Escaping Me

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Escaping Me Page 20

by Cat Mason

  Henry pulls Hunter off shoving him against the wall. Hunter is kicking wildly trying to get back at Tad. “Let me go Henry, I’ll kill that Motherfucker. What the hell did Daisy do to anyone to deserve this shit? Let me go!”

  Landon kneels over Tad, worry etched all over his face. “Tad? Are you alright? Say something…” He asks sweetly.

  “Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” I scream shoving away from Gray and Aiden. “After everything that he did you’re going to sit here and worry that he is okay? Get a goddamn grip Landon! You’re so weak. I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.” Grabbing my hand, Gray tries to calm me down but right now it doesn’t do a whole lot of good. “You promised me things Landon but all the while you were sneaking around behind my back with him.” I shout pointing to Tad who is starting to groan in pain.

  “Actually, I was sneakin’ around behind his back with you. Tad caught me then used the videos against me.” He murmurs as Tad’s eyes open. “I was never supposed to take another woman without him. I had to have you though Daisy. I nearly destroyed three years with Tad for a shot with you.”

  “I wasn’t enough for you though Landon.” I whisper.

  “No.” He says shaking his head sadly. “You weren’t. I wished so many times that you could be then I always found myself going back to Tad. I need to give over the control. I needed you both so badly. I could never choose between the two of you. I still fucking want you Daisy.”

  “You did though Landon.” Gray says angrily. “By doing this, you did choose.”

  “You don’t know everything. Although I doubt it matters anymore. I don’t have anything to make her want to stay with me now.”

  Landon doesn’t say another word. He lifts Tad to his feet, wraps an arm around him then we all watch as they walk out of the room.

  “Alright now that that’s over, we have a show to do in seven minutes.” Aiden says exhaling loudly. “Hopefully without any more drama.”

  I kiss Gray’s cheek then walk over to where Henry is whispering something to Hunter. Leaning up on my toes I kiss Hunter’s cheek. “Has Gray’s wife told you she’s loves the hell outta his best friends?” I ask. A smile spreads across his face as I lean into kiss his cheek again. “You really are a good guy. Thank you.” I whisper then walk over and kiss Gray’s lips. “I love you. See you stage left.” With that I grab Chase’s hand and leave the room before I do something totally girly like cry.

  Chapter Twenty Four:

  Two Blurred Lines

  The concert goes off without a hitch making Aiden a very happy man. Chase drags Hunter off to God only knows where as soon as he hits the edge of the stage with no objections. So with Henry and Aiden heading to a bar to unwind it leaves me alone with Gray in our hotel suite. Of course he barely gets the door locked before pulling the zipper of my dress down exposing nothing but skin. “I stared at you all night in this dress baby. If I’d known there was nothing under it…”

  “Well now that you know, what’re you gonna do about it?” I ask. His hands slide back up grabbing my breasts, his fingers rolling my nipples into hard points.

  “Ow damn.” I groan when he leans down sucking one into his mouth.

  “That hurt?”

  “I’m fine. Just be gentle baby.” I whisper when he lifts me into his arms walking us down the hall to our temporary bedroom for almost an entire week.


  Three days later we are sitting at the diner we have declared the only place we will eat in this damn town. It has a breakfast bar with unlimited amounts of bacon so Hunter pouts like a baby if we even suggest somewhere else. Chase is leaving tomorrow morning to go back to Vegas. According to her, Cam has agreed to go out with Luke on a date tomorrow night so she is determined to be there for that.

  “You realize that shit cannot happen right?” She says picking at her eggs. “We can’t let her date anyone! She belongs with Aiden.”

  “You know, maybe this will be a good thing.” I whisper so that Aiden can’t hear me. “She realizes no one is like Aiden… I mean the only reason she said yes is because of the pictures we send of him at the meet ‘n’ greets.” I say with a grin. Ever since we left Vegas, I’ve been tormenting Cam with picture messages showing Aiden with groupies. She is a total mess. According to Luke she was at the shop when she got one while helping him with inventory and snapped a pen in half. Of course Luke knows that her heart belongs to Aiden but that doesn’t mean he is any less blind to the fact that she’s a gorgeous sorta single woman who is right under his nose. I mean he is a man after all.

  Aiden sits down at the table slamming his phone down. “If she fuckin’ thinks she can date some guy then I’m going to show her a thing or two. Daisy I’ll fuck him up if he does my girl.”

  Our eyes dart to Aiden’s, “How did you know?” I ask.

  “She sent me a text. We’ve been talkin’ some. So when I asked her why she didn’t come with Chase; that was the response. She’s helpin’ out someone name Luke at his tattoo parlor or some shit then they’re goin’ out for dinner tomorrow.”

  Chase laughs, “Aiden he’s my brother. Cam is pissed about you moving on. Luke said she’s jealous as hell but won’t act on it. He won’t take advantage of the situation. Cam’s yours we all know that.”

  “Everyone ‘cept Cam.” He huffs.

  Hunter sits beside me with a plate overflowing with bacon making me roll my eyes. “That is so nasty. You don’t eat anything other than meat unless you count the occasional French fry.” I wrinkle up my nose as my stomach rolls.

  Grabbing a piece of bacon Hunter shoves it under my nose. “Babe nothin’ better than sinkin’ your teeth into some juicy delicious…” The smell hitting my nostrils makes my stomach lurch. Shoving around Hunter I run for the bathroom. Ignoring Gray’s shouting, I dive into the stall throwing up what little I have eaten.

  One of his strong hands is holding my hair up the other strokes my back. “Are you alright Daisy?” Gray asks concerned. I try to answer but my stomach lurches again, tears stinging my eyes. My chest heaving as I try to catch my breath. Once I am sure there is nothing left in my stomach to lose I try standing to my feet. I wobble making Gray grab my by the waist. “Shit baby.” He says sitting me on the sink where he takes a wet paper towel to my face. “We’re going back to the hotel now. You need to go to bed.”

  I shake my head. “No, I’m fine now really. I think the diner food just doesn’t sit well with me. Maybe I need to lay off it for a few days is all.” I say shakily standing on my feet. “Just give me a minute I’ll be back out once I rinse my mouth out.” He kisses my forehead then walks out of the bathroom heading back to the table.

  I splash cold water over my face, my eyes meeting the mirror. I know I’m not catching a bug I don’t look sick or pale. I just look flushed. “Thought you could use this.” I turn to see Chase standing in the door way with my bag.

  “Thanks.” Grabbing my bag from her I pull out my toothbrush and toothpaste.

  “So. You better now?” She asks watching me brush my teeth in the mirror.

  I nod. “Yeah. I’m good, just greasy ass diner food and all.” I mutter then spit.

  “Honey, we’ve been eatin’ this shit all week. You even longer. How long have you been on tour with the guys?” She asks crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Um, six weeks maybe?” I shrug then shove my stuff back into my bag. “Why?”

  She eyes me up then shakes her head, “No reason.”

  Without another word, we walk back out to the table where everyone is finishing up their food. I sit down between Gray and Hunter as everyone eyes me cautiously. “What?” I shout. “I have been eating like shit for weeks I was bound to have it kick my ass eventually. Stop looking at me like I’ve got the plague. I’m fine!”

  “Holy shit!” Hunter says with a laugh. “Is it that special time?”

  “Fuck you.” I choke out, my eyes burning as I push back tears.

  “Damn you’re emotional.” He says
patting my arm. “Sorry babe. Just fuckin’ with ya.” Hunter says sweetly.

  “I’m fine.” I reply looking at Chase who looks as sick as I felt earlier.

  “Hey, how ‘bout we go shopping today Daisy?” She blurts. “We can meet the guys later before the show.”

  “I don’t think you should baby.” Gray says squeezing my hand. “You should go rest since you aren’t feeling well. You’ve been off the last couple days.”

  My mind is whirling as it all adds up in my head. Six weeks on tour, no ‘special time’. I’m emotional, puking, and fuck me six weeks? That would mean I’m over three weeks late. “Um… No I’m fine. I think that Chase has a great idea. She has to leave soon to go back to Vegas so we need some more girl time.” Leaning into him, I press my lips to his cheek. “We’ll just leave from here and take a cab.” I say shooing Chase up from her chair before any of the guys have an opportunity to argue. “Love you.” I sing out blowing kisses to Gray then hurry Chase out the door.

  “I’m not pregnant.” I bite out the moment we are settled into a cab.

  “I didn’t say anything.” Chase says with a smirk while taps into her phone.

  “Who the hell are you talking to?” I ask fumbling to grab her phone.

  “Camaron. Do you really think we can do this without involving her?”

  The phone rings making her giggle then hits speaker. “Hello Cam darling, we have a tiny situation.” Chase says with a nervous giggle.

  “A fuckin’ baby isn’t a tiny situation.” I bite out.

  “It is tiny…” Cam says. “Sweets you shoulda just sucked his dick.”

  “Do you not get the seriousness of this situation!” I yell at the phone. “I’m over three weeks late! I’m on the pill!” I scream as if that makes it any less true that this is happening. “If I’m pregnant the baby could be Landon’s. The last time we had sex was the night the tour started.” I blurt as the cab pulls over. I barely make it out before I throw up onto the street, none of it having to do with possible morning sickness.

  Cam is booking a flight to be here tomorrow, Chase is rescheduling hers, and here I am in a pharmacy shopping in the family planning aisle. Not exactly the shopping trip I had planned today but here I am buying thirteen pregnancy tests. “Why are you buying so many?” Chase asks as I swipe my debit card.

  “Because they aren’t one hundred percent accurate.” I reply shaking my head. “Although it looks like my fuckin’ birth control wasn’t either.”

  Chase grabs the bag then we walk out to the street to grab another cab. “Listen, the guys think we’re shopping. So I say we sneak to the arena parking lot, get on that damn bus so you can pee in a cup for us to dunk these fuckers. Once we know for sure we’ll deal with it babe.”

  A tear rolls down my face once I slide into the cab. “What am I going to tell Gray? It could be Landon’s. God I’ve fucked everything up.” I sob into my hands.

  “Let’s just find out if you even are pregnant. Then we worry about what to tell the guys. Chances are though it would be Gray’s anyway babe. You have to believe that. The odds are in your favor here if you look at quantity. From what you told me Landon was brushin’ you off but Gray was tappin’ that ass like a frat boy at a keggar.”

  Chase tells the driver the name of the arena then we are on our way. The parking lot is pretty empty when we pull up next to the bus. Although I nearly get sick again at the sight of the SUV parked by the back doors; I know they are deep in practice mode right now. Luckily since we are back on the bus tomorrow night Henry has it airing out while the guys practice inside the arena today so it’s unlocked.

  After grabbing a cup and doing my business Chase and I are dipping stick after stick then laying them on the shelf to wait. My phone rings making me jump as I pace up and down the aisle. “Hello?”

  “What does it say?” Cam asks.

  I look over to Chase who just nods. “Shit!” I scream dropping the phone at my feet. Walking around the bed to the shelf I fling the sticks to the floor then throw myself on the bed. My heart finally begins cracking.

  Chase picks up my phone from the floor, putting it to her ear. “Cam? Babe, let us call you back. Text me with your flight info alright?” Tossing the phone to the bed she sits beside me. “Daisy it’s gonna be fine. Talk to Gray. You two should’ve really done this together.” She gestures at the tests scattered across the floor. “I’ll be right back. I’m gonna call Luke get him to move my shifts. I’m not leaving you like this.”

  I nod as she leaves the room then I scream hysterically into the pillow. I can’t believe this is happening. Landon was finally out of the picture, Gray and I were in a great place right now planning our future then this happens? What if the baby is Landon’s? I sob into the pillow remembering the night I told Gray I was on the pill. That he didn’t need to worry about me getting pregnant. I have messed everything up for everyone. I have possibly ruined all of our lives. If only I had stuck to my list. If only I had planned all of this out instead of jumping in without looking first. It’s too late for what ifs now. All I have left is the hope that maybe I won’t lose everything I love once the truth is all out on the table.

  Sitting up I pull the old list from my bag. The motherfucker is mocking me I am sure of it. I planned my life around this damn thing now it’s shot to hell. The list Gray and I made weeks ago doesn’t include a fucking baby that could belong to my submissive, bisexual ex-fiancé either. That little zinger isn’t on either list but it’s a damn possibility none the less. “I can’t believe I’m such an idiot!” I scream as I throw the tablet against the wall.


  I jump as my tear covered face meets the one person I didn’t want to see me like this but the person I need most right now. Grayson. My shield, my husband and the only person that can give me any sort of solace right now. His eyes look at the little white sticks on the floor then move to me as he stretches out his arms. Without a single word I run into them as he pulls us to the bed where we don’t say a word, I just cry into his chest.

  “It’s going to be fine.” Gray says after my tears finally start to slow. Turning my chin up forcing me to meet his eyes he kisses my lips. “You’re my wife. We’re havin’ a baby. It’s going to be fine.” He repeats.

  “What if it’s Landon’s? I’ve only slept with him once in the last six weeks or so but Gray it’s a possibility.” I choke out trying not to cry again.

  Gray’s hand flattens against my abdomen his eyes not leaving mine. His gray stare is dark and possessive. “It’s mine.” He says without a single doubt. “No matter fuckin’ what it’s mine because you’re mine.” I nod forcing a grin onto my face. “Now, get your sexy ass dressed I have a song to sing to my wife tonight.” Gray kisses me deeply then I go into the bathroom to straighten out my face before the show.

  I don’t see Chase again until Henry takes me to stage left. She went after Gray for me then ran into Hunter and well things got heated, people got naked. According to her it was a small sacrifice for the greater good. Shaft is killing it as usual. The fans are going completely insane as Aiden bangs his kit setting the bass line. Gray looks over at me several times as he plays with a huge smile. I force a smile then blow him a kiss.

  When the set is over Gray walks up to the mic as usual but without his guitar. “You rocked the shit outta tonight! We fuckin’ love you for comin’ out! Now some of you know that I got married around a month ago.” He says making the crowd scream. His eyes meet mine as he smiles. “Daisy’s quickly become my whole world. Usually, I sing her a cover at the end of every show but tonight I got the best news since she said yes so I’m changin’ my plans.” Gray smiles giving me a wink. I know what he is going to do and I think I’m going to be sick. I clap a hand over my mouth begging my empty stomach not to revolt. “Tonight we found out we’re pregnant. Daisy is going to give me a baby!” He shouts and the crowd goes crazy. They are screaming and cheering. Hunter bumps his fist as Aiden jumps over his kit joining
in Gray’s celebration.

  Gray looks over at me, “Come here Wildflower.” He says sweetly.

  The feeling to run like hell is pretty damn strong. I want to run down that ramp getting the hell away from all of this. I understand exactly what Cam means by wanting to stay out of the limelight. I don’t get my chance though because Hunter comes over and grabs my hand. “Oh Mommy you’re gonna love the new baby more than me.” He teases walking me out on stage.

  “Isn’t she fuckin’ beautiful?” Gray asks the crowd.

  Tossing the mic to Aiden he grabs my face crushing his mouth to mine in a kiss that has my stomach in knots. Lifting me off the ground, he spins us slowly. “I fuckin’ love you Mrs. Cole.” He says letting me slide down his arms until our lips meet again.

  Gray pulls away so that I can look out to the crowd cheering for us. I smile at them taking in the thousands watching our ‘private’ celebration. Then as my eyes look down into the fifth row my heart stops. Staring up at me are two sets of familiar eyes. Tad has an arm wrapped around Landon who looks like he is about to lose his shit. His face is blood red, boiling with rage. I watch him shove his way around people making his way toward the exit. My entire body tenses as my eyes follow him to the stage access doors. Looking back to where Tad still stands I meet his eyes. He just looks at me with a huge victorious grin on his smug face then winks.

  “Thanks everyone. You’ve been amazing!” Aiden says into the mic then we all walk off stage toward Chase, Henry and a now very pissed off Landon.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Four Letter Words

  “I want to talk to you both. Now.” Landon bites out.


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