Seal the Deal (1Night Stand Series)

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Seal the Deal (1Night Stand Series) Page 1

by JoAnne Kenrick

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Seal the Deal

  Copyright © 2013 by JoAnne Kenrick

  ISBN: 978-1-61333-586-4

  Cover art by Fiona Jayde

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

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  Also by JoAnne Kenrick

  When a Mullo Loves a Woman

  Dracula’s Kiss

  Sweet Irish Kiss


  Threesome Sweetness

  Hot Winter Kiss

  Marry Me, I’m Irish

  Strange and Beautiful

  All the Pretty Faces

  Bittersweet Symphony

  Treacle and Treason


  To my wonderful critique readers for their brutal honesty; Taryn, Kali, Nicole, and Dawn. I adore this story and now have a major soft spot for selkies and Finn Kneale. This book is also dedicated to all my readers. Thanks for picking up my story. I hope my words transport you to a magical place you’ll grow to love as much as I do.

  Seal the Deal

  Isle of Man & Selkie

  A 1Night Stand Story


  JoAnne Kenrick

  "JoAnne Kenrick transports her readers to that land between myth and reality where romance is all the magic you need. Don't miss your chance to visit!" ~Heather Long, bestselling author of the Always a Marine series.

  Chapter One

  Finn Kneale slid from his watch-point rock a few miles out from the little tourist trap where he had lived for most of his life. Under the miraculous February 29th lunar eclipse, he delved into the depths of the Irish Sea. The orb hanging over the ocean like a dimmed lantern held his last chance to undo the spell shrouding him in misery. Water lapped, and he twisted, clapping flippers over the sea foam. Waves crashed over his mottled gray-and-black seal self. Excitement rushed through him and exited in a loud, brassy roar. Then he unleashed another and another, each increasing in volume for the benefit of his aquatic friends. The barked announcement told the world Finn hoped to meet his mate tonight.

  He floated in the shallows, waiting, watching as the old, white lighthouse fluctuated in and out of existence. The sliver of moonlight cast a silvery glow over the once-in-ruins building sitting proud again, high on the cliff’s edge. Its beacon shone bright, yet the gray sky pitched gloom below. He had all of twenty-four hours to seal the deal—as long as the lighthouse stood—then the energy balance would return to normal along the rocky shores of the Isle of Man, the historical maritime building vanishing once again. At least, that was the story his father had relayed every morning for the last four years.

  Shimmying his slippery body across the pebbled beach of Port St. Mary, he took cover between tall, bulky rocks for the transformation. Safely hidden, he squeezed his eyelids closed and tried to envision his human self. Too much time had passed; he wasn’t sure his memory was close to the mark.

  Think, Finn, think.

  Soft cotton towels against his whiskers, the warm touch of the sun on his shoulders as he worked the farm, tasty homemade soup tangy on his tongue. Soft flesh of a woman beneath him. Oh, to be admired for his manliness rather than his cutesy seal features and bubble-blowing talents. Fragmented recollections of the little things were all that had survived years of watching the shoreline.

  Tensing, he pulled his attention to how much he needed legs again. Long legs. Long, running legs. Resting legs…. And feet! Oh, to walk again.

  Shivers wracked his body, flippers quaking hard, fast. Sharp stabbing pain seared him, pins and needles prickling every inch. Darkness closed around him. His tensed muscles turned to mush, and his pounding heart eased. And then, nothing but darkness.

  Black-and-white vision returned, but blurred. A seagull squawked above. Focusing on the bird in flight, Finn’s sight sharpened and colorized.

  He rubbed his eyes.

  The pads of his fingers were hard against his skin. Fingers? He sat, willing digits and toes to wiggle. Blinking, he pinched his soft, warm cheeks. Pulling at the skin, he stretched his mouth into a wide smile and clamped his fingers between his sharp teeth. Ouch. Had the plan really worked? Was he staring at limbs? Were they really a part of him? Was he human again? To be sure his mind wasn’t playing tricks, he dragged his feet along the wet sand and waved an arm. Fantastic. Then he kicked the air. Delighted with the certainty, laughter roared from deep within.

  No time for celebrations. To make his reprieve from the ocean stick, Finn had to find his soul mate. Fast. His father had promised to be ready for this night. God, he prayed he would be. Finn believed in his father’s convictions—he always came through on promises.

  The February air bit his naked bottom and sent shudders racing through him. Covering his groin with his shed sealskin—in case he crossed paths with ramblers or fishermen, both of whom frequented the area—he hopped from one rock to the next, navigating the beach. He then raced through the overgrown meadows, focused on each foot landing on ground, the damp, rich green grass poking between his toes, tickling them. Determination fired him up. Alive with an electric buzz he had never experienced before, he ran. And ran.

  Minutes later, he arrived at a modest farmhouse. Once home for the lighthouse keeper, the stone cottage now served as his parents’ home. Inside, he expected to find his mother at the table figuring out some jigsaw puzzle while snuggled in a huge, thick sweater near the pitiful, not quite crackling, fire in the hearth. His father with his feet up, a tartan blanket over his knees, enjoying some comedy show on the old television—a typical scene after a long day hauling arse around the farm.

  Finn turned the handle, opened the green door, and inched inside. Rich-colored furnishings and scents of apple pie and fresh bread greeted him. A fire blazed away in the hearth, warming the now cozy cottage. Not how he remembered the cold shell of a house. Had his perspective changed? Or was the place different now? When he shifted his weight, the wide oak floorboards groaned.

  The eerie sound slammed him to a stop.

Drapes closed tight, his parents huddled over his old desktop computer. How could it be? Lovers of the handwritten word, they often sat at the desk scribbling letters to send to friends who lived inland. They’d gone tech on him? Could they have changed so much in four years?

  He opened his mouth to call out, but all he managed was a strangled, “Maa.” Grabbing his throat, he croaked louder. His pulse sped and he swayed, legs wobbling with a mind of their own. Thud. Facedown, he met the floor.

  “Finn!” His father darted to his side. “Everything will be all right. You need some time to feel your land legs again is all. I reckon a hot bath will see you right.”

  “And wash away the awful fishy smell.” His mother knelt beside him then swept the hair from his face “I’m so happy you dug deep in your heart and reached out to be human. I’ve missed you, my boy.”

  After a soapy soak, he sat on his old bed and tucked his sealskin into the mahogany trunk where he’d kept his toy trains as a boy. With that part of him locked away, he dressed in the black designer clothes his parents had laid out for him. A penguin suit? The irony.

  Any signs of his true nature might make his date set her catch-of-the-day free. He couldn’t risk such a thing happening. Couldn’t give her any reason to reject him. For a chance to live out his days as a normal person—as a human—he’d do anything. Even dress formally.

  “Women like their men clean and fresh, so I reckon you should get rid of your furry beard.”

  “Huh?” He rubbed his chin—bristling, short, sharp against his palms. Glancing in a bathroom mirror, his unfamiliar reflection confirmed he was a hairy mess. Un-groomed and out of practice in the ways of seduction. Navigating his way through the night would be a challenge. He wanted to walk the earth with legs again for the rest of his days, flippers a distant memory. Why’d a woman have to be what stood between the sea and land?

  Stupid curse, damn it. He’d never understand it and with luck he’d never have to.

  “No matter how often you groom,” his father patted him on the back, “you will have whiskers and unruly hair while you’re of the sea.”

  Finn curled his tongue, attempting to shoot out a whole load of crap at his dad. His words caught at the back of his throat and formed a series of sharp grunts. Deep, gruff, gritty. Communication was never his strong point, but he had always managed to spout angry words before. Had he forgotten how to be, well, human?

  His father threw his hands up in defeat. “It’s the way of the selkie.”

  Finn slanted his eyes, unwelcome suspicion twisting, growing deep within.

  “Have faith, son.” Reverence for the words of promise lulled his racing pulse back to a somewhat normal pace. He hid his suspicions in a dark corner of his mind, trying to disregard them. Stalking toward him, his father whispered, “Son, there is something I must tell you.”

  “Out with it.” Had he misplaced his long-standing trust? Of all people, on tonight of all nights, he needed his father to be his tower of strength. Someone he could count on to keep his calm, give him direction.

  “Your mother was born selkie, but she is as human as they come now. There is hope for you, too. Don’t you ever give up.”

  Finn stumbled back. “Mum was like me? Why didn’t I know this? Is this why I turned? Did I inherit…the condition?” Words spilled from him in a jumbled mess of confusion. Scratching his whiskers, he opened his mouth to throw more at his father. Thankful to be able to speak, even if he made no sense, he sighed. Perhaps he’d be back in the swing of all things human soon.

  “It’s a lot to take in, I understand, but those details aren’t important right now.”

  “You’ve had years to break the news to me. Years!”

  “I wasn’t sure how much you understood while you were a seal. Son, sit, listen good.” He pushed him. Finn stumbled back, landing on his father’s favorite billowy chair. “You have to focus on your mission. We can deal with the semantics later, when you’ve got more time. But right now, nothing is more important than snagging the love of your life. Understand? ”

  He nodded.

  “Use your God-given charms to get this lass to fall for you before morning, son.”

  “But ain’t no woman going to love me with hair like this.”

  “I’m sure she’ll think you adorable.” He patted Finn on the head.

  A string of questions raced through him—about his mother, about his own condition. Too much to get his head around. But his father gave good advice; focus on what’s important. “Is she nice? Pretty?” His voice—husky, deep—seemed damaged from years of barking.

  “Catch your breath.”

  “Who is she? Who is going to fall for me in twelve hours?” Restlessness twirled around his legs and snaked up his spine, aching, urging him to move. He stood then paced the room.

  “Your date will be the one, because we used the 1Night Stand agency.”

  He stilled, unsure if he understood the situation right. “A matchmaker for one-night stands?”

  “Trust me when I say the owner, Madame Eve, has an impeccable knack for matchmaking. And for your mother and I, one night was all that we needed to find love. Isn’t that proof enough? No woman could be more perfect for me.”

  “But still, I’m not so big on blind dates.”

  “Son, you were never big on dates, period. Not since the lass broke your heart after college. But Madame Eve is no ordinary matcher. Some even say her talent for her work is…erm...magical.”

  “Magic?” He cleared his throat, nearly choking on the word. “Magic got me into this mess.”

  “Maybe it’s what will get you out of it?”

  “You really think she can find me a woman who could fall in love with me in one night?”

  “More importantly, one you will fall in love with.” His mother grabbed his father’s hand, a single teardrop trickling down her rosy cheeks. “Make the most of tonight, son.”

  “All the details about your date are here.” He thrust a folded letter at Finn, along with a hotel receipt.

  Top quality vanilla paper, watermarked with the 1Night Stand logo, and scented. Lilacs perhaps? He inhaled, sweet notes enveloped in a light musk. Fresh. Pretty. Feminine. Yes, lilacs. He knew the scent well as they were his mother’s favorite flower.

  Hotel reservations are enclosed.

  He glanced at the paperwork. “Seriously, Dad? Of all places, you had to pick this one?”

  “It’s the only posh hotel in Port St. Mary, you know that. My boy deserves the best.”

  He sighed and returned to reading the letter.

  Your date will be expecting you no later than nine.

  The front desk will have a key for you. Your date will meet you in the room. Her name is Anne; she’s Scottish and new to the Isle. Two years new. So be considerate, patient, and please make her feel...welcome...but don’t overdo it. Show her all the home comforts you must have missed while out at sea. Indulge in the Isle’s little treats and historical treasures. Eat, drink, walk, visit locations with a special place in your heart. And love. Love like there’s no tomorrow.

  Wishing you the magical evening of your dreams.

  Bien à toi,

  Madame Evangeline

  Chapter Two

  A chill raced down Anne Ward’s spine. She wrapped her woolen shawl tight around her chest as the bitter wind sliced through her clothes and prickled her skin. Wintry winds dashed across the terrace of the promenade golf resort. Sat high on a cliff overlooking the wild Irish Sea, the building was a Victorian splendor. Ivy entwined pillars supporting the partially covered decking, and blue shutters framed the original sash windows.

  She’d nipped out for a breath of fresh air after having booked in and dumping her overnight bag in her room, killing time before her date arrived. Full of nerves. Her hands balled, and her stomach ached. Mahogany locks whipped her cheeks and nose. She tucked the stray strands behind her ears, sucking in the brisk air. She wanted this. No, she needed this. A woman could go only so long wi
thout the love of a man, and she’d exceeded such a time long ago. But not through lack of trying. Port St. Mary, with all of two thousand residents, had so few options. All the good men were wankers or taken. Even eight miles out to larger Castletown, eligible men were a rare find.

  1Night Stand, a matchmaking agency recommended to her by a lovely couple whose first baby she had delivered last spring, seemed a good bet. Maybe her last chance. It’d taken her so long to use the service because she believed love should happen on its own, a natural process.

  Seemed the mistress of life hadn’t been on her side. So far, the men she had met in Port St. Mary were either new or about-to-be fathers. Or married doctors. She’d fallen prey to becoming the other woman once. Inadvertently. Fell hard, too. Since then, she’d paused in her quest to find love and turned to furry critters for companionship. Taking in hungry strays, she now had three felines. Not how she’d ever imagined herself. Single, thirty, and a cat lady.

  The 1Night Stand business card had fallen out of the kitchen cabinet in her quaint, semi-detached cottage one month earlier and restored her faith in fate. Big on synchronicity, she’d taken the act of chance as a sign.

  She wholeheartedly believed fate had brought her to Port St. Mary. While on holiday in her mother’s birthplace, she’d aided an impromptu delivery of the vicar’s twins in the town hall which had then led to a job offer. All during the first day of her break.

  She’d have to lessen her expectations if tonight failed, settle for being the cat lady who lived at the end of Cronk Road. Or fade away, become a part of the scenery the tourists flocked from miles around to see.

  “You all right, miss?” A podgy boy she’d met where she worked tugged at her shawl, his cheek bulging on the right. He made a sucking sound, and the swell appeared at his other cheek. “Yum, I love gobstoppers. The Isle Rock and Sweets store sells the best ever. Want one?”


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