The Pike_Evermore

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The Pike_Evermore Page 15

by Erik Schubach

  He shook his head as I surveyed the group, some of them sitting up and taking notice of my presence, but they didn't stand. A well-behaved lot they were. “It was worse than you could possibly imagine. I thought we'd have to call the cops in on a murder or two.”

  He grinned. “But then she showed up, and kicked everyone's asses and got them all to shut up and sit down.”

  Then he looked sheepish. “It was pretty awesome. But I think she's taken over the Crib now. We're all a little scared of her, and a little turned on.”

  I just stared at him like you would an unruly dog making a mess in your kitchen, “Who, what, when, where, why, assface? 'The fuck is going on here?”

  He grinned at my consternation as he idly flipped me off. Then my heart stopped beating in my chest as I heard a voice that seemed to set off a tuning fork in my soul as Karmin walked out onto the stage with a balding contractor, saying with authority, “Thank you, Mr. McCallister, we look forward to your bid. We'll be in touch.”

  She hadn't noticed me as she stood in that same Major leather outfit as the prior night. It was doing many many pleasant things to my body just then. She looked at her iPad and called out, “Harrison Construction?”

  She looked up with those mirrored sunglasses on, but then hesitated as she looked at me like she was frozen in indecision. The man beside her almost meekly stepped away, gripping his hard hat brim in both hands as another burly man stood from the chairs and started eagerly forward.

  I said just one word, “Karmin?”

  She didn't look angry, or sad, or anything I would have expected from someone who I had just got fired. Instead, she smiled and blushed cutely and held up a hand to stop me from babbling out some incoherent nonsense. “Just a sec. Let me finish with this group, then we can talk.”

  She gave a toothy grin. “I'm sort of having fun here.” She looked surprised at the admission.

  I just stared at the woman who I swear should be animated, and she turned from me to look at the large contractor who came up the steps and up to her. She shook his hand energetically, “Mr. Harrison, come on back.”

  She almost had a skip in her step as she brought the man backstage, looking back over her shoulder and then squishing her head down to her shoulders as she bit the tip of her tongue when she smiled at me.

  I looked at the curtain swaying where they had gone back, then at Brandon, “What the fuck just happened?”

  He shrugged and smiled. “Dunno, though I'm pretty sure she's in charge now. She stopped these people from tearing each other apart, and she organized an interview process on the fly. Giving deadlines for bids and even has the mess in the office all squared away. I think I'm in love.”

  I backhanded his gut and grinned. “Hands to yourself, she's spoken for.” Then a bit of Nala's insecurity brought me back to myself as I said in an unsure tone, “At least I hope so.”

  He started chuckling and teased, “Good God, Na Na Evermore has been tamed by possibly the most adorably frightening woman on the planet. How the mighty have fallen.”

  I cocked an eyebrow in challenge, and he held up his hands in surrender, adding, “Hey, I don't see any negatives there. And I'm pretty sure your feelings are reciprocated, otherwise why would she be pulling our collective asses out of the fire so handily?”

  Huh. My heart beat a little faster then I headed backstage. Brandon calling after me, “Umm... I wouldn't go in there if I were you. She told us all to stay out.”

  I rolled my eyes at the chicken livered coward and opened the door as the girls looked at me like I had lost my mind for doing it. I defended, “This is my office, I'll damn well go where...” I hesitated when I looked in, and Karmin's head snapped over toward me, and she stared expectantly...

  I closed the door carefully and said ruefully, “ I was saying, I choose to stay out here while Kar does her thing.”

  Bethany made a whip sound without even looking up from where her nose was buried in her cell. Then they all chuckled as I muttered, “I hate you all.”

  The rest of the morning was amazing to watch Karmin at work. By lunch she had all the contractors squared away as they all started doing takeoffs on the structure. They were warned by the tiny dynamo that the “same rules” applied as earlier, and they would be excused if she heard just one unprofessional grumble.

  Then she hopped up to me. No really, she actually hopped up to me, and it was beyond cute. Then she stood on her toes to give me a quick peck on the lips as she said, “Feeeeed me, Seymour.” Then her bubbly mood dampened a notch as she said, “After lunch, I have to work on my resume.”

  My heart sank at that, but then I looked around at how efficiently she had controlled what I knew had to have been chaos. An idea sprang to mind that would solve the current problem and the future headaches I saw coming as I took on more and more, especially with the renovation and everything that followed.

  I got down on one knee, trying not to snort about the fact she was barely taller than me like that, and I took her hand. Her eyeballs were bugging out as I asked, “Karmin Hughes, Kitty K-Hue, will you be my...” Her eyes bulged further, and I finished, “ manager?”

  She exhaled in relief then started giggling as I took her glasses off. Then she squinted one eye and squished her lips to one side of her face and asked thoughtfully, “Can I kiss the boss?”

  I nodded enthusiastically and asserted, “That can be arranged.”

  Then she stepped past me, her chin held up regally as she repeated, “Feed me, Seymour. And I need a change of clothes.”

  I noted the tease hadn't given me an answer. She wasn't all sweetness and light after all, now was she? And I wanted to get to know that part of her too.

  I found myself heading after her and calling out through my huge smile, “Hey now, wait up shrimp! Where's the fuckin' fire?”

  I may have sighed when I caught up, and she reached up to take my hand. This... is how it should be.

  I held up a hand, palm out at my posse as they started to trail behind us, Spike had materialized from somewhere. I hadn't seen him since I left this morning. I glanced back and cocked an eyebrow. They were nothing but smiles as they stopped following. Ok, looks like the little Kitty here stole their hearts too.

  What a fuckin' awesome day.


  I had to smile at Karmin as she whined at her girl, “Nala, hurry up, it's thirty minutes to opening!”

  Nala smiled at her. The world couldn't have put together such a pair of opposites. That's where my sister came in when she stole my meddling opportunity. Sneaky Raggedy Ann butt.

  Karmin was looking every inch Sakura from Naruto just then, in her red leather zip-up vest and pink skirt. She was a stark contrast to the undisputed punk queen of Seattle.

  Nala was looking extra edgy tonight with more black leather, black satin, and silver chains than I've ever seen her wear. I was sort of in love with the amazing horsetail of shiny black hair that draped past her ass off her mohawk. She'd been hiding that magnificent thing for years, but she wore it out on proud display to the world whenever Karmin was around. The little anime lover was Na Na Evermore's kryptonite, and the world knew it.

  The past eighteen months, they had grown inseparable while Karmin ran the renovation for Nala. And also brokered a deal between the Ballyhoo Club and the Empire. Every night except Friday and Saturday, when raves or concerts weren't booked at the Empire, it was going to be the Ballyhoo Edge. A nightclub co-managed by Nala and Bonnie from the Ballyhoo, which would cater to the more extreme lesbian crowd that didn't quite fit the upbeat pop clientele of the Ballyhoo.

  It was brilliant really. It made sure that the Empire was always busy between professional raves and concerts. They would spotlight the local talent of the underground punk and heavy rock scene, but also bring in top talent from all around the world. The Empire was poised to make its mark in the entertainment world.

  I had to smile at Karmin, she was vibrating with excitement. I think she was even mor
e excited about the opening of the Empire than Nala herself was. I hadn't seen either of them so excited since the day Karmin moved into Nala's six months back.

  They had dropped by the Pike before closing bell tonight with Madelyn and Danielle, to extend an invitation to Zoey and me to attend the grand opening of their fully restored theater.

  Nala took her cue from her girl and stood straighter, towering over all of us in those thigh high leather boots of hers. She looked over at Dani. “Hey little piggy, police escort?”

  Danielle rolled her eyes, looking pretty hot herself out of her uniform, then made a weak siren sound as she flipped off a mischievous looking Nala. I playfully covered my niece's eyes from such vulgarity. “Zeese eez not for zee Maximos to be weetnessing.”

  She batted at my hand like a cat playing with a ball of string. “Aunt Eve, I've seen people flip someone off before. Didn't you just do it to mom earlier today?”

  I snapped a towel at her, and she just avoided it as I said, “That's different. It was a symbol of my love for my witless sister.”

  I squeaked when I was snapped in the butt by a towel from behind. “You're such a bad influence on my spawn, Eve.”

  Nothing is worse than a Zoey in stealth mode. I rubbed my butt as I looked back indignantly and said, “We need to put a bell around your neck.”

  I loved how playful my sis could still be at times as she stuck her tongue out at me. Then I pointed at her accusingly, “You owe me one for stealing this chance at meddling, you sorry Raggedy Ann.”

  She blinked innocently. “Me? I'd never. I just outmaneuvered you is all. With age comes superior intelligence.”

  I rolled my eyes at her and rebuked, “It was a thank you card, Einstein, great plan.”

  She countered with, “Yet...” She nudged her chin toward the girls as Nala dipped her head over Karmin's to give her a quick upside down peck on the lips.

  I shrugged even though I was smiling like a loon at the display. My heart was high on the sugar display. Maybe one day I'll find 'the one' too. I pointed out, “You lucked out on this one, sis. Maximum Overdrive agrees with me on this one. Don't ya?”

  Max looked between the women gearing up to leave and us, and she blushed and shrugged, “Actually, I think mom did good.”

  I squeaked, “Betrayed I am!” Then I looked around quickly and mimed pushing a button frantically with a finger. Max got the hint as her eyes widened and she ran into the kitchen to emerge with the old school Polaroid camera. She slid up to Zoey who took it and walked up to the girls and said, “Munster.”

  They turned toward her with confused looks on their faces just to be blinded by the flash bulb. She said like a pixie, “Thank you. I needed to get you on our wall in the kitchen.”

  They smiled at that, and then said their goodbyes as Dani lead them, making a lame siren howl as she walked. I so wanted a police escort like that!

  With that we looked around the almost empty place, the last couple customers were gathering their stuff. Closing Bell was closing bell in the Pike. The vendors couldn't sell anything after it sounded in the Market, it was one of the rules to clear out the tourists so the vendors could start breaking down their carts or tables and get out at a decent time.

  As a brick and mortar business in the Post Street Alley Buildings, we were excluded, and we opened before opening bell for the vendors and people heading to work, but we held with the closing bell so that we would always get home at a decent hour ourselves. Just about everyone in the buildings except the little grocery half way down the way kept Market hours.

  I slipped off my apron and stretched as I locked the door behind the last customer just as we heard the distant ring of the bell.

  I spun on the girls as Teddy poked his head out of the back room. I always wondered why the kids would waste a perfectly good Saturday like this when they could be off making mischief. I'm thinking it is because they like the little extra spending money they made on the weekend at their mom's place here.

  I tossed my towel and apron at my niece as I started unlocking the door to slip out as Zoe came up behind me to lock it again. “Teddy Bear, Mad Max, it has been a pleasure. But I need to dash home to get ready for the rave. I...” I let it hang for a moment, “...have a date for this one.”

  I made a mad dash for it as the three of them battled their way into the hall, Max spluttering out, “A date? Who?” I bet Zoey was regretting turning down the offer to go to the opening, but she had a pre-planned date with her hubby.

  I grinned back at them as I made a dramatic exit from the building without telling them anything. Well, I rarely did. I mean, I didn't want them getting attached to anyone unless it was the real deal. So though my life was an open book to them, my dating life was the only thing I kept close to the vest.

  I smiled when I thought about my date. I called out to the world at large in a meek voice, “Who knows, maybe this one... is 'the one'?”

  I virtually skipped to my car, I had to make myself look all punk-y and rock-y for the night. I didn't want to disappoint our host, I mean she was Na Na florping Evermore after all. I just wondered how I could make all my concentrated awesomeness look badass.

  I giggled when I thought of Karmin standing at Nala's side, thinking that maybe I didn't need to go the badass route after all and just be me. One hundred percent, accept no substitutions, Eve Courtney Delilah Rand.

  The End


  Romance Novels by Erik Schubach


  Books in the Music of the Soul universe...

  (All books are standalone and can be read in any order)

  Music of the Soul

  A Deafening Whisper

  Dating Game

  Karaoke Queen

  Silent Bob

  Five Feet or Less

  Broken Song

  Syncopated Rhythm


  Girl Next Door

  Lightning Strikes Twice


  Dead Shot

  Music of the Soul Shorts...

  (All short stories are standalone and can be read in any order)

  Misadventures of Victoria Davenport: Operation Matchmaker


  Accidental Date

  Holiday Morsels

  Books in the London Harmony series...

  (All books are standalone and can be read in any order)

  Water Gypsy

  Feel the Beat


  Small Fry



  Squid Hugs

  The Pike


  Books in the Pike series...

  (All books are standalone and can be read in any order)

  Ships In The Night

  Right To Remain Silent


  Books in the Flotilla series...

  (All books are standalone and can be read in any order)

  Making Waves

  Keeping Time

  The Temp (2017)


  Novels by Erik Schubach


  Books in the Techromancy Scrolls series...




  Westlands (2017)

  Avalon (2018)

  Books in the Urban Fairytales series...

  Red Hood: The Hunt

  Snow: The White Crow

  Ella: Cinders and Ash

  Rose: Briar's Thorn

  Let Down Your Hair

  Hair of Gold: Just Right

  The Hood of Locksley

  Beauty In the Beast

  No Place Like Home (2017)

  Shadow Of The Hook (2017)

  Books in the New Sentinels series...

  Djinn: Cursed

  Raven Maid: Out of the Darknes

  Fate: No Strings Attached (2017)

  Books in the Drakon series...



  Books in the Valkyrie Chronicles series...

  Return of the Asgard



  Seventy Two Hours


  Books in the Bridge series...




  Books in the Fracture series...



  Novellas by Erik Schubach


  The Hollow

  Books in the Paranormals series...


  This Sucks

  Jinx (2017)

  Short stories in the Fixit Adventures...



  Vashon (2017)

  Descent (2017)


  Short Stories by Erik Schubach

  (These short stories span many different genres)


  A Little Favor

  Lost in the Woods

  Rift Jumpers: Faster Than Light


  Snack Run

  Something Pretty

  MUB (2017)

  Sample chapter from Fate: No Strings Attached...


  I was there again, in that impossibly huge room, the ceiling soaring so high on the carved marble columns that I couldn't make it out. The largest loom I had ever witnessed dominated the space. It had to have been at least four stories tall.


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