Escaping Me

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Escaping Me Page 11

by Cat Mason

  “Feel better?” Jerking around I see Gray leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed over his bare chest. His black hair wildly sticking up everywhere, making me want to dive into him. “Did you think he would answer?” He asks calmly studying me.

  I shake my head. “I wanted an explanation. Closure or something you know? Landon acts like this was just no big deal. The way he’s brushing me aside pisses me off Gray because we were together a year.” Slumping to the bed, I bury my head in my hands. “It’s like I meant nothing. Sweet little Daisy was just a front for him. I was his normal, his safe. Then he had this whole other hidden world that I knew nothing about? God Gray, I’m so stupid!”

  “The last thing YOU are is stupid.” He growls making me jump. “You were falling in love Daisy. That shit doesn’t happen every day. If my suspicions are right then Landon and Tad have been playin’ us all for fuckin’ fools, especially you. This crock of shit is getting dealt with in Vegas. Until then we’re goin’ to have some fun damn it.”

  “Okay.” I sniffle.

  “Good. Now get that pretty ass of yours cleaned up. We’ll stop soon for some food. Aiden is looking up some diners right now.” Leaning down Gray presses his lips to mine then passes Cam on his way out of the room.

  “Alright, while you tell me about last night in vivid detail, let’s find something for you to wear to show off that tat Sweets.” She says digging through my bag.

  An hour later, I am dragged off the bus by Gray. Aiden, Cam, Henry and even Hunter rose from the dead to eat. “I don’t know what the big deal is Henry. You could just bring me my bacon.” Hunter says pulling his hood tighter over his head. He refused to leave the bus without a hooded sweatshirt and sunglasses saying that he is totally on board with becoming a vampire. “Who the fuck told the sun to be so bright today? Shit it’s like it is taunting me.”

  “Yeah that’s it Hunter. The sun came out today just to fuck with your hangover.” Cam says smirking from under Aiden’s arm.

  Hunter tosses middle fingers at the sky, “Fuck you sun! You cheery bitch!”

  “Who the hell pissed in your cornflakes man?” Gray huffs out as we step inside.

  Henry walks over to the hostess, securing us a table in a place he approves of. Hunter pulls his shades down his nose meeting our eyes. “The bitch thought that Henry was some fighter or something. She had no idea who I was. ME! I am Hunter motherfuckin’ Chesterfield! I am a goddamn rock GOD! I needed that pussy like I need to breathe. There she was grindin’ all up on Henry. When I ran my hand up her thigh she was all like ‘and who the fuck are you?’ I told her of course.” He says waggling his brow. “Then of course she doesn’t believe me. Said I was full of shit. I’m devastated. Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I’ve had a piece of ass?” He huffs falling into the booth, sliding all the way in to the window.

  “Um not even two days?” I toss out, rolling my eyes at him.

  “Oh my poor aching cock! It’s been that long?” He groans. “Any one of you spooners wanna take one for the team? It’s a matter of life and death.”

  “These two are off limits.” Henry says sliding in next to him, giving us a wink.

  Gray slides into the huge horseshoe sized booth pulling me in with him so that I am nowhere near Cunter or his re-inflating ego. Cam and Aiden slide in beside us as the waiter walks up.

  Henry’s eyes scan the menu, “So you have a three pound bacon cheeseburger challenge huh?”

  The waiter nods. Hunter’s eyes perk up. “I want that. Hell yes! And the biggest chocolate milkshake you can fuckin’ manage.”

  “I’ll have the same.” Henry says politely.

  “Aiden, Google the nearest hospital.” I tease. “They will need stints and a possible bypass or ten.”

  “Winner gets a t-shirt.” The waiter says as if that makes it alright then starts writing down the rest of our orders. Oh great! I am going to kill myself eating all this shit but hey, I get a damn t-shirt to wear to my funeral. Why the hell not?

  After the waiter leaves, Hunter looks at me. His eyes follow Gray’s arm around my shoulders to where his fingers are drawing circles on my arm. “So when were you gonna tell me you two were fuckin’?” Hunter says putting his fist out for Gray to bump. Gray just glares at him. “What no love? Man I expect more from you. Is that why Landon ran off, couldn’t take the pressure of being dumped for a rockstar?”

  “Shut up Cunter.” Gray growls.

  “I need to get some air.” I murmur to Gray as I shove his arm off my neck.

  The minute Aiden and Cam stand to let me out of the booth; I bolt up the aisle to the front door without looking back. “Daisy!” Cam shouts but I don’t turn around. I shove through the door into the parking lot collapsing onto a bench. The past week is eating me alive. I am so torn over everything going on. I came on this trip thinking about all the time I would get to spend with my fiancé. How this would be a time we could look back on once we were married. You know… stories to tell our kids, our grandkids.

  Now I don’t have Landon. He is gone with Tad, not answering my calls and to top it all off left last night without saying a word to me about what I walked in on. I keep pushing it all away, refusing to deal with it but I have to at some point. I have to deal with the fact that Landon doesn’t want me anymore. There is also the fact that I don’t crave Landon like I do Gray. The thought of Landon with Tad makes me angry… But the thought of Gray with a groupie hurts if I think about it.

  “When are you goin’ to learn that Cunter is just trying to ruffle your feathers?” Cam says from the door. Walking over she sits next to me on the bench. “Listen, your life has been thrust into all of this shit. You really had no idea what to expect when you stepped on the bus. I get that but Daisy listen, for the next two days we have no Landon or Tad with us to cause problems. They’re off lickin’ their wounds or whatever. It’s just us with the guys. Let’s make the best of it. Shit. Daisy let yourself have some fun without feeling guilty for it! When you see Landon in Vegas deal with getting your closure or whatever the hell you want then move the fuck on. Landon was keeping all of that from you. He didn’t care about your feelings so the way I see it; you’re a free bird. It’s all you and me, babe. We gotta protect our boys from all of that rabid pussy.”

  “I know.” I reply, blowing out a breath. I know that she’s right. I can’t sit sulking about everything. I sure as shit know that Landon hasn’t been. “If he isn’t sorry, then I guess I shouldn’t be either.”

  Cam points at my tattoo, exposed by the green halter top she demanded that I wear. “I love the story behind this you know.” She swoons. While I was getting dressed earlier she demanded every last detail from last night, hanging from every word. “You’re strong. Stronger than anyone I know probably. You can handle Landon along with all of this crazy shit. Come on, let’s go eat.”

  “Alright.” I nod, “I’m dying to watch Hunter try to take on Henry, then live to tell the tale.”

  By the time we make it back to the table the food is being set out. I slide back into the booth next to Gray, meeting his concerned gaze. “Are you okay?” He whispers into my ear.

  Turning my face I capture his lips with mine. No tongue, I just move my mouth against his. This isn’t about giving a show to everyone, this is about reassuring him. I don’t want Gray to think that I regret anything I shared with him because I don’t. His hand cups my face as he smiles against my lips. “Stop! It’s too much!” Hunter groans. “All this sweetness in one sitting is too much. Fuck! I’m goin’ to die from sugar shock to the cock!”

  I pull away from Gray to meet Hunter’s eyes. My glare makes him wince a bit but a wicked smile spreads across his face. This asshole thinks he can ruffle me? Ha! “What’s the matter Cunter?” I purr sweetly, reaching across the table, covering his hand with mine. “You jealous babe? You talk so much shit on Aiden for being pussy whipped or Gray for being sweet but what do you have to show for your ‘fuck it all’ theory for life? Last night
I watched your drunk ass get hauled onto the bus by Henry. You had no woman, got your sad ass shut the fuck down by a bitch who didn’t want you. Then you come in our room, naked by the way, to sing us a song. All the while claiming that your heart is hurting? It sounds to me that the big, bad Cunter isn’t as big or bad as he wants us to think.” Leaning in real close to his face, I slam down my gauntlet. “Oh by the way babe. Last night, saw what you’re workin’ with.” His eyes shoot up in amusement. “Not impressed. I sure hope you can work that tongue. If not? I hope you can make a hell of a gift basket.”

  “Fuck! Would you look at the smoke on that burn?” Cam says bumping my fist as everyone laughs. Everyone except Hunter, who looks like he could carve out my eyes with his spoon.

  “Oh it’s on.” He growls.

  The waiter interrupts us, “You two each have thirty minutes to finish your meals to win the shirts along with bragging rights. If not you will pay for your meal then take the walk of shame. Time starts now.”

  “You’ll never do it.” I say arching my brow. “I’ll bet you that you’ll be hurling in the parking lot before that timer dings.”

  “Oh really?” He laughs. “Alright Daisy, if I clear this plate without taking a yak in the parking lot…” Scratching his face as he thinks, Hunter’s eyes widen as the idea hits him. “You spooners have to hit the female strip club with us in Vegas. Oh, I also get to pick what you wear.”

  I smile at him, “Fine Cunter but if I win this bet, which I will. You boys all have to come to a male strip club with us. I may even be able to get them to let you boys perform in those pretty little thongs of yours.”

  “You’re goin’ down.” Hunter says shoveling into the first half of his burger.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing. I’m not about to get naked for all these assholes, Daisy.” Cam whispers nervously in my ear.

  “Don’t worry Cam, I know exactly what I’m doing. I’m having fun.” I say with a smile then dig into my fries.

  After watching Hunter and Henry battle the burgers for twenty minutes, Hunter starts to slow. “Lookin’ a bit green there aren’t ya?” I tease as he tries to chew his fries.

  “Fuck you and your mother.” He mumbles with his mouth full.

  “Neither me or my mother would fuck you if you had a foot long vibrating dick.” I snap making him choke and gasp for breath.

  “Damn it to hell! I swear I love you!” Hunter says once he swallows.

  “Done!” Henry says slumping against the back of the booth. “Chop, chop fuck nugget. You guys have an interview tomorrow morning that we can’t miss. I gotta get the the big bitch gassed up ‘n movin’ down the road. Just puke so we can go already.” He taunts.

  Grabbing the last half of his sandwich, Hunter bites into it. His rapid chewing and swallowing makes me laugh. I have come to terms with the fact that I am probably losing this bet. Hunter seems strong enough to finish this so I’m accepting my fate. God only knows what I will have to wear. Hunter grins as he holds the last bite in his hand. “Ready to lose Daisy?” He purrs.

  “Fucking hell Cunter. Just give up already! You’ll never eat that damn thing.” Cam snaps. I turn eyeing her suspiciously as she sits wringing her hands in her lap. What the hell has her so unhinged?

  Hunter shoves the last bite into his mouth, chewing then swallows just as the timer goes off. “I did it! Fuck you all!” He says jumping to his feet in the booth. He climbs on the table making everyone stare at us as he screams. Jumping to the floor, he starts grinding his hips and shaking his ass in a victory dance.”Daisy you can suck my…” He stops clapping his hand over his mouth.

  Hunter’s face goes green, his eyes widen, then he turns bolting for the bathroom. “HA!” Camaron whoops from the table as he flings the door open, “Anyone can tell you that even if you swallow it don’t count if you choke on it bitch!”

  “I’ll get on the web to find ya a list of strip clubs Daisy. You ladies can pick then I’ll call and see about bookin’ a dance for Hunter.” Aiden says with a laugh.

  “I can only hope what happens in Vegas stays there.” Henry says rolling his eyes. “That crazy asshole will be the death of me.”

  Just as Henry goes to settle the check Hunter flops into the booth. “You realize you only win on a technicality.” He groans. “I’ll let ya have it ladies only so you can salivate over my junk. I know you have to pretend around these pussies.”

  “Yeah that’s how it is alright.” I huff sarcastically.

  “Bus leaves in five!” Henry shouts from the door, making us all scramble out of the booth after him.

  Chapter Fourteen:

  Hail to the Beef

  I feel a little bad for Hunter so I buy him a bottle of Pepto before getting back on the bus. “It’s better than a Hallmark card.” I tease. He catches the bottle, clutching it to his chest as I sit next to Gray on the couch.

  “Daisy nothing says love like acid relief.” Hunter says after chugging from the bottle.

  “So we have an interview tomorrow with a radio station then it’s hittin’ the club Vegas style tomorrow night so that Cunter can shake ‘dat ass!” Aiden says looking at his phone.

  “Do you have everything on that thing?” I ask, watching his thumbs move so fast it makes my eyes cross.

  “Yep. I keep our schedules all on here so that I know what we’re doing. I don’t need anyone tellin’ me shit. Plus Tad struck me as slimy anyway so I thought it was a good idea.” Aiden says not taking his eyes from the screen. “I got a call from a venue in Minnesota. They said that Tad was billin’ them twice as much as we charged last year. Checked the invoice copies he sent me. It says our usual but it’s still fishy.”

  “Don’t worry about it. That bastard is fired as of Vegas. We see them day after tomorrow so it’s over then. We’ll take all of that back over ourselves. Daisy is goin’ to stay on to handle some details so it’s all good.” Gray says pulling me against him. I watch absentmindedly as Hunter flips through the channels. Gray’s fingers running through my hair as I fight to keep my eyes open. Hunter settles on some boxing match just as I lose the battle and my eyes flutter closed.

  I wake sometime later in bed wearing just Gray’s t-shirt. The sun is setting so I must have been out for a while. Leaning up on my elbows, I watch Gray strumming his guitar. His headphones covering his ears while he hums along with a song. I make sure not to move so that he doesn’t know that I’m awake. I want to watch him, study his fingers strumming the strings as his other hand curls around the neck. I can’t quite figure out the song, it sounds so familiar but I can’t place it. He is just as lost in the song as I am in watching him.

  “I know you’ve been watching me.” He says not turning to face me. “Why don’t you stop fuckin’ me in your head? Get over here and take what you want Wildflower.” He tosses his headphones to the floor then sets his guitar on the stand.

  Standing, I walk around the side of the bed in front of him. Gray smiles as he pulls me in between his legs. “So what exactly is it that I want Gray?” I purr, my voice still raspy from sleeping.

  Taking his hands I slide them under the hem of the shirt, letting them run up the backs of my thighs. Taking control, Gray slides his hands up cupping my ass with both hands. Gray’s fingers curl around the edge of my panties then with a rip they’re gone. He squeezes, watching my eyes with every movement his hands make. He smiles up at me, those wicked gray eyes planning and plotting. Then leans down running his nose along the inside of my thigh, pushing the shirt up as he goes. My hands grip his through the shirt, squeezing hard when he latches on to my clit making me cry out his name in surprise.

  Turning us he pulls me to the bed, meeting my eyes. “I can always feel when your eyes are on me. I’ve never felt more fuckin’ alive than when you’re watchin’ me Wildflower.” He growls then takes my mouth with his.

  I can taste myself on his lips but it doesn’t bother me. I soak up every second, every taste of his lips. The way his lip ring feels against my
mouth as it moves it’s unbelievable. I want more of him, all of him. I want nothing between us, I want to let go. Does he know that I feel more alive when I’m with him? Does he know that in the past few days I have felt more alive than I have my whole life? Even with all the shit with Landon, my life spinning out of control, Gray makes it all okay. He centers me in all the madness, almost like it isn’t real if we don’t think about it. Grayson Cole is really good at making me forget everything but him when he touches me.

  How the hell do you feel things like this for someone so quickly? I loved Landon but it took a while for the feelings to come. Though I still love Landon I never felt anything like this for him. Sure the sex was great but with Gray and me it is like a connection. It is so much more than just sex. We come together in ways I never thought was reality. It’s overpowering. I don’t want to give it up but yet I know that soon I will have to. Even if it is in a few months at the end of the tour, I will have to give him up. I quickly push that thought from my mind. All thoughts of leaving the bus or talking to Landon are shoved to the back of my head when Gray rips the shirt over my head. His mouth diving between my breasts biting, licking, sucking until I cry out again. My nails digging into his shoulders making him smile against my stomach as he moves along to the hip where my tattoo is.

  “I love this you know?” Gray whispers as his tongue grazes just along the edge. “Daisy the way you stood up to Hunter was so fuckin’ sexy. No one talks to him like that but us. Women fall at his feet, but you don’t.”

  “I fell at yours Sex and Sin.” I moan.

  He jerks his head up meeting my eyes. “What?” Gray asks arching a brow at me.

  I blush. “That’s what I thought of you at the bar that first night. In my head I called you Sex and Sin.”

  Gray rolls to his back roaring with laughter. “Sex and Sin! That’s fuckin’ hilarious!”

  I lean up on my elbow watching as Grayson Cole has a giggle fit. Do guys even call it that? Well that’s what this is. “You know the way you hit on me I assumed you played that game all the time. I was like a deer in the headlights. Then Landon came out.” I stop as his eyes meet mine.


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