Eye of the Abyss

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Eye of the Abyss Page 47

by Michael Formichelli


  Cyberweb site specializing in rating lodgings throughout the Confederation


  Identify Friend or Foe system common in military hardware.

  Kaizan Award

  Confederate award for excellence in journalism


  Nyangari whiskey that may be safely ingested by humans

  Keynesian Fortune

  House Keltan’s FTL ship. Named after the 20th century British Economist J. M. Keynes


  A term from Orgnani meaning “Boss” or “Big Male” depending on the translation. It is used to denote the heads of criminal cartels outside the Empire, and the oligarchic families that run the Orgnan Empire.


  Capitol of the Confederation of Sovereign Systems, a moon of the gas giant, Matre; the 5th planet in the Matre’s Glory system.


  German for “Teddy bear”

  Latanus Feast Day

  An Anilonian Holiday

  Levo DNA

  Left-turning DNA (like humans have). Its opposite is Dextro-DNA (right turning)


  Automated robot with low-level intelligence for delivering packages and other physical items.

  Medical Nanomachines

  Nanoscale robots with pre-programmed, medical functionality.

  Mercantile Party


  The MP is the party of the majority of barons. Its purpose is to ensure the unhindered, virtually unregulated state of interstellar commerce remain as it is. It enjoys a vast wealth and firm support from some of the wealthiest Barony houses, including Revenant, Olivaar, and Sordekaar.


  Military Reconnaissance Drone


  Mitsugawa House FTL ship. Named after the famous Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi


  Commercial name for pre-programmed nanoscale robots that remove toxins (usually alcohol) from the host system.


  Remotely programmable, nanoscale robots


  Fashion movement popular in the Solan sectors of the Confederation expressing some of the styles of dress and attitudes of 18th century Europe (Earth).


  Dominant species in the Orgnan Empire known for brutality.

  Orgnan Empire

  Vast star-sovereignty ruled by the Orgnan species. Its economy is infamously a slave-economy, with several species held in bondage.

  Palace of the Just

  Mansion and gardens on Xur’qon Island, Ikuzlu, Kosfanter System- the residence of the Premier of the Confederation


  Physical Training/Calisthenics


  Derogatory term for an Achinoi male.

  Pool of Shakrath

  Cisterns of the Cephalon’s nanomechanical technology system for converting life forms into living weapons scattered throughout old Cephalon space. The Savorchans consider them holy sites.


  Dominant species of the Relaen League. They are an ancient group of sentient species who has been wandering the stars since the loss of their home world thousands of years ago.


  Cleebian eating utensils


  A planet on the Confederate-Orgnan border. Home world of the Savorchan Tribal Sovereignty.

  Shell a.k.a.

  Combat Shell

  Confederate term for a heavily armored, environmentally sealed, exoskeleton. CSC-1A is the Confederate heavy combat model used in the Savorchan Conflict.

  Shimada Style

  Form of Japanese hairstyle worn by women of the Edo period of feudal Japan, and popularized by Geisha


  Artificial blood for synthetic life systems. It functions to transport nanomachines, and is polarized to carry a charge. It functions as a kind of liquid wire, maintenance, and sanitation system all at once.


  Term for a person from the Sol system, typically human. Also, a synonym for human.


  A full somatic immersion stream in the Cyberweb, a hyper-real simulation nearly-indistinguishable from reality while experiencing it (like a dream).


  Slang for someone who spends most of their life in outer space. This term is the opposite of ‘Weller

  Star Jumpers

  Division of the Confederate Star Corps, so named because this special forces unit’s primary function is to assault targets from space, either ship to ship or ship to ground using specialized powered armor. Their symbol is a star dawning over the arc of a planet.


  Term meaning to be in space/outer-space or near-orbit

  Symbiotic Cerebral Computer

  a.k.a. SCC

  A Cerebral Computer with an AI installed


  Home world of House Mitsugawa, HQ of the Shiragawa Zaibatsu


  Time-perception distortion

  Tri-Terra Republic

  Based on Venus, Sol system, this is the primarily human sovereignty of the Confederation of Sovereign Systems. The term “Tri-Terra” refers to Earth, Venus, and Mars- the three original human worlds of Sol.


  User Interface


  Winged amphibian scavenger/fisher native to Taiumikai. Wingspan measures over 2 meters.


  Relaen traditional musical instrument consisting of two sets of strings, and requiring at least 3 hands to play properly (usually played with 4). It predates their exodus to the stars.


  A machine for printing food and drink items from raw materials. Made by EpiGenome Corp.

  Venus University

  Most famous of the Cytherean Ivy-League Universities, its reputation comes from being the most popular school for Barony heirs and heiresses for Solans. Located on Venus, Sol System.


  Dominant species in the VoQuana Remnant, a hybrid species created by the blending (and intensive genetic manipulation) of the now extinct Qua and humans. They are rumored to be telepathic, and a great deal of fear is evident in the Confederation from the belief that they are.



  Conquered sovereignty of the VoQuana species. It has no official status in the Confederation of Sovereign Systems, and its citizens are quarantined on its planets.


  Someone who spends most of their life on a planetary body (in a gravity well). This is the opposite of a Spacer.


  Term meaning on the surface of a planetary body (in a gravity well)

  The Will

  Short for “the Will of the Matre” a Daewonist expression that has come into common use to express a variety of emotions. It can also mean “the Will to survive” or a metaphor for one’s personal drive/ambition

  Womb Tank

  An artificial womb, typically found in hospital neonatal wings, and the most common means of completing reproduction in the Confederation of Sovereign Systems.


  Slang for an FTL ship that makes an Einstein-Rosen Bridge

  Xur’qon Island

  Island in the middle of the Ikuzlu Atoll, the site of the Palace of the Just, residence of the Premier of the Confederation


  A VoQuana world near the Greater Cleebian Prosperity Sphere.

  About the Author

  Michael Formichelli has been a die-hard fan of science fiction and fantasy since his mother first let him stay up late to watch Star Trek re-runs in the early 1980’s. Along with a passion for sci-fi, Michael is a lover of all things science related from astronomy to biology, and beyond. He holds a black belt in Kendo, and is rather fond of studying foreign languages.

  He lives in orbit of New York City with his wife and their fei
sty chinchilla, Chichi.




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