To Keep a Secret

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To Keep a Secret Page 6

by Brenda Chapman

  I scrambled forward on my hands and knees and grabbed onto his leg. He half turned and kicked at me with his free foot, once, twice . . . I was sure he’d broken some ribs. Another kick landed in the middle of my stomach. Then Henry wrestled free. He turned and pounded Vine in the face. The impact sent Vine reeling backward and I let go of his leg.

  Suddenly, Jimmy, Shaw, and Nick emerged from the darkness at a dead run. They landed on Vine like a pack of dogs. I rolled into a ball, clutching my stomach. Tears of pain streamed down my swollen face. I felt Henry’s hands on my back.

  “Help,” he yelled. “Over here. Anna’s hurt.”

  Feet pounded on the ground and more hands patted over my back and head. Nick knelt beside my head and rubbed his fingers softly across my wet cheek. “Hang in there, Anna,” he said. “Help is coming. You and Henry are going to be okay. You’ve done good.”

  Those were the last words I heard before my world went black.


  Just over a month later and two weeks before Christmas, Evan and I spent the Saturday afternoon wandering from store to store in the Westboro neighbourhood. My ribs still hurt now and then, but the bruises on my face had healed without scarring. I had trouble digesting food, though. The doctor assured me that problem would also go away, given more time.

  Snow had been falling all day. The stores were filled with shoppers and Christmas carols played like a running soundtrack.

  “Time for some hot chocolate,” I said after I placed the last of our packages into the trunk of my car.

  “Yippee!” Evan spun in a circle and held his face up to the sky. He opened his mouth and captured snowflakes on his tongue.

  I took his mittened hand in mine and we stomped through the snow to the Bridgehead café on the corner. We got our drinks at the counter and I looked around the busy room. Luckily, right then a couple stood up to leave. We nabbed their table near the window and shrugged out of our heavy coats. I was more tired than I’d let on to Evan. We sipped our hot chocolate and I thought I might never want to leave this warm, comfortable spot.

  “May I have a cookie?” Evan asked. “I could get you one too, Aunt Anna.”

  “Now what was I thinking? Of course we need cookies.” I reached down for my purse, groaning at the sudden pain in my side.

  “This one is on me,” Evan said with a smile. “Grandpa gave me some money to treat you.” He leapt up and joined the long line at the counter. I watched him with a bittersweet happiness in my heart. Cheri was missing out on so much, but at least she’d be home from China for two weeks at Christmas.

  I glanced to my right at three young girls waiting for their order. I looked more closely. “Hi Frannie,” I said.

  All three of them looked at me. It took Frannie Blair a few seconds before she remembered who I was. She moved closer to my table and smiled. “Hi Anna.” Her friends pulled out their iPhones.

  “How are you?” I asked.

  Frannie leaned toward me. “Mom and I are moving to Stratford after Christmas. She grew up there. My father moved to Kingston. He . . . moved in with his girlfriend.”

  I’m sorry.

  “It’s okay. He was hardly around. Mom and I are going to start a new life. She’s been getting treatment, you know, for depression. She’s been depressed as long as I can remember.”

  “I’m glad things are working out for you, Frannie. You and your mom deserve a fresh start.”

  “Yeah. Thanks for everything you did to help us. I wish Mandy could have met you.”

  “I wish that too.”

  Evan came back with our cookies. I helped him get settled at our table and made a big deal over my oatmeal treat. Evan puffed up like a little duck. Frannie and her friends were gone when I looked their way again. Seeing her felt like a good omen. Like an early Christmas present.

  After we finished our snack, I drove Evan to his grandma Wilson’s house a few blocks away. Jimmy would meet him there for supper after his shift. I walked Evan to the door and hugged him goodbye. And I promised to hide the presents he picked out at my dad’s house.

  Jimmy pulled into the driveway as I was heading for where I was parked. I stopped and waited for him to get out of his car.

  “Hey, Anna,” he said. “You’re looking better.”

  “The question is, better than what?”

  “Better than that sad specimen we hauled on a stretcher off Nepean Point.” He smiled. “You’ll be happy to hear that Sergeant Rudy Vine is now officially off the force. He resigned this morning.”

  “Took him long enough.”

  “Like all men with gigantic egos, he believed he could talk his way out of being charged. His lawyers have finally convinced him to plead guilty and avoid a trial for kidnapping and attempted murder.”

  “Getting that ego-maniac off the force feels good.”

  Jimmy grinned. “Want to come in for supper? My mom would enjoy your company.” He left unsaid that he would, too.

  I thought about it for all of five seconds. “No, I don’t think so. I’ve got plans.” The disappointment in his eyes almost made me have second thoughts. I pulled open my car door before I could act on them. “See you around,” I said, and climbed in. He was still leaning on the trunk of his car as I pulled away.

  I drove slowly through Westboro and Wellington West until I reached my PI office in Hintonburg. The snow and Christmas lights lifted something in my heart. I’d missed this season in Ottawa when I was hitching around the U.S.

  Gino Roma was leaning on the counter in his pizza restaurant. I entered and accepted his hug before taking a seat at the counter. I took a deep breath, inhaling the smells of tomato, basil, and garlic.

  “You just missed Nickie,” he said. “He was here for supper.”

  “Too bad.” I accepted a menu and pretended to read it. I put it down and said, “Gino, just what did your son Nick do before he started working for us?” I tried to look like I wasn’t fishing for information.

  “Nick? I thought you knew.” Gino set a full glass of red wine in front of me. He poured a second glass for himself.


  “My Nick was a famous actor in Italy. He made several films and had all the ladies lining up. He was like that Brad Pitt person, only bigger.”

  The surprise made me cling onto the edge of the counter to keep myself from falling off the chair. Movie star wasn’t even close to the gangster life I’d imagined. I blinked a couple of times. “Has Nick made any English films?”

  “Why would he? He had all the work he could handle in Italian movies. Then his girlfriend broke his heart and he got tired of fame. I’m not sure how long he will stay in Canada. But he is happy here for now.” Gino winked and raised his glass. “Here’s to you, Anna Sweet. Merry Christmas to my favourite PI.”

  I gave my head a small shake before clinking my glass with his. “To you, Gino. And to the end of a bumpy year filled with surprises.”

  Gino laughed. “I’m quite sure there will be many more bumps in the years to come. May our lives never be dull.”

  I wasn’t sure this was the best wish, with all we’d just been through. But I raised my glass anyway and saluted Gino before taking a good, long drink.


  Brenda Chapman is a popular mystery author. The Jennifer Bannon Mystery Series is aimed at young adults while the Anna Sweet Mysteries are for adults. Her novel, The Second Wife, was shortlisted for the Golden Oak Award in 2011. A former teacher, she now works as a senior communications advisor in Ottawa.


  In Winter’s Grip

  The Second Wife

  Second Chances

  Cold Mourning

  Anna Sweet Mysteries

  My Sister’s Keeper

  The Hard Fall

  Jennifer Bannon Mystery Series

  Running Scared

  Hiding in Hawk’s Creek

  Where Trouble Leads

  Trail of Secrets

can visit Brenda’s website at




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