “You’ve been great tonight Springfield. How ‘bout one from just me?” The ladies scream, making him smile. “Oh alright, if you insist.” Turning to me he winks and starts to play.

  Time stands still as Gray’s voice flows around me. The words of ‘Better than me’ by Hinder, rolling over every inch of me. I soak it up as he sings. Gray’s voice isn’t raspy like Hunter’s but it is raw and edgy just the same. Every ounce of emotion pours from his lips only drawing me in further. I am mesmerized by him as he sings about being unworthy of the only one he really wants. Emotion claws at my throat and I nearly forget about the five thousand fans all watching him. For the few minutes Gray sings, his eyes never leaving mine, I forget all about Landon and hate myself for it.

  My mind wanders away from this day, the fights with Landon to a place I shouldn’t let it go. I’m back at the bar on that old couch again but it isn’t with Landon, it is Gray’s hands on me. His mouth on mine, our bodies pressed close together. I must be crazy because I am fucking loving it. Then I really go for it. I let myself imagine running my tongue along every inch of his naked tattooed body as those steel eyes roam over every inch of me. My entire body burns under his gaze. I can feel the rough tips of his fingers caressing my body as I ride his cock. Our panting breaths, I’m gasping and moaning as he thrusts up into me making me…

  “Thank you.” Gray murmurs faintly almost like he is far away… Oh my God, am I really hearing Gray say this? There is no way that Aiden’s joke from earlier about Landon thanking me for orgasms is ruining this fantasy for me right now!

  “No thank you needed.” I mutter in my lusty haze.

  “Daisy... You ready?”

  “Again?” I ask excitedly. Oh yes, my fantasy Gray has a quick rebound. He already wants another go?

  “Daisy are you OK?” Gray chuckles. “You’re panting and really flushed.” The words snapping me from my erotic daydream meeting Gray’s very pleased expression. I know my thoughts are all over my face, all while he is reading me like a book. I am so going to hell for my little fantasies about Grayson Cole. I can feel the blush spread across my cheeks as I meet Gray’s amused smirk. “Hungry?” He asks me arching a brow and I can barely nod a response.

  Chapter Four

  Overinflated Rock God

  Henry loads Gray, Hunter, Aiden, the two Shaft Approved blondes, along with me into an SUV and we pull out onto the street. I haven’t seen Landon or Tad in hours. I am curious as to where the hell they are. “Where’s Tad and Landon?” I ask Henry.

  His lifts his shades up a bit and sighs, “Tad has to deal with No Approval’s manager, guessin’ Landon’s with him.” He answers with a shrug.

  I sink back into the seat crossing my arms over my chest. “Cold?” Gray asks as he hands me his leather jacket.

  “Thanks” I say shrugging it on. Even if I was sweating like a hooker on the front row pew I would never walk into a restaurant deeming myself ‘Shaft Approved’. Shit why didn’t I just go back to the bus and change?

  I watch the reflections on the street lights run along the window of the SUV as Henry barrels down the highway. Letting my thoughts take over once again. I need to talk to Landon but I don’t know what to say. I don’t even know what I’m doing that is so wrong in the first place so how can I fix anything? He wouldn’t talk to me, he yelled then left me. I am supposed to get on board but with what? This is uncharted territory, Landon and I never had issues like this before. We disagreed but not over anything major. Hell until today I don’t think I remember him raising his voice. Now he is so angry and tense that if I didn’t know any better I would think he was a totally different person.

  “We’re going to get bacon Daisy there’s no sulking in the presence of bacon. It’s gotta be a law some-fuckin�
�-where. You need to eat. Then you can go back to the bus and fuck Landon into a coma.” Hunter shouts. I feel Gray tense as we climb out making a run for the diner.

  Gray has an arm wrapped around my shoulders as the hostess leads us back to a long corner booth. I sink into the seat then he slides in beside me. “You alright?” He asks draping his arm around the cushion behind me, his fingers twirling a strand of my hair.

  “I’m fine Gray just wish I talked to Landon before we left. I don’t like leaving things unresolved.” I mutter as the waitress comes to take drink orders.

  Hunter grabs her hand sweetly. “Kitten, all I want is a plate of cheese fries and some bacon. Lots of bacon! Plates of it! I mean if there’s bacon in the world then world peace is in our reach.”

  “Hunter you’ll die at forty of a coronary!” I huff out with a laugh.

  “Dasiy… I’m a fuckin’ ROCK GOD!” He says jumping to his feet. “We all know the bitches and liquor will kill me long before bacon can.” He grabs the waitress then twirls her around the room. “Oh kitten, be mine? Bring me bacon all night long and I’ll make you purr.” He says kissing her cheek. The blonde bimbos giggle when he slides back into the booth. The waitress rolls her eyes while taking the rest of our orders.

  “Seriously bro, put Cunter to bed let’s just be cool for one night.” Aiden says as he types away on his phone.

  “Whatcha doin’ little brother?” Hunter asks trying to snatch the phone away. “Still textin’ that fuckin’ groupie?”

  “Nothin’ groupie about Camaron, the bitch is only approved by this shaft.” He teases. “Hands off my lady Cunter.” Aiden turns toward Gray and me to resume his texting.


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